Housing - Item 2C - 2006-07 Housing Development Corp. Budget0 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANDREW C. LAZZARETTO, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 27, 2006 SUBJECT: 2006-07 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BUDGET SUMMARY Attached for consideration is a copy of Resolution No. 2006-02 adopting the 2006-07 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Budget. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Directors of the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation approve the 2006-07 Housing Development Corporation Budget by adopting Resolution No. 2006-02. ANALYSIS The 2006-07 Annual Budget includes expenditures of $795,900, with total funds available of $799,834, resulting with an ending fund balance of $3,934. The budget document presented for adoption was presented at the Budget Study Session held on June 6. 2006. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted DirectorAT Finance & MIS Attachment A: Resolution No. 2006-02 APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0;1r , ITEM NUMBER: 0 0 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. 2006-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COROPORATION OF THE CITY. OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNT BUDGETED WHEREAS, an Annual Budget for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007 was submitted to the Housing Development Directors and is on file in the City Clerk's office. NOW, THEREFORE, THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget is adopted as the Annual Budget of the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007. Section 2. There is hereby appropriated to each account set forth in the "Summary of Expenditures by Category" of said budget attached hereto, and made a part hereof as though fully set forth and the Executive Director is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted therefore without prior written approval of the Executive Director. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 27th day of June, 2006 President, Rosemead Housing Development Corporation ATTEST: Corporation Secretary ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SUMMARY OF FUND BALANCE RESOURCES: Funds Available at July 1 Transfers from. Redevelopment Agency Housing Set-Aside Fund Rental Income Miscellaneous Revenue Total Funds Available EXPENDITURES: Administrative Expenditures Special Project Expenditures Rehabilitation Expenditures Total Expenditures FUND BALANCE AT JUNE 30 2005-06 2006-07 Projected Budget $430,334 $138,534 0 250,000 405,600 405,600 5,700 5,700 $841,634 $799,834 $233,100 $236,900 470,000 559,000 0 0 $703,100 $795,900 $138,534 $3,934