CDC - Item 3 - Park Lighting ImprovmentsDATE NAME YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT ~ MOTION SECOND ALARCON 1 CLARK IMPERIAL TAYLOR VASQUEZ Agenda Item No. No. `0`3 - flL RfD( Rosemead Community Development Commission 8838 East Valley Boulevard, CA 91770 Tel 626.569.2100 Fax 626.307.9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENFMISSION FROM: V BILL CROWE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE: AUGUST 5, 2003 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-17 - A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PAYMENT FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PARK ADA AND BALLFIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS Attached for your consideration is a resolution finding that the proposed project will benefit Project Area Nos. 1 and 2 by upgrading play equipment to meet ADA requirements and providing ballfield lighting within and adjacent to the Project Areas, therefore, enhancing the value of abutting properties. The proposed improvements were previously budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2002-03 Community Development Commission Budget. When Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds became available, the projects were subsequently budgeted in Fiscal Year 2003-04 utilizing CDBG funds. However, a recent HUD (U.S. Housing and Urban Development) ruling indicated that play equipment upgrades not serving low-to moderate- income areas are not CDBG eligible expenditures, even though they are required by the ADA. Therefore, the play equipment upgrades at Rosemead Park and Rosemead Community Recreation Center will not be funded by CDBG as the areas surrounding these two facilities are above the income threshold. All rubber surfacing and walkway improvements are CDBG-qualifying expenditures at any facility. Therefore, in order to comply with the ADA requirements, it is recommended that the play equipment upgrades at Rosemead Park and Rosemead Community Recreation Center be funded utilizing Community Development Commission funds as they were proposed to be last fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Community Development Commission: 2. Appropriate the necessary funds from unappropriated reserves; and Adopt Resolution No 2003-17 COMMISSION AGENDA A,UG 12 2333 ITEM No. -3 - Attachment 2000 Rsmdlslaff rpt/city RESOLUTION NO. 2003 -17 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PAYMENT FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PARK ADA AND BALLFIELD LIGHTING. IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the improvement project will take place at locations within and adjacent to the boundaries of Project Area Nos. 1 and 2 as depicted in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the improvements will serve to bring the play equipment at Rosemead Park and the Rosemead Community Recreation Center into ADA compliance, and replace damaged ballfield lighting at Garvey Park; and WHEREAS, the total Community Development Commission obligation for the project shall not exceed Forty-two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($42,500). NOW, THEREFORE, the Rosemead Community Development Commission resolves as follows Section 1. The Rosemead Community Development Commission finds, determines, and declares: (a)The payment bythe Rosemead Community Development Commission for costs associated with the ADA play equipment improvements at Rosemead Park and Rosemead Community Recreation Center, and ballfield lighting improvements at Garvey Park, as depicted in Exhibit "A", is of benefit to the Project Area. This finding is based on the fact that the project will improve ADA access and safety by upgrading play equipment and providing ballfield lighting within and adjacent to Project Area Nos. 1 and 2, thus enhancing the value of abutting properties. (b)That there are no other reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements available to the community. Although the City has a General Fund surplus, the uncertainty of continuing municipal revenue sources militates against the depletion of the existing reserves until such time as revenue sources and major required expenditures are stabilized. Section 2. The Commission Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of August, 2003. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: COMMISSION SECRETARY 12 0.~ Rosemead Community Recreation Center Garvey Park Rosemead Park Zapopan Park A