CC - Item 4H - Request for Removal of Parking Restrictions on Hellman Avenue in the Vicinity of Propest Ave - Box 070P~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEME1VICT11Y COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRO TY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 1, 2003 RE: REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON HELLMAN AVENUE IN THE VICINITY OF PROSPECT AVENUE Ms. Gloria Martinez, 7529 E. Hellman Avenue, #7, requested the removal of red curb on the north side of Hellman Avenue in the vicinity of her apartment. At their meeting of March 6, 2003, the Traffic Commission considered her request and recommended the removal of 40 feet of red curb on the north side of the street. They further recommended changing the yellow curb (20 minute loading and unloading) on the south side of Hellman Avenue to a white curb (immediate loading and unloading of passengers). Attached is a copy of the Traffic Commission staff report which includes Exhibit 1 indicating the area of red curb to be removed, a copy of the draft minutes from the meeting of March 6`", and Exhibit 2 which indicates the yellow curb that would be repainted white. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the removal of 40 feet of red curb on the north side of Hellman Avenue and the repainting of the yellow curb on the south side of Hellman Avenue to white curb. ('OUNCIL AG-EINDA APR 0 g 2003 fTE,M No. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: 'HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: February 24, 2003 RE: Request for Removal of Parking Restrictions on Hellman Avenue in the Vicinity of Prospect Avenue REQUEST Ms. Gloria Martinez, 7529 E. Hellman Avenue, #7, has requested (letter attached) the removal of parking on the north side of Hellman Avenue in the vicinity of her apartment complex. Ms. Martinez indicates her complex allows for one vehicle per apartment to park in the complex's parking structure. As such, several tenants must park additional vehicles on Hellman Avenue or the neighboring streets. There is existing red curb on the north side of Hellman Avenue which Ms. Martinez would like removed to allow parking. CONDITIONS Hellman Avenue is a 40-foot wide collector roadway with one lane of traffic in both directions separated by a double yellow centerline. In front of 7529 Hellman Avenue, parking for approximately one vehicle exists. The remaining curb area is painted red. Exhibit 1 depicts existing conditions on Hellman Avenue at 7529 Hellman Avenue. (Exhibit 1 will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting).-, DATA The reported collision history on Hellman Avenue west of Prospect Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2001. This collision history revealed 3 reported collisions summarized on the following page. March 6, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Removal of Parking Restrictions on Hellman Avenue in the Vicinity of Prospect Avenue Page 2 of 3 Location and Description 1. Hellman Ave. 7 feet west of Prospect Ave. Southbound vehicle entering traffic broadsided a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. PCF' Right-of-way Auto. Date. Day & Time 10/5/01, Friday & 2:15 PM 2. . Hellman Ave. 69 feet west of Wrong Side Prospect Ave. Southbound vehicle entering traffic collided with a westbound bicycle traveling on the wrong side of the street. 3. Hellman Ave. 150 feet west of Right-of-way Auto. Prospect Ave. (Improper Turn & Eastbound vehicle turning left Inattention) broadsided a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. PCF = Primary Collision Factor DISCUSSION 4/3/01, Tuesday & 9:35 AM 5/3/99, Monday & 12:15 AM Field observation of the parking restrictions on the north side of Hellman Avenue in the vicinity of Prospect Avenue was made during the late morning hours. The available parking directly in front of 7529 Hellman Avenue was available. However, the available parking east of this space was occupied. There is approximately 60 feet of frontage for 7529 Hellman Avenue. However, only 20 feet is available for parking. The remaining 40 feet is restricted with red curb. Immediately east of the driveway of 7529 Hellman Avenue, there is existing red curb to the next driveway. This red curb is primarily for the existing fire hydrant at the location. The distance between driveways does not allow for sufficient parking space with the fire hydrant. The existing red curb on the north side of Hellman Avenue appears to have been a result of the crosswalk once existing on Hellman Avenue at the medical facility. Since that crosswalk was removed, a private residential complex at 7501-7523 Hellman Avenue was developed and has benefited from the additional visibility the red curb provides. The existing length of red curb, however„ could be reduced without compromising the visibility from the residential complex. March 6, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Removal of Parking Restrictions on Hellman Avenue in the Vicinity of Prospect Avenue Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION Based on the field observation, approximately 40 feet of red curb could be removed from the north side of Hellman Avenue in front of 7529 Hellman Avenue. This recommended removal is shown on Exhibit 1. Attachments P:\06-160\JI1\RSD\2003 Agendas & Documents\Mar-Hellman at Prospect Remove Parking Restrictions.doc . 14AR.03'2003 08:53 #5533 P.0027002 Vi -JJ I> uoivsa Vy 31 U111 OF ROSEMEAD TEL 626-307-9218 p, 002 Rosemead TPraffc Commission 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Gloria Martinez. 7529 Fast Hellman Avenue 47 Rosemead, CA 91770 (626)572-3293 January 27, 2003 To Whom It May Concern: My name is Gloria Martinez and I have been a resident of the city of Rosemead for most of my life. I have recently married and am now residing in an apartment complex on the seventy five hundred block of Hellman Averrue. The purpose of my letter is to ask the traffic commission to take care of a matter that is not only important to me but to my neighbors as well ...parking. The parking situation on Hellman Ave. between Prospect Ave. and Stevens Ave. has not only created a bud parking situation for the residents of this boulevard but an unsafe one as well, The majority of the curb on the north side of Hellman Ave, between Prospect and Stevens is painted red- Which means that the residents on our side of Hellman Ave, such as myselt; have to find parking on either Prospect Ave, or Stevens Ave. The South side of Hellman also has red curb. This is where the situation becomes dangerous. I have too often seen the two most vulnerable citizens of our community, the elderly and young childten, having to dash across Hellman Ave- 1 have seen people having to walk quite a bit while carrying grocery sacks or mothers carrying infant car seats and then having to wait fbr oncoming traffic to slow down and then walk across Hellman Ave. because there is no neighboring parking to our building. Aside from the inconvenience of walking from a distance it is also dangerous in the evening. I attend school in the evening and have had to walk out in the dark, alone because there is no nearby parkins,. Our building allows for one car per tenant to park in our parking structure. There are twenty apartments and twenty parking spots, leaving the average Family to park their other car outside on Hellman Ave. Furthermore there are two other town home complexes that also use Hellman for parking. I ask that the commission resolve this situation in the interest of the community- Please repaint the red curb and allow for the residents of the seventy five hundred block to park closer to home. We can park a total of three cars on the north side of Hellman Ave. If the traffic commission undoes the red curb on both sides of Hellman I calculate that another I 1-12 cars can park closer to homo. Perhaps this will not solve all our parking issues, but it certainly will aid in our problem. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. As you can readily discern I am anxious to hear from you. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I Sinc ly, G Mar". a L d~ LL II o N N O N d L O } j O O V L N - 0 + u H l~ w 0 o z 1 N C N Q C E N ..r r" ff, ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 6, 2003 •t ~I . ROLL CALL ,t . Present: Chairman Baffo Commissioners: Knapp, Quintanilla, Ruiz, Matsdorf..: Absent: None, j' Ex-Officio: Planning Director: Brad Johnson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki i { CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Matsdorf Invocation: Commissioner Ruiz -.i 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, to approve the minutes for February 6, 2003. k. A Vote Results: Yes: Chairman Baffo, Commissioner Knapp & Quntanilla Noes: None Abstain: Commissioner Matsdorf & Commissioner Ruiz II. Chairman Baffo turned the meeting over to Planning Director Brad Johnson for nominations and election of the new Chairperson. Planning Director Johnson called for nominations. i Chairman Baffo nominated Commissioner Knapp. There being no further nominations, Planning Director Johnson declared nominations closed, and named Commissioner Knapp the new Chairperson for the Traffic Commission for the year 2003. p h: Commissioner Knapp assumed the chair and opened nominations for III. IV. V. Vice-Chairperson. Commissioner Baffo nominated Commissioner Matsdorf. There being no further nominations. Chairperson Knapp declared nominations closed, and named Commissioner Matsdorf the Vice-Chairperson for the Traffic Commission for the year 2003. ` Commissioner Baffo thanked the Commission and staff for their support during his time as Chairman on the Traffic Commission. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS A. iT FOR REMOVE HELLMAN AVEUE IN THE VICINITY OF PROSPECT AVENUE Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: .r Based on the field observation, approximately 40 feet of red curb could be removed from the north side of Hellman Avenue in front of 7529 Hellman Avenue: t Speaking before the Commission was:. I Gloria Martinez 7549 E. Hellman Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 i Ms. Martinez stated that the reason for her letter was for the concern of the children and the elderly in the neighborhood and would like to see the removal of parking on the north side of Hellman Avenue in the vicinity of her apartment complex. Commissioner Knapp reminded the Commission that several years ago, the ,Commission looked at the south side of the street at Ingleside Hospital, and feels that there is still red curb that could be removed at this location. P Commissioner Knapp also stated that on the north side of the street (further west), there is more red curb that could be removed and open it up for at least 3 parking spaces.' Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the reason for the red curb being left on the south side of the street was for visibility. There seems to be a slight incline from Ingleside towards Jackson Avenue. f Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that she would not be pposed to removing an additional 40 feet of red curb, for a total of 80 feet on the north side of the street, but does not feel comfortable removing any red.curb "from the south side of the street. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the removal of an additional 40 feet of red curb on the north side of the street and changing the yellow curb to white on the south side of the street. 4 VI. STAFF REPORTS Planning Director Johnson updated the Commission on the City Council Election that took place on Tuesday, March 4, 2003. Deputy Izell stated that he attended a county-wide meeting with surrounding Traffic Sgts., and our motor deputies in Rosemead are in the top 10 in writing citations in the County. He also stated that Deputy Brink is okay after being involved in a wreck on his motorcycle. Deputy Izell also reported that Del Mar and Hellman was reported as one of the 100 most dangerous intersections. Deputy Izell passed out the survey results of dangerous intersections and citations to the Commission. ' VII. Commissioner Quintanilla stated that the signal at Rio Hondo/Valley/Mission seems to be off. Commissioner Ruiz stated that on Loftus between Baldwin and Temple City Boulevard there isn't a sign posted high enough for people to see that states "No Truck Route". He would also like to see more citations Riven out at this location to the truckers. f~ f I 4 I VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS - Con't A- Commissioner Ruiz expressed his concern over the graffiti that is being painted over by our Graffiti crew. He feels as though our crew should trykto match up the paint better with the wall they are trying to paint. p Planning Director Johnson informed that Commission that Scot Yotsuya, Director of Administrative Services will now be the new staff liaison to the Traffic Commission, and will start attending the meetings in April. Commissioner Knapp stated that the guardrails on the curve of Delta and Delta Place need addressing by the Graffiti crew. Commissioner Knapp also stated that the weeds need to be taken'care of under the underpass at San Gabriel and the 10 freeway. Commissioner Knapp invited everyone to attend a get together on Monday, March 101h, at 11:30 a.m., at Lublae Restaurant to bid farewell to Helen Archer who will be leaving the City of Rosemead and moving to Oregon.. VIII. ADTOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m., with 2 people in the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for April 3, 2003. I Not to Scale Legend ® -Existing red curb. o -Remove ex. yellow curb. Install white curb. -50' -85' -50' -160' -20' -10' Remove existing yellow curb. Install passenger loading white curb. Front Entrance City of Angels -100' Medical Center -50' Stevens Avenue W C i Q O -50' Prospect Avenue P:\06-160UI1\Rsd\Exh Fig\2003\Council-Hellman & Prospect southside