CC - Item 4L - Purchase advertisement in Tribute Journal for the Lincoln Training Centere - Box 070r~ d- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 16, 2003 RE: PURCHASE OF ADVERTISEMENT IN TRIBUTE JOURNAL FOR THE 19TH ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THE HEART FOR THE LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER, MARCH 8, 2003 Attached for your consideration is a request from the Lincoln Training Center asking that the City place an ad in the Tribute Journal for the March 8`h dinner. In the past the City has authorized a half page ad. This year's cost would be $275 for the half page. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the expenditure of $275 for a half page ad. COUNCIL AGENDA JAN 2 8 2003 ITEM N L` l U I N CL N i R AI N I NG CE N I ER OFFICERS Board Chair JOHN AMADOR The Gas Company, Ret. Vice Chair - Resource Development CORALIE KUPFER, Esq. Kepler Law & Mediation Vice Chairs - Special Projects JACKIE KOUKOL Financial Consultant DIANA ROMANO Community Volunteer Vice Chair - Marketing & Planning DEBRA J. SCHEIBEL Extra Hands Advertising & Mktg. Treasurer MAUREEN BATEMAN Garvey School District Assistant Treasurer JOSEPH MOLNER Community Voluneer secretary ERIC BROWN Ryder Transportation Parent Representative WILLIAM LOEW Michael's DIRECTORS MICHAEL CRAMER, Esq. Bonneville & Cramer Law Firm GEORGE HARAIDA Business Consultant CHARLES KEZMAN Community Volunteer MARSHA MALLOY Advantage staffing, Inc. -A.S.I. ANTHONY PIETRANGELO Fibre Containers Company MOLLY TIMIAN Washington Mutual ADVISORY COUNCIL JOHN AMADOR The Gas Company, Ret. JIM DAVIS National Certified, Inc DAVID DIDIER Citizens Business Bank NONA EDELEN Metropolitan Water District GARY GEORGE Verizon ANN LUKE Luke Communications DEBRA J. SCHEIBEL Extra Hands Advertising & Mktg SUSAN TRIGUEROS The Gas Company JAMES WANG C.H. Auto WILBUR WOO Cathay Bank LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER "Turning Disabilities Into Possibilities" December 11, 2002 Donald Wagner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Wagner, "2Vot Jaet a Job" At Lincoln Training Center the emphasis is on developing human potential to the fullest. We annually serve more than 400 people with disabilities - the largest minority group in the United States. Since 1964, we have specialized in providing employers with qualified job applicants by placing workers into a job in the community or at our Lincoln Production Services facility. The Center currently has 125 people with disabilities placed at 40 job sites in Southern and Northern California. Lincoln Production Services offers businesses high-quality subcontract work while providing valuable training, with pay, to Lincoln workers. Our clients become skilled and motivated employees. Our mission is to turn Dieabilitire into Poerihdiii . On March 8, 2003, Lincoln Training Center will be holding its 19th annual Affair of the Heart, An Evening in Monte Carlo, at the Pacific Palms Resort in the City of Industry. We are inviting you to participate in a very special way by purchasing an advertisement in our Tribute Journal. Enclosed is a form describing various advertising opportunities available to you. With your support, we can offer our resources to even more people in need of assistance. In addition to helping fund our programs, proceeds raised by this dinner will also assist us in purchasing vans needed to transport client/workers to their jobs in the community. Please indicate the advertisement size you will be submitting and return the form to us by January 20, 2003 so we can be sure to have your space reserved. Thank you for your careful consideration of our request. If you need additional information, please contact Jason Kohler at (626) 442-0621. Sincerely, Gary George Affair of the Heart, Co-Chair Verizon Marsha Malloy Affair of the Heart, Cr 'r San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership CARON NUNEZ LTC President 2643 Loma Avenue • South El Monte, California 91 733 - (626) 442-0621 • FAX (626) 442-0177 • (800) 949-4LTC http://www.lincolntc.org. • e-mail: Itcmain®lincolntc.org Accredited by Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities - LTC is a 501 (c)(3) not for profit organization Training Center Tumi, Disbii(ie inPo Possibili(ies 119th Annual Affair of the Heart Honoring Employers, Clients,.and Volunteers Who Have Made a Difference Saturday, March 8, 2003 6:00 p.m. - Reception and Silent Auction 7:30 p.m. - Dinner, Program, Casino 8' Entertainment Pacific Palms Conference 12e-sort City of Industry, California THE NEED: OUR GUESTS THE EVENT: a%W10 i of j*: TICKETS: TABLE SPONSORSHIPS: -MORE INFO: TAX ID#: Lincoln, Training Center annually serves. more than 400 clients - people, with disabilities at more than 25 sites. Our services include one-on-one specialized evaluation, training, and job counseling:. Our goal is employment- to place our clients into a job in-the community or at our Lincoln Production Services facility. Founded in 1964 by parents of adult children with disabilities, Lincoln Training Center, a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization, specializes in providing employers with pre- screened and qualified job applicants. Our clients become skilled, trained and motivated employees. We partner with the California State Departments of Rehabilitation, Habilitation, and Regional Centers. Lincoln Production Services offers businesses high-quality subcontract work while providing valuable training, with pay, to Lincoln workers. Services include collating, packaging, shrink wrapping, heat sealing, folding, labeling, assembly and manufacturing. 500 guests are expected, including corporate and civic officials,, community leaders, friends, and supporters of Lincoln Training Center. Reception, silent and live auctions, casino, and s gala dinner celebration. aciiviiie5 701iliis yeai`n Went wlii 14iciude news reieases, speciai features and media advisories in newspapers, and on. radio and television stations serving Southern California. $100 per person Monte Carlo $10,000 Las Vegas $5,000 Atlantic City $2,500 Reno $1,500 Tahoe $1;000 Please contact Jason Kohler 2643 Loma Avenue • South El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 442-0621 FAX. (626) 442-0177'• (800) 949-4LTC www.lincolntc.org • e-mail Itcmain@lincolntc.org 95-2276055 LTC is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization TratniDg~enter 19th Annual Affair of the Heart Turning DlsaMhhe, into Pwihilit iim/V , ' Saturday, March 8,`2003 Pacific Palm s, Conference Resort tCrty of Industry ADVERTISEMENT'FORM ikDVERTISEMENTS ` Ea6h.guest will receive a Tribute-Joumal to commemorate the 19y Annuil'Affair of,the_Heart..The•book will be printed in'an 8:25" x 8.25" format. Advertising copy for the. Journal is"'requested in the form,of congratulatory, .messages and/or formatted advert isements: Ads are printed, in,black'and white Plea'se'check appropriate box: . ,Full Page (7'.'x 7" usable) = $500 ~ n k ❑ ` Half :Page (7":x 3:25',' usable) $27.5, 1 ❑ Quarter Page (3 25" x 3 25 usable) $150 a l~,f, 1•f' ❑ Business Card:'(125" x 2" usable) -$100 ; Orders and ad copy must be received by 44nuary13,, 2003 to ensure inclusion Pithe Tnbute Journal:. '•NOT,E:'.Ad.copy should be black and white to size; and can be submitted in'camera-ready form or as a digital file. You, can! email-your ad to ellen@ydurgreateveht corn. ,•Please- tell ui-in the body.of'your email if your ad-was created-on a Mac or a PC_and include the name of the stiftware;program you used along,with'your name and"phone number in case., we have questions. Please'also include a'PDFiversion of your advertisement so we can assure that it prints correctly. if you would like us to design your ad, please write your copy below. tom memorative.Message: -Please bill'my, UVisa QMC,. OAmExCard At Signature Expiration Date Name Phone " Buslness.Name Fax, E-mall' Address CItY State Zlp e.. Make Checks`Paya6le to Lincoln Training Center 'Morita, -ATTN: Jason Kohler -'2643'Loma Avenue; South EI :California 91733 ' For further information;:ca11(626)442-0621_' Thank you foryourgenerous'suppott of Lincoln Tiaining Center ` Los Angeles Information. Card on File Your contribution is tax-deductible as permitted by lawn 2643 Loma Avenue South ELMonte, CA 91733..(626) 442-0621' FAX .(626) 442-0177'.(800) 9494LTC w .linwlntao6 a-mail ltcmain@liricolntc.org • LTC is, 4 501. (c)(3)"not-far-ptof)t organiiahon Tax ID#. 95-2276055 - immediate pollutants. Mr. Bruesch stated that this idea would be cost prohibitive as each trap was estimated at $1000 per unit - multiply that by all the storm drains on each street and staff time to maintain and clean the traps on a regular basis, etc. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Item CC-H was removed for discussion purposes) CC-A ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ON VARIOUS STREETS CC-B ACCEPTANCE OF STREET DEDICATION FOR PARCEL MAP 26400 - 8925 CORTADA STREET CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 25TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL ASIAN ORGANIZED CRIME CONFERENCE, MAY 25-30,2003, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING, FEBRUARY 12-13,2003, MONTEREY CC-E AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE, MARCH 7-11, 2003, WASHINGTON, D.C. CC-F REQUEST FOR BUS LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONE ON LOWER AZUSA ROAD FROM ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL CC-G REQUEST FROM MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION CC-I COALITION FOR PRACTICAL REGULATION (CPR) MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2003 CC-J ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUEST TO PLACE TWO (2) BANNERS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD DURING FEBRUARY-MARCH 2003 CC-K APPROVAL OF 2003-04 BUDGET CALENDAR ft,xKC-L PURCHASE OF ADVERTISEMENT IN TRIBUTE JOURNAL FOR THE 19TH ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THE HEART FOR THE LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER, MARCH 8, 2003 CC-M AUTHORIZE SUPPORT OF LEGISLATIVE REFORM TO CURTAIL ABUSE OF UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: CCMM:1-2M3 Page a5 4 Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None !:Phe Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 'Oom CC-H PARTICIPATION IN LOS ANGELES AREA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY AND APPROVE OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AT A COST OF $2,637 FOR FY 2002-03 Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if the City is meeting the State mandated diversion rate? Councilman Taylor stated that other cities are joining the Joint Powers Authority in an effort to provide a better solution and to pool resources to have a. stronger voice in Sacramento than exists for individual cities now. Mr. Nunez stated that many people do not have or do not use their recycling bins, that all recyclables are thrown in with the regular trash. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council approve participation in the Los Angeles Integrated Waste Management Authority by adoption of the Joint Powers Agreement; designate funds in the amount of $2,637, from the Health/Solid Waste portion of the budget to pay for the City's first year's prorated annual membership fee; and designate a representative from the City Council to serve on the Authority Board of Directors. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. MOTION BY MAYOR BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that Mayor Bruesch be appointed to serve on the Los Angeles Area Integrated Waste Management Authority. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CCMIN:1-28-03 Page #6