CC - Item 4I - Authorization to attend League of Claifornia Cities Conference - Box 070GS~~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEADQCIIT~Y COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWS; CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 1, 2003 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAYS, MAY 14-15, 2003, SACRAMENTO Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned seminar. Council Members and staff have attended this seminar every year that the League has sponsored it. There will be a briefing on budget issues, keynote speakers from the Administration and Legislature, and an analysis by the League of the Governor's May Revise. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, City Attorney, Temple Station Commander, the City Manager and staff designee. COUNCIL AGE14DA APR 0 8 2003 rrEM No.r' Leaque of California Cities www.cacutes.org Better Cities-A Better Life TO: California City Officials FROM: John Russo, President, League of California Cities; City Attorney, Oakland Chris McKenzie, Executive Director, League of California Cities RE: Legislative Action Days, May 14-15, 2003, Sacramento You know the great affect this year's State Budget can have on your city's budget. You know, too, that the Governor will release his revised budget proposals - the "May Revise" - during the time we will be gathering May 14-15 in Sacramento with our colleagues in the LOCAL (Leave Our Community Assets Local) Coalition. This increasingly powerful coalition of cities, counties, special districts, business, labor and others has the ability to wield great influence in the formation of the final budget. But understand that this power comes from the active, visible involvement of all of us working at both the district and the State levels. Attached'is the announcernent for the 2003 Legislative Action Days, May 14-15 in Sacramento. We urge yo.u to~'be `sure that yo4'and a,strong,delegation of city officials,-and'other, civic-leaders from your city participate. Bring a delegation including your elected officials and top management, your public safety leader`s (preft:rably'in uniform), your labor and business leaders, and any other people of political influence in your community. Our. focus will be on the State Budget and protecting our local community assets. On Wednesday we plan briefings on what is proposed in the budget, time for you to meet with your Legislators, and a reception for Legislators. On Thursday we plan a deeper briefing on the implications of the May Revise and a very large press conference on the steps of the Capitol. In the weeks ahead we will be working to help you arrange press releases and even press interviews with your local media on how the proposed State Budget will affect your city. ; This is a very important chance for you to make a strong showing to defend your local assets and to get the attention of your media. Please register a large delegation for the Legislative Action Days (there is NO . REGISTRATION FEE) and work with your division's Regional Representative to coordinate meetings during that time with your Legislators. We look forward to seeing'you in`Sacramento in'midiMay. Thank yyou- for your continuing.:,,. support in this vital matter` Headquarters 1400 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916.658.8200 FAX 916.658.8240 Southern California Office 602 East Huntington Dr., Suite C Monrovia, CA 91016 626.305.1315 FAX 626.305.1345 LEAVE OUR COMMUNITY ASSETS LOCAL 'Dedicated to Protecting Funding for Police, Fire, Health and other Essential LOCAL Services www.calocal.org YOU ARE INVITED The LOCAL Coalition urges you to be part of its second annual Legislative Action Days at the state Capitol, Join hundreds of California's community leaders to help ensure our local services are not sacrificed to solve state budget problems!! LOCAL Legislative Action Days Wednesday & Thursday May 14-15, 2003 Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA Please make plans to attend and RSVP right away. The timing couldn't be better. The Governor plans to release his "May Revise" to the state budget during the same time as LOCAL Legislative Action Days. The timing couldn't be better for local representatives to tell the legislature and administration how the state budget impacts local services because you will have most up-to-the date information on the latest budget proposals. ✓ Plan to have an influential delegation attend and carry our message clearly and emphatically to the state legislature with one-on-one meetings in their Capitol offices. ✓ Bring your elected leaders, public safety leaders, business leaders, and community leaders to demonstrate the broad support for protecting funding for locally delivered programs and services. ✓ Help get the public attention needed to preserve local services by being part of a giant press conference on the steps of the Capitol on Thursday morning. There is NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR THIS PROGRAM, but PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE so we can help coordinate meetings with your legislators, and prepare materials and food for you. Use the attached registration form or register on-line at www.calocal.org. Please note: If you are a member of the League of California Cities, California State Association of Counties or California Special Districts Association, please RSVP directly to your respective organization as indicated on the attached form. 1 . LOCAL Legislative Action Days There is no registration fee for Legislative Action Days. However, please register in advance so we can prepare materials and a badge for you, and assist with the legislative contacts. LOCAL-Only members register on-line at wwwxalocal.ors or by fax (916) 442-3510. If faxing, enter first and last name and official title, as they should appear on meeting badge and registration card. Please complete one form per registrant. 77!!!!! tion Senate District s Assembly District s -member of (Please check one) ❑ League of CA Cities ❑ CSAC ❑ CSDA ❑ Other Name Title . City County FE Phone League of CA Cities members register on-line at wwwxalocal.org or by fax (916) 658-8220. CSAC members register by fax to Patti Hughes at (916) 441-5507. CSDA members register by on-line at www.csda.net or by fax (916) 442-7889. ® If you require reasonable accommodations related to facility access, communication and/or diet, please contact our Conference Registrar at (916) 658-8291; , Wednesday, May 14 - Thursday, May 15, 2003 - Make your hotel reservation directly with the hotel. NametTitle Address City _ Zip Code Telephone Fax Email 1 Arrival Date and Time Departure Date and Time I ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM Room Preference: ❑ Single - King ❑ Double - I Bed ❑ Handicapped access ❑ I will share a room with: ❑ No smoking room ❑ Double - 2 Beds Hotel Reservations Reserve your hotel room directly by calling (800) 325-3535 and identifying yourself as with this meeting, faxing the reservation form to (916) 341- 3600, or mailing to the Sheraton Grand Hotel, 1230 1 Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Deposit Information: The hotel room rate is $189.00 plus 12% hotel tax, ($211.68). All reservations must be guaranteed with payment for one night's room deposit or a major credit card. If deposit is by credit card, please provide the following information: Name on Credit Card Credil Card Number ' Expiration Date Authorized Signature Confirmation: If you do not receive a confirmation via e-mail, fax or mail within 14 days after any transaction, please contact the hotel at (916) 447-1700 Fax completed hotel reservation form to SHERATON GRAND HOTEL* FAX: (916) 341-3600 RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM on Friday, April 11, 2003 Wednesday, May 14 - Thursday, May 15, 2003 Sheraton: Grand Hotel, Sacramento, California