CDC - Item 3 - Ciscussion Of City Hall Remodeling OptionsPAR. Rosemead Community Development Commission RCDC 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEME~D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: BILL CROI r. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 5, 2005 RE: DISCUSSION OF CITY HALL REMODELING OPTIONS At the April 26th meeting, the Commission discussed five options regarding the remodel and renovation of City Hall. The architect was directed to return with a revised Scheme D showing four Council offices instead of five, the reconfiguration of the elevator to the lobby area, the downstairs restrooms made ADA accessible and the remodeling and refurbishing of the Council Chambers. Attached is a memorandum from the architect and a set of nine drawings that respond to the requested information. The Council offices are arranged so that an additional fifth office can be added. The drawings show three optional locations for the elevator. The basement drawing shows a consolidation of the two sets of restrooms into two larger men's and women's. Additionally, the Council chambers dais has been remodeled into a horseshoe configuration. The cost of the various options range from a low of $500,000 for a basic renovation to $3,250,000 that includes offices, elevator and ADA compliance. Once the Commission determines their desired course of action, including selection of remodel program elements, staff will have the architect prepare the scope of work and architectural services contract for final approval by the Commission. COMNIIISSION AGENDA JUL L2,2& ITEM No. 19, o~ YX SUMMARY OF CITY HALL RENOVA'T'IONS City of Rosemead, California Prepared by Onyx Architects, 12 July 2005 Onvx Architects has responded to a directive by the Rosemead City Council to provide study and cost information on specific renovations and addition elements. These study items are: • An addition to accommodate 4 or 5 new council offices • A new elevator to accommodate staff and the general public, accessed from the main lobby • Renovation of the council chamber, including the construction of a new Dais for council and staff • Basement restroom renovations to ADA standards • General renovations to the interior and exterior of the existing structure Council Offices: Currently an office within the existing administrative area of the building has been designated for Council use, provisionally for the mayor's office. The architects have designed a new suite of four council offices, arranged so that if a fifth office is needed it may be built. Each of the offices is designed to be identical in area and configuration with the others. A private entrance is provided for the off hour convenience of council personnel. The design was specifically created to provide the most accommodating office arrangement that would still work within a reasonable budget, and that would be in concert with the style of the existing building. Elevator: Council has requested that the architect review and make recommendations on an interior elevator installation. Onyx has shown two such schemes (labeled "B" and "C" in the exhibits), the first located at the northwest side of the lobby (which takes up some of the back corner of the council chambers), and the second location which occupies the current Recording Space room. Onyx reviewed every adjacent area to the main lobby space and found that most of the potential elevator locations interfered with exiting stairs, important circulation patterns, recently remodeled rest-rooms, or compromised the overall structural integrity of the building. Onyx is not recommending that the elevator be located in locations other then those illustrated due to the cost and effort of mitigating these concerns. . The advantages to the interior elevator location schemes are as follows: • Elevator is readily accessible to most of the present and future functions and spaces of the building. • The elevator may be monitored by personnel at the reception counter. Disadvantages are: • Difficult structural issues will be encountered at the new elevator pit, the opening through the concrete first floor slab, and with creating over-run space at the roof. O N Y X A R C H I T E C T S V 626.405. 8001 16 NORTII MARIN(-.o No. 701) F 626.405. 8150 PASAOE.CA. CAnF00.CIA WWW.ONYXARCHITECTS.COAt 91101 OIL YX Mechanical and electrical systems will be disrupted (and will need re-routing) with this work. City business would be disrupted in a major way within the building. Because of the level of difficulty, the need for more hand labor, and the limitation of the type of elevator system that may be used, this approach would be the most expensive to accomplish There is a reasonable option (shown as scheme "A") for providing a new elevator that is outside of the envelope of the existing building. The design shown locates this elevator adjacent to the entrance of the new council office suite. The advantages to the elevator location outside of the existing envelope are as follows: • Elevator construction and installation would be greatly simplified. • The elevator may be situated to disrupt the basement spaces as little as possible • Elevator construction would be less disruptive inside. Disadvantages are: • It is more difficult to monitor an elevator that is positioned further away from the reception desk. • This configuration would cause for square footage to be constructed and maintained. It is anticipated that the reception area would need to be relocated (with security features), or provided with video monitors to regulate public use of the elevator. Council Chambers renovations: The existing council dais is replaced by modified horseshoe dais casework, which allows council better line-of-site with administration and the public. A new sound system and voter board is also planned. General renovations include lighting upgrades, renovation of public seating, and new carpeting, paint, and wall-covering. Basement ADA issues: Assorted existing restroom and changing facilities are consolidated into larger Men's and Women's rooms which also accommodate the disabled. These configurations are based partly on existing plumbing, and are subject to a different designed based on the elevator location. General Remodeling: This scope of work includes • New floor surfaces throughout the facility, including durable and maintainable carpeting in the office spaces, and tile in the public lobby. • New cabinet facing at public service counters • Some new lighting at lobby and public service areas O N Y X A R C H I T E C T S V 626.405. 8001 16 Noarn MAkre co No. J60 F 626.405. 8150 PnsAn6NA. CALIFORNIA WWW.ONYxAaC111TECTS.COM 91101