CDC - Item 4 - Authorization To Attend C.A. Redevelopment Association Annual Conference & ExpoIRL Rosemead Community Development Commission Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 RCDC 8838 East TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNI Y DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: TY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2006 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO, MARCH 8 -10, 2006, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's conference will include sessions on affordable housing, prevailing wages, citizen participation and marketing. The City has attended these conferences in the past. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Commission authorize the attendance of any Commissioner, the Executive Director and staff designees. CDC AGENDA 2/28/06 Item No: 4 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS \ ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: Y MANAGE DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2006 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO, MARCH 8 -10, 2006, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's conference will include sessions on affordable housing, prevailing wages, citizen participation and marketing. The City has attended these conferences in the past. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Commission authorize the attendance of any Commissioner, the Executive Director and staff designees. " 'F E x s fa t � � >Fi k � JA1Nf�cB/rt '�lI r . r A. w rho Ail l e Ac °•�i�l Ir� - x1�+ 4 {t:. jy t i 1 Y 5 4 4. ; K x #iii %�'FS �.wyg c. r PC ills at £ - f a. u c 5 V a ! f 7y t 4 97j # r a / ssrrjj � i 7 i� M 1 PI i t Y +# 1f x, � � «.a�.a- �..a ..,,ice. a,5.• a ...^c -'' ° AM t y = 701171 K t h Lynne'L mentgc :.Y ^' A ^ci ?C o: in ai Annual'( a Phi Beta 1 School of .M sting with her "G ion's generation, es Eli Lilly, rhts_ She ,,,ams;',incluclingCNN CNBC ;'and the T ima cum laude graduate of the University, t; adjunct faculty member. She has written been featured in American Demographics isi,,and7raining mag'aiines., Her work wit mcludmg Swim with 4the Sharks Without dLkpLOOfl 9 ter will be addressing a critical problem lopment agencies — the pending retire - . iy senior agency officials who are members r generation. 'a 4 � of the consulting firm, Bridgeworks ," for her energetic, witty andtwise tits nationwide, including Arriericam General Mills; Hallmark,- Lockheed, - en rave reviews for hecgererational -_ author with her business partner,-David re. Why,They Clash. How to'`solve the e been: featured in_7IME o,gazideyand aytShow ; ! -Mimesota where she has served,as a ticles:on'intergenerational issues for ,ntrepreneur, Ladies Home Journal, CEO= author Harvey Mackay resulted in eiig Eaten Alive;Pushingzhe Envelope { y 4 S tit i by the struggles she witnessed as 'a egeneration' is often a turn =off for another. developed a philosophy for identifying an - approaches to bridgmg the gaps'i _ x ons out of the. hands of statisticians and ividualsand organizations thrive in a ,or, and,.ability to,engage the "full range of r 1 a 4 � Y 8 ,10;'2006, Monterey- i r { t n ik , ,"g w7 3I [ Chi -it �.�.v � r r• &"�� TY",..�i �' i i s G1 ! ('.�'°r•T � ' i � N i � d t ' i i i = r LA i i i r i� s4 i 1 i , f � Y i� i ® v, -e °® 9 d ° .�.¢i ..,.meW., mul ,.?° mss,,„- *_xb -. +,. „q,, .:9r- A '+,>"� a k no rsP i >H '- }.7..m , onald'Shoup is i Professor ofUrban Planning in'-the',-,N­,, Department "of_Urban Planning of the UUC•L A School { of Pu g blic'Affairs. With a back round in economics ' L . engineering and planning, Professor Shoup has focused his re search on public finan e transportation and the land market He a, " t s has extensively s[udied the issue of parking as a key link between - - transportation and land use with important consequences for cities, .r the economy and the environment His research on employer paid j parking,.I �d to the passage of California s parlang cash -out law, and , F •�i yr to changes in thelnrem2l ReyenuekCode that encourage parking _.. Professor as cash out.: p also worked on waystto finance iiieighborhood public invcstmentsi In research} conducted at the World , Bank, he;proposed�a new'way to finance tHese investments: property owners are allowed to defer ' paying special assessments, with interest, uotd they sell their properties is proposal to passage of CaGforma s deferred assessment law, which allows' £ cities to use deferred special assessments, to meet the public infrastructure needs'- of older netghborhoods k 8 r Professor Shoup has recently authored the'provocatide book 'Ihe`High Costo- o£Free Park ng Chicago: Planners Press,2005. Alan Ehrenhalt of Governing -ttp Magazine says the book is "undoubtedly the most "comprehensive study of parking ever undertaken in'ihis country. Professor Shoup has also writt en numerous articles o 6n park ng which have'appeazed i CaliforniaPohcy Options, Access i Regional =Science and Urban Economics; Journal omansp'ortation and Statistics, The Journal of Planning Education and Research Transportation, Transportation Research Transport Policy and Journal of the American Planning Association r( A¢A­ -'3 a s 4 t i,•r '' , �.• i, ,'�'' -� iii i�: ,,� i I Dunng his lunch n presentation, Professor.Shoup.w,ill elaborate on his free ' ar4cengs 1a that city :planners are requiring way too much'free packing to be available in urban _ p „.v. areas. You=ll want fo heat' his 'raponale abou[ the high costs of free parking and his proposed alternatives 'f T ` i � h '�ri S + Y `3• d i + edev c California R elo me p nt Association ' ., . >, t °ab _._.`i �9 ! � „• .�� "i. .1311 :, .1 ,. ".`:,. ,,, , 5.,.�; ` � •..:_._,, ,, , ,,:;.>•,'j,,, s }:_. .. ' * 10 30 0 5, 0 ii m Welco me and Overview Sessio n B: How to Tell You r Redevelopment 1:;V. „1� Serra'Ball oom r rY Even Moe °Powefull ' ` o Speakers: Ferrante Room "._•:; .I Marcia.ROsen, Northern Vice President CRAi and ' ;" :Come learn effective ways to tell your redevelopment success - Executive Director San Francised Redevelopment Agency., dynamic i` ,� .. ,. - stories, using ositive and language Built on the -= Ila Mettee McCutchon, Mayor City of Mazin'a ii, $ successful workshop'conducted last year'this session again • F t 7 # t �. 4� IF L,., y,ti ii S 1 i� { �' L f i I{ .. _ to 6'e fun hig}ily,interachve and results driven "The ' 1 s , .. 10 50 —11 45.am' Ke "note Address Jr, promiscs have leave a `story, . _ a ;' a mission is to everyone this session with success Serra Ballroom 1-1 crafted witlipowerful and "compelling language - °' ' w . - ;Small tcams;will be formed with one.faahtator and one recorder. -. New Horizons for California Redevelopment - ' Each team will perform a serves of fast- }laced exercises designed- pea er: 3 to clinic the best story from each participant Team members, t . �� Nick Bollinan President and CEO Center for Regional' ,: , I g17icn, s a r '� • will share their stories and-hclp improve on each others siorics:I t- r .. ,: „ Leadership - ,P each team wll choose a'stoiytcller who Will tell then 12 00 - 2 00 p ii Awards Luncheon redevelopment success story at the end of the session. Facilitators s Dellnza Ballroom . Libby Seifel;PresidentSeifel Consulting Following "lune}t' the.Ereaidertial sponsors ,va be re.cogmaed °, Lillian Henegar Director tor' Pohey &•Outreaeh; CRA -. �.. , z , . .:. , :r h - the CRA "Awards of Excellence winners will be announc "ed; > nr': i..:,' s- i `•:� and the winners of the Witham A- .Carlson Fellowships will be ,SeSS1ori,C: SUl7l1rl7S 7110 �sreateSt ccog zed. Join yourcollcagues' i this impoifant event io'honor, `, Redevelopmerif Opportunity key members of the redevelopment community and to celebrate Bonsai Ballroom w with the award winners �• i , ,` - , , congestion demographic changes high land prices and IV I `: '2 15 3 30 p mn ConlCurrent'Sesstons ," r , Wnh _ s �hi,hex gasoline prices; many urban CoI(s m Cahforuia arc • ''' � -" " -' huirirning wit}i rcdcvclopment Rcdevelopmenfpionecis are ,° Session A Prevailing Wa es, Can We g turning their attention to the nearly. infinite numberof weary, ... . Talle? �.' ' > °? a ,older commercial stops and industtial areas m the suburbs. This - , session will focus on the challenges, and opportunities presented ' S2`einlJeC%Z Fornrrif ° .. v „ by the unique context of suburbs where there is nom_ hes v'e a ' f, c i t,4a "Thus mteractivae session is mtended,to explore the competing tpturban fabrictand the opportunities foncreltivity are great `Recent controversies; pe spectives, and opinions regarding the u` will'be used as ex'a'mples . policies, E :.prevailing wage requirements. The pa'nclists will• ring different � •projects b' w ,. Perspectives from ievelopers,'affordable housing advocates, and• , ` Moderator .David Mogavero President Mogavero & Notestine , ' an agency board member Statements of the panelists will be .,. Speakers - provocative so as to engage the audience m the discuss ,. Moderator B.qb Champion President & Founder Champion { - ,flk.v , r�>n' ;:=i „ i "':i `i t ''"I)evelopmenCt,Group , ,, �. -. ,i. r r N t t = Kay Reirriann Law Offices of Kathryn7Reiman, - Bill Brown Director of Development Western Region .. Speakers:; ; ` , ,' Kimco Realty�F ' � e .� ' Madaline Janis Ap'aricto Director; CRA/UA and Executive ': , ?. Larry Bond; Co Founder and Chairman, the on Companies Director LAANE LL;` ' .`' �• _ ... -. -,• ... ° .. 3:30 ­345 e wnership Partners William D Jones Enterpnse HomO 30 3 45 p m Break ,tom , �'�, Annual Conference & EXPO, March 8 10; 2006, Monterey d 8 30 -9 45Fa, r ` ' SessioiA�pT `i Housing Pro and Density Steiribeck For changes in opportunities and�l E implementing pro; - - Because of the wa, may be granting it I T may find- it,diteul h redevelopment inc rbe basic Lqu, nem czamplesofprogn Moderator: V1 M David Kroot Pare Speakers: i, " Barbara Kautz, Attot Robert Brown"', Comi 'City of San Raf iel - f Thomas ,Casey,Direc Annual Conferen Concurrent Sessions , Session B Use of Housing Alliance in Poway ,. S 4t6lPut Positive Emphasis on�Affordable tion, Iiiclusioiiaty Housing`, H Housing ruses',, E _ Ferrante'Roam Agency staff recognized,that the public perception and state's d na=ry bonus law present both `' ' uiidcretanding�o�affordablc housing in rts community lenges for i`edevelopment agencies 'ia° `' . .was lirnitcd aria biased? "llrey chosetomount an effort to ' azca housing productimi rcquirements + += change this:peiception using public relations tools'an`d media . .,. ,- : :. ttves never intended to'pro'videand ` w whom their Housing prggrani'served,ard create a more accurate - require;that a density bonus project meet - ° ° undcrstanding of what affordable housing providesto the , mazy requirements The�panel will discuss c community The multiyear effort involved forining a housing,, ; of the new;denairybonps law, provide ,- ' a alliance polling analysis,`platform development, website creation, tFtat can take advantage of the law while, m media placements guest editorials, and the formation of a speaker - -goveriiinent goals, and discuss how'ro.; ,`- - - - bureau. The messages developed emphasize the economic -- . lave seemingly inconsistent requirements.. d development and quality of life advantages of providing housing ' - for working families and seniors er, Goldfarb & Lipmanll M Moderators ' '' F F'Deborah Johnson ,Dtrector ofRedevelopment Services, Poway i "Redevelo mentA enc' •'" s, .s.r { k 6 Speakers:`,-­ Y r t` " -- : :Ingrid Alverdc, Housing Program Manager Poway; )r of Homeownership Services BRIDGE R Redevelopment Agency r1 ''� L Lewis Mtchaeison Vice President Ka tz &Associ'ates , , ' - `- ., , lt� ' Session C` Jump - Starting Small Agency, ' Implementatlon Fin ancing and Marketing - '� ! !Bonsai B Ballroom ' ' , ,nis panelwill discuss issues and' constraints that small agency ( " t ! 'decision makers must confrontiii order to secure`the goals and ! t i ' f objectives for wwhichnc� agency was formed. Specific examples - and cases' will'be discussed by the actual decision maker or parttcipacit to highlight no[ only [he;potential obstacles that must beyovercome,.but also the" saherentopportumties and benefits that ?' can be secured with knowledge amid efcanvity (and "sorne'luck!)..ry I e ;The critical framework of creating winning formulas that address a L$ e ; financial anddevelopment`al issues bor so are always cognizant .q o ofthe operational and political d all case discussions. Panelists will share their essential thoughts create a and' a few notable cases to c r � t "( �.; ,• ' ; f � -v , E F' k e t ! 3 f �'+ i i r } � � tf 3 ` i � 1 —i .�' i ` P " t + t,^ f ,f ,t .� r r l �, 7 : 1;2 •, { ,? , T , c a' i { ' {` 1 3 r t r x 4 Moderator ' 11 00 a.m. 12 15$`p m Concurrent,Sess>.ons '- iven Vice President PiperJaffra} ; - ' - "Eric J Scr Session A: Replacing Your;Boomers Speaker's:. ., '.: fd" €; ;.} i,e ti John Donlevy Jr, City M maser „etry ofwraiers Effective Succession Planning Case Studies Baubara McCurdy' Marty, Economic Development Manager, City. Steinbech'Forum '.' •- of Hanford ' °`, + - Henry Hesling Jr EconomtdRedevelopment'Director, City of Thus session will explore the successful approaches taken'by Anaheim and Roseville to'.identify candidates for recruitment ` . �. t' 'and for romoaon to ositions ofhi her.res onsibili oirtheic 9145 — 10.00 a.in Break , staffs to re lace rearing senior staff. The cities'. representatives will describe chebackground ;circumstances that led them to develop 10:00 10.45"a.m. General Session” their systems. Agencies cf any size will benefit from these case stu ies An Agency Challenge =Replacing YOUrr ' d Moderator Retirin Bab Boomers,- " y Anne Moore, Executhic Director, Sacramento Housing and StetnbeCk FOr g ZpY2 � Redevelopment Agencyi , This session will focus on dealing with the crisis of leadership Speakers " rein, publ c, agencystaffingcausedbythenumberofbaby, boomersLisaAchenTrainingBc ,DevelopmentbhnagerCity o £Roseville eli ible'to retire:This is an acutei toblem forGalifornia `'' " a ` - " g ` p Representative City of Analieitn (TBA)i redevelopment agencies and one we must prepare for no The _. speaker, Lynne'Lancaster, is a recognized experton generational` ' Session "B`: Downtown 1011 The Value of 8iffercnccs and on'stratcgies for succession planning, recruitment, EdUCahort and Citizen Parttclpation in,, -- and retention of employees from diffcrcnt generations ` Lynne : 'Creating COmmUIllty Based ReVltahZatloll has bee i fcamred in", maga inc and on numerous radio and f.� + c f <•r TV piogr',ams including CNN, °CNBC, and the Today Show. Her g .Pro rariis °presentation will enlighten, entertain, and challenge us to FgYYI{I1teRo0n3 strategically about the workforce of the future�i - " The City of Sierra Madre orglnized and deliveria an educational , Moderator;- - ' series at the front end of a downtown phuming.pxrocess, including i Greg Devereaux; Chy Manager,'Ontario, and President, CPA ' t„ ' ,:. ., „ , , ... ; . an 8- course and 1 tour`program offered publiclyjtfi'rough the ; ,Speaker:.. - . ., i. - City's Community Service Department and endorsed by the, - Z _Lynne Lancaster, Partner, Bridge Works, and eo. author of When California Downtown"Association. This, session will'focus mi " - Gene, ationr Collide; Ifho She Are.•Why They Uish. How to, Solve „ the experiences and perspectives of the consultant, city staff, city y the Ge+ierntioru+l Puzzle at Work 'Y x "''s { - council and citizen planner emphasizing positives "and negatives lessons Learned add outconiesiof this communttyinvoivement f 10:45 =1100 'a`.'m Break " approach to downtown revitahvaaon _ . Moderator- Suzanne - "' RynnefCommunity Planner,, Consiilti Speakers `Fled Wesley, AIA Pre`sidept PBWS Ar'chitec'ts, " , Kurt Christianson AICP Community- Development Director ;' - - City of Yorba Linda ` f , i £ ' Tonla Torres Mayor Pro Tem'City of Sierra Madre M 5 )+ ` I ` California Redevelopment Association , a e, q t� ( ,.. 3 ! tli • r .r r �.j� :: t p, i rPl min r 3, ir! l y 4 f + < - '� , S „r r�{l��f,�,�j ar f ``,J�L� a(. •. ,v+'Y t L(' fl ��r+"�'a�v P4 ,!_.� ,,.,..+- ..1 �.., .,...I.�.a.... .--.i• ::.x_...s__. '..m Session,C Hot Topics in Brownfields.Reuse 1'2;30 2:15 p m ''Luncheon r Bonhii'Raom Dellnza Ballroom This session will focus on the hurdles that arc. now popping 1.30 - 1.45 p tu Annual Business Meeting F up and sonic of the potential solutions rel,aidmg reuse of r, ' '* ;, _ .. i ' ,-contaminatecqntaminatc pI rop erties, the panel will address new laws; recent Deflnza Ballroom - case lai'v,'rebulatrons.and strategies, public participation strategies institutional controls'and -how-to track them, new case law;on 1:45 . 2:30 p m._,LUncheon'AddresS insurance coverage ,new 8tate,clearm levels and new te, nical the High Cost of Free Parking, initiatives. " DeAnza Ballroom- t' Moderator f Presiding:,, + ' ! ` Leah Goldberg Senior of Counsel' Meyers Nave Rback'Silver = ' G"regDeveiuiuz President,CRA 1, -... Speakers:' Professor Donald Shoup, Department of Urban Planning, CRA Brown6elds Co nmittec Members School of Public Affairs; University "of California at Los :11:00 a m 12 30 p m =BllS tOUr or i r Angeles and Author of The High Cost o f Free Paikinj ' Marina's Strateg7c Develop ment:Center, u � . ,� �' �', .; 9 redevelopment'projects -in City of Marmaand at Fort Ord This center is a one stop shop from initial negotiations through h entitlements construction build out and transition to thee. r .& jj(y, yy ft ji existing community .the center employ`s a director and `project s ,r „r j„ X ; „t i� r managers dedicated tq each`projeict to work directly with strategic development partnerstsuch as piivate developers development .a ?p s,, S^,• a '`•.. ? �-, . services consultants* and financial'�and legal consultants; providin g _ __ ' �'„ `� P'' •' i `' _ • - 54 o- a .. world class development reviewservices to deliver protectsoil time and ion budget. En route to Mazma, the owned bu "s tour ' „� t -. will s t` redevelopment ,pmjec[s "ac'Fort'Ord and in the'C�ty of i t =r� k f tit .'r r. ' The Marina.` "`„ - M �H�yh Cost f h , of 4 V,h arfw 4A �d �� � � 11 � ♦ P •i i .Y, 1 tr @�` p'a1��411 j , N0 p r' �y 4� Ij) ry f _,. t? ' k,t r h� f s;r , L of 4 x r f Annual©gn reneer &E-XPO,March8 10�2006,M6 nterey * "mss # 2:3 U —,:6: UU P Serra Ballroo; Join with your colleagues in allfacets of the''rcdevcl portunny to lea a I, :.x i about the numerous firms and services'available to assistiedevelr Exhibitors'locations are .listed: :in the schematic drawing., Presideiitial"Exhibitors Cahforriia Exhibitors 112 Imemaiional ParkinkDeiign, I ❑eq,. y " ` 41 S lainbie`e Housing o oration 614 /616 AMCAL'Multi Housmg, Inc 214 AmeriNan onal Commum ty o 503 Arcadis G, &M , Servces, Inc 116 KDF Communmes LLC 700/702 Bank of Ainenca s�. �• 208 Associated Right of Way Sernees t� 213 Kmsell; Tewcomb & De Dios Inc: t ... Inc. .": 405 KOMEX 302/304 Century Housing ".507 BAR Arc}itects - "- ' 406/307 Festival -Com anies,'ihe S1 Los Angeles Commumty Design P' 401 Brown and Caldwell ' Center. ` 107 /109 Forest City'Development r ! , 502 BTI Appraisal t , �• r u 206 McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners , 514/516 Hares &.7lssocratcs 509 Cahforna Building Inih _ t mi6es r 113 Meyers;'Nave Riback,'Sdvcr &Wilson` 317/416 Henry'Nunez Coordinated Land Association 203 Miller BrooksEnvtromnental . _ ,Services' F . 708 California. Environmental y301 Mogavero Notesnne Associates , , ,Redeveopment l Fun d)LLG 414/315 LINC Housmg a# - 207 Nmyo' &Moore 704 , Lennar Communities 405.California Housing Finance Agency, 303.0.R. Cohn Associates 108 MBIA`MumServices Com an 505 Cherokee investment Partners LLC 404 P &D Consultants _- 1 : - P Y x 115 Chong Partners Architecture tx ' —, 105 Paragon Parmcrs Ltdi ,.,. 602/604 McDonough Holland and Allen PC ' -114 Cytigrouy'Global Markets 11710 Phoenix Realty Grniip 201/300 Mecky Myers & Associates Relocation 517 Clayton Group Services 05 Public Management 519 Community Builders Group a 012 Quad Knopf Inc ' . r 306/308 Olson Company'tle ommnit D namics'Inc 215 RBF Consulting • ,� t , 506/508 Overland, Pacific &Cutler Inc.' nc 209 Desmond, Ma rcello &Amster =117 Radian:Assct Assurance Inc t 314/316 Related Companies of Cdhforrua;"Ihc 402 Downtown Solutions v , . 212 Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc i,''712/714 USA Pro crhes Fund; Inc X409 De L "aR❑sa & Cn ,' , '' ` P,_ 106 RRM Design Group`;w t X504 Economic Research Associates i 217 SCS Eiigmecrs 305 Field I 1 Rolapp &Associates i '- S01 Simpson Housing Solutions LLCP s� 400 Gafcon, Inc i y r t 500 Southern C iliforma Housmg y 706 Genesis Engineering &:� Develo'pment Corp' r r ` t' Redevelopment LLC "Y a t a, � - 413 Stone &Youngberg LLC 216 , Goldfarb & Lipman • _ 1 618 TELAGU ` 1312 Graphic Solutions Ltd. ''6061 RC Solutions Inc';`° w m I,. x.r 403 HLA Group, Landscape Architects 00-0 _�' .: 204'Universal Field Sernms lnc &Planners Inc "Ihe '�1 r _ 417 Housing& Communit king Consultants ' 513 W er'Par Development Departi ent ppt g Wedbush Morgan Secunnes ,r v is } f 110lnternational Council of Sho m daii Group of C6mpam IN! -6 00 Will es 1}te n. Centers. .. _ z w j i t $ California Redevelopment Association !,, .d %v,,..t�f .¢3 ,.� .,71• 8 30 -9 45 a m Concurrent Sessions S Speakers- ` '� -•f "' �' 9 r{? ; • '. ,3 ° °Jerry Hunt, President, Blake Hunt Ventracs Session A 'Surve in Best Practices to <` ' ' ' ImPiOVe�LoCal herfOT'i17anCe . ' ,- , M Michael.Churchill, Esq., Kromck, Moskovit , -, iedemann &: `Steihbeck Forurrm r G raid r G , _ u ,5 An independent`study.for the L ; S _Agency i ' -- a r ' - ` B Bonsai Ballroom : S This session will explain and explore the different options .: key challenges facing the Long Beachagency`.Tliis session,will , twa redevelopment agency,to access the capital markets -' highlight. the smdy's',best pracaces'survey process and results a , „available t ` how the survey topics and the'agenaes to be surveyed were : :Certificates of Participation (COP); assessment'districts, the , chosen, the key findings about best practices in the comparison v v Iiifrastrucnire State Revolving Fund, etc The presentation will be . - {, • tadorcd,m` tbo "seat interm`ediate, levels iwho need'more guidance, •. e ^regarding accessing the capital markets: I study are =quite relevant to other'redevelopmedt agencies and for . .1V1oderator: ' 'illuminating trends and patterns of redevelopment in California. - - '- - Moderator ' Tina Axehad Pnnci al Clarion'Asso la ees` . - :San' i • - p eve H t . q &. Rauth '. Agenry;, C - J Jim Young, Program Manager Infrastructure State' Revolving Jrm'LoBue Redevdopment Coordinator Ciry'of San Diego ; l l Fund Program Redevelopment Agency ' ' ` ! ' x ' ' Jim Fabian, Ptiii6pal,`Fie,ldman,Rolap'p Session B Case study of San Jose's Plaza'de 9 9545 - 10:00ia.m. Brea San Jose ; �,.Ferrante,Room a., ` -llns case study will describe the'ienaissanc_e of_a mostly3atmo ` - shopping . district, featuring architectural elements from Central Mexico, creannl, an active pedestrian environment cultural. ' ' ' ,- M „ii: f ,i y' + yt'y r i' a _- ,.:. M ico based retailers. The ' f , Bi ` ges m implemcnting'ihe,prolect including expensive and challcn i i �comp lezaite assemblage, the requirement ttirelocate existing on Y n5- General session 3 We Wm or•Lose�,- q ,: r .:z an m Kela'vt. New London led activities resultmg, in' efforts fo _ by'pubhc enuties� ais session , iortsan what they mean.to local e; 4 a a . z rvs Donough Holland &'Allen., _ ..i ..hail; Senate Local Governm en't bl s marks Ontario and President CRA "i r ':a.. 'r the � v � w � 1 t" 4 r e{'f }u 1�6• L, 10:00: = 11.,15 'a:m General session 11 30 a.m: .12:30 p rr Building Support for Redevelopment 'Ihe Kelo Dedsioii: D, Steinbeck Forum v 4 Steinbeck Forum ' ,,,. - -.,,. .. " ,, ' yttBm ing commumty;supportfgr redevelopment projects .has, . The Su reme_Court 2005 decisi p ".° been and will continue to be -one the major challenges for a tolegislativefiearmgs andoth'er {, +., redevelopment agenciesTFie media's negative- and'inaccgrate .__ limittheuseiofemineni,dia coverage of the Kelo'decision on eminent domain will only 'will review the status of these el r -serve to compound'that�'challenge.'ihis sess+on:wtll provide the , '. government :� , { , .highlights and key lessons learned from three recent ind one omg ' {' 1VIoderator efforts for buildin ' su' ort for redevelo meat` ro ects: - :: g pp P P J i "' Brent Hawkins, Sharchold'er M -� i :•, The -Long Beach. Redevelopment Agency's research study ., :. ., :, ,. ,. .r,,Speekers - which showcd,thc importance of improving community 'State Senator Christine Kehoe , r outreach to broaden the range of community involvement 4f -". ,. ,. . ` Committee, ;State Senate;(Invit + and of adopting a consistent and transparent project selection State Senator'Tom Torlakson (] = and performance�measurement process totbuild community "arid David Joiiei -Imatm Jones A understanding support - ` .• The APA award - winning pubhc outreach`prognura in Chula 12 30 p.m'. Closing RI Vista to build support for itsb ayfronrredevelop'mentprolect ;Greg Devereaux City Manager a tivo- yearjo:mt planning effort with ehe`Port ofSan Diego = r f •' ` " +' + ' Adjournment ., ,. ' -� :• The City of Claremont s experience with chamber of commerce, city, and agency relationships and their.impact on I redevelopment and cconomic'dc`velopmem , Moderator. 4 +i' - John Shir`cy, Executive Director; CRA r; v S k` f F m Y n5- General session 3 We Wm or•Lose�,- q ,: r .:z an m Kela'vt. New London led activities resultmg, in' efforts fo _ by'pubhc enuties� ais session , iortsan what they mean.to local e; 4 a a . z rvs Donough Holland &'Allen., _ ..i ..hail; Senate Local Governm en't bl s marks Ontario and President CRA "i r ':a.. 'r the � v � w � 1 t" 4 r e{'f }u 1�6• L, Andrew J. Nelson Senior Associate WaromofAssociates'` Laurie Madigan Community Development Director ,i Chula Vista Dr: Scott Miller Assistant Executive Director,.Claremont - - Redevelopment Agency 11:15 -11:30 a.m. Break A 'r 4 +i' f F m � L 4 , y! hw {x "U 5 , F Cal Y n5- General session 3 We Wm or•Lose�,- q ,: r .:z an m Kela'vt. New London led activities resultmg, in' efforts fo _ by'pubhc enuties� ais session , iortsan what they mean.to local e; 4 a a . z rvs Donough Holland &'Allen., _ ..i ..hail; Senate Local Governm en't bl s marks Ontario and President CRA "i r ':a.. 'r the � v � w � 1 t" 4 r e{'f }u 1�6• L, i , M, CU3 i � I , Presidential Level California Level �� ' A °.'C Lazzaretto' &Associate's „ Bank of America Ashwood Construction, Inc =Y Best, B es t &rKriege Krieger LL P The Festival Corrpanies - Brandywine' Homes Brown, Winfield'& Camoneri Inc: Field Paoli Architects t , '.. CSG Advisors Inc. Goldfarb &.I pmari LL P ^ r." _D iog'' HA Consult Forest City Development Jones Hall, Professloral Law Corporation ` •Fraser &Associates - Gardner, Underwood & Bacon LLC ` Ke ser_Marst6n Assocfates;`Inc } Graphic Solutions 1VIBIA MuniS "ervtces`Company Green de Bortnowsky & QuantanIlla LLP x _ _ HdI� Companies w 1VIcDonough•Holland 8&`Allen PC xiggi s, Marcns &Lovett, Inc , Ja mboree Housing Corporation `= Meyers, Nave,, back;`Sllver- &,W1lsony c'Kane; Ballmer &Berkman KDF Communities --'Overland, pacific Sz Cutler, Irie, Kelling, Norchcross & Nobnga Law Offices of Karhryn =R'u- RBC Dam- Rausche`r;,, nic � - Murphy, &Davis,LLP. ! -Phoenix Realty Group i "Ihe Related Companies of California ,piper Jaffray Richards, Watson &,Gersho i. RBF:Consulting Seif, i Consulting Sanli, Pastore & Aill Urban Futures Van Blarcom, Leibold,`McClendon & Mann n Stradling, Yocca „Carlson & Rauth The Willdaii Grou of Com anies -, ��• 44 .43.., p p, i _ IT T '. ile v,, a' i, fill Ei'4 {Jy+� i i, :, e,x,ti ..”. ry t , rz •, "i i z z. ' S �Con£erence:Re rsxratiori ` �•h HOt'el'InfOYmailOn '�.s < i Y• $ ir�',s 't o, t , - �Conference registration materials can be pic6ed up at the�registratlon desk outside tine 4 Portol2 Plaza Hotel DeAnza Ball oom starting Wednesday March 8 be inni at 8 00 a.m. 2 Portola`Plaza ,: 'ii i a .r,�, i , Monterey CA 93940 '- Transpo m rtation Inforation (831) 649 4$11,` or „�SSB� 222 -$8$1 ;`Moncroy Peninsula Airport (M RY) is 10 nunutes from tha Portola Ploaa C - , • `San Jose Airport (SJC) is "'I br. hours away j f ., Rates Single/Double S168 For driving directions`from au :points m Cahfonua go'to Group room rates'ava 1able:unti1Te6. 4; 2006 www pormlaplazahotel.co w t Room na 10.05%, - What to Wear , a Parkin per days i Business casual'httire Bring a sweater or�a l et to assure comfort ww v porrolaplazahotel coin ' s P v u r 's.. r'a� A, tion +t., , •t ` ii, ,i `Contact JudvJennemann at (9 i6) 448 =8760 of email tje nemann @calredei elop.org. r 4' ,:) y s{ 4k ..,^ i I * ;, it, .rj rat w? 11 till, , ,,Annual Conference &'EXPO'March 8 10 2006 Monterey 4_° ”