RRA - Item 2 - Garvey Center and Senior Housing ProjectROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD„ ROSEMEAD, CA 917700(818)288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2000 RE: APPROVAL OF CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF THE GARVEY COMMUNITY CENTER AND SENIOR HOUSING PROTECT ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT FROM BAHR VERMEER HAECKER ARCHITECTS TO ONYX ARCHITECTS As you know last month, Dale Brown, an owner and member of the Board of Directors of Bahr Vermeer & Haecker (BVH), acquired the Pasadena office from the home firm They named the new firm Onyx Architects. All the office staff remained the same. On October 27, 1998 the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency approved a contract with Bahr Vermeer & Haecker for architectural services for the Garvey Community Center and Senior Housing Project. As the attached letter from Gary Bowen, President of Bahr, Vermeer & Haecker, indicates they are agreeing to sell the Garvey contract to Onyx Architects. The Agency Attorney has reviewed the matter and is recommending approval. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency approve the Consent to Assignment letter which formalizes the transfer of the project from BVH Architects to Onyx Architects. Ccstaffgarvcyon~%agec t 140V 2 0 2000 2 November 2000 Mr. Don Wagner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Rosemead Garvey Avenue Sr. Housing Community Center BVH Project No. C98073 Dear Mr. Wagner SUBJECT: Consent to Assignment Enclosed is the Consent to Assignment letter which we discussed with you. This formalizes the transfer of the project from BVH Architects to Onyx Architects.' Please review and sign ,the original and both copies. Please retain one of the copies and return the original and one copy to Onyx Architects. We look forward to continuing with the City of Rosemead on the Rosemead Garvey Avenue Sr. Housing Community Center. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, C. ON &.wn, CTS, IN e Principal tr/document enclosure: O N Y X A R C H I T E C T S Prt CwA ROSENT H. CA EKTa,, AIA DALE W. BROWN, AN AssoaAh Pn cw STEPHEN A. KUCt sm, AIA DoucL D. JOYCE 111, AIA CHDONc V. NOO, A KENNETH P. SCoE m, a V 626.405.8001 F 626.405.8150 16 NORTH NL B GO No. 700 PASADENA, CALIFORN 91101 W W W.ONYXARCHITECTS.COM BAHR VERMEER HAECKER PRINCIPALS DEON BAHR GEORGE HAECKER GARY BOWEN DALE W BROWN DAN M. WORTH PAUL JEFFREY DANIEL A. SPIRY ROBERT H. CARPENTER ROBERT G. LEZOTTE JOHN SINOVIC GARY L GOLDSTEIN EMERITUS LYNN E.VERMEER EMERITUS SENIOR ASSOCIATES PAM SCHOONOVER JAMES B. BERG CURTIS J. S. OLSON GREGORY SHEEHY ASSOCIATES - JAMES L. HANDEIAND DAVID D. COOPER KURTIS A. SUHR STEVEN W. WEBER KENNETH P. SCOFIELD ALA ANTHONY C, HAZUKA AIA JOHN M. DUENSING STEPHEN A. KUCHENSKI AIA MICHAEL E. DAILY AIA TIM B. LOSEKE ROGER E. SLOSSON DANIEL J. GRASSO AIA GILL PEACE NICOLETTE AMUNDSON ALA JOSEPH PBRUDNEY AIA CHUONG NGO 16 N, MARENGO NO. 700 PASADENA CALIFORNIA 91101 V 626 40.5 8001 F 626 405 8150 LINCOLN NEBRASKA OMAHA NEBRASKA w bM.oom 16 October 2000 Mr. Don Wagner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 1 r ...T $ s .*-i~~ ',-z-'.t r+^ Arrh~tpctc~ RE: Rosemead Garvey Avenue Sr. Housing Community Center BVH Project No. C98073 Dear Mr, Wagner SUBJECT: Consent to Assignment. We wish to advise you that Robert Carpenter and Dale Brown have formed'a new architectural firm, Onyx Architects, Inc. ("Onyx"). Additionally, Bahr, Vermeer Haecker Architects, Ltd. ("BVH") and Onyx have signed a letter of intent pursuant to which Onyx will be purchasing the Pasadena office of BVH, including certain ongoing projects. One of the projects which Onyx would like to purchase and BVH would like to sell is the project referenced above which BVH has undertaken for you pursuant to that agreement between Architect and Owner dated 1 June, 1999 (the "Contract"). Following this sale, BVH intends to discontinue having a Southern California based office but will continue to complete all California projects not acquired by Onyx. The purpose of. this letter is to seek your consent to BVH's assignment of all of its rights and delegation of all of its duties pursuant to the Contract to Onyx effective upon the day the sale closes. BVH will retain ownership of any funds owing for work performed on the Contract prior to the closing of the sale and Onyx will assume all uncompleted duties and obligations as of that time. Should you consent to this assignment, you would be looking solely to Onyx to complete all remaining obligations under the Contract. If you consent to the foregoing assignment of rights and delegation of duties, please sign and return a copy of this letter. Both BVH.and Onyx will notify you when this sale closes and the assignment has been made. Sincerely, BAHR VERMEER & H CKER, ARCHITECTS, LTD. Gary Bowen, FAIA President tr/clocument] 16 October 2000 Name and Title