CDC - Item 2B - Minutes 10-24-060 • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION October 24, 2006 Chairman Taylor called the regular meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. Commissioner Vice-Chairman Nunez led the pledge to the flag and Chairman Taylor led the invocation. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Commissioners Clark, Imperial, Tran, Vice-Chairman Nunez, Chairman Taylor' Absent: None 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR The following consent calendar was presented to the agency for approval: A. Resolution No. 2006-23 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2006-23, for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $9,540.00 demands 8001 through 8009. B. Minutes June 13, 2006 - Regular Meeting September 12, 2006 - Regular Meeting Commissioner Tran made a motion with a second by Vice-Chairman Nunez to approve Consent Calendar items A and B above. Vote resulted: Yes: Clark, Imperial, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CDC Minutes 10-24-06 Page 1 of 5 • • 3. MATTERS FROM THE CHAIRMAN & COMMISSIONERS None 4. MATTERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & STAFF A. Financial Update Redelopment & Economic Development Manager Saike briefly introduced the opportunity to refinance existing outstanding bonds. Chairman Taylor requested a detailed memo with background information and asked why the refinance of these monies did not take place last year, along with the other money that was refinanced. Agency Attorney Wallin explained that the law has changed to make the additional refinance possible. Executive Director Lazzaretto presented Steven Gortler of Piper Jafray, who explained that previous laws in effect up until the end of last year prohibited the refunding of monies that were due more than 50 years after the formation of the project area. The bonds currently in question are due to mature in 2033. Project Area 1 was formed in 1972. SB1069 amended the previous law to allow the additional refinance. If the Rosemead Community Development Commission refinances $23 million in bonds issued in 1993, the savings of a 1% lower interest rate could yield a savings of $165,000 annually. However, due to interest rate fluctuations, the savings may vary and in fact, by the end of the bond term, an annual savings might not be achieved. Executive Director Lazzaretto will work with the Piper Jaffray team to bring back the proposal for review and possible action in the future. B. General Plan Update and "Mixed Use" Workshop The City of Rosemead Planning Department has been holding a series of workshops with the Planning Commission which included a presentation to the Commission on the status of the General Plan update and examples of "mixed use" projects that are being developed within and outside of California. Staff has been working with our consultant, EDAW to formulate proposed changes to our General Plan and development codes. Planning Department staff has also begun researching appropriate mixed-use design standards to assist in drafting a new set of design guidelines that will ultimately be incorporated into our updated General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Recommendation: That the Community Development Commission provide input and feedback on the issues presented and provide additional CDC Minutes 10-24-06 Page 2 of 5 • • comments, to allow staff to continue with processing the various elements of the updated General Plan and begin developing new mixed-use design guidelines. Planning Director Johnson, discussed the "Mixed Use" concept, which will have a major impact in the appearance of the City of Rosemead for the next 20 years in terms of density, building height and the areas to be developed. He distributed current proposals from developers awaiting approval. The Commission was asked to give input about general plan updates that will bring vibrancy and excitement to the community with "Mixed Used" development. The current guidelines were established in 1986 which allow a maximum 14 units per acre; however, with today's land value, developers are requesting 30 to 100 units per acre. Planning Director Johnson introduced Consultant Lisa Brownfield of EDAW to seek direction from the Commission. Her presentation focused on showing examples of various density projects from Pasadena to San Diego that adopted "Mixed Use" concepts. She stressed the success of a "Mixed Use" project is dependent on good design standards and guidelines and on the use of high quality materials and architectural design. Some features identified as important include a: • strong pedestrian linkage between different structure uses in the form of covered walkways and landscaped areas; • privately accessed residence entrances; • separation of automobile and pedestrian circulation; • separate, designated parking area for residents; and an • attractive ground floor to encourage walking. Ms. Brownfield stressed enforcement of guidelines after adoption instead of Councilmembers bending rules for developers requesting exceptions. The initial presentation went until 8 p.m. and reconvened after the Council meeting at 9:40 p.m. Planning Director Johnson reported SB1818, the "Density Bonus Law", adopted last year which requires the City to give up three concessions if the developer adds affordable housing units at up to 35% of the density limit set by the City. Examples of concessions include: a lower parking ratio, rear yard set-back requirement waived, and design criteria waived. In Rosemead, adjacency to R-1 zones homes is a key issue. To encourage Mixed Use development, Director Johnson recommended lower parking standards. Both Commissioner Imperial and Chairman Taylor expressed concern about the parking reductions, especially if visitors/guests are factored in. Commissioner Tran commented the overall parking ratio may be acceptable for future CDC Minutes 10-24-06 Page 3 of 5 • development. E Commissioner Nunez asserted projects should integrate with the public transportation system. Ms. Brownfield advocated the creation of Mixed Use districts/nodes which would encourage shared parking spaces between projects in the same area. This might be achieved through an "in-lieu fee" used to purchase land for. additional parking. Planning Director Johnson presented proposed projects in Rosemead for Commission review.The cost of placing utilities underground may be an issue at some of the sites: 1) Del Mar (North of Garvey between Garvey and Hellman) 2) Rosemead Blvd. and Guess Street (Southeast corner) 3) Del Mar and Garvey (Northeast corner) 4) Mission and Rosemead 5) Rio Hondo and Valley (Southeast corner) 6) Temple City and Valley Chairman Taylor expressed concern about privacy issues for R-1 zoned homes; set- back requirements may be a solution. Commissioner Clark expressed concern about the lack of open space in some of the designs presented and asked where children will play. Ms. Brownfield commented the Commission could require appropriate open spaces as part of the adopted guidelines. Current regulations don't factor in a lot of issues inherent in Mixed Use projects, hence the request for updated guidelines. Planning Director Johnson advocated the adoption of updated parking guidelines and standards to make the City "developer friendly". Chairman Taylor expressed concern about liberal use of "in-lieu" fees for green space requirements as it might take years to build enough funds to purchase an open area and develop it. Commissioner Clark urged caution before approving large scale projects. Chairman Taylor asked for an update on the proposed seven story project at the Northwest corner of San Gabriel and Valley. Planning Director Johnson indicated the developer is still in the process of purchasing existing structures and relocating tenants. The Commission agreed that the minimum square footage for "Mixed Use" development should be 20,000 and primary Mixed Use development should take place CDC Minutes 10-24-06 Page 4 of 5 0 0 on Valley Blvd., Garvey Ave., Del Mar Ave., San Gabriel Blvd. and Rosemead Blvd. 4. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Commission Secretary CHAIRMAN CDC Minutes 10-24-06 Page 5 of 5