CC -Item V.B - Memership in The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership of Commerce & Cities~ i C,-, U X4'-,!1_ F EB 0 3 2000 ITEM No. D staf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: J,,16ANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2000 RE: MEMBERSHIP IN THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP OF COMMERCE & CITIES Attached for your consideration is information regarding membership in the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership of Commerce & Cities. The Partnership is a coalition of public agencies and private sector organizations working to sustain and grow the economic base of the San Gabriel Valley. It was formerly known as the Commerce and Cities Consortium. The name was changed in September 1998. The Economic Partnership is a private, non-profit business corporation funded by membership dues, investments and special projects purchased by the members. The goal is to market the Valley internally and externally in an effort to attract more businesses and provide not just more jobs, but quality jobs that pay a wage a person can raise a family on. The Partnership is working with cities and businesses to create a "business friendly" region and develop a group approach to marketing the San Gabriel Valley as the place to do business. Attached is a comprehensive packet of information that includes a Fact Sheet, a 1999-2000 Business Plan, a list of members, and a summary of accomplishments. Elaine Cullen, Director of Business Assistance, will be at the Council Meeting to answer any questions you may have. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize membership in the Economic Partnership of Commerce & Cities and appropriate the necessary funds. C"tafrsgve npaonmhip SAM GABRIEL VALLEY Economic Partnership January 31, 2000 Mr. Frank Tripepi, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. P. 0. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Tripepi: Thank you for your interest in the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership. We are very pleased that Rosemead is considering joining our efforts, and those of our stakeholders, to grow the economic base of the San Gabriel Valley! Enclosed please find a packet of information on the many benefits of becoming a "member-stakeholder' of the Partnership. A list of our accomplishments over the past two years and other pertinent documentation is also included in that package. The Valley has many crucial issues and opportunities in its future: the Alameda Corridor East; foreign trade zones and international trade opportunities; transportation; workforce availability and training; stronger focus and implementation on the Valley-wide marketing campaign that "kicked off' in 1999. These are just a few of the items on the Partnership's agenda. A full listing of our initiatives is enclosed in your packet. As you are aware, membership dues for San Gabriel Valley cities are based on population. According to our records and those of the City, Rosemead's population exceeds 50,000; accordingly, dues for the City for a 12-month period will be $7,500. We really look forward to working with you and helping position the City of Rosemead as an active player in the economic and community development arena of the San Gabriel Valley region. Valley Corporate Center 4900 Rivergrade Road Building 515 - Suite A3 Irwindale, California 91706 Phone - 626.856.3400 • Fax - 626.856.51 15 E-Mail -info@valleyn et. org • w .valleynet.org An Economic Development d Marketing Corporation Mr. Frank Tripepi City Manager January 31, 2000 Page 2 Once again, thank you for your interest. I look forward to attending the City Council meeting on February 8th at 8:00 p.m. If you have any questions or would like to meet with me in the interim, please don't hesitate to give me a call at (626) 856-0660. 1e Cullen, Director ness Assistance Program /ec enclosures