CDC - Item 2 - Replastering Of Garvey Park PoolTO: BILL CROINE, DIRECTOR FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATI N DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2003 . RE: REPLASTERING OF GARVEY PARK POOL The Garvey Park Pool is a plaster pool and is used about three (3) months out of the year (June - August). At the end of each season, the pool is drained until the following June, when its refilled. The problem with the pool is that plastered pools need to have water in them all the time or thev start to develop cracks that eventually expand and water starts to leak from the pool. Last year we spent considerable time trying to locate and repair the leaks just before opening to the public because they only became apparent once the pool was filled. The proposed solution is to replaster the pool which will remove all the cracks and keep it filled all year-round similar to Rosemead Pool. This will eliminate last year's problem. It will add some additional utility and maintenance cost to the budget, but we will not have to go through this process again or worry about not being able to open to the public as we have the past two (2) seasons. Our pool consultant, Rowley International, estimates it will take three (3) weeks to replaster the pool and cost approximately $ 80,000.00. Their fee is $ 15,000.00 and provides for engineering, development of construction drawings and specifications and site observation during construction. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Rosemead Community Development Commission provide $ 100,000.00 from its Unappropriated Reserve to have Garvey Pool replastered, approve the use of Rowley International as the engineer to develop the necessary specifications and bid documents and authorize staff to solicit bids upon the completion of the specifications. COMMISS!0N AGENDA attachments FEB I ' 07-n-b9s/sb I ITEM No. r: Rowley International Inc Aquatic Desicn, Engineering & Consulting January 15, 2003 Mr. Michael Burbank ' City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: GARVEY PARK SWIMMING POOL Dear Michael: 2325 Palos Verdes Drive West Suite 312 Palos Verdes Estates, California 90274-2755 310-377-6724 FAX: 310377-8890 Thank you very much for your continued interest in Rowley International Inc as the Swimming Pool Consultant for the Subject Project. As discussed, the Project will consist of the following: Garvey Park Pool Renovation III: The existing pool will be stripped to the original shotcrete and then replastered. The estimated construction cost is $80,000.00 and the Construction Phase of the project should take three (3) weeks. Our Design Fee for the Project would be $15,500.00. The breakdown for our fees will be as follows: Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Bidding Construction 15% $2,325.00 10% $1,550.00 50% $7,750.00 5% $775.00 20% $3,100.00 T he Sl.Vpe of Services for the Project would include the following: 1. Design and Engineering for replastering the existing Pool. 2. RI will provide Complete Construction Drawings and Specifications for the Swimming Pools and all deck equipment. 3. RI will secure the approval of the County Health Department regarding our scope of work for this Project, including one (1) meeting with the local Health Department officials. 4. RI will answer questions from Contractors during the Bidding and Construction Phases. J Rowley International Inc Mr. Michael Burbank 15 January 2003 Page two 5. RI will attend four (4) Construction Site Visits as necessary during Pool Construction, including a pre-plaster inspection, and three additional site visit. RI will attend one (1) Final Inspection at start up and provide a final punch list for the Contractor. RI will attend one (1) 11-Month Inspection to verify proper construction and operation prior to the end of the one year Warranty Period. The above Fee does not include the following: A Geotechnical Survey for the proposed site. The Client may contract with a qualified Geotechnical Engineering firm to provide RI with necessary information regarding the soil foundation. RI can not contract with a Geotechnical Engineering firm on behalf of the Client because of insurance limitations. 2. Approvals from the Local Administrative Authority and DSA. This will be the responsibility of the Architect; RI will assist. 3. Fees for approvals by the Health Department, DSA and the Local Administrative Authority. 4. Reproduction other than for consultant coordination and Owner review purposes. Should any additional services beyond the agreed upon Scope of Work as set forth in this Proposal be deemed necessary such work would be billed at an hourly rate as follows: Principal $150.00 Senior Project Engineer/Architect 1110.00 Project Manager 100.00 Designer 80.00 Draftsperson 50.00 Messenger 18.00 Expenses Billed at Cost Additional Services shall include but are not limited to the following: • Revisions to the design following commencement of the Construction Documents. Revisions to the Construction Documents requiring a budget-driven change in the project, unless a fixed construction budget-has previously been established for the pool and the Statements of Probable Pool Construction Cost exceed the Pool Construction Budget by more than 10%. fl, Rowley Inte'rnational Inc Mr. Michael Burbank 15 January 2003 Page three • Preparation of front end (boilerplate) non-technical Specifications. Revisions to the Construction Documents which result from.more than one set of revision comments from the Client and Local Administrative Authority. Such additional Services will be billed according to the above RI Inc Hourly Rates. Additional Conditions to be stipulated in our Contract are as follows: • Client shall provide all existing information necessary for the completion of our Scope of Services as outlined above. • Upon written request, and within a reasonable amount of time, Client shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such additional instruments, documents, approvals, government fees, and charges which are necessary to perform the terms of the agreement. • The Scope of Services described above shall be performed as a single set of construction documents. Splitting the project into more than one phase of construction or more than one project may require an increase in the Fee. • Opinions of Probable Construction Cost prepared by Rowley International Inc are approximate only and do not take into account future market conditions or contractor's bidding methods. RI Inc has no control over costs of labor, materials or equipment and RI Inc's estimates cannot be guaranteed. • Rowley International Inc is not responsible for the means, methods, sequences, techniques and procedures of construction nor for safety precautions associated with construction. I welcome this opportunity to present this revised Proposal for aquatic engineering / design services. We are proud of our experience and remain confident of our abilities to provide your company with the finest aquatic design services. Sincerely, ROWL INTERNATIONAL INC Ron J. Bravo, Senior Project Manager NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVE) BY THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 2002 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Chairman Bruesch at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the flag was led by Chairman Bruesch The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Taylor ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Commissioners Clark, Imperial, Taylor, Vice-Chairman Vasquez, Chairman Bruesch APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OCTOBER 8, 2002 - JOINT MEETING OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AND ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MOTION BY COMMISSIONER IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER TAYLOR that the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and Rosemead Redevelopment Commission be approved as corrected. Vote resulted: Aye: Vasquez, Clark, Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 1. CDC RESOLUTION NO. 2002-22 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Agency for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-22 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $25,298.45 AND DEMANDS NO. 6862 THROUGH 6872 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER IMPERIAL, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN VASQUEZ that the Commission adopt Resolution No. 2002-22. Vote resulted: CDCMINUTE5:11-12-02 Page 9 1 Aye: Vasquez, Clark, Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-22 - A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PAYMENT FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECONSTRUCTION OF VIRGINIA AVENUE WEST OF DENTON AVENUE MOTION BY COMMISSIONER IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER VASQUEZ that the Commission adopt Resolution No. 2002-22. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Chairman Bruesch asked if the street reconstruction would lead to the redirection of the auto carriers onto the Auto Auction property. Ed Pullen, Manager of L.A. Auto Auction, replied that they do not have any control over the independent auto transporters for the auto dealers. Mr. Pullen stated that the trucks dealing with the Auction are on their lot. The car dealerships around them receive cars from out of state and the truckers park wherever they can. Mr. Pullen concluded that this project will not affect the Auction. Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if the reconstruction will open Virginia to Brighton? Mayor Bruesch replied that it will not. This will be a brand new road. Denton will be closed and the street will basically be a continuation of Strathmore. Mr. Nunez complained that there was a truck loading cars on Del Mar near Garvey. Mr. Pullen asked Mr. Nunez to notify him whenever there is a truck parked on Del Mar and they will take care of that problem. Councilmember Imperial stated that the Auto Auction is beneficial to the community, and that they do the best they can to keep the street cleared of trucks. Mr. Imperial commended Mr. Pullen for the job they are doing. Councilman Taylor asked why federal money is not being used for the entire street? Bill Crowe, City Manager, replied that CDBG money will be used for everything but the design, which will use redevelopment funds. CDCMINUrE5:11-12-02 Page a2 Councilman Taylor asked for a memo to clarifying why the entire project cannot be built with federal money. Vote resulted: Aye: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 3. APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VIRGINIA STREET IMPROVEMENTS MOTION BY COMMISSIONER IMPERIAL, SECOND BY VICE-CHAIRMAN VASQUEZ that the Commission approve the engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Vote resulted: Aye: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered.. 4. REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS - NORTHWEST CORNER OF TEMPLE CITY AND VALLEY BOULEVARDS Bill Crowe, City Manager, reported that the three proposals were reviewed again and were found to be lacking in various components, and they are not recommended for further consideration at this time. Mr. Crowe stated that there is a fourth proposal. One of the existing property owners is discussing with an adjoining property owner the prospect of combining the two larger parcels. Councilman Taylor stated that the fourth proposal seems to be the most optimistic since the property owners are undertaking this project on their own. Mr. Crowe explained that the property owner needs to accomplish such things as tie up the parcels and the evolution of a plan by the developer before this item is brought back to the Council. Mayor Bruesch asked how many units and what size does the developer propose for a high-density senior housing. Steve Copenhaver replied that the developers plans are still conceptual. CDCMINUTES:11-12-02 Page #3 feet. Mayor Bruesch said that he's heard that there will be over 150 units at about 800 square Mr. Copenhaver replied that their plans are not worked out yet. The plans are more or less just blocked out. Mr. Copenhaver continued that the developer has used high numbers with high density. Mr. Copenhaver stated that the developer has not asked the Housing Development Corporation nor the Community Development Commission to assist with a low-income housing project, that he wants to build a market rate senior housing building. Councilman Taylor stated that he would like to keep this a free enterprise project if possible, as it should be. Mr. Cophenhaver explained that the plans are still in an early development stage. The developer has not prepared a Proforma to determine if this project will work economically. Councilman Taylor stated that the owners deserve to be encouraged with this project. Mr. Taylor stated that realistically, that area will not attract a large retail store. Supermarkets such as Food 4 Less have surveyed that area and do not want to come in. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER TAYLOR that the Commission receive and file the proposals and authorize staff to notify and thank the three developers for their efforts and inform them of the City's decision to not proceed with any of the three proposals. Vote resulted: Aye: Vasquez, Clark, Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 5. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FOR THE GARVEY AVENUE SENIOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY CENTER - 9100-9108 GARVEY AVENUE MOTION BY COMMISSIONER TAYLOR, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER IMPERIAL that the Commission accept the project; authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion by the City Clerk; authorize the immediate release of one-half of the retention payment and approve the line item budget transfer of the $150,000 FF &E credit to cover other project costs set forth in the Change Orders 20 through 23; and authorize the release of the remaining retention payment 35 days after the recorded date of the Notice of Completion. Vote resulted: Aye: Vasquez, Clark, Bruesch, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None CDCMINUTES:11-12-02 page #4 The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 6. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS Chairman Bruesch stated that the Garvey Center and Senior Housing are very impressive and commended Mr. Copenhaver and the architects. Commissioner Taylor requested an update on the security system. Chairman Bruesch requested wrought iron fencing be added to the existing wall on the west side to prevent people from climbing over it and entering onto the property. Steve Copenhaver, GRC Consultant, requested that if the camera based security system is less that $10,000 that the Executive Director be allowed to approve the contract. Commissioner Taylor stated that he is concerned with how many cameras there are and where they are located. Executive Director Bill Crowe stated that they will all be external with the exception of the lobby area. Commission Taylor stated that cameras should be placed at the back parking lot, the parking area facing the wash, and especially the front area parking lot where there is no visibility from the street. Mr. Taylor emphasized his concern that when employees leave the facility at night, they are unprotected. Dale Brown, Onyx Architects, stated that money has been set aside for security cameras. Mr. Copenhaver stated that the security system item will be brought back before the Commission. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MATTERS 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. in memory of Boyd Copenhaver. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Commission Secretary CHAIRMAN CDCMINUTES:11-I2-02 Page # 5 Date: o? /l/ 6 2 I VASQUEZ I TAYLOR I CLARK I BRUESCH I IMPERIAL Agenda Item No. RES/ORD No. - 12- Title:_ 9 G~