CC - Item 4A - Authorization to Allocate Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Funds - Box 070TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEADDCITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 25, 2004 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOCATE JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE The State Board of Corrections has advised the District Attorney's Office that the City of Rosemead is again eligible to receive Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG), formerly known as Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant fiords. The JABG Program is intended to promote greater accountability of juveniles in the justice system. The goal is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for their criminal activities by placing deputy district attorneys in juvenile court offices to enhance prosecution efforts. In recent years, the City Council has selected the District Attorney's Office to administer the City's share of these federal funds. Last year's allocation for Rosemead was $8,957. Funding levels for local governments are based upon a jurisdiction's crime index and law enforcement expenditures. The 2004 allocation for Rosemead is $6,317. The District Attorney's Office has again requested that the City assign our new grant allocation to the District Attorney in order to continue our partnership. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve allocation of Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funds, in the amount of $6,317, to the District Attorney's Office, and authorize the City Manager to sign documents. GOUNIIM AGEN'DA MAY 2 5 2004 ITErA h!o. I. e-e-h PkCT ATr0,py o ' a n ° L N Z~}o' ~ P~vty F LOS LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE STEVE COOLEY• District Attorney CURT LIVESAY • Chief Deputy District Attorney May 5, 2004 Mr. William Crowe City Manager of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Crowe: CURTIS A. HAZELL Assistant District Attorney The State Board of Corrections (BOC) has advised that we are now entering the sixth annual application period for the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG), formerly known as the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG). Your city may also have received a JABG Request for Application (RFA) and corresponding paperwork from the BOC. As we have in past years, we are again writing to advise you of the time frame to complete the grant application. For the past five years, the District Attorney's Office has utilized its share of Los Angeles County JABG funds to place senior Grade IV deputy district attorneys in juvenile court offices to enhance youth accountability and prosecution efforts. In addition, more than fifty cities have released their JABG funds each year to the District Attorney's Office to support one of four prosecution programs that they select: HEAT (Heightened Enforcement and Targeting, a juvenile gang prosecution program); ACT (Abolish Chronic Truancy); JOIN (Juvenile Offender Intervention Network, a diversion program for first-time, non-violent juvenile offenders); and the "Special Projects" prosecution program targeting current, serious juvenile crime issues in our local communities. The City of Rosemead currently participates in the Special Projects Prosecution Program described in more detail in the attachment. Since the inception of these JABG programs in 1999, our prosecutors have received positive feedback from cities and local law enforcement agencies for their dedication and service in juvenile investigations and prosecutions. Caseloads in the juvenile courts have been reduced by more than 45% through the elimination of backlogs and the enhancement of prosecution efforts. Case processing time has been streamlined and reduced by more than 30% in the past 5 years. More than 2,500 youth have been diverted from the criminal justice system, and over 120,000 serious juvenile cases appropriately adjudicated using JABG funds. The 2004 allocation for the City of Rosemead is $6,317. We are taking this opportunity to invite you to continue your partnership with the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office in the JABG Program,for Year Six. The District Attorney's Office will again contribute the required 10% matching funds for its city partners that release JABG funds to this department, thus no matching funds are required from your city if you choose to participate in JABG with the District Attorney's Office. 18-201 Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 210 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 974-5959 Mr. William Crowe Page Two May 5, 2004 If your city chooses to continue in the JABG program, we will need to receive a letter of intent to release your allocated funds to the Office of the District Attorney no later than May 21, 2004, to meet the state deadline. To finalize the release of funds, BOC requires a waiver form with the city manager/administrator's original signature and city seal or notarization. We recognize that many cities will need city council approval to execute the attached waiver, therefore we ask that you forward your completed waiver form to Special Assistant District Attorney Mia Baker by June 25, 2004.' To reiterate, we need a letter of intent to release funds by May 21, 2004 and a completed waiver no later than June 25, 2004. Last year, the District Attorney's Office was successful in securing a separate state JABG grant to fund one JOIN hearing officer in each of the juvenile courts throughout the county. Since this program is currently fully operational in each jurisdiction, we will not continue to offer this particular collaborative program with Year Six JABG funds. We are asking the cities who have previously selected this program to consider releasing their allocation to another program instead. Thank you. If your city has lost its JABG appropriation this year or the amount of funding was reduced from last year, we welcome your continued participation in a JABG program using other city or grant funds. If you have any questions about JABG programs or procedures, please contact Deputy District Attorney Susan Steinfeld at (213) 974-9870 or Mia Baker at (213) 202-7652. Very truly yours, STEVE COOLEY District Attorney By CURTIS A. HAZELL Assistant District Attorney jw Enclosures c: Chief of Police Please forward all written communication to: Mia Baker, Special Assistant District Attorney c/o Bureau of Management & Budget Los Angeles County District Attorney 201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, California 90012 You may FAX your letter of intent to: (213) 250-8757 LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY JABG PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS 2004-2005 Abolish Chronic Truancy (ACT) The purpose of the ACT program is to reduce delinquency and later adult criminality by keeping children in school. ACT Deputy District Attorneys and Hearing Officers require parents to take responsibility for their children's school attendance problems. They follow up with a series of graduated actions which promote good attendance and academic success. Parents and, some minors may be prosecuted for violations of mandatory school attendance laws if attendance does not improve after graduated sanctions are imposed. Heightened Enforcement and Targeting (HEAT) HEAT is a collaborative, geographically specific, gang and gang-related vertical prosecution program targeting gang members. HEAT prosecutors work in close cooperation with local law enforcement, probation and schools to identify problem areas and problem offenders and institute appropriate criminal proceedings. Our deputies use community-based prosecution techniques to ensure focused suppression efforts in abating gang and gang-related crime in those communities which have selected this model for implementation. Special Projects Prosecutor This program was expanded in 2003-04 to enhance joint law enforcement and prosecution efforts to target specific juvenile offenses. The Special Projects Prosecutor works closely with local law enforcement and city personnel to determine the type of criminal activity that warrants special attention in each jurisdiction. The deputy will then focus prosecution efforts on this designated community problem. During the past year, Special Projects prosecutors have handled cases involving juvenile sexual assaults, gang crimes, juvenile gun crimes, graffiti vandalism, and other high profile or uniquely complex cases and investigations, depending on local needs. This collaborative program offers increased flexibility in addressing the specific juvenile justice needs of the communities selecting this model. Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (JOIN) JOIN is a restorative justice diversion program designed to stop delinquency before it becomes a pattern of behavior. JOIN officers conduct hearings in cases involving first-time non- violent juvenile offenders. These youth sign a contract to pay restitution to their victims and perform community service, among other mandatory conditions, and parents must attend parenting classes. If the juvenile and parents successfully complete all the terms of diversion, the criminal case will not be filed. If the juvenile does not successfully complete diversion, a criminal complaint is instituted and the offender enters the juvenile court system. JOIN is now funded through a separate state JABG grant and is offered without charge at all juvenile courts throughout the County. Gift - Equipment and Training if a city wishes to release its JAIBG funds to the District Attomey without designating a specific program, this Office will use the funds to support juvenile accountability programming throughout the county. JABG 2004 WAIVER OF DIRECT SUBGRANT AWARD FROM UNIT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT I, (Name / Title) the legally authorized administrative officer (City Manager/City Administrator) of (Name of waiving unit of local government) authorize the State of California, Board of Corrections, to transfer award funds allocated under the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) 2004, in the amount of $ , to THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Authorized Official's Signature Authorized Official's Typed Name Authorized Official's Typed Title Date Executed Waiving Unit of Local Government Official Seal or Notary Stamp is required below: MAYOR: MARGARETCLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: JAY T. IMPERIAL OOUNCILMEMBERS: BILL ALARCON GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASQUEZ May 11, 2004 osesocad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Ms. Mia Baker Special Assistant District Attorney c/o Bureau of Management and Budget 201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Re: Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) Release - Intent Letter Dear Ms. Baker: The City of Rosemead plans to release its funds under the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) to the Los Angeles County District Attorneys Office, to be used for the Special Projects Prosecution Program. The City's Waiver of Direct Subgrant Award will be presented to the Rosemead City Council for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting of May 25, 2004. The completed waiver should be in your hands within a few days following the meeting. We look forward to continuing this collaborative effort. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 569-2110. Sincerely, Bill Crowe City Manager