CDC - Item 2 - Minutes 02-28-06• • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION February 28, 2006 Chairman Imperial called the regular meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission to order at 7:05 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. Commissioner Tran led the pledge to the flag and Commissioner Clark led the invocation. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Commissioners Clark, Nunez, Tran, Vice-Chairman Taylor, Chairman Imperial Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES None CDC RESOLUTION NO. 2006-05 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Agency for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-05 CLAIMS AND-DEMANDS A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF S 85,664.48 DEMANDS NO. 7797 THROUGH 7802 A motion was made by Commissioner Tran with a second by Commissioner Nunez that the Commission adopt Resolution No. 2006-05 for payment of Commission expenditures. Vote resulted: Aye: Clark, Imperial, Nunez, Taylor, and Tran No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered INFORMATION REGARDING SALE OF TAX ALLOCATION BONDS SERIES 2006A CDC_Min_2_28_06.doc Puge I of 3 Diana 1-lue reported that the bond sale will close on March 9. The city achieved a savings of 5.75 % which will result in a savings of $537,000 (approximately $180,00 per year). About $5.45 million in new money will be made available for redevelopment purposes. Insurance was provided by AMBAC for approximately $200,000. The insurance boosted the bond's rating from Triple B + to Triple A. 3. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH REMODEL OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS Assistant City Manager Don Wagner outlined council chambers recommended improvements: Chamber Redecoration: $100 - $150,000 New Dais: $50,000 - $100,000 Sound System: up to $75,000 Commissioner Nunez requested that the new audio system be able to project City Council meeting audio to staff offices. Ideas for the voting system were also discussed. The City of Walnut was referenced as having a good timer system for public speakers. Commissioner Nunez also requested the dais be wired for laptops, integrating PowerPoint presentations. Utilizations of laptops might facilitate a paperless agenda. Vice-Chairman Taylor and Chairman Imperial felt that laptop/electronic device operation during meetings might be distracting to audience members. A wireless audio system for the hearing impaired was also discussed. It was determined that it best to wire during the remodel with a decision about laptop use being made at a future meeting. Changing the shape of the dais to one that is more curved allowing council members the ability to see the audience, each other, staff and vice versa was discussed. Commissioner Tran asked how long the sound system update would take. It was indicated the update would take at least 6 months, but might vary if the remodel was done in stages. Vice-Chairman Taylor supported the audio and the voting system update but expressed concern over the cost of the dais remodel. Commissioner Clark requested a modified dais shape (not a true horseshoe). Commissioner Tran made a motion with a second by Commissioner Nunez that the Commission directs staff to sign a letter agreement with Onyx Architects to remodel the Council Chambers including a new audio system. CDC-Min _2_28_06.doc Paee 2 of 3 0 • Vote resulted: Aye: Clark; Imperial, Nunez, and Tran No: Taylor Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 4. AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO, MARCH 8-10,2006, MONTEREY CALIFORNIA The following was presented to the Agency for adoption: that the Commission authorizes the attendance of any Commissioner, the Executive Director and staff designees. Vote resulted: Aye: Clark, Imperial, Nunez, Taylor and Tran No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 5. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS None 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The next meeting will take place on March 14, 2006 at 7:00 PM. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Commission Secretary CHAIRMAN CDC_Min_2_28_06.doc Page 3 of 3