CDC - Item 2E - CDC Attorney Contract AgreementPi COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 8, 2007 SUBJECT: CDC ATTORNEY CONTRACT AGREEMENT SUMMARY On April 3, 2007, the City Council hired Bonifacio "Bonny" Garcia of Garcia, Calderon, and Ruiz (GCR) to serve as Rosemead's official legal counsel. Based on that action, staff has received a revised contract agreement from GCR to perform legal counsel services for the Community Development Commission (Attachment A). Under the proposed contract, the Community Development Commission would compensate GCR for any basic legal services not included in the monthly retainer, including travel time, at the hourly rate of $215/hour for partners and associates, $150/hour for law clerks, and $125/hour for paralegals. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Community Development Commission approve the proposed agreement for Attorney services with GCR (Attachment A). LEGAL REVIEW The CDC Attorney has reviewed and approved the proposed agreement. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: ~1- Oliver Chi Deputy City Manager Attachment A: CDC Attorney Contract Agreement APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Oz- - - rt4 Garcia Calderon 1Zr_ii7 n' r 9C AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ATTORNEY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into by and between the ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, a California public entity (hereinafter "CDC") and the law firm of GARCIA CALDERON RUIZ, LLP, a limited liability partnership (hereinafter "GCR") and shall be effective as of the date of GCR's retention by the CDC. In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby agreed, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. Recitals. This Agreement is made and entered into with respect to the following facts: A. CDC desires to engage the services of GCR to act as General Counsel and to perform all legal services which are needed by the CDC; and, B. GCR has agreed to provide such legal services, in the time, manner and for the compensation, as hereinafter set forth; and, C. That the CDC has heretofore determined that the public interest, convenience and necessity require the execution of this Agreement. SECTION 2. Legal Services. GCR shall perform the legal services necessary to serve the CDC which shall include, but are not limited to, the following: A. GCR shall attend all meetings of the CDC unless excused by the Chair of the CDC or the Executive Director, as well as attend any other meetings as so requested by the Chair of the CDC or the Executive Director; B. Provide legal advice and opinions on all matters affecting the CDC when requested by the Chair of the CDC or the Executive Director, and represent the CDC in administrative proceedings and litigation involving the CDC which may arise from those matters upon which such advice has been given; and, C. Prepare and approve as to legal form all resolutions, ordinances, contracts, agreements and other legal documents and represent the CDC in administrative proceedings and litigation involving the CDC which may arise from those matters upon which such advice has been given; and, Garcia Caldcr6n Izui_ alll s..11.,:.„d i„1'x.1.-wrp.. n4 In, bi 1 If.~, rn,i w!ia 1 r..,.:di fli'CUVI `~I W,I ,I 9:=.113 0 0 GCR shall not be required to perform the services described above where to do so would be a conflict of interest pursuant to the State Bar Act. SECTION 3. Compensation. G.CR shall be compensated by CDC for the performance of such services as follows: A. Basic Services. For basic legal services GCR shall be compensated for the services of General Counsel, including travel time, at the discounted and blended hourly rate of $215.00 for partners and associates, $150.00 per hour for law clerks, and $125.00 per hour for paralegals. B. Specialty Services. The rates set forth in sub-paragraph A above shall apply in all matters except for specialty services relating to public or municipal financing, business and real estate, intellectual property, eminent domain, inverse condemnation, construction defect, or other construction related litigation matters. The attorney rates for these services will range from $205.00 to $225.00 per hour for associate attorneys and $235.00 to $295.00 per hour for. partners, special counsel, of counsel, senior lawyers of the firm and lawyers with seven or more years of experience. C. The rate for Basic Services, as set forth in sub-paragraphs 3 A and B, above, shall be adjusted annually at the close of the CDC's fiscal year (June 30), by the increase in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") by measuring the change in the CPI (measured from the average of the monthly increase in the calendar year preceding the conclusion of such fiscal year). The percentage increase in the CPI shall be determined through the use of the CPI publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor or its successor as published for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers @, All Items @, Los Angeles County Area). In the event such CPI ceases to be published, the parties shall utilize such substitute index as common in the industry to measure cost of living increases. D. Legal Services for Bond and Financial Matters. For public finance, the fee structure for bond counsel services is one percent of the first $8 million executed and delivered; one-half percent of the next $4 million executed and delivered; and one- quarter percent of all amounts in excess of the first $12 million subject to a minimum fee of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00). In the event that multiple series of bonds or notes are issued, the foregoing fee schedule would be applied to each issue, subject to the $60,000.00 minimum fee. Payment of the fees are entirely contingent upon the successful execution and delivery of the bonds or notes to be payable on or after delivery except for out-of-pocket expenses. The fee for disclosure counsel services is a flat fee of $40,000.00 per issuance under $5 million; $50,000.00 per issuance under $10 million; and $60,000.00 per issuance over $10 million; provided that the transaction does not present any unusual disclosure concerns, such as previously undisclosed liabilities or prior failure of the issuer to comply with disclosure requirements for other financings. L-A Doc. # 4816-5542-2977 9nn F 5::u E. Reimbursable Expenses. GCR shall be entitled to reimbursement for all. reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by it in the performance of legal services hereto, provided that the same are first approved by the Executive Director. Reimbursable expenses to which GCR shall be entitled shall include, but not be limited to, duplication costs, word processing costs, travel, telephone and telecommunications costs, extraordinary mail costs, messenger service, and other costs customarily made as a part of the performance of legal services by GCR. F. Payment for Services. GCR shall submit monthly statements to the CDC accounting for all services provided and costs incurred pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Said statements shall clearly set forth by date the type of work performed, the time spent on a task and the attorney performing the task. Payment to GCR shall be made by CDC within thirty (30) days of receipt of the statement, except for those specific items on the billing which are contested or questioned and returned by CDC, with written explanation, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the statement. GCR shall provide to CDC a written response to any statement contested or questioned and further, upon request of CDC, provide CDC with any and all documents related to the service or costs. No charge shall be made for time expended in providing this information to the CDC. SECTION 4. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on April 3, 2007 and shall continue thereafter unless terminated by either party hereto pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The CDC may terminate this Agreement at any time. GCR may terminate this Agreement on the giving of thirty (30) days written notice to the CDC of such termination. GCR will comply with all obligations required of it pursuant to the State Bar Act in connection with such termination and the transition to replacement counsel. GCR shall be compensated for its services rendered through and including the effective date of such termination. SECTION 5. Document Retention. CDC is entitled, upon written request, to any files in our possession relating to the legal services performed by GCR for CDC, excluding our internal accounting records and other documents not reasonably necessary to CDC representation, subject to our right to make copies of any files withdrawn by CDC. Upon termination of services under the Agreement, GCR will close CDC's file. CDC's physical files may be sent to storage offsite, and thereafter there may be an administrative cost of retrieving them from storage. Thus, GCR recommends that CDC request the return of CDC files if this Agreement is terminated. Under the GCR document retention policy, files are normally destroyed five years after a matter is closed, unless other arrangements are made with the client. GCR and CDC agree that all client-supplied materials and all attorney end produce (referred to generally as "client material") are the property of the CDC. Attorney end product includes, for example, finalized contracts, pleadings, and trust documents. The firm and the client agree that attorney work product is the property of the firm. Attorney work product includes, for example, drafts, notes, internal. LA Doc. # 4816-5542-2977 3 Gmcm Caldvnin Ruiz nf: .:W; l..... f. . 1,:0 sr, ..u . op~ .,r ..,.....i. i., ~~pr. I :.t u,.1^,W1 :im ,I:f. - q'_P.!1 , A:. 1 - r :rll'. C memoranda and electronic files, and attorney representation and administration materials, including attorney-client correspondence and conflicts materials. If services are terminated, GCR will notify the client of any client materials that remain in GCR's possession. The CDC will be invited to retrieve these materials within 45 days of notice, or the CDC may direct GCR to forward the materials to the CDC, at the CDC's expense. If within 45 days of this notice CDC fails to retrieve the materials or request GCR to forward them, the CDC authorizes GCR to destroy the client materials. After the 45-day period, GCR will, consistent with all applicable rules of professional conduct, use its discretion as to the retention or destruction of all attorney work product and any CDC materials that remain with the firm. SECTION 6. Notices. Notices required pursuant to this Agreement shall be given by personal service upon the party to be notified, or by delivery of same to the custody of the United States Postal Service, or its lawful successor, postage prepared and addressed as follows: CDC: Rosemead Community Development Commission 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: City Manager GCR: GARCIA CALDERON RUIZ, LLP 500 South Grand Avenue Suite 1310 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Attention: Bonifacio Bonny Garcia, Esq. Service of a notice, by personal service shall be deemed to have been given as of the date of such personal service. Notices given by deposit with the United States Postal Service shall be deemed to have been given two (2) consecutive business days following the deposit of the.same in the custody of said Postal Service. Either party may, from time to time, by written notice to the other, designate a different address which shall be substituted for the one above specified. SECTION 7. Indemnification. GCR does hereby agree to hold CDC, and its elected and appointed officers and officials, employees and other agents free and harmless from any claim, demand or judgment which may arise based upon personal injury or damage to property to a third party arising out of the performance of services by GCR hereto. SECTION 8. Insurance. Not in derogation of the provisions of Paragraph 7 hereof, GCR does hereby agree to take out and maintain in full force and effect under the terms of this Agreement the following insurance coverage: LA Doc. N 4816-5542-2977 0 A. Such insurance coverage as is required pursuant to the Workers' Compensation Laws of the State of California; and, B. A liability policy with coverage of not less than $1,000,000.00; and, C. Professional Liability (errors and omissions) insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00. SECTION 9. General Provisions. A. GCR shall not assign this Agreement, or any of the rights, duties or obligations hereunder. It is understood and acknowledged by the parties that GCR is uniquely qualified to perform the services provided for in this Agreement. B. GCR is and shall at all times remain as to the CDC a wholly independent contractor. Neither the CDC nor any of its officers, employees, servants or agents shall have control over the conduct of GCR or any of GCR's officers, employees or agents. GCR shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner employees of the CDC. CDC acknowledges and agrees that the General Counsel, Assistant General Counsel and attorneys representing the CDC will need to represent to others their capacity and relationship to the CDC. C. In the performance of this Agreement, GCR shall not engage in discrimination in employment of persons because of the age, race, color, sex, national origin or ancestry or religion of such persons. D. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed, construed or represented by the CDC or GCR to any third person to create the relationship of principal or agent; or of a partnership, or of a joint venture, or of any other association of any kind or nature between the CDC and GCR. E. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and all prior agreements or understandings, oral or written, are hereby merged herein. This Agreement shall not be amended in any way except by a writing expressly purporting to be such an amendment, signed and acknowledged by both of the parties hereto. F. Should interpretation of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, be necessary, it is deemed that this Agreement was prepared by the parties jointly and equally, and shall not be interpreted against either party on the ground that the party prepared the Agreement or caused it to be prepared. LA Doc.: 4816-5542-2977 • G. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, whether or not similar, nor shall any such waiver constitute a continuing or subsequent waiver of the same provision. No waiver shall be binding, unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. H. The law of the State of California will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in Los Angeles County, California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their. representatives as follows: Dated: ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Executive Director By: GARCIA CALDERON RUIZ, LLP A Limited Liability Partnership Dated: By: Bdnifacio Bonny Garcia Partner LA Doc. # 4816-55422977 6 c1:11-cia Caldelin Ruiz > r... i..,.., r' 1. ~.~.\uy :..1 rni~i "iaPl 4p,,.•'.' I ne ~=1'rl >,,.I ~.dlinu:',;~'~„IIS