RRA - Item 3 - Bid Protest (Rosemead Garvey Ave. Senior Housing And Community Centerf . Memorandum To: Frank G. Tripepi from: Stephen Copenhaver Dttc: December G, 2000 Subject Bid Protest • Rosemead Garvey Avenue Senior Rousing and Community Center The. Rosemead Redevelopment Agency has received two bid protest letters pertaining to the Garvev Avenue Community Center and Senior Citizen Housing bid process. Both letters of protest are from Sinanian Development, Inc. and they request that the apparent loco bidder. Fassberg Construction Company ("Fassberg") be rejected. Sinanian Development, Inc. (°Sinanian") is the apparent second lowest bidder and their protest letters are attached for the Board's consideration. . Attached, also please find a letter from Onyx Architects. Inc.. the Agency's architect, responding to the request to reject the Fassberg bid. This letter presents the staff position on the subject matter discussed in the protest letters. Procedure for Consideration of Protest Letters 1. The Agency,Board should allow Sinanian. an opportunity to present their protest and provide any required explanation of their position on the bid process 2. Following Sinanian's presentation, Onyx Architects %vill present their response to the Agency Board. Recommendation It is recommended that the Agency Board, pursuant to the provisions contained in its bid document, waive any informalitics or irregularities in the bid submitted by Fassberg and find that Fassberg met the submittal deadline on the bid date. AGENICY AGENDA DEC 12 2000 ITERA No. -3 Aosemead/garveyigarvey ~dml SIN'ANIAN DEVELOPM _ ENT, INC, 18980 VENTURA BLVD., STE. 200, TAIZANA. CA S1356(518) 9469666. FAX: (818) 7057914 November 30, 2000 Mr. Don Wagner Assistant Manager Rosemead, City Hall 8838 Vlley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: ROSEMEAD AND GARVEY SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT BID PROTEST Dear Mr. Wagner: 1 am in receipt of the copies of the bids for the above referenced project. However, the point I tried to make earlier was that Fassberg's bid should be rejected on grounds that it was submitted after the deadline to submit bids. This requirement was spelled out in Paragraph 4.3.2 SUBMISSION OF BIDS of .the Instructions to Bidders which reads "Ends shalt be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be retumed unopened. " This requirement must be enforced to this bid as it is to all public bids. I have made numerous requests to personally verify the stamp on Fassberg's envelope. The initial request I made was at the bid openino at which time I was told that the only way I can examine the bids was by making a written request for an appointment. On November-22, 2000, 1 made the written request to examine the bids. That letter was answered by a Fed Ex package containing copies of all of the bids (except SDI's). The only thing thal'was missing was what I wanted to examine in the fist place, which was the: time on the stamps on the envelopes. At ihis point, 1 would like to make a formal request for an appointment to examine the envelopes and verify the time on the stamps. In addition to the lack of timeliness of the bid, we are also protesting the bid on the grounds that it is non-responsive. There were major errors in the "Bid Cost Breakdown" sheet by Fassberg. The "Bid Cost Breakdown" sheet was required to be submitted with the bids and to be on the forms provided by the City of Rosemead. The bidding documents and the addenda provided: Addendum 6 Paragraph 1.2 SPECIFICATIONS; A.I. BID FORM: The Bid Cost Breakdown form will remain 'a requirement at the time bids are submitted. The Total Bid figure will determine the low bidder. . Addendum C Paragraph 1.2 REVISIONS TO ADDENDUM B.. A. L, 1.2, A.1. BID FORM: The Bid Cost Breakdown form will remain a requirement at the time bids are submitted. The Total Bid figure will determine the low bidder. The spreadsheet had four columns as indicated below. The first column indicated the description of the worn for which a price was being submitted. The second colu n indicated the price for the Senior Housing portion of the work, the third column indicated the price lur the Community center portion, and the fourth column summed the second and third columns. rrors in Bid: In the Suspended Acoustical Ceilings line item there is a $10,000 discrepancy between their costs and the subtotal. SINANIAN DEVELOPMENT, INC. • The total whicn they put for the Senior Housing Column is 55,276,461.00. This once should have been $5,476,248 if they did their math correctly. • The total which they put for the Community Center Column is $2,;47,42,00. This price should have been $3,024,587.00 if they did their math correctly.' • Then the spreadsheet asked fur prices for the General Conditions and for the Bonds. Their prices were $1,,727,079 and $110,973.00 respectively. If you add their sums as they indicated you get the following: $5,276.461.00 + $2,347,242.00, $1,727,079 + $110.973.00 + $773,720.00' = $10,235,475.00 However, they wrote $11,354,418. ("The $773,720.00 is for the first six items of the Cost Breakdown. These prices were to be included in the fourth column only.) • If you ignore their summations at the bottom of the spreadsheet, and add the iterns one by one you get $11,112,558.00. If you only look at the fourth column and sum up the subtotals you gel $11,102,598.00. Page C-1 of the Bid Form states as follows: "in the case of discrepancies in the amounts bid, words shall govern over figures."Fassberg left the portion of the bid where you are supposed to write in your bid amount in words and figures empty. They only completed the Cost Breakdown spreadsheet. Also. they made a spreadsheet somewhat similar to the spreadsheet in the Bidding Documents and replaced it with the Cost Breakdown sheet which was provided by the City. This shouid of not been done. Prior to the bid, Mr. Doug Joyce front ONYX - the Architects on this job, told me over the phone that none of the forms in the bidding documents shall be substituted. We were only allowed to use the forms provided to us with the Bidding Documents in order to avoid any problems which may arise from discrepancies between the two forms. As a result of.the foregoing, we additionally protest the award of the contract to Fas=_berg as their bid was non-responsive. In light of the foregoing, we request a hearing on our protest prior to the award of the contract. Please advise us as to the time and place of the hearing on our protest. Regards, Gerard Sinantan CC; Mr. Frank Tripepi, Manager, City of Rosemead Mr. Douglas D. Joyce, ONYX Mr. Gordon Hunt, Esq., Hunt. Ortrnann, Blasco, Pal y & Rossell, Inc. Face 2 of 2 iiml SINANIAN DEVE tL0 PMENT, INC. 18980 VENTURA BLVD., STE. 200, TARZANA, CA 91356 (818) 9969666, FAX: (At8) November 22, 2000 Mr. Don VVaoner Assistant Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE:- ROSEMEAD AND GARVEY SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT SUBJECT: BID PROTEST Dear Mr. ,.agner: The Notice Inviting Bidders for the above referenced project states that the Agencv will accept bids "until 2:00 PM'. I was personally present on the day bids were to be presented. Our bid was submitted at 1:50 pm. your clerk staled that we barely met the deadline. After 2:Oo pm, Fassberg submitted its bid and therefore it was untimely. If there is one principle that governs public bidding, it is that bids submitted after the deadline must be rejected. On the basis of the foregoing, this letter will constitute our protest of your acceptance of Fassberg's bid. 11 was submitted after 2:00 pm (based upon my personal observation) and therefore, should have been rejected. Paragraph 4.12 SUBMISSION OF BIDS of the Instructions to Bidders of the bidding documents reads as follows: "Bids shalt be deposited at the designated location prior to the tirne and date for receipt of Bids. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids wX be returned unopened." It is only fair that all bidders be held to the same standards, and the terms of the bid submittal process be enforced to all seven contractors who submitted a price for this project. Thus, I am formally protesting the bid submitted by Fassberg, and requesting that it be rejected nn the basis that it was not submitted on time. The courts have clearly held that where the bid is received after the deadline for submitting bids, it must be rejected. See the cases attached nereto. Also, I am hereby making a request for an appointment lc come to the City Hall and review all of the bids which were submitted. Regards, GEtrard Sinanian CC: Mr. Frank Tripepi, Manager, City of Rosemead t'9r. Gordon Hunt, Esq., Hunt, Ortmann. Blasco, Palffy & Rossell, Inc. I Unyubkthed B-I 41611, JAAfES L FERRY AND SONS, INC.: X 7W B-181611. 74-2 CPD P ZZ MATTER OF: JAMES L FERRY AND SONS, INC: NOV 7, 1,974 WHERE PROTESTERS REPRESENTATIVE DELIVERED HAND CARRIED BID 3 WffUMS LATE TO ROOM WRERE BIAS WERE BEING OPENED, SUBSTANTIAL CAUSE OF DELAY WAS REPRESENTATIVE'S FAILURE TO ALLOW SUFF70ENT TIME FOR DEIJYBRY. HENCE LATENESS IS NOT . ATTXIBUTABLE TO EXTRAORDINARY DELAY OR MISDIRECT70N BY GOlTRNIIENT PERSONNEL AND BID MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR A WARD. JAMES L. FERRY AND SONS, INC. PROTESTS THE REFUSAL OF THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION TO OPEN In BID SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO INl?TATIO.N FOR BIDS (IFB) NO. 100G9" ITS PROTEST IS PREMISED ON THE ASSERTION THAT THE DETERNINAT70N THAT ITS BID WAS LATE WAS IMPROPER IN VIEW OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING THE SUAVISSION OF ITS HA,YD-CARRIED BID. THE IFB, TO WHICH WAS APPENDED SPECIFICATION NO. 140G94, P)tOVIDEDTHAT SEALED BIAS WOULD BE RECEIVED AT THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, TRACY PUMPING PLANT, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, .TRACY F7ELD DTVLSION, BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, UNTIL I&00 A.M. LOCAL TIME. THE PROTESTER MAINTAINS THAT ITS REPRESENTAMT ARRIVED AT THE DISIGNATED BUILDING SEVERAL MINUTES BEFORE lO.W A.M. AND SAT IN HIS CAR UNTIL JUST BEFORE 9.S9, AT WHICH TIME HE ENTERED THE EUILDING, THERE IS SOME DISP07 AS TO THE ESACT TIME AT WHICR THE REPRESENTATIVE ENTERED THE BUILDING INASMUCH AS PERSONNEL IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AT 774E TIME RECOUNT THAT THE TIME WAS ONLYA FEW SECONDS BEFORE 10.00 A.M. NEVERTHELESS, BOTH PARTIES ARE IN GENERAL AGREEMENT AS TO THE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED THEREAFTER. THE OFFICES WITHIN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ARE LOCATED O.N TWO FLOORS. WITH THE ENTRANCE Pole I LOCATED MIDWAY BETWEEN. THE INFORMATION TELEPHONE OPERATOR'S OFFICE IS LOCATED AT THE HEAD OF THE STEPS TO THE F1RS7 FLOOR DIRECTLY ACROSS THE HAIL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF'S SECRETARY, WHICH IN TURN IS LOCATED JUST OUTSIDE THE OFFICE OF TIE CHIEF . THE MAIL AND FILE OFFICE IS LOCATED TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE FOOT OF THE STAIRS ON THE BASEMENT FLOOR, WITH THE CONFERENCE ROOM LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 60 FEET ALONG THE CORRIDOR FROM THE FOOT OF THE STAIRS ON THE BASEMENT FLOOR.. UPON ENTERING THE BUILDING THE PROTESTER S REPRESENT'ATTVB PROCEEDED IV THE HEAD Of THE FIRST FLOOR STAIRS AND ADVISED THE OPERATOR TWAT HE WAS THERE FOR THE BID OPENING. AT THAT POINT THE REPRESENTATIVE WAS JUST OUTSIDE THE ENTRY AREA TO THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF WHICH HAD BEEN DESIGNATED AS THE PLACE PON BID DELAERY. HALING VERIFIED THAT NEITHER OF THE BUREAU PERSONNEL CONNECTED WITH THE BID OPENING WAS IN HIS OFFICE AND SNOWING THAT THE CHIEF WAS NOT IN THAT DAY, THE INFORMATION TELEPHONE OPERATOR QU7CXLY CALLED FOR THE MAIL AND FILES SUPERVISOR TO HELP THE REPRESENTATIVE FIND AIR. OTW;AY. ACCORIXNG TO THE MAIL AND FILE SUPERVISOR, SHE TOLD 771B OPERATOR THAT SHE BELIEVED THAT AIR. OTWAY WAS AT THE BID OPENING AN'D COULD NOT BE CALLED OUT, WIIEREIPON THE OPERATOR RESPONDED STATING THAT SHE BELIEVED THAT THE REPRESENTATIVE HAD A BID. AT THAT POINT THE MAIL AND FILE SUPERVISOR REPORTS THAT SHE LOOKED AT THE CLDCK AND, UPON DETERMINING THAT IT WAS 1"2, TOLD THE OPERATOR THAT THE REPRESENTATTVE WAS TOO LATE BUT THAT SHE WOULD SEE HIM. THEREFORE SHE RAN TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM AND ASLTD....WHETHEL - THE--REPRESENTATIVE SHOULD BE SENT IN. HAVING SEEN TOLD THAT THE INDIVIDUAL SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM, SHE RAN BACK DOWN THE HALLWAY AND HALF WAY UP THE STAIRS AND BECKONED THE REPRESENTATIVE TO FOLLOW. HE ARRIVED AT THE CONFERENCE. ROOM A.YD SUBMTTED HIS BID AT lb.-N. Co,Tri'& (c) Wert G,oq 1998 No cwx m odrinal VS. Cn K. w kj UEPu081Med B-1 dl ti11, JAMES L FERRY AND SONS, INC.: ON THE BASIS OF THESE FACTS, THE PROTESTER CONTENDS THAT ITS BID WAS NOT LATE BUT THAT ITS REPRESE'rTA77VE WAS AT THE APPOINTED PLACE,. THE l.OCATJON OF TIfE,Q E_QF_TIM CHIEF, BEFORE THE APPOINTED 10.•00 DEADLINE. THE PROTESTER FURTHER SUGGESTS THAT THE LATENESS OF THE BID DELIVER.T WAS DUE NOT TO ANY FAULT ON ITS TART, BUT TO THE FACT THAT THE GOVERNVENT OFFJCIALS WERE NOT AT THE ROOM DESIGNATED FOR BID DELIVERY BUT HAD REMOVED THEMSELVES TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM ON THE LOWER FLOOR Of THE BUILDING. THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, ON THE OTHER HAND, IS OF THE OPINION THAT THE BID WAS NOT DELIVERED TO THF. RECEIVING OFFICE BY 10.00 A.M. INASMUCH AS THE.PROTESTER S REPRESEN7A71VE AT NO TIME ENTERED THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OR THE OFFICE ADJACEAT THERETO IN WHICH THE SECRETARY TO THE CHIEF WAS LOCATED. IN SUPPORT OF THIS POSITION, THE SECRETARY TO THE CHIEF HAS SUBMITTED A MEMOXANDUaf STATING THAT HER OFFICE IS POSITIONED SO AS TO INTERCEPT ALL TRAFFIC LEADING TO AND FROM THE C RIEF'S OFFICE AND THAT FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM APPROYJWATELY 0;30 A.M. TO 1030 A.M. NO ONE LOOKED INTO THE OFFICE OR EN7ERED THE OFFICE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DELIVERING A BID ON INQUIRING WHERE IT SHOULD BE DELIVERED, WHILE APPARENTLY CONCEDING THAT ITS REPRESENTATIVE DID NOT ENTER THE DESIGNATED OFFICE, THE PROTESTER MAINTAINS THAT ITS REPRESENTATIVE WAS LU FACT AT THE OPERATORS OFFICE . WITHIN A FEW STEPS OF THE CHIEF'S OFFICE - AND WOULD HAVE DELIVERED THE BID TO THAT OFFICE HAD HE NOT BEEN USHERED TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM IN RESPONSE TO HIS REQUEST FOR DJRSCTIOAS TO THE PUCE OF BID OPENING. •73766 IN SUPPORT OF ITS REFUSING TO OPEN THE BID SUBMITTED BY JAMES L FERRY AND SONS, INC., THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION CITES OUR HOLDING AT 39 COMP. GEN. 134 pRS8), FOR THE PROPOSITION THAT IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF . THE BIDDER SUBMITTING A HAND-CARRIED HID TO SEE paer 1 THAT ITS BID IS DELIVERED TO THE DESGNATED OFFICE PRIOR TO THE 77AIE SPECIFIED FOR RECEIPT. IN A.TTZkfl! 7NG T0._DIS.U..N~LIISA 3d CQMP. GEN. 23,, SUPRA, FROM ITS SITUATION, THE PROTESTER CONTENDS THAT ITS BID WAS DELIVERED TO THE DESIGNATED OFFICE BY THE APPOINTED TIME. LV ESSENCE, THE PROTESTER CONTENDS THAT. THE INSTANT SITUATION 1S SIMILAR TO THAT WHIC1115 THE SUBJECT OF OL9t HOLDING IN 34 COMP. GEN. ISO (19541 IN WHICH IT WAS FOUND THAT THE LATENESS OF THE HAND- CARRIED BID WAS DUE TO EXTRAORDINARY DELAY- CAUSED BY GOVEMWENT PERSONNEL AND TEE BID COUTII THUS BE CO-NSUWXED. IN THAT CASE THE BILIUER'S REPRESENTATIVE HAD IN FACT' DELIVERED ITS BID TO THE USUAL A,ND DESIGNATED BID DEPOSITORY BY THE APPOINTED HOUR; HOWEVER, THE GOVERNMEAT EMPLO)7E AT THAT LOCATION HAD RETURNED THE BID TO THE . REFRESEMATTVE AND REDIRECTED HIM TO A CONFERENCE ROOM WHERE THE BID OPENING WAS TO TAKE PLACE. HE ARRIVED AT THAT LOCATION 3 MINUTES AFTER THE TIME DESIGNATED FOR DELIVERY OF BIDS, WHILE IN CERTAIN RESPECTS THE SITUATION INVOLVED IN 3I COMP. GEN. 150, SUPRA; BEARS A RESEMBLANCE. TO THE CASE AT aAND, IT IS DISTINGUISHABLE IN OAT CRITICAL U.GARD._ SPECIFICALLY, THE PROTESTER'S REPRESENTATIVE DID NOT DELIVER ITS BLD TO THE DESIGNATED ROOM PRIOR TO 10:00 A.M. AS TO PROTESTER'S SUGGES7708 THAT DEUVERY TO THE DESIGNATED ROOM WAS PRECLUDED BY THE AC77ONS OF BURE4U PERSONNEL REMOVING THEMSELVES TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM, WE POINT OUT THAT THE SECRETARY TO TILE CHIEF WAS IN THE ANTP_ROOM TO THE CHIEF'S OFFICE PRIOR TO AND AT 10;00 A.M. WHILE, AS THE PROTESTER CONTENDS, IT MAY HA YE BEEN INAPPROPRIATE FOR ITS REPRESENTATIVE TO ENTER THE CHIEF'S OFFICE WITHOUT HAWNG BEEN FIRST 'INVITED TO DO SO, THERE IS NO INDICATION THAT HE ENTERED T11E AA7EROOM TO THAT OFFICE OR ATTEMPTED TO MATE DELIVERY TO THAT LOCATION. AND, N02'147TJISTANDING THAT THE BID OPENING WAS OCCURRING IN Coorick R) Wcl Grvbw 1998 No alaLw to vjrL l U.S. Gow. wrlr UiPubfisW Li18J612, LANES L. FERRY AND SONS, INC.: THE CONFERENCE ROOM, THE FACT REMAINS THAT THE CHIEF'S SECP,ETARY WAS IN A POSITION TO RECEIVE BIDS DELIVERED TO 771E CHIEF'S OI'FICE. UPON A REVIEW OF . ALL THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF 77175 CASE, IT APPEARS THAT -A SIGNIFICANT CAUSE OF THE LATE DELIVERY *AS THE FAILURE OF THE PROM M'S REPRESENTATIVE TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT 77ME FOR DELIVERY. IT IS ARGUABLE THAT THE 2 MINUTES WHICH T71E PROTESTER CLAIMS WAS ALLOWED FROM THE TIME OF ENTERING THE BUIL DLYG WOULD HAVE BEEN SUF117CIENT FOR TIMELY DELIVERY, GIVEN DELAYS IN OBTAINING DIRECTION'S. MOREOVER, PROTESTERS C087EN77ON THAT ITS REPRESENTATIVE ENTERED THE BUILDING Al 9:S8 IS DISPL7ED BY STATEMENTS OF THE INFORALA770H TELEPHONE OPERATOR Pape3 AND THE MAUL AND FIf.ES SUPERt7SOR INUCA77NG THAT THE REPRESENTATIVE ENTERED 'THE BUILDING OhZY A FEW SECONDS BEFORE IU.-W A- M. INASMUCH AS THE PROTESTERSS FAILURE TO A77TMYT DELIVERY TO THE DESIGNATED ROOM, COUPLED WITH HIS FAILURE TO ALLOW SUFFTCIEN7 TIME, APPEAR TO RE THE SUBSTANTIAL CAUSES OF LATE DELIVERY, WE CANNOT' CONCLUDE TW IT RESULTED EITHER FROM SUCH EXTRAORDINARY DELAY OR 31ISDURECTION BY GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL AS TO PERMIT ITS EXCEPTION FROM THE RULE THAT A LATE BID MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. CF. B-178984, OCTOBER IO, 1973, AND Si CORP. GEN. 69 (1971). THEREFORE, TILE PROTEST OF JAMES L FERRY AND SONS, INC IS DENIED. CoPlritk (e) Weu Group 1998 No cigum IF w4taw U.S. Gm. warb 65 Comp. Gta 71, Arnold Rooter, 1mc. •36116 65 Coatp. Ceet. 71, 8220197, 85.1 CPD 1'574 MATTER OF: Arnold Rootrr, Inc Novemtber 29, J9g5 DIGEST 1. WAen the ontr evidence of eke stwc that Une bLfdrr'c rapuxtcarah'rc arrived d tie coraaaing .LTI" Canrtay of a staeemnt of JAW ptrottstar that (k reprsserladva arrived priv to tkt bad opening dwe and a rsaemmant of Aar coxerwitV agency that the mpruewtaw arrived q&r than djw, the protester has failed to sustain lu brasleA-0 provost that tike bid was sat Left. 2. b L char bidder's rcspt,aribllby to cure wb & arrival of 67'bid at the place 41 bid opeabtt, aped a bid that it lam Attause the Mdder failed to allow J40kkat Cmc for delivety.of -the bid way acv be considered for cw=t 71r foe that bide had not bun opened when the Late bid war wciwd is lrrtlevaw, sine.- dw Lnsprrtu s of maimai slat the WegM of the cewperfave biddoq iysuat owtlt)u asu wsomdw7 saving rid mitN be obtained by easutdvInt a late hid , . - Arenld Ra-w, Inc. (ARI) proew.; aw rriccuoa a tare of ter bid under brvUdom for bid (IFB) No. F1162345--B-0053, trsmed by char Depev swnt of eke Air Farm to Lest and real toe tardtary sewer system ® Scaa AD Force Bare, Itbnois, We derp the. protesd. Bid opt" *at scbedukd for 3 p.n as Scotasber J6, _ I.M. ARJ -dktcs that to reprertntartYe was prctew d she bast entreats o kj prior to the 3 p a dead&w and tendered Its bid to the procureaurm clert The clerk trtforBwd ARl's represewadw rha a MStr Yoegk would have to h tail dfrow she bid apesdng roew. According b slat prtsenar, It was 3:01 p.m when Vsgt )CaejG come oat, and im rFivrcd to accept fie bld hem" the ar= tine for the opealtsg a bids had patted ARl comendi that the ltd should have been acerpttd duce h was glyered to Me clerk befort 3 p.w. AJU, whore rcpresematve weer to Uw bed aptu6ig tvosa amd need the tm old had yd Aeea opened, farther w7wi rkar no advantW towed havt been gained by ARJ if kr bid were xupely and tk¢ 6 p=Lng fom am rubrtauc eke torrrnmu[ !ores Pate I the S47,00 by wh(cb ARI'J bid alletedb it below the low aeeeptad tae. (IAe firw's atormry -holds the bid, w4lc4 the rovernnieev never. gwned) AttardLtd to the Air Force prucureettse cheek who war tAe fbst person oonfaded by ARI, AR1't represewarim arrind a[ 3:03 p.w. Wkem ARl eared hs beat, Ae Air Porte umu, rAe procsv ~w dent advtraf AJU that tike bid war late, bvI coned MSgt Raegk to Ike Q,pSu to talk to ARJ's mpuemralm. - AdSO X"lle atso advLad ARJ Usd the bid wu late and could nor be accepted.-- A, A? Force farther allspes that dw...ARJ.. reprviciuain aedwowLdted to tevrrai people m time bid opening thm lee was Lac bataY3e gf nvffk cDH&&m and doe mby W tutting tAe building and neon. Rhea ike en'y evidence m an 4sae q/ face co,uisis of ronRktlrtg stateAttmt v rte proksorr and Out agency, the protester Aar not selv'kd Its bard-x of proof. Unico, Ire., &216592. Jane S, 1985, d5-1 C.P.D. ( 6CJ. h7ur0twc, abiaugk AJU caamadr Usat W rcprestmfaclx arrtvrd at tkc eonvWming oplte prior to Ike blot opening riaw, we are comoviwed to accept the Ab, Force's garmsew 149 the represeatacfk firn arrtvrd a eke reeeyrdna desk 3 nimaks after the time for bid operant, and rim' the bid thus van tae. hlorcorer, b it nor rekwv the badr had mot yet been ope eat when AR/'s loll wm receired. 77ne bedding rukt end "I almdow are clear rim k b the bidder's respaas Mo to arrrrt dweti arrival of as bed at !it pearl of bid opcnlal, amd a bid that it late because the btddcrfailed so allow egffic sw dace to dt2mr the bed mm net be consUercd for award. Sec Jawu L Fury and Sons, enc., B-111612, Nor. 7, 1974, 912 C.P.D. 1-245; -Federal Acqutrtlon Rrealadoe% 48 C_F.R. J 14.341 (1984). We wmis tally krw sak.en the p011:10n that these rv,Uv Lmt Atari be eq/orced rtriao, sbwt mQhW niag corltidemae W tkc MtetrOy of the compeiCtn biddiat rysata otawdthr cup morA%wy savings Ad osigkt bw ebrdmed by wmlderatdon of a face M4 51 CoegtGem, 173 (I971); Chestnra HUI Carutradl n. Inc., &216891, Apr. 11, 1985, 834 C.P.D. 1443. rke Prosau ti dtn44 Nary X Van L7ew General Ce ucl CopyritAr (c) Wen Group 1998 No claim to original U.S. Gott worts ME 00 4 December 2000 City of Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Board 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Rosemead Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Community Center ONYX Project No. P98073 Members of the Board: SUBJECT: Bid Protest Letters This correspondence will serve as a response and background to the two "bid protest" letters submitted by Gerard Sinanian of Sinanian Development, Inc., dated November 22, 2000, and November 30, 2000. In their bid protest letters, Sinanian Development, Inc. requests that the Fassberg Construction Company ("Fassberg") bid be rejected on the following basis: 1. That the bid was not submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on November 21, 2000. 2. That there were math errors on the bid form. 3. That the total bid amount was left off of the front sheet of the bid form. 4. That a substitute form for the bid package was used. Sinanian Development, Inc., was the apparent second lowest bidder. To date, the lowest responsible bid has not been selected by the Agency Board. It will be our recommendation to the Agency Board that the Fassberg bid receive all due consideration and not be rejected as requested. Rosemead bid procedure requires that the Agency Board allow the author of the bid protest to state his firm's case directly to the Board and ask for a decision in their favor. Therefore, the Board will'be able to consider both perspectives. The project team has discovered minor errors in all of the seven bids received on the project. Section 5.3.1 of the AIA A701 Instructions to Bidders (a pan of the bid package) states that "The Owner shall have the right to waive informalities or irregularities in a Bid received and to accept the Bid which, in the Owner's judgement, is in the Owner's best interest." With this provision in O N Y X A R PR cwA ROBERT H. CARFE P, AIA DAI F W. BRowN, AIA \ Assocwi PNNCBAI C ST rH A. KucHE m, AU Doucus D. ]oVcE m, AIA CH ONC V. Nco, Am 1 KENNETH P. SCOFIEID, AIA H I T E C T S V 626.405.8001 F 626.405.8150 16 NORI MARENCo No. 700 PASADENA, CAuFOMN 91101 www.ONYXARCHIE CTS. COM City of Rosemead Redevelopment Agency 4 December 2000 mind, Onyx Architects explanation and recommendations pertaining to the specific bid protest issues are as follows: Bid Submittal Time in the minutes prior to the bid, closing, the project team consisting of the Architects, the Owner's construction management representatives, GRC, as well as City officials were making preparations. A GRC representative approached the reception desk in City Hall where bids were being delivered to observe the final moments of the bid submittals and to check the clocks. The receptionist stated that several bids were already submitted and logged in. Inquiries had been made by some of the bidders about what was the actual time. The receptionist had been informed that the deadline for receiving bids was 2:00 p.m. and she had set her clock by telephone time. By this clock setting, at 1:59:30.p.m. the receptionist announced that thirty seconds remained. Thereupon the GRC representative walked directly to the front door of City Hall (about 25 feet away) and informed those outside the door that there was thirty seconds to go. The one remaining bidder left to submit, Fassberg, walked immediately to the reception desk and turned in their bid. The receptionist, not having a time stamp, rounded-up to the next minute and logged the Fassberg bid at 2:00 p.m. The last bid was received approximately 10 to 20 seconds before the hour utilizing the clock that had been selected and set by the receptionist. Therefore, it is our. opinion that Fassberg had met the bid submittal deadline. Bid Form Math Errors Sinanian Development made a detailed explanation in their protest letter regarding the Fassberg bid breakdown and its apparent math errors. It is not a requirement for the bidders on their breakdown sheets to present perfect math. The purpose of the breakdowns was for the construction management team to analyze the sub categories of each bid to determine if there would be any problems with the low bidder. Sinanian Development's quotation of language in Addendum B and C is a misinterpretation of the intent of these documents. Note the last sentence of their Addendum C quotation: "The Total Bid figure will determine the low bidder". The total or "bottom line" figure is what determines the apparent low bidder. Therefore, it is our opinion that this issue is not sufficient to disqualify the Fassberg bid. 0 N Y X A R C H I T E C T S City of Rosemead Redevelopment Agency 4 December 2000 Page 3 Total Bid Amount was left Off the Bid Form Sinanian Development protests that the bid amount was not shown on the top sheet of the bid form. However, the bid amount was easily determined as identified on the bid breakdown sheet. As to Sinanian Development's protest that "words shall govern over figures" in determining the submitted bid amount, as discussed above, math errors are not considered to constitute a discrepancy. Therefore, it is our opinion that this issue is not sufficient to disqualify the Fassberg bid. Substitution of Bid Form Sinanian Development protests that Fassberg substituted a bid form for one that was originally supplied in the bid package. When Sinanian Development made their telephone inquiry to Onyx regarding substitution of bid forms, they were advised that a substitution could be made, but were warned that creating a new form might be grounds to have their bid rejected. Fassberg made this substitution for purposes of word processing. It is substantially the same as the form supplied in the bid package. Therefore, it is our opinion that this issue is not sufficient to disqualify the Fassberg bid. - Sincerely,. ONYX ARCHITECTS, INC. Don Wagner Steve Copenhaver Dale Brown 0 N Y X A R C H I T E C T S Memorandum - To: Frank G. Tripepi Fron Stephen Copenhaver DaL: December 6, 2000 Subjcet Rosemead Garvey Avenue_ Senior Housing and Community= Center Receipt of Construction Bids The bid opening for the Garvey Avenue. Senior Housing and Community Center project occurred on November 21, 2000. In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the City Cleric received (7) seven bids by the 2:00 P.M. deadline. The staff has reviewed the bids and the results are as follows: 1. Fassberg Construction Company _ $111364;413 2. Sinanian Development, Inc $121351,205 3. Ellias Construction Co-, Inc.. $12.564.000 4. Martin-Harris Construction $12,875,755 5. HA Lewis, Inc. $13,273;000 6. Pinner Construction Company, Inc $13,514;000 7. JR Roberts Corporation $14,977,000 The low bid was received from Fassberg Construction Company and it was submitted with the proper Bid Security, Non Collusion Affidavit, Subcontractnr,list and Qualification Statement. Fassberg Construction Company ("Fassbei.g")Owner, Abraham Fassberg. met with Agency staff and architects on November 30, 2000.and discussed the submitted bid. At this meeting, Fassberg supported his bid and reviewed his qualifications. Their experience includes a similar community center building built as a joint project for the cities of Calabasas and Agoura Hills and a multitude of senior housing projects throughout Southern California. The staff has been contacting Fassberg references and have received positive recommendations. With respect to their litigation history, the company has been involved in litigation with subcontractors but has not been involved in major litigation with a project sponsor nor has been removed from a construction job. Overall, the staff believes that the firm is qualified to undertake the project. Representatives of the construction company are scheduled to attend the Agency meeting and they are providing.a copy of their company brochure for review under separate cover. Analysis of Bid Versus the Architect's Estimate At a prior Agency meeting, the Board requested an explanation of the variance between the original architect's estimate of approximately $10 million, and the low bid secured iu the formal bid process. Onyx Architects have prepared a summary statement discussing the variance from their perspective which is attached. Generally, the original 'architect's bid was formulated several months prior to the bid date and it did not include certain changes in the scope of the project and allowances. No one category of'construction cost accounts for the variance. For instance, the bid amount on soils compaction work at slightly less than $700.000 is higher than in the original estimate but it only accounts for a percentage of the variance. The same holds true for the $200,000 allowance for FI'&E, changes to the meeting room, the larger basement and upgn•aded structural changes resulting from the third-party review of the earthquake hazard. A percentage of the change appears to be related to the active construction market and rising costs. Recommendation It is recommended that the Agency Board award the subject contract to Fassberg Construction Company and authorize the Board Chairman to execute the required contract documents (the form of contract was approved as part of the bid package). The staff' suggests that the final contract include the optional premium amount for Earthquake. Insurance of $+22,500 for a total contract amount of $11,386,918. I PROJECT BIDDING _MEMO DATE 5 DECEMBER 2000 -PROJECT ROSEMEAD / GARVEY AVENUE SENIOR HOUSING PAGES 1 OF 1 AND COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT NP98073 EXPLANATION OF ADDITIONAL COSTS OVER ORIGINAL COST ESTIMATE The following items contributed to the difference between the Project estimate and the low bid: • Additional grading to bring new compacted fill down to natural grade on 100% of the site. Allowance placed in bid for Fixtures, Furniture, and Equipment (FF&E). Upgraded structural design to conform to more conservative seismic zone proximity factor. . Elect to construct full instead of partial basement under community center. Active construction market: Bidders had difficulties getting mechanical, electrical, and plumbing bids. - - - - ' P:\Jobs\C980]}.rsb\DoesVnsers\esh ritym-;o.001305.DJ}.Ot.doc - - O N Y X A R"C H I T E C T S V 626.405. 8001 16 NORTH MAitiLNQo No. 7W F 626. 405. 8150 PASADENA. CAUrawb+ N`\4'K'.ONI'a AttCHI"1'CC'I'S CO Al 91101 \