CDC - Item 2A - Minutes 08-14-07• 0 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION August 14, 2007 Chairman Tran called the regular meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission to order at 5:28 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall, at 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The pledge to the flag was led by Commissioner Low and Commissioner Clark led the invocation. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Commissioners Clark, Low, Vice-Chairman Nunez, Chairman Tran Absent: Commissioner Taylor Chairman Tran recessed the Community Development Commission meeting at 5:29 pm and reconvened back at 6:05 pm. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Chairman Tran: We did the roll call and moving on to the next item: Public Comments from the Audience. Is that 2D, Juan? Juan Nunez: Yes, I ah,... Chairman Tran: 2D, 3A and 4A? Juan Nunez: Yes. Chairman Tran: I'll call you up when the items are up.' Commissioner Clark: 2D what? Chairman Tran: 2D, 3A and 4A. Marlene is just, um...I won't call you to speak in Public Comment. Marlene Shinen: (Inaudible) ...I've never spoken at this before. Is this the time that we would speak to the council on an item? Chairman Tran: We have it on the Agenda item, can I bring you back? Marlene Shinen: Yes. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 1 of 16 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Resolution No. 2007-14 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-14 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $13,382.17 demands 8158 through 8165. B. Resolution No. 2007-15 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-15 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $43,815.23 demands 8171 through 8174. C. Minutes June 12, 2007 - Regular Meeting July 17, 2007 - Regular Meeting Chairman Tran: Okay, moving on to the Consent Calendar. A motion would be in order to approve 2A, 2B and 2C. Vice-Chairman Nunez: So moved. Chairman Tran: Is there a second? Commissioner Low: Second. Chairman Tran: All those in favor say "Aye". All Commissioners: Aye. Chairman Tran: Abstain or opposed? Commissioner Clark: "No", I'd like the record to show that I object to the prepayment of services for GCR. Vice-Chairman Nunez made to motion, second by commissioner Low to approve items 2A, 2B and 2C.Vote resulted: Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Clark Abstain: None Absent: Taylor Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 2 of 16 • • D. Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Seek Bids for Traffic Signal Improvements at Del Mar Avenue and Graves Avenue Plans and specifications have been prepared for traffic signal modifications at Del Mar Avenue and Graves Avenue, to include dedicated left-turn phasing in the north/south direction. The Community Development Commission will consider the approval of the plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids. Recommendation: That the Community Development Commission approve the plans'and specifications for the Traffic Signal Improvements at Del Mar Avenue and Graves Avenue and authorize advertisement for bids by the Commission Secretary. Juan Nunez: Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, I just wanted to make a comment on this Del Mar and Graves signal. I find nothing wrong with that, but you put a signal on Garvey, you know and Graves and Jackson and if you notice that when you are driving west on Garvey, there's cars traveling east on Graves there on the other side and they may receive a signal change and you may not see a car coming when you are going to make a left turn (inaudible) or even cars that are coming out of Jackson, integrate coming east when they are traveling through that area there. Commissioner Clark: When you are traveling west on Graves or you said Garvey? Juan Nunez: Graves. Chairman Tran: Graves. Juan Nunez: When your going west on Graves where the light is, there is a hill there and don't see below that hill, sometimes the traffic is coming east don't see you either, because you make a turn into Maryvale. Commissioner Clark: There is a signal there. Juan Nunez: What? Commissioner Clark: There is a signal there. Juan Nunez: There is a signal there but if it's green on both directions the cars are traveling quite fast, before you can make a turn onto Maryvale, you are going west, you are going west and you want to make a left turn into Maryvale. The Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 3 of 16 traffic is coming east, may not see you and you don't see the traffic. I don't know what you can do to slow it down or? , Chairman Tran: Well, we are on Del Mar and Graves. Juan Nunez: I know. I just wanted to point this out that this happens on Graves and Jackson. Chairman Tran: Okay. Juan Nunez: Check it out. (inaudible) Chairman Tran: Can you have Public Works, look at that - Graves and Jackson? Interim Executive Director Chi: Yes. Chairman Tran: Thank you. A motion would be in order. Vice-Chairman Nunez: Move to approve. Commissioner Clark: Second. Chairman Tran: All those in favor say "Aye". All Commissioners: Aye Chairman Tran: Abstain/ opposed? 4 - 0 Vice- Chairman Nunez made a motion to, second by Commissioner Clark to approve Item 2D. Voted resulted: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent. Taylor Vice-Chairman Nunez: I'd like to make a comment on that. The city has been working with the County on this and this has been it just takes forever to work with the County to get this signal, and I just wanted to let you know that since we started this, this project (inaudible) and the Traffic the Commission approved, it takes for ever and it is just one of those things that we have to start finding out ways that you know, work close to the County to make sure that things get done a little sooner. Um, any suggestions from our Engineer and (inaudible) we would be really grateful, so we can have the questions, the correct questions to ask the people when we see them - when we see Molina's staff members and all that. Because I get the feeling that we are not asking the right questions, we're not Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 4 of 16 saying the right things and that's why it's taking so long to get some of these things done. Commissioner Clark: Mr. Mayor? Chairman Tran: Yes? Commissioner Clark: I'd like to make a comment. On the signal that Juan brought up, I live fairly close to and I am very impressed with that signal because it seems like it has a sensor, it senses the cars going through. I know (inaudible) but you don't have to wait at all, and yet Jackson and Garvey is a long wait, I think that's probably an old fashioned kind. So I'm just wondering if that new technology the one at Jackson and Graves is very efficient and moves you along and it changes real fast. You can get other there but you know they can do that on Garvey and I mean the one we just approved. If they can put the new technology on that, that would save a lot of car idling and frayed nerves. Chairman Tran: Can you give us some information on that? Interim City Manager Chi: We will look into that. Thank you very much. Chairman Tran: Next item is: Matters from the Chairman and Commissioners 3. MATTERS FROM THE CHAIRMAN & COMMISSIONERS A. Community Development Commission Legal Counsel Selection Juan Nunez: Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar. I just wanted to ask how much money is in the cookie jar to be hiring all these Commissioners or this Counsel. Is there enough money to hire Counsel for the Redevelopment, Counsel for the City Council and Counsel for some other type that comes up later on? I.just wanted to know were does ah, I'm just trying to understand, you know. Chairman Tran: I understand, and basically this position is going to be a split position as well. The general counsel is split with Garcia, Calderon and Ruiz. And tonight's selection is just the Community Development Commission related items instead of doing both, they're just doing one. Juan Nunez: But they'll be paying... paid separately? Chairman Tran: Correct, instead of paying one firm, you're splitting it. Juan Nunez: That's what I mean. Chairman Tran: But what we had before, we had one law firm but two different attorneys. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 5 of 16 • Juan Nunez: You are paying two different Counsels for the same amount? Vice-Chairman Nunez: No, it's different. Juan Nunez: (inaudible) Vice-Chairman Nunez: We have a certain amount in the budget to do Redevelopment legal and that's were that money is coming from. Juan Nunez: And, Redevelopment does it have that much money in the cookie jar? Vice-Chairman Nunez: Yes, we that money set aside. Commissioner Clark: Mr. Mayor, I have a question related to that. If we approve a firm tonight, will we revisit Bonny's contract for the development agency? Chairman Tran: Yes. . Commissioner Clark: So that would be deleted. So we would not be paying... Chairman Tran: We won't be paying both. Juan Nunez: I am just asking you because hands on the (inaudible) I don't know. Interim City Manager: Steering wheel, Juan. Chairman Tran: Marlene. Marlene Shinen: Good evening, my name is Marlene Shinen. I reside at 8447 Drayer Lane in South San Gabriel. I'm not a Rosemead resident. But only you, Mr. Tran, know why you were ready to select a firm without interviewing either of them. You made a. big mess, but my concern is, because I live in South San Gabriel I don't want this to happen. So I'm firmly in objection to hiring Alvarez, Arnold Alvarez Glassman as Redevelopment attorney for Rosemead City. As a South San Gabriel resident since 1955, my concern is Rosemead's expressed interest in annexation of South San Gabriel for low-income housing. We had that meeting yes, on June 28th of '07. You came to your residential meeting in South San Gabriel where that was discussed. But since then, this has come up with this Arnold Alvarez Glassman. He is a good friend with Henry Attina, he does business with Henry Attina. So we've got an investigation I have read on this man. As a Montebello City Attorney, Glassman signed a deal in which the City loaned Attina over a million dollars to partly finance a building at a restaurant in Montebello. The story is long, Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 6 of 16 • 0 but who owns the restaurant now? Applebee's is owned by Attina. It's a long disgusting story. And second thing - in addition to one million dollars for the restaurant, the City Redevelopment agency also loaned Attina 22 million dollars plus for two senior housing complexes built by Attina. This disturbs me as far as Attina in Redevelopment and your're coming close to South San Gabriel looking for places to put your little low income housing. You're looking over the fence to put in low income housing in South San Gabriel. That does "not sit well with me. Arnold Alvarez Glassman's close relationship with Developer Attina is a major conflict of interest. At tax payer's expense, Attina is enriched by millions with lucrative forgivable loans to the extent of over 2.5 million dollars. So Glassman had said he had not had this relationship, close relationship with Attina since 89'. But that is not true, that is not true because I went to the Superior Court California, County of L.A. yesterday and I found a court case, where guess who represented Hank Attina in his DUI, but Arnold Alvarez Glassman, his friend. So this is a conflict of interest. You're going to have this man as an attorney for the City, looking over the fence there and use Attina maybe to annex my area for your low income housing. I see it, I oppose it. So this is a copy for all of you to look at, it came from Downey Courthouse. It's all the record about why this man was arrested for a DUI at .16, drugs in his car, he plead guilty, even though he had his friend as his attorney, he was convicted. Commissioner Clark: This is Attina? Attina was... Marlene Shinen: Attina was the defendant, Arnold Alvarez Glassman, his friend, is the attorney. This is a conflict of interest. With this body of people, you have proven it's too close, too close, the club is getting too close. I oppose it; I oppose it with all my heart. I hope you reconsider John, you are a young man, you've got ambition and you've got a bright feature, you're anxious. You need some wisdom. I really pray that you will consider what you doing here because this is going effect not just you, me and all the residents. And you've always said it has to come from the residents and tonight it did: Audience member: See no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil. Chairman Tran: Do we have anymore speakers? Okay, Community Development Commission Legal Counsel Selection, what's the will of the Commission? Commissioner Clark: Mr. Mayor? One of the reasons that I asked the question about eminent domain was, I'm very much opposed to the use of it, unless as a last resort. And I was impressed with Burke, Williams, and Sorensen who, they were the only ones that said they would try not to use it and that sits well with me. Juan knows, I started off fighting eminent domain for the high school. And I still believe very strongly in the right to own your own property. And so, I would make a motion that we go with Burke, Williams and Sorensen, for other reasons Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 7 of 16 • • also. I also have a real problem with Glassman in the sense of his involvement in politics. Just last week he filed for Montebello, running for office and then withdrew it. It doesn't matter to me that he withdrew it, that shows that he is still involved in politics, and according to the newspaper he was wanting to run again, to show somebody, run against her, there was, retribution or whatever. We don't need that kind of politics in this City. I'm very, very, worried that would come in, that kind of thing. And I also have the campaign contributions statement that I believe that Mr. Nunez took $500 from Mr. Attina and as well as Mr. Glassman. Vice-Chairman Nunez: From Mr. Who? Commissioner Clark: Mr. Glassman. (inaudible) Not a good sign when you accept contributions from someone who wants a contract with the City. (inaudible) because it taints your vote. Can't help it. I know it's legal, but to me it's unethical. Vice-Chairman Nunez: First of all, I don't remember ever taking any contributions from Mr. Glassman, and if you can correct me, I will stand corrected. But I don't really look at who gives me all this. Any money that I take, because I just don't look at that as trying to pay back a favor, if someone gives me money. But I do understand the fact that I have not received any money from any Wal-Mart or developers through Wal-Mart. Commissioner Clark: I didn't take anything from Wal-Mart. Vice-Chairman Nunez: I'm just telling you, that I have not done that and if you haven't done that that is great too. Chairman Tran: Haven't you indirectly received contributions from Mike Lewis, who is a consultant for Wal-Mart? Commissioner Clark: No. Chairman Tran: You were quoted in the paper, about using his copy machine. Commissioner Clark: I didn't use it, the paper didn't say that. The supporters, the group used it. Chairman Tran: Mike Lewis did say... okay Commissioner Clark: No I didn't. Chairman Tran: So you printed out postcards... I mean you want to go into campaign contributions you received $5,000 from Panda Express which is doing a project in our City. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 8 of 16 • • Commissioner Clark: I did not receive $5,000. Mayor Tran: From Andrew Cherng. It's, I don't have it right now, if you want to look into it. If you want to talk about campaign contributions - Commissioner Clark: Now, what he is doing in our city? Chairman Tran: He's doing a project in our city, right on the Wal-Mart pad. So that requires us to go through... Commissioner Clark: Well, I'll abstain, if it comes to it then ...(inaudible) Chairman Tran: Well, I would hope you abstain from all... Commissioner Clark: (inaudible) Commissioner Low: Chairman? Chairman Tran: Yes? Commissioner Low: I think, as we go through our campaign period, from time to time we do receive contributions from different people. But I don't think... that doesn't necessarily mean that one will always vote just because that person made contributions to your campaign. So I wish I will stop that discussion because it will go on forever. I just want to come back to this attorney selection. Ijust want to make a statement that I'm very impressed with, you know with all five firms that were presented to us. I think all five of them are all are very credible, you know qualified firms. So I kind of want to focus on that. I think for me, I will second Mrs. Clark's motion because I do also see that Burke, Williams and Sorenson is a very qualified.firm that I'm very impressed with their project . that they have done in Alhambra. And, 1 did some research and I'm very pleased with the two attorneys that sat in front of us tonight. So I'm willing to support that. I just wanted to reiterate that I will second, I will second her motion. Vice-Chairman Nunez: Mr. Tran I just, I'd like to say I also was impressed with all of the firms that came in before us. I think that I could probably whittle it down to a couple that I was a little more impressed with. At this time I'd like to make a substitute motion and that motion is to accept Glassman as the Attorney for the Redevelopment. Commissioner Clark: Mr. Chairman, I have a correction to make. It was you, that had the $1,000 from both Attina and Glassman. I apologize John (Nunez) Chairman Tran: Well, a thousand dollars will not buy my vote (inaudible). Commissioner Clark: What's that? Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 9 of 16 • • Chairman: A thousand dollars isn't Commissioner Clark: Well that's up to you. It's just that, I would not do that. Chairman Tran: Ok. You know it goes back to what Mrs. Low stated. If you want to get down to it, I know it is election season in a year and a half, and I know you started already. If you want to get down to it, let's break down, we'll bring it up. Let's break down how much money you've received on retail. Commissioner Clark: Of course. Chairman Tran: And I hope you would stay on issues and with Wal-Mart... Commissioner Clark interrupts (inaudible) Chairman Tran: I'm sorry, I have the floor. When Wal-Mart contributes at least $400,000 into your campaign, whether it's directly to you or indirectly through independent expenditures, it affects you. Were you not, did you not receive any funds indirectly from Wal-Mart? Commissioner Clark: I did not. If they (inaudible) Chairman Tran: I want these minutes to be verbatim. Commissioner Clark: I didn't I received nothing myself. Chairman Tran: I'm not asking you... Indirectly... Commissioner Clark: (inaudible) supported you? I mean come on...let's not. I'm talking about things that you have control over, that's what I'm talking about. Barbara Murphy: Isn't there a motion on the table here? Didn't Maggie make a motion? Chairman Tran: It's a substitute motion. Vice-Chairman Nunez: It's a substitute motion right now. Chairman Tran: I'll second the substitute motion. City Attorney Garcia: The substitute motion is on the table. Chairman Tran: And again, going back to it, all five firms are great and I think that any firm will be great. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 10 of 16 • • Commissioner Low: So the substitute motion is on Glassman right now? Chairman Tran: Correct. And l will call for the question. All those in favor say- 'Aye". Vice-Chairman Nunez made a substitute motion, with a second by Chairman Tran to accept Glassman as the new Redevelopment City Attorney. Vote resulted in: Yes: Nunez, Tran No: Clark, Low Abstain: None Absent: Taylor Chairman Tran: Now let's go back to the original motion which is to hire Burke, Williams and Sorenson as the legal counsel: Commissioner Clark made a motion, second by Commissioner Low to hire Burke, William and Sorenson as the Legal Counsel. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: Taylor Chairman Tran: I want to get at that, Maggie. We'll do that (inaudible) bringing it up at an during the meeting, I mean, you know (inaudible) Commissioner Clark: (inaudible) Vice-Chairman Nunez: Ok, that's enough. What is our second thing here? 4. MATTERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & STAFF A. Manarino Realty Exclusive Negotiating Agreement On November 28, 2006, the Community Development Commission approved an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with Manarino Realty for the development of the 6-acre site located at the northeast corner of Temple City and Valley Boulevards. The ENA provided an initial six month time period within which the Commission and Mr. Manarino would work to develop a development agreement setting forth the specific terms related to project economics including any proposed subsidy, property acquisition, and the development of the 6-acre site. Based upon the progress made over the initial six month period, Mr. Manarino Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 11 of 16 • • requested a 45-day extension (which was included in his original ENA with City) to finalize the project deal points before presenting them to the Commission. Over the last 45 days, Mr. Manarino presented staff with a list of deal points that would require the City to take the lead role in property acquisition and included a preliminary project proforma showing a multi-million dollar subsidy from the City to pay for property acquisition and other expenses related to attracting desired retailers, restaurants, and grocery uses to this site. Based on that assessment, staff believes that the high land values and costs of assemblage would make it difficult to complete the project without a large subsidy from the City. While Mr. Manarino has made significant progress over the last several months, staff does not believe that the City is in a financial position to be able to provide a subsidy of that magnitude. Recommendation: That the Community Development Commission allow the ENA between the Commission and Manarino Realty to expire and entertain any new development proposals for the site at the northeast corner of Temple City and Valley Boulevards as they arise. Chairman Tran: It's Matters from the Executive Director and Staff. Interim City Manager Chi: Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to bring this item back for the Community Development Commission's consideration. On November 28th the Community Development Commission first approved an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Manarino and Associates. Later, at our meeting in July, the council extended that ENA for additional 45 days as was allowed in the initial agreement that was negotiated. Based on recent conversation with.staff's had with Mr. Manarino and his firm, we do not believe that the project he is proposing is at this point in time is financially feasible. The type of subsidy that would be required that he is requesting in order to make a project financially feasible is something that I don't believe is worth that type of investment. In your packets we've included correspondences from Mr. Manarino. My staff and I have analyzed this situation very closely and unfortunately, I think given the developments that have occurred in the past several weeks, the deal just does not, is not going to work financially from our perspective. So at this point in time, what we're recommending to the Community Development Commission is that we allow the ENA that was granted to Mr. Manarino expire and that you direct staff to continue to monitor the situation, monitor the site and bring forward back any proposals in the future that do make sense. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 12 of 16 • • Chairman Tran: Well, let me um...I have a speaker, Juan Nunez. Juan Nunez: Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar. Yes, I don't believe you should be giving exclusive negotiation agreements to anyone. What if somebody else comes up with a better deal and you're locked up with somebody that (inaudible) cling on six months, a year? I don't know what the. I don't follow all that (inaudible). How long do you (inaudible) an agreement? Somebody else may come up with a better deal and you're locked into the other person for a certain length of time. Also, I don't believe you should be subsidizing, if they can't put it up then don't put it up. Let them put their money where their mouth is. We shouldn't be subsidizing these developers to the tune that they'll come in for a year or two and then skip town with their pockets full of money at our expense. I mean you're in the driver's seat and I'm just complaining about that and that I wish that you look at it better. Thank you. Chairman Tran: Is there a motion to accept the recommendation for... Vice-Chairman Nunez: Before we go with that, what's the possibility of having to look at this proposal with Manarino Realty a little bit closer? I'm curious, there are some questions that maybe perhaps I should have asked and didn't of the staff and I was wondering if we could, is there, I know it's a 45 day... Chairman Tran: You want to answer this? Interim City Manager Chi: Commissioner Nunez, we are continuing our conversation with Mr. Manarino. At this point in time, what we are recommending is to allow the ENA to expire. In terms of the next step that, and just to wrap into an answer to Juan's comment, an ENA is vital, if we're going to get the type of developments that the Commission has requested. Any type of national retailer, without an ENA, without any some site control, no developer; no retailer will talk to a developer. So in that sense, it's important that went through the process. What happens though, sometimes during this process is the deal points haven't been worked out. Mr., Commissioner Nunez, the situation we are at now with Mr. Manarino is that the deal points that he is proposing would require a subsidy so great, that we don't believe it is feasible for us or worth it for us to continue analyzing the number, when he throws out a number that is really, really large. And it doesn't mean we're not going to continue to talk with him, it-doesn't mean... We will continue exploring every potential development opportunity of this and other potential sites. It does mean at this point in time we recommend you let, you allow this ENA to expire and if a new proposal comes forward at a different point in time, we'll bring it back, for the Commission's consideration. Commissioner Clark: Mr. Mayor, I'll make a motion to accept the staff recommendation that we allow the ENA to expire and the rest of it. But I Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 13 of 16 • ' • disagree, that we have to have an ENA, or nobody will come if you don't. Because, this is the second ENA that we've given and that has fizzled. So, I tend to agree with Juan on that, you know, free enterprise (inaudible). I have to wonder, in giving these; are we keeping out potential other developers that might have better projects. I just ...I think we shouldn't have this mindset that we have to have an ENA. Vice-Chairman Nunez: I just think that if we don't have an ENA we will have a development there, but we'll have a development that will fall short, of some of the things that I think the citizens are asking for... Commissioner Clark: Well we have the final say... Vice-Chairman Nunez: Well I know, but there are some things that I know but unless, that it's just going to conferences, talking to people, talking to different lawyers, talking to different development people, talking to different council members, talking to all. You know, you go out there, you've done that, you've asked these questions and quite frankly they'll come up with that, and when you ask them what is the importance of the ENA, and most of them always say very very important because that's what, that's what get us to get people to listen to them, to come to the City. And the thing otherwise, what will happen it will have small retail areas chunked up instead of one larger one that is all interconnected. Instead it will have little things here and there and that's something that I don't think that the City is calling for that. I think the City is looking to go out there and get some firms or some companies or national brand companies and you know, all those companies the only way they want to come is if they have a whole area all, you know, bundled up together. Chairman Tran: Well, as Joe Montes said, from Burke, Williams, he had stated, I've talked to some of their councilmen, they've locked up a lot of property. That's, why there are successful and they've used eminent domain and just because somebody says we're not going to try to use it, it's the last resort... Commissioner Clark: I know, but, (inaudible) negotiate (inaudible). Chairman Tran: Correct. Well I mean that's what they do in Alhambra as well and so this is a process that as Mr. Nunez stated to assemble property, unless we want a piece of it and put little shops there. Commissioner Clark: Okay, my motion was just too...(inaudible)... Chairman Tran: But you did make some points, I wanted to clarify that. Commissioner Clark: (Inaudible) ....policy, I'm just saying let's be open about it. Chairman Tran: Correct. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 14 of 16 • 0 Commissioner Clark: (Inaudible) Chairman Tran: We are open about this. Is there a second? Vice-Chairman Nunez: Second. Chairman Tran: All those in favor say "Aye" All Commissioners: Aye Chairman Tran: Abstain, opposed? We will adjourn... Commissioner Clark made a motion, second by Vice-Chairman Nunez to accept the staff recommendation on item 4A. Vote resulted: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: Taylor Commissioner Low: I have a question or a comment to the City Manager. Since. we are having a Redevelopment Attorney, I would like to ask staff to kind of do a write-up, to really define what the role is for the Redevelopment Attorney versus the role for the City Attorney. I'd like to have it very clear, a definition so that everybody know what is their responsibility. Interim City Manager Chi: If there is a concurrence from the council, I believe that's an appropriate task, something that's important for us to,, so we'll do that. Commissioner Clark: I like to add to that. If Burke, Williams and Sorenson are willing to setup a contract where.- I like what Best, Best & Krieger talked about with- setting up a budget for certain projects. And we see (inaudible) into that budget and they give up reports on where we'are and how we stand. Rather than hourly, I'm not comfortable with hourly. So I'm wondering if they're willing to come up, if you can, if staff can work with them on it (inaudible). I like the fact that they said well, if there is an issue, I forget what the issue was. But they wouldn't have to do research on, that point because they would call one of their buddies that already knows what's going on and not bill hourly for that. Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 15 of 16 • L Interim City Manager Chi: With the Commission's concurrence, that's what staff will be doing over the next couple of weeks is touching base with the attorney's from Burke, Williams and beginning the process of negotiating a proposed contract we'll..... Chairman Tran: When you do enter into negotiations, just put it out there. Interim City Manager Chi: Exactly, absolutely, very good. Chairman Tran: The next Community Development Commission meeting will take place August 28 at 6 pm. Meeting adjourned. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm. The next Community Development Commission meeting will take place on August 28, 2007 at 6:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Nina Castruita COMMISSION SECRETARY John Tran CHAIRMAN Rosemead Community Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes: August 14, 2007 Page 16 of 16