CDC - Item 4A - Manario Realty Exclusive Negotiating Agreementi • ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM: OLIVER CHI, INTERIM CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 14, 2007 SUBJECT: MANARINO REALTY EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT SUMMARY On November 28, 2006, the Community Development Commission approved an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with Manarino Realty for the development of the 6-acre site located at the northeast corner of Temple City and Valley Boulevards. The ENA provided an initial six month time period within which the Commission and Mr. Manarino would work to develop a development agreement setting forth the specific terms related to project economics including any proposed subsidy, property acquisition, and development of the 6-acre site. Based upon the progress made over the initial six month period, Mr. Manarino requested a 45- day extension (which was included in his original ENA with City) to finalize the project deal points before presenting them to the Commission. Over the last 45 days, Mr. Manarino presented staff with a list of deal points (Attachment A) that would require the City to take the lead role in property acquisition and included a preliminary project proforma showing a multi-million dollar subsidy from the City to pay for property acquisition and other expenses related to attracting desired retailers, restaurants, and grocery uses to this site. Based on that assessment, staff believes that the high land values and costs of assemblage would make it difficult to complete the project without a large subsidy from the City. While Mr. Manarino has made significant progress over the last several months, staff does not believe that the City is in a financial position to be able to provide a subsidy of that magnitude. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the Community Development Commission allow the ENA between the Commission and Manarino Realty to expire and entertain any new development proposals for the site at the northeast corner of Temple City and Valley Boulevards as they arise. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: • Community Development Commission August 14, 2007 Paae 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: ~~~u9 ' 4x K Michelle G. Ramirez Economic Development Administrator Submi B n eki Interim Community Development Director n s \J Brian. Generally we have to collectively take a very hard look at the assemblage. We have made no real time progress with the assemblage due mostly to absentee owners, extremely high prices orjust general disregard by the property owners to participate or cooperate. Therefore I would propose the following: 1. Agency take the lead on the assemblage 2. Agency to sell the land to Developer at a land residual to provide for a 10%> return on cost. This will require a subsidy in the tens of millions. s. A DDA reflecting the Agency's assemblage and economic participation and the Developer's responsibility to provide a grocer and a drug store lease should be drafted by the Agency staff: 5. Design and architecture to be mutually agreed upon during the process. This is just a general response in an effort to get the process going. All the best. Bob MANAFLIN,O ! REALTY Bob Manarino President 8105 Irvine Center Drive Suite 1110, Irvine, CA 92618 p 949.748.7800 f 949.748.7807 BobN4anarino@MaiiariiloRealty.com