CDC - Item 2A - Minutes Agency Attorney Interviews 08-14-07MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Agency Attorney Interviews August 14, 2007 Chairman Tran called the special meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission to order at 4:35 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS Present: Commissioner Clark, Vice-Chairman Nunez, Chairman Tran Absent: Commissioner Low (arrived late) and Commissioner Taylor Chairman Tran recessed the meeting at 4:37 pm after roll call to wait for Commissioner Low who was delayed in traffic and Commissioner Taylor who was absent. The meeting reconvened at 5:09 pm. Executive Director Chi announced he had been in contact with Commissioner Taylor and indicated he would not arrive until 5:30 pm and asked the Commission to proceed with the interviews. At total of five firms were interviewed by the Commission in open session in the order described below: 1) Richards/Watson/Gerson represented by Michael Estrada and Roxanne Diaz. 2) Burke Williams & Sorensen represented by Joseph Montes and Rachel Richman. 3) Kane Ballmer & Berman represented by Royce Jones, Susan Apy and Davey. Kim. 4) Alvarez-Glassman & Colvin represented by Arnold Alvarez-Glassman and Ricardo Olivarez. 5) Best Best & Krieger represented by Delmar Williams, Mala Subramanian, Elizabeth Hull and Donne Lawrence-Hughes. Each firm was allotted approximately 15 minutes to answer questions asked by the Commissioners in attendance. Applicants were asked to: • introduce themselves and their firms; • describe a successful project; • explain why the Commission should choose their firm over others; and • convey information they wanted the CDC to know that was not included in their application. Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes August 14, 2007 Special Meeting: Agency Attorney Interviews Page 1 of 2 • Additionally each firm was asked to describe their experience with eminent domain and to indicate whether or not they would charge the CDC for travel time. At the conclusion of the question and answer period, firms were given the opportunity to provide closing remarks. The interviews recessed briefly at 5:28 pm, reconvened at 5:29 pm and adjourned at 6:05 pm at the conclusion of the last interview. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Nina Castruita John Tran COMMISSION SECRETARY CHAIRMAN Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes August 14, 2007 Special Meeting: Agency Attorney Interviews Page 2 of 2