CC - Item 4E - Authorization To Place Ad In We Tip Conference ProgramTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL C0U~~CIL FEB 2 2 2000 ITEM No.:[~- E FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE AD IN WE TIP CONFERENCE PROGRAM Attached is information regarding We Tip's 27°i Annual National Crimefighting Conference. In the past the Council has authorized a half-page ad in the conference program. The cost of the ad is $225.00. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize a half page ad to be placed in the Program for the We Tip 276 Annual National Crimefighting Conference. staf epor ,.BOARnlOF DIRECTORS ~i:trrlce Pof ml" III LL PR(1\\'NI:1.1. -ndouCli0, W<l'ip R...lo~ (ul omnga DENNIS KIT I"1'p1F.11(R Ro+idon. War., Pill ll Annrncy. Rlo-d Anon ll, Rdd F Hlu,lr San Ifcrnadinn Cnunn NIIRIAN BRO W'NELL G~POUndedS¢mtary. Nk,l ip R.hn C...mnnga DONALD MILLER Trc nura, NV, Tip Tvlcormminiications Div. Cdc of San Bcrvrdinn SUSAN AGUILAR %.11 Pl«loknt. WrTip Public Rclafoms Director Rancho('ocanoo'a GEORGI: KITA Vice hl,id<m. WeTip Auom<,' l I..,. Los Ang<In THOMAS 1) KEEFE via Presid<nl, w<Tip Sr. vice pres.. Undcr-hing Lf unici C,a,uwal Inmrancc walnut (,l JOHN SA11.110N via pr<eid:nt. 9'<T., Dim-, of 0,arnn,< MARK SIO..IA vice Prlodmt. WeTip \sc<Chainnan. Gnphon Ins. Group woodland Ilills. CA EXECUTIVE STAFF CHIEF I XEC11TIOE OFFICER B.11 B,o..,1I Ext._-_ NATIONAL. DIRECTOR \,irinm Bnon-11 Ea, -I PUBLIC REI.ATIO7lS DIRECTOR Susan Aguily Ext. 249 INTERNAL IIIRECIOR Bnnolc Lobccki 11a, 249 CREATI\'F. SERVICES Pamela Jo Bill E,,, 139 SIEDIA Leah Ransom 141 CI1'1',COII.1I'S CORPORATE. PROGRAMS Jakic Cofron. Eu. 22S Rod Zcnk Ell._-, DIARKE'I'INC.D)RF.CIOR D-d Eden E,, 114 PERSONNEL K ACCOBN'IING Linda Duff,, Ell Susan Sums Fa 146 ARRESTS @ CON VICIIONS Anna Dorado Ent '-i2 TIP OPERATIONS Debbie Riraa E.,. L. SCHOOL R INSURANCE PROGRAMS Kc,<Zenk Ell. 236 February 11, 2000 Donald Wagner City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Wagner, ~o a 0 ERVINGTHE A'j~NAenONP p This year WeTip will be holding its 27th Annual National Crimefighting Conference!!! It is unbelievable that more than a quarter century has gone by since WeTip's founding fathers saw a need for a safe way for citizens to give information about crime without being afraid of reprisal. Now here we are, over 28 years later and $322 million dollars in drugs are off the streets and over 14,175 criminals have been apprehended because of WeTip. We would like to invite you to purchase an ad in the program for WeTip's 27th National Conference. The page you submit can be in the form of an ad, a proclamation, a resolution or a letter. We have worked with you for many years, and we are sure that you will want to reserve a place in this 27th edition of the Conference Program. We look forward to hearing from you very soon. Pricing information and a copy of your ad in a past program is enclosed. Please remember that 100% of the proceeds from the program, go to funding the WeTip crime hotlines. All donations to the program are tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your support and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 909 987-5005 Ext. 249. Yours for a safer America. Susan Aguilar WeTip National Conference Coordinator Business Office v P.O. Box 1296 - Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-1296 a Business Phone (9119)987-5005 a Fax (909)987-2477 a Walc.a'eli p.cnm THE CITY COUNCIL oscsocad OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SALUTES Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Joe Vasquez Margaret Clark Robert W. Bruesch Jay T. Imperial Gary A. Taylor We7iP. ON ITS 26TH CONFERENCE "FIGHTING CRIME WHERE WE WORK AND WHERE WE LIVE" Marriott Ontario Airport Best Western Heritage Inn 8179 Spruce Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 2200 E. Holt Boulevard Ontario, California (909)466-1111 (909)975-5000 f 1 N ds ~t~::