CC - Item 4D - Request From Mexican American Student OrganizationTO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 00Uj*:ML.' D, DEC 12 2000 FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND DATE: DECEMBER 7, 2000 RE: REQUEST FROM MEXICAN AMERICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION The San Gabriel High School Mexican American Student Organization (M.A.S.O.) has again requested the use of the Community Center on February 24, 2001, for a Coronation Ball. Mrs. Bacio has requested that their group be allowed to use the facility until midnight. The designated closing time of the Community Center is 11:00.p.m. As a point of information, since they are a youth organization, they will pay a S 50.00 refundable deposit. As in the past, they need to clean the facility and leave it as they found it. They will also need to comply with the rules and regulations. on the back of the facility use form, specifically items No. 9 (security guards) and No. 10 (supervision). RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the San Gabriel High School Mexican American Student Organization be allowed to use the facility until midnight. MDB: sb\wp. staf epor CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 / APPLICATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES FACILITY 5~~, .e c L E tLC AREA/RUUn unnixnu F%- .V FOUL DAY(S) OF WEEK f} DATE(S) OF,USE l ~G/I~GQ I HOURS: 12- P i?l TO 12, /t/r7 PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: YES_NO_ KITCHEN HOURS: rnTO TYPE OF ACTIVITY ~z nC NO ATTENDING 1 5c~ NAME OF ORGANIZATION{v_xiFA ~IYt r LAn~~ ,•~an G7c~M zi~oid TITLE NAME OF APPLICANT (PRINT 1 C'Ci PPLIEA1k IS 18 YRS OR OLDER Yes No ADDRESS OF APPLICANT ~(cS ~1 astn ,1 '~Snan 9-lT70 PHONE: Home ;!81 i-2 St eet City Zip Code Work (,-JX- 5of-z_ 7-5` DRIVERS LICENSE NO Cs Q~ L~ 7 ~3 DATE EXPIRES Cvl I b DIAGRAM PAGE COMPLETED: YES CHECK IF EVENT WILL BE OPEN TO: If fulnds are to be raised, for what purpose?_ -Public/no charge. `acS~:rn S -Public/by admission of Public/by donation of Percentage of users living in Rosemead 1 Members &/or guest at $10 - _25% -SOS. ~ j 1002 I hereby certify that I have read and will abide by all rules and regulations of the City. As a duly authorized representative of the sponsoring organization, & on behalf of sponsoring organization, I agree to save, keep and bear harmless the City & all•its officers & agents from all damages, cost of expense in law or equity (including costs of suit & expense for legal services) that may at any time arise or be set-up because of damages to property or death or injury to persons received or suffered by any reason of the operation of this organization hereunder, or which may be occasioned by any negligent act or omission to act which amounts to negligence on the part of..sponsoring organization or any of its agents or employees which results in a dangerous or defective condition of property, or any damages occasioned by an negligent act or ommission to act which amounts to negligence on the part of the City, its agents or employees in favor of either the sponsoring organization, its agents,or employees or invitees of said sponsoring organization. APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED A MINIMUM OF 10 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE AND CHARGES PAID WITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS OF USE OR APPLICATION WILL BE CANCELLED. Applicants C_ Signature ~ 4 t'A 1x.P i FACILITY SUPERVISOR Is facility available? Ye No Date Received// Date Approved ~J Jl 1 ~7/~2Cd~ Date OFFICE USE--------------------------------------- OFFICE INFORMATION Date Received 1) a00 2) Date Amt. Due: AMOUNT DUE $ APPROVED-DISAPPROVED DEPOSIT AMT. $ INVOICE NO. F & C Yes_ No_ Director of Parks and Recreation Rev 2/14/89 OFFICE COPY 01-G-M-A -1- \ FACILITY FEE SCM, FACILI TY RATE FACILI TY RATE Nan Non FACILITY Resident's Pesident's FEE FACILITY Pesident's Resident's FEE A1IDnVRIV6 GTOmASID1..... S151Hr S 25/Hr f - CuRMUNITY CI= (Ims 3 8"4)... .....515/Hr 3 25/Hr $ _ L.POPAN CUKTV (F. 1 6 2)..... s10/W' S 201TU S_ C[r®I....... S 51Rr S 101Hr S_ ' IZETaC Roofs FffiD l1GaIS. ...$151Hr S 25/Hr S' COFNNITY CEMEP . 5 51Hr S IO'Fr r ITY CP NOS-3,4....... 510/Hr SUPEMSION.. 7/Hr S 71Hr 5_ L.POPAN Rms-1,2 ,4 5 5/Hr - , ROSF PARK M=iNG 1t.,...... 110/N, S 15/11r 1_ allo517 . S50 SIN S_ W M PARK CLLRHWSE.......... :..Slo/Hr S 15/Hr $ • . _ WRPEY PARK HEL7ING R......... ..S 51Rr S :0/hr 3_ - TxQID R1MAL.. :.130 N/A 3_ . SYDI(IRR: FWL - 320 S 20 S_ % • (vsn. 2 hrs.) of Days I w Hrs. TOUT Rows 01tE GUARD.... .5 81Hr S 8/Hr S_ (per. 100 users) SubteUi Subtotal S " ROSEMEAD PARRS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT _ FACILITY FEES 5 RULES AND. RE4;U1dTIONS Groups 2 Ltru 4 (described below) are required to post a refundable deposit. Remaining groups are required to pay a refundable deposit and fee. Resident fee category pertains to groups /organizations that have their offices or are chartered as Rosemead Groups or Organizations. It pertains to individuals use when 50% or more come from the City of Rosemead. GROUP ANY) PRIORITY USE 1. Department, Government or Community Service Agencies 2. Youth Recreation Activities 5- Service Club Meetings 3. Veteran Organizations 6. Adult Recreation Activities 4. Senior Citizen Activities 7. All Others RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF FACILITIES 1. The Director of Parks and Recreation, upon reasonable notice, may cancel any regularly scheduled reservations to . accommodate the proper priority use or in the event of unforseen circumstances. 2. The City reserves the right of full access to all activities at any time during their occurrence to see that all rules, regulations, and City/State Laws are not violated. 3. Groups using kitchen shall furnish own dishes, silverware, cooking utensils, towels, soap, etc., unless other- wise requested and approved. 4. All activities must cease by 11:00 p.m. Amplified sound or music that can be heard by the general public must cease by 10:00 p.m. 5. When an event is cancelled after permit fees have been paid, the applicant may select mother open date. If a satisfactory date cannot be arranged and a written request for cancellation is received within three days prior to scheduled event, a 5031 refund of the permit fees may be obtained from the Department office.' 6. The applicant and his organization shall be responsible for any damage to equipment, property and any overtime, and shalt forfeit all or part of their deposit, if damage occurs, 7. The group must appear within thirty minutes of time specified or permit will be cancelled and all fees forfeited. B. Reservations will not be accepted more than 90 days in advance. Maxim duration in a Facility is six (6) months. Activities for minors must be supervised by responsible adults on the ratio of at least one adult for every 25 minors. 10. Sponsor most, secure services of at least 2 private security guards for supervision of teen age events, (pro- vision may be waived upon written request and written approval from the Department).. 11. No nrraacArm BramAcm wiu BE PwaTm om mE PwusEs CR IR PARRS, violation will result in forfeiture of all fees and will subject violators to possible criminal prosecution. 12. No advertisements, circulation of petitions, solicitations, nor charges will be allowed without written approval, from the Department of Parks and Recreation. 13. No storage of private properties is permitted on City grounds or facilities, except for concessions authorized by the City Council. 14. City facilities cannot be used for commercial purposes without City Council authorization. . 15. Wedding receptions are not allowed in City Facilities. 16. Groups with 200 or more in attendance will require two staff. (10/28/91). PUBLIC FACILITY USED FOR FUND RAISING A. Rosemead organization/individual(s) - regular charges only. B. Non-resident organization/individual(s) - regular charges and 60% of Gross. Applicant must also obtain authorization from the Rosemead City Council.