CDC - Item 4 - Approval Of San Gabriel Blvd.&X%xC/3 NAME : 1'-ES NO ABs-r26N ABSENT MOTION SECOND ALARCON CLARK IMPERIAL TAYLOR ! Q Z N A TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEM Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FROM: BILL CRUE-, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 17, 2003 RE: APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from Willdan for engineering design, design survey, utility coordination, monument restoration, contract administration, construction observation, and Federal labor compliance services for street improvements on San Gabriel Boulevard from the 1-10 Freeway to the south City limit. San Gabriel Boulevard is in need of an overlay to prevent more serious and costly deterioration, which could lead to complete reconstruction of the corridor. The proposed rehabilitation strategies for San Gabriel Boulevard conform to priorities recommended in the City's updated Pavement Management System (PMS) report. A rubberized asphalt concrete overlay is proposed on San Gabriel Boulevard from the 1-10 Freeway to the south City limit. The street improvements also include removal and construction of all existing sidewalk, driveways, and access curb ramps as well as removing all existing trees and planting new parkway trees (tipu tree, see attached exhibit) along the project limits. Damaged and uplifted curb and gutter will be removed and replaced along the corridor to mitigate drainage problems. The proposed improvements will comply with the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The existing street lighting system on San Gabriel Boulevard from Newmark Avenue to Rush Street does not meet the current guidelines set forth by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES). Therefore, the existina COMMISSION AGENDA JUN 24 2003 ITEM No. June 17, 2003 Page 2 Street lighting system will be converted to marblelite (concrete) poles with underground conduits and constructed to meet the current guidelines of the IES. The new street lighting system will be owned, operated, and maintained by Southern California Edison (SCE). The total construction cost for this project is estimated to be $1.765 million, and the estimated contract period is 85 working days. The project funding includes Transportation Equity Act for the 21 sc Century ( TEA 21), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and Community Development Commission funds. Construction of the project is anticipated to occur in the fall of 2003. The proposed fees are as follows: • Design Survey $ 22,600 • Preliminary and Final Design $ 116,300 • Utility Coordination $ 9,500 • Monument Restoration $ 8,800 • Contract Administration $ 49,000 • Construction Observation $ 129,800 • Federal Labor Compliance $ 22,000 Total (Fixed Fee) $ 358,000 The total fee, excluding utility coordination, monument restoration, and federal labor compliance is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with W illdan which pertains to design engineering services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Community Development Commission approve the attached engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Attachment SWILLIDAN June 16. 2003 Mr. Bill Crowe Executive Director Rosemead Community Development Commission 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead. CA 91770 Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for San Gabriel Boulevard Improvements Dear Mr. Crowe: I'I 191 CrusYOw5 I?srkwy North. SLiitc 405 Industry, C,Jllurni.i 91746.49-7 562/906.uIVU lax 7(,mms-? 120 ww,.w Hldnnx,,m As requested, we are pleased to be given the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide engineering design, design survey, utility coordination, monument restoration, contract administration, construction observation, and federal labor compliance services for street improvements on San Gabriel Boulevard from.the I-10 Freeway to the south City limit. San Gabriel Boulevard is in need of an overlay to prevent more serious and costly deterioration, which could lead to complete reconstruction of the corridor. The proposed rehabilitation strategies for San Gabriel Boulevard conform to priorities recommended in the City's updated Pavement Management System (PMS) report. A rubberized asphalt concrete overlay is proposed on San Gabriel Boulevard from the 1-10 Freeway to the south City limit. The street improvements also include removal and construction of all existing sidewalk, driveways, and access curb ramps as well as removing all existing trees and planting new parkway trees (tipu tree, see attached exhibit).along the project limits. Damaged and uplifted curb and gutter will be removed, and;, replaced along the corridor to mitigate drainage problems. The proposed improvements;Will comply with the current Amencans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The existing street lighting system on San Gabrief.Boulevard from Newmark Avenue to Rush Street does not meet the current guidelines set;forth by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES). Therefore tt e;existing street lighting system will be converted to marblelite (concrete) poles with underground conduits and constructed to .meet the current guidelines of the IES. The new street lighting system will be owned, operated. and maintained by Southern California Edison (SCE). June 16, 2003 Page 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES We propose to provide the following basic services for the project: Design Survey Perform research at Los Angeles County and the City of Rosemead for survey information. 2. Obtain locations of topographic features on San Gabriel Boulevard within the project limits. 3. Provide locations of proposed access curb ramps, existing drive approaches. fire hydrants, street trees, and other possible interferences in parkway areas. 4. Obtain locations of curb and gutter to be removed and replaced. 5. Obtain locations of pavement to be reconstructed or repaired. 6. Obtain locations of traffic loops, signs, and striping. 7. Obtain locations of street lights to be upgraded. Preliminary Design Phase 1. Confer with Agency staff to review, in full detail, the requirements for the project. Review available information and data assembled by Agency staff. 2. Review compiled data. 3. Develop base drawings, a. Plot existing survey data. b. Identify and plot apparent substructures. C. Conduct field verification of surveYdata. 4. Determine drainage correction requirements, if necessary, in conjunction with the street improvements. 5. Develop preliminary street improvement plans. 6. Define limits of pavement and concrete removal and replacement. June 16, 2003 Page 3 7. Provide street lighting upgrade plans for San Gabriel Boulevard from Newmark Avenue to Rush Street, in compliance with SCE system. 8. Provide preliminary plans for restriping and detector loops replacement. 9. Develop preliminary cost estimates. 10. Submit preliminary street lighting plans to SCE for circuit design review. 11. Submit preliminary design plans to all affected agencies and utility companies for review. Final Design Phase 1. Based on the Agency's. SCE's, and utility companies' comments and requirements, revise plans. 2. Submit revised plans to SCE for final review and comments. 3. Prepare detailed final plans and attend coordination meetings, as necessary, with Agency personnel and utility companies at various times during the design phase to obtain additional input and revlew work:' ' 4. Obtain final approval from SCE on street lighting plans. 5. Prepare specifications and contract 'documents to conform to applicable requirements of the Rosemead Community Development Commission. 6. Prepare final project cost estimates. T Submit final plans, specification, and estimates (PSBE) to the Rosemead Community Development Commission.. Utility Coordination 1. Submit copies of plans to all affected-utilities-and agencies. 2. Coordinate with SCE for locations.<ofi proposed street lights on San Gabriel Boulevard from Newmark Avenue to.Rush Street. 3. Coordinate with affected utility companies to provide for any proposed utility improvements prior to construction. June 16, 2003 Page d 4. Coordinate with water company to implement an upgrade of fire hydrants, as needed, within the project. 5. Send notification of preconstruction conference to affected utility companies. 6. Attend the preconstruction conference. 7. Review project scope of work with each utility company at the preconstruction conference. Identify possible conflicts and work with each utility to assure that its facilities will be protected if properly identified: 8. Coordinate with Agency construction observer during construction to expedite the identification of any unknown utilities found during excavation. Monument Restoration 1. Set centerline ties for existing centerline monuments found with no existing ties. and file corner record documents. 2. Replace centerline ties disturbed by construction. 3. Reset centerline monuments and file a second set of comer record documents. 4. Provide the City of Rosemead with updated set of centerline tie notes. 5. Identify and locate, prior to start of construction, lead and tack property line markers found in sidewalk along San Gabriel Boulevard. 6. Upon completion of construction, replace all lead and tack property line markers and file corner record documents. Contract Administration 1 Hold pre-bid conference to clarify new HUD's;!minority participation requirements and answer inquiries from contractors. 2. Provide the Agency with 30 sets of plans and specifications for bidding. 3. Assist the Agency in securing bids and awarding project. 4. Attend preconstruction conference and prepare minutes. 5. Provide contract administration for proper enforcement of the contract plans and specifications. June 15, 2003 Page 5 6. Provide engineering support, as needed, to make as-built revisions to the original plans. 7. Provide the necessary consulting services required to coordinate the efforts between the Agency and the contractor. 8. Review and approve progress payment requests. 9. Answer inquiries and complaints for the Agency relating to the project. Construction Observation 1. Provide the necessary weekly, monthly,'and final reports, as needed. 2. Provide daily construction observation during the construction period. 3. Provide copies of daily construction observation reports on a weekly basis, if requested. 4. Provide necessary coordination with other.agencies to provide final inspection of the project. 5. Perform as-built corrections on original drawings. 5. Provide report to the Agency following final inspection stating that the project has been completed, and provide necessary data for the Agency acceptance of the project. , Federal Labor Compliance 1. Prepare federal labor compliance components of project specifications in accordance with current labor regulations and requirements. 2. If applicable, attend pre-bid conference. to present general requirements of bid preparation for the project. 3. Verify applicable wage determination ten;(10) days prior to bid opening; document verification as required; if wage determination. has changed from what appears in project specifications, provide addendum,and.proof of receipt by bidders. 4. Verify eligibility of selected contractor and its, subcontractors to receive contract awards by confirming current, active license status with Contractors State License Board and non-appearance on Federal List of Parties Excluded (debarment list). . June 16, 2003 Page 6 5. Attend preconstruction conference to present federal labor compliance requirements to contractor and subcontractors; prepare minutes and attendance record thereof. 6. Verify and document job-site posting of wage rate information and labor compliance posters. 7. Receive and review labor compliance documentation from public works observers or inspectors and compare with contractor-submitted documents. Monitor weekly payroll documentation on a continuous basis, including certified payroll reports, fringe benefit statements, apprenticeship documentation, and payroll deduction authorizations. 8. Follow up with contractor by telephone and certified mail regarding required document submittals and payroll discrepancies. 9. Coordinate with Agency staff the withholding of progress and/or retention payments if contractor fails to abide by labor compliance requirements. 10. Receive, pursue, and document labor complaints: recommend special action to be taken if contractor continuously fails to comply with requests and requirements. 11. Maintain content and format of federal labor compliance file in conformance with applicable govemment requirements. 12. Coordinate project file reviews' by authorized county, state, and federal agencies. 13. Submit complete federal labor compliance file to Agency for retention. (Note: federal labor compliance files are to be retained for a period not less than three (3) years.) Our proposed fees are as follows: Design Survey $ 22 600 Preliminary and Final Design , $ 116,300 Utility Coordination $ 9.500 Monument Restoration $ 8,800 Contract Administration $ 49,000 Construction Observation $ 129,800 Federal Labor Compliance $ 22,000 Total Fixed Fee $ 358,000 June 16, 2003 Page 7 The current estimated construction cost for the project is $1.765 million. The design fee is based on the fee curve Schedule from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The total fee, excluding utility coordination, monument restoration, and federal labor compliance, is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan, which pertains to design engineering services. The construction contract period is estimated to be 85 working days. Compensation forweekend inspection and inspection beyond the allocated working days and hours of the construction contract will be on time-and-materials basis. The cost for testing materials, such as soils and asphalt testing, will be provided through a separate contract with a testing laboratory. Willdan will assist the Agency in the selection of a testing laboratory and will fully coordinate the services to be provided. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at (562) 908-6214. Respectfully submitted, WIL.LDDDAN William C. Pagett, P.E. U Senior Vice President Enclosure AF:mh P5610-03(06-1 55/P03-099 J W d w k ~ a ~ a a H 4 N N m` E d 0 N a c (d d O co m c C d m Q 0 O V N M d A L U N d CL mn n y O 0 m D CL (d Y T CL O c (d U Y (d N m d Y (d N `o 0 a N rn w `0 L O O E U) I Y c T ld m O d N ~ `0 3 E uo~ O O 'D N c r N C N ~ d d c 0 0 CL (U E 6 O d T T m~ C 0 0 c c0 Z n d j d c n om EL 5 ° o L ~ w F N N aN d a rn ~ `m m L m L 3 m d Y N N U d a` 3 li O d (D o E d E C ~ N d O m c C Co 'D O c m o m W .C a) N N U m C z.=_ o ~ E 10 j o N 0 L m6 - ~ m E ° m (n U N I td ~ d 6 3 3 a U- o .N I O w E 0 C N .0 co C m ~ 3 ~ T 0 Z c 3 d ai N c R and y C -0 d N n co N U O I CO N Y N m 3 a c m o m E c bo 0 LL aO cc - d ' w ° m0 E c c E o d O o_Y' ` n I w V 0 N rd d D d X N j d n I m N d V d 0.0 d c - N N o d mnN 0 V ac 7 0 O h e d N to O U T~ C ld (d _ C a_ N C O d d 0 d m a 0 Cu d E a'N E d " d c and o = c u E Z iq S U N (7 U Q o of