CC - Item 3C - Resolution No. 2000-57staf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER_W~;,- DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2000 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-57 - PROCLAIMING OCTOBER 22-28, 2000, AS CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING PREVENTION WEEK Attached is a letter from the County of Los Angeles Department of Health.Services requesting that the City Council proclaim the week of October 22nd through 28th as Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. Lead poisoning is the greatest environmental threat facing America's children today. During this week, a nationwide campaign for a Lead-Safe America is being observed. The Department of Health Services is partnering with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the campaign for a Lead-Safe America. They are requesting all cities within the County to proclaim this as Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 2000-57 proclaiming the week of October 22"d through 28'h as Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. COUNCIL AGENDA O CT 2 4 2000 ITEM NO. = c. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAMS AND SERVICES a Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program 510 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90020 • 4 ° „ Telephone (213) 351-1908 Fax (213) 637-8694 September 28, 2000 Mayor and City Council City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Bl. Rosemead, Ca 91770 Dear Mayor and City Council of Rosemead, The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's campaign for a Lead-Safe America, is celebrating the 2nd observance of national Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, October 22-28, 2000. We are requesting that the City of Rosemead join the campaign by proclaiming the week of October 22-28, 2000, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week We realize that the week is quickly approaching, therefore we have enclosed a suggested proclamation. We hope that you can participate. Please have your office contact us at 1-800 LA-4-LEAD to confirm the date when the proclamation should be received. A stamped self- addressed postcard is enclosed to help with this process. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to call me (Monday me through Thursday) at (213)' 351-1908. Cordially, Eleanor P. Long, MSPH Health Education Manager Julia Richmond, Co-Director Janet Comey, Co-Director City Clerk RESOLUTION 2000-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROCLAIMING OCTOBER 22-28,2000 AS CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING PREVENTION WEEK . WHEREAS, lead poisoning is the number one environmental health hazard to children in the United States and is a potentially serious problem in Rosemead; and WHEREAS, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost one million children under age six in the United States have harmful levels of lead in their blood; and WHEREAS, lead poisoning can cause serious long-term harn► to children, including learning difficulties and behavior problems; and WHEREAS, most children are poisoned in their own homes through exposure to lead dust when lead paint deteriorates or is disturbed through home renovation and repainting; and WHEREAS, lead paint remains in almost two-thirds of all U.S. housing; and WHEREAS, lead poisoning crosses all barriers of race, income and geography; and WHEREAS, Los Angeles County's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, through its community-driven approach to lead poisoning prevention, has educated parents and grandparents, owners of rental properties, consumers involved in do-it-yourself repairs and professionals in the maintenance and home improvement trades about the hazards of lead paint and has provided solutions to identify and prevent lead-poisoned children. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemead does hereby proclaim October 22-28, 2000 as Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and urge city residents to learn more about lead hazards in our homes and community so that all children may grow up in Rosemead and across America, free from the threat of childhood lead poisoning. DONE THIS 241 ' DAY OF OCTOBER, 2000. MAYOR COUNCILMAN MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN