CDC - Item 2 - Garvey Park Ballfield LightTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: BILL CRO E, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 3, 2003 RE: APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR GARVEY PARK BALLFIELD LIGHT The subject project provides for the installation of a centerfield light at the Garvey Park baseball field. The proposed schedule for construction is as follows: Receive Bids Award Contract Begin Work- Complete Work June 30, 2003 July 8, 2003 July 28, 2003 August 8, 2003 The specifications have been reviewed and are acceptable to the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $19,000. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Community Development Commission approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids by the Commission Secretary. Attachments COMMISSION AGENDA JUN 10 2003 ITEM No. 0 " 06/04/03 09:04 PAGE: 1 ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RM704UR1 WARRANT REGISTER # 03-10 6/10/03 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE ECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT.CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT PROTECTION SERVICE INDUSTRIES . 73993 INSTALL ALARM SYSTEM/GCC 73994.. INSTALL ALARM SYSTEM/GCC -STANDARD.TEli. 73995 TELEPHONE SYSTEM/GCC 7399b TELEPHONE SYSTEM/GCC 73997 TELEPHONE SYSTEM/GCC.. USA ALARM SYSTEM 73992 INSTALL GATE/GARVEY CTR 45-4215-04905-P73245 45-4215-04905-P73245 CHECK NO. 704 45-4215-04905-P73245 45-4215-04905-P73245 45-4215-04905-P73245 CHECK NO% x704 45-4215-08250-P73245 CHECK NO. 704 GRAND TOTA 4965.21 993.90 9415.88 -4418.67 135.31 1940.00 13,031.E 1940.00 3 i~ 06/04/03 09:04 RM704UR2 WARRANT SUMMARY BY FUND RECAP BY-FUND PRE-PAID RRA 1993A CAPITAL PROJECT 45 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PAGE: 2 6/10/03 USER: cpi WRITTEN 13,031.63 13,031.63 13,031.63