CC - Item 4C - Request to Modify Parking Restrictions at 77951-7953 Garvey Ave - Box 070TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEA ITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRO , CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 19, 2004 RE: REQUEST TO MODIFY PARKING RESTRICTIONS AT 7951-7953 GARVEY AVENUE The City received a request from the business owners at 7951-53 Garvey Avenue to change time limit parking in front of their business from a 20-minute parking zone on Tuesdays and Fridays to a 15-minute parking zone everyday. The existing parking restrictions at the subject location include: • Street Sweeping Tuesday and Friday 2 AM - 6 AM; otherwise 2 Hour Parking 7 AM - 6 PM Except Tuesday, Fridays and Sundays • 20 Minute Parking Tuesday and Friday The business owners feel that drivers are confused by the parking restrictions and do not obey the signs. Field observations were made at different times throughout the day and it was noted that parking in front of the businesses was not always occupied. The business owners also allege that parking restrictions are not enforced. Reducing the time limit to 15 minutes will not correct the need for enforcement. Therefore, staff's recommendation to the Traffic Commission was to direct the City's Parking Control Officers to continue conducting selective enforcement. After testimony and deliberation, the Traffic Commission voted to recommend removal of the existing 2-hour parking restriction at the subject location and extend the existing 20-minute parking restriction to everyday, except holidays, and to install green curb between the signs. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to remove the existing 2-hour parking restriction at 7951-53 Garvey Avenue and extend the existing 20-minute parking restriction to everyday, except holidays, and to install green curb between the signs. COUNCIL AG EN DA Attachment MAY 2 5 2004 ITEA4 flb. ` L- G e- - Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: March 23, 2004 RE: Request to Shorten an Existing 20 minute Parking Zone to 15 minutes at 7951 - 7953 Garvey Avenue REQUEST A letter, attached, was received from the business owners of 7951 - 7953 Garvey Avenue requesting a change in the time limit parking in front of their businesses. The letter states the existing 20 minute parking zone is not readily enforced and they would like to reduce the time limit to 15 minutes. The parking restrictions in front of 7951 - 7953 Garvey Avenue include "Tuesday to Friday 2 AM - 6 AM Street Sweeping", "2 Hour Parking 7 AM - 6 PM Except Tuesdays, Fridays and.Sundays" and "20 Minute Parking Tuesday and Friday". An exhibit will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting depicting the location of these signs. DISCUSSION Field observations of 7951 - 7953 Garvey Avenue were made at different times throughout the day. Parking in front of the businesses was not always occupied. However, the auto auction adjacent to the businesses often attracts hundreds of vehicles that park on Garvey Avenue and throughout the neighborhood. The business owners indicate that enforcement of the parking restrictions does not always occur. Reducing the time limit to 15 minutes will not correct the need for enforcement. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City parking control officers be directed to conduct selective enforcement of the parking restrictions in front of 7951 - 7953 Garvey Avenue. Rs=ommission Format REQUEST TO SHORTEN AN EXISTING 20 MINUTE PARKING ZONE TO 15 MINUTES AT 7951-7953 GARVEY AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that the City parking control officers be directed to conduct selective enforcement of the parking restrictions in front of 7951-7953 Garvey Avenue. Speaking before the Commission was: Warren Yu 7750 Fern Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Yu feels that the 2-hour parking restriction should be removed and that the 20 minute restriction is plenty of time for all three businesses. It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Benjamin and carried unanimously to remove the 2-hour parking restriction and that the 20-minute parking restriction should remain and extend the days to everyday, except holidays, and paint green curb between the signs. 04-01-04/sb January 6, 2004 To the City of Rosemead, Planning dept. Dear Bill Young, We are writing you this letter to discuss about the street parking matter. Our businesses are located at 7951, 7951'/2, and 7953 Garvey Ave. Rosemead. Our location is right next to the L.A. Dealer Auction, which creates a problem for us because our customers parking are totally dependent on the street parking. In front of our businesses are three parking spaces that include 20 minute parking on every Tuesdays and Fridays. In the past year, the parking patrol officers have not been enforcing the parking times and even though there are three signs stating the parking rules, many people are confused about it and don't follow it. This makes it harder for our customers to find parking because many people have been parking in those three spaces for many hours everyday, especially Tuesdays and Fridays. We are asking if the city would kindly consider the convenience of our customers to change the parking rules for the three parking spaces in front of our stores from 20 minute parking every Tuesdays and Fridays to 15 minute parking (green curb) everyday. Please contact us at your convenience and let us know your decision. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, ~Michae7 Lieu - Discount Tobacco Inc. 7953 Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Andy Thuc `-i Asian Wireless 795Th Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 CZ. Anne Lieu House of Water 7951 Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 -------f Michaeee111Lieu Property Owner 1(626) 572-8528 z 0 d i 0 U a d r. d M ~ I I i i I cr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I _ 1, zoo/zoo a TTeza r~ L~ a z 0 p .IV ti Wq.C1~V1~~ n ~ d F a m mmoz W & o ~ t3 LO 4 W 8 Lo a r a 1 y .4 d g a ~ i ~ it N y ~'~f ~zgC ~dTr r ~ Ne x ^ 9 2 a ~a ~ y C~~ M1~ ~LL In W y 9 r - .P 96°60 b00Z,OZ'x'dw