CC - Item 3 C - Metropolitan Transportation Authoritystaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 2000 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-62 - REQUESTING THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY INCLUDE THE 710 FREEWAY COMPLETION IN THE 2000 LONG RANGE TRANSPORATION PLAN UPDATE Recently, the City of Monterey Park sent correspondence to neighboring communities as part of the continuing effort to secure completion of the 710 Freeway. Monterey Park is asking the City Council to adopt the attached resolution that requests the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) include the 710 Freeway completion as a project in the 2000 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). As MTA staff recently issued a draft LRTP that excluded the 710 Freeway project due to pending litigation, Monterey Park is asking other communities to join them in,adopting a resolution that requests the MTA Board to place the project on the county's transportation plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2000-62. 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO REQUEST THAT LACMTA INCLUDE THE 710 FREEWAY COMPLETION IN THE 2000 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE WHEREAS, Southern California has been waiting since 1965 for the completion of the 4.5 mile gap of the 710 Freeway between the 10 (San Bernardino) and 210 (Foothill) freeways; and WHEREAS,. the disruption. of the highway system debilitates and endangers residential neighborhoods that were not designed for the 100,000 vehicles that fan out into the local streets; and WHEREAS, the 710 Freeway Completion will reduce 4.8 tons of pollutants each day, 7,000 gallons of fuel each day, 232,000 vehicle miles traveled each dav, and 120,700 hours of travel each day; and WHEREAS, a study conducted by the Rose Institute of the Claremont Colleges in July 2000 found that residents of the San Gabriel Valley favor completion of the 710 Freeway by 63% to 11%; and WHEREAS, nearly 20 cities in Los Angeles County, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments that represents 39 cities, and the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership have all gone on record to support the 710 Freeway Completion; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 1998 the Secretary of Transportation committed the Federal Government to complete the 710 Freeway; and WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has approved and adopted the Meridian Variation Route as the 710 Freeway completion after exploring more than 20 alternative routes in over 33 years; and WHEREAS, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has determined that the gap closure is critical to relieve the congested corridor and to reduce travel times, and as such, has included the 710 Freeway Completion in the 1998 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the 2001 Update; and WHEREAS, opponents of the 710 Freeway Completion have vowed to continue lawsuits and fight the progress of the gap closure; and WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has deferred the consideration of the 710 Gap Closure - Freeway Completion - for inclusion in the 2000 Long Range Transportation Plan because of unresolved legal issues; and WHEREAS, LACMTA needs to be consistent in recognizing projects that have been approved by the federal, state and regional governments despite threats of litigation that are common of any regionally significant project; and WHEREAS, LACMTA needs to commit to transportation projects that are critical for the mobility of the Los Angeles County. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. To request that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) include the 710 Freeway Completion - Gap Closure - in the 2000 Long Range Transportation Plan_(LRTP). SECTION 2. To request that the MTA support the regionally significant project through project development and fund allocation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28`x' day of November, 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK l CITY. OF /MONTEREY PARK 320 west newmark avenue • monterey park, ca 91 7 5 4-289 6 • municipal services center November 6, 2000 The Honorable Margaret F. Clark Mayor City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: 710 Freeway Completion Resolution Dear Mayor Clark: The City of Monterey Park has adopted a resolution to request the Los -Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to include the 710 Freeway Completion in the 2000 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), and are asking cities to do the same. MTA has recently released a draft list of LRTP projects and has excluded the 710 project because of pending litigation. MTA staff notes that they will work with, Caltrans to-monitor the project and await the outcome of the lawsuit. MTA staffs recommendation is unfounded given that the 710 completion has been approved by the federal government and adopted by Caltrans. In addition, the gap closure is included in the Southern California Association of Government (SCAG) 1998 Regional Transportation Plan and proposed for the 2001 Update. As we all know, the 710 Freeway Project has been in litigation since its inception. To defer the programming of this project until all legal matters. have been resolved is infeasible, and a dangerous precedent to set for the adoption of future transportation projects. We are asking cities to adopt a similar resolution to request that the MTA Board place the 710 completion in the county's transportation plan. We would appreciate a copy of your adopted resolution. Please contact Amy Ho at (626) 307- 1260 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Benjamin "Frank" Venti Mayor Attachment - Resolution ah-6091.doc