CDC - Item 2 - Authorization To Atten Annual Western Division Conference Of International Council Of Shopping Centers, October 5-7, 2004, Palm SpringsARA& Rosemead Community Douolopmont Commission RCDC8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: BILL CROEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 15, 2004 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND ANNUAL WESTERN DIVISION CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS, OCTOBER 5-7,2004, PALM SPRINGS Attached.for you consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. There will be sessions on the U.S. Economy, Intemet / brick and mortar sales, Capital Markets and Co- tenancies. Commission members and staff have attended this conference and it provides an excellent opportunity to connect with retailers and developers who are interested in our market area. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Community Development Commission authorize the attendance of any Commission member, Executive Director and staff as assigned by the Executive Director. COMMISSION AGENDA JUN 2 2 2004 ITEM No. a western Division zl,o L ze ,,n.c,e. and Rc b eve 4 a r it fif �x 41 VJWW4 A Well of INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS E 9:00 — 10:00 am OPENING GENERAL SESSION The Economy — Which Way USA? Shopping center professionals from all disciplines need to know where our economy is headed. Are we in recovery, a deflationary or inflationary cycle? Will interest rates hold or rise? When and where will we see job creation and when w ill consumer confidence solidi- fy? Hear the opinions of a highly qualified and perceptive panel of economists in a lively debate on what has or will stimulate the economy and what policy alternatives are in play during the national elections. How do trade and currency exchange factors, p articularly with China and the European Union affect our economy and what does all this mean to the world of retailing? Come away with your own prediction of our near future. 10:00 — 11:00 am GENERAL SESSION e-Tailing i 1 ng — Bricks and/or Clicks? Five years ago the internet revolution was predicted to disrupt every b usiness, from manu- factuiingto entertainment to retail. Investors raced to support emerging technologies that promised to restructure supply chains, bypass middlemen and empower the consumer. All existing business models, the pundits told us, were under threat. Retailers, marketers, owners and other members of the bricks-and-mortar community were exhorted property to mutate or die. Now, five years later, we can see what actually happened and look to the future. Our panel of experts will share what strategies retailers have integrated into their business models and which experiments have worked. Don't miss this session and the opportunity to learn what the implicatio ns are for the future. J 11:00 am — 12:00 noon CONCURRENT SESSIONS A C ap ital —7 Where the Action Is rkets National REIT's command a large amount of media coverage but are not the only active players in today's market. Diverse capital sources, from private REIT's to unconventional individual and institutional lenders and investors, are creatively and aggressively doing deals. What new sources of capital are now on the scene? What are their return require ments, time horizons and key investment criteria? Come find out, as well as how sellers have positioned their assets and successfully capitalized their programs. B. Strange Bedfellows- Examples of New Co-tenancies that Work Today more than ever retailers, developers and leasing agents are trying new combinations service and civic uses to enha of retailing, food, entertainment, se enhance the consumer's experi re The result is a new combination of co- tenants that we unheard of a decade ago. ence. What i s working? What isn't? What conventional wisdom needs to be discarded and what are the new rules? E 12:00 noon — 1:00 pm LUNCHEON SERVED 1:00 — 2:00 pm KEYNOTE PRESENTATION .A. 5:30 — 7:30 pm BEER & WINE GARDEN PARTY } Enjoy premium wines and micro - brewed beers with 3,000 of your closest friends and EEI associates poolside at the Wyndham Hotel! "1 For participant and sponsorship opportunities for the Beer & Wine Garden, call Geoff Reeshind; Hughes t ,,1 Investments at (949) 759 -9531, ext. 241. 9:00 am — 5:00 pm (Wednesday, October 6) INFORMAL DEAL MAKING Take this opportunity to have a seat and talk about your deal instead of standing in the hallway. There will be unassigned tables and chairs available on a first -come, first - served basis. Have some coffee and make some deals in a comfortable environment created just for you. NOTE: Badges are required for entry! 8:30 am — 3:30 pm. REGISTRATION 8:30 — 9:30 am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST SERVED 9:00 am — 4:00 pm DEAL MAKING AND TRADE EXPOSITION Log onto www.icsc.org and click on "Meetings" then "Description" under the name of the meeting to get a copy of the Deal Making Table Request Form. Space is limited so register today! 12 noon — 1:00 pm BOX LUNCHEON SERVED 4:00 pm CONFERENCE ADJOURNS 4 Here's your chance to get your company's name in lights! We are offering Sponsorship opportunities at the Western Division Conference again this year. The exposure you will receive is invaluable! It includes getting your company's name in the program, frequent mention of your company's name on banners, table rent cards and on a video that will be run at the beginning of the general sessions and luncheon session at the meeting. If you would like to participate in this exciting marketing opportunity, call Larissa Schultz at (949) 224 -3830 or e-mail her at lschultz@icsc.org. ri COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMORANDUM FROM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 15, 2004 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 7372 - REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES 2003 -04 AND LEGAL SETTLEMENT As part of the warrant register for the Rosemead Community Development Commission of June 22, 2004, Commissioner's will consider Check No. 7372 in the amount of $1,326,220 payable to the City of Rosemead. The warrant is for annual reimbursement of City services in the amount of $1,326,220. The Annual City services payment of $1,326,220 is intended to reimburse the City of Rosemead for services provided to the Community Development Commission during fiscal year 2003 -04. As always we have provided you with supportive documentation that has been approved by the City Attorney and City Auditor. Attached is a copy of the worksheet and a sample timesheet that staff developed with the City Auditor and the City Attorney as being an acceptable method of tracking costs associated with projects and programs. . If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. BC:klo MAN, Rosemead Community Development Commission RCDC8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 1-,,_COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMORANDUM FROM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 15, 2004 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 7372 - REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES 2003 -04 AND LEGAL SETTLEMENT As part of the warrant register forthe Rosemead Community Development Commission of June 22, 2004, Commissioner's will consider Check No. 7372 in the amount of $1,326,220 payable to the City of Rosemead. The warrant is for annual reimbursement of City services in the amount of $1,326,220. The Annual City services payment of $1,326,220 is intended to reimburse the City of Rosemead for services provided to the Community Development Commission during fiscal year 2003 -04. As always we have provided you with supportive documentation that has been approved by the City Attorney and City Auditor. Attached is a copy of the worksheet and a sample timesheet that staff developed with the City Auditor and the City Attorney as being an acceptable method of tracking costs associated with projects and programs. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. BC:klo ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 07372 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT '2004 -018A CITY SVC /PROD AREA #1 0.00 947300.00' 2004 -018B CITY SVC /PROJ AREA #2 0.00 378920.00 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569 -2100 BILLED TO: TO: ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE YOUR ORDER NUMBER TERMS CONTACT PERSON MISCELLANEOUS REF 2004 -018 June 15, 2004 UPON RECEIPT K. Ogawa QUANTITY:: .... ........................ .__ _. .- : ?:PESpRIPTION :: =:.'. ' . ....... _ ...................... ............................... :UNIT:FRIO @. " ...................... :::... 'AMOUNT.. -.. _. ............. Annual Reimbursement for City Services $1,326,220.00 Fiscal Year 2003 -04 SUBTOTAL $1,326,220.00 TAX N/A $1,326,220.00 Questions concerning this invoice? MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: PAY THIS Call: Finance Department CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMOUNT Tran Code: Account: (626) 569 -2120 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Finance Department THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! CITY SERVICE INVOICE (RCDC) Fiscal Year 2004 -05 klo:cityserv.xis (200405) 2004 -05 Balance Budgeted Applicable Due Organ. Activity Expenditures Percentage To City 4100 City Council $282,290 N/A $0 4110 Administration 942,180 40.00% 376,872 4120 City Clerk 203,940 25.00% 50,985 4130 Finance 536,960 50.00% 268,480 4140 City Treasurer 300 50.00% 150 4150 City Attorney 169,260 N/A 0 4180 Buildings 576,900 30.00% 173,070 4200 Community Promotions 309,400 N/A 0 4240 City Garage 38,800 25.00% 9,700 4300 Law Enforcement 5,365,050 N/A 0 4310 Parking Control 207,060 N/A 0 4320 Crossing Guards 132,510 N/A 0 4330 Animal Regulation 82,000 N/A 0 4340 Street Lighting 371,000 N/A 0 4350 Emergency Medical 7,500 N/A 0 4360 Narcotics Fore. & Seizure 60,940 N/A 0 4500 Construction - Street 10,737,500 N/A 0 4510 Traffic Administration 45,390 N/A 0 4530 Construction - Signals 105,000 N /A: 0 4600 Street Maintenance 461,300 N/A 0 4630 Traffic Signal Maintenance 109,000 N/A 0 4640 Tree & Parkway Maintenance 267,000 N/A 0 4650 Signs A Striping Maintenance 150,000 N/A 0 4660 Public Transit 1,109,440 N/A 0 4700 Planning 419,780 30.00% 125,934 4710 Building Regulations 1,071,420 30.00% 321,426 4720 Engineering ' 379,100 N /A 0 4740 Community Improvement 280,990 N/A 0 4750 CDBG 2,839,281 N/A 0 4780 Solid Waste 80,560 N/A 0 4800 Parks & Recreation Admin. 320,100 25.00% 80,025 4810 Parks 1,416,100 10.00% 141,610 4820 Recreation 840,690 25.00% 210,173 4830 Aquatics 348,710 25.00% 87,178 4840 Recreation Fee & Charge 283,370 N/A 0 4850 Aquatics Fee & Charge 19,200 N/A 0 4870 Dinsmoor Heritage House 35,500 N/A 0 4880 Parks Projects 0 N/A 0 Appropriated Reserve 100,000 N/A 0 Total $30,705,521 $1,845,603 Amount Due to City $1,326,220 klo:cityserv.xis (200405) S U) SQ F" D �V N .0 V E 0 6_ u`. o. -c O T d o. o,. a Oa w� m� a O� C. w n N0 W.? OD V VQ O � F = E v c Z mm� >- t 0 Ede LU[�a 't D � o N 3 v N i LL t- C E o` w e t O :C a •c N m C O 0 a d m c O m 0- s u a d � m d m m 0 L I rn in N E a°a W