CC - Item 4C - Authorization to oppose the proposed souther california water company rate increase - Box 070TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRO~ITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 8, 2003 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO OPPOSE THE PROPOSED SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY RATE INCREASE In October 2002, Southern California Water Company (SCWC) filed an application (see attachment) for authority to increase rates, which would increase water rates in Rosemead by 37.3% in 2003, and an additional 5% in 2004, and 6.64% in 2005. This increase would affect. 3,246 customers in Rosemead. SCWC's application to the Public Utilities Commission was justified on the basis of increased operating.costs for items such as purchased water, pump taxes, power for pumping, capital financing for water system improvements, group health insurance, property insurance, labor, payroll taxes, postage, liability insurance, depreciation; materials, purchased services, security-related expenditures, and other general office related costs. At our request,.SCWC managers met with us to explain the proposed rate increase. We _were not convinced of the justification for such a large increase and therefore indicated that we would oppose the increase. SCWC requested a second meeting at which they proposed a number of options for reducing the rate increase request (copy also attached). While some of the suggested options had merit, we still were not presented with sufficient justification for even the alternate rate increase structure. Consequently, we once again advised SCWC that we could not support the recommended rate increase or the alternate rate structure. This matter has been set for a Public Utilities Commission public hearing on April 28`i' in Claremont. This is the first in a series of local hearings that will be held to allow for input from the public who will be affected by the rate increase. RECOMMENDATION Authorize preparation of written and/or oral testimony for the upcoming PUC hearing to oppose the proposed water rate. increase, based on it being excessive and unjustified. OLIN .IL AGENDA AP,R.0.8 2003 ITEM No. "-C'