CC - Item 4B - Request For Speed Control On Steele Streetstaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGF,~--;Z- DATE: APRIL 4, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED CONTROL ON STEELE STREET BETWEEN ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND ELLIS LANE DISCUSSION At the February Traffic Commission meeting, Ms. Acosta, 9230 Steele Street, requested the installation of speed controls on Steele Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Ellis Lane and was interested in the installation of speed humps. Staff informed Ms. Acosta of the City's current policy not to install speed humps due to lack of approved standard designs. Based on data from the reported accident history and field review and observations of the subject site, staff recommended the installation of 25 mph speed limit signs on Steele Street, in addition to Guess Street and Ralph Street. The installation of rumble strips on Steele Street was considered, however, such controls are designed primarily to advise motorists in advance of a specific situation, such as a crosswalk. At the February meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to approve the staff recommendation to install 25 mph speed limit signs on Steele Street, Guess Street, and Ralph Street. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of 25 mph speed limit signs on Steele Street, Guess Street, and Ralph Street. In addition, it is also recommended that the speed trailer be placed on Steele Street to be followed by selective enforcement. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A - Staff report, dated January 25, 2000. Exhibit B - Figure 1 Exhibit C - Draft Minutes, dated February 3, 2000 COUNCIL AGENDA AFR 1 12000 REM No. ~C_ TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JANUARY 25, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED CONTROL ON STEELE STREET BETWEEN ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND ELLIS LANE REQUEST During last month's Traffic Commission meeting, Ms. Suzanna Costa requested some sort of speed control on Steele Street. Commissioner Ruiz requested staff to review Steele Street for additional traffic controls. Ms. Costa did not specify her concerns. She expressed an interest in installing speed humps on Steele Street to slow vehicles. Staff indicated to Ms. Costa that the City's current policy is not to install speed humps due to exposure to additional liability. CONDITIONS Steele Street is a 36-foot wide residential roadway from Rosemead Boulevard to Rio Hondo Avenue. Between Rio Hondo Avenue and Ellis Lane, Steele Street is 40 feet wide. There is no striping on the street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping times. Steele Street is stop controlled at its intersection with Rosemead Boulevard, Hart Avenue, Rio Hondo Avenue and Ellis Lane. The prima facie speed limit on Steele Street is 25 mph. DATA The reported accident history on. Steele Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Ellis Lane was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1999. This review identified 5 reported accidents summarized on the following page. EXHIBIT A" Request for Speed Control on Steele Street Between Rosemead Boulevard and Ellis Lane Page 2 Location and Description Time and Date 421 feet east of Rosemead Boulevard 2:20 a.m. Wed. 3/17/99 Eastbound vehicle backing collided with an eastbound parked vehicle (PCF=starting/backing and inattention). 500 feet east of Rosemead Boulevard 7:35 p.m. Sat. 1/25/97 Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight collided head-on with two westbound parked vehicles (PCF=driver alcohol/drugs and wrong side). 191 feet west of Ellis Lane 12:55 a.m. Mon. 11/18/96 Eastbound vehicle ran off the road and collided with a northbound parked vehicle and 3 westbound parked vehicles (PCF=unsafe speed and other). 33 feet east of Rio Hondo Avenue 7:45 a.m. Fri. 3/15/96 Westbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended two westbound stopped vehicles (PCF=unsafe speed and inattention). 538 feet east of Rosemead Boulevard (Rt. 19) 8:30 a.m. Wed. 6/26/96 Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight sideswiped an eastbound parked vehicle _ (PCF=not driver and brakes, other equipment). NOTE: PCF = primary collision factor The estimated 24-hour traffic volume on Steele Street is approximately 2,000 vehicles per day. This is generally considered the average volume of a residential roadway. DISCUSSION Field review identified no parking street sweeping signs and stop signs along Steele Street. A few vehicles were observed traveling on Steele Street. It is estimated their speed was approximately 25-30 mph. These observations were made during off-peak hours. As you are aware, the City's current policy is to deny the installation of speed humps on public streets. This is primarily due to the lack of approved standard designs for the speed humps. Other cities have installed speed humps on a "trial Request for Speed Control on Steele Street Between Rosemead Boulevard and Ellis Lane Page 3 or study" basis and have determined, under their own legal advice, whether their city is taking on additional liability. The installation of rumble strips was considered for Steele Street. However, the installation of rumble strips in the City has been primarily to advise motorists in advance of a specific situation. For example, on Encinitas Avenue the rumble strips were installed to warn motorists of the yellow school crosswalk at Pitkin Street. The installation of rumble strips on Steele Street would be inappropriate, at this time. In addition, the noise from the rumble strips would be a concern on this residential street. There were no speed limit signs posted on Steele Street. Such a posting may serve as a reminder to motorists of the prima. facie speed limit of 25 mph on a residential street. It is recommended that 25 mph speed limit signs be installed on Steele Street. Due to the similar roadway characteristics, it is further recommended that 25 mph speed limit signs be installed on Guess Street and Ralph Street. De Adelena Street is not included in this recommendation. De Adelena Street is currently being surveyed as an addendum to the City's Engineering and Traffic Speed Survey. RECOMMENDATIONS The installation of 25 mph signs on Steele Street, Guess Street and Ralph Street is recommended as shown on Figure 1. It is further recommended that the speed trailer be placed on Steele Street followed by selective enforcement. Attachment JI%Rsd%Steele Street ~7 s!113 s s z 'any opuoH ON 77- N 0 Q 3 a~ c m 0 N N L c C N d m (U N U.) (0 N d 0 v C%j Z N N W O> J J w a C) v v N m v v s x W a 7 F 10 peawasoH EXHIBIT "B" Figure 1 RO.SEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FEBRUARY 3. 2000 DRAFT A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla Commissioners: Ruiz, Knapp, Baffa, Herrera Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Quintanilla The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Ruiz There was a moment of silence for the departing victims of Flight #261. L APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Herrera and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for January 6, 2000. . H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Helen Gunthrie 1754 Dubonnet _ Rosemead, CA 91770 Ms. Gunthrie stated that the residents need more patrolling on Marshall Street. M. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. A. REOUF-ST FOR SPEED RUMPS ON MUSCATEL AVENUE IN THE VICINITY OF SCOTT STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff received a letter from Mr. William Boyd of 8712 Scott Street. Mr. Boyd is requesting speed bumps or "white button road caps" on Muscatel Avenue to slow down traffic in the vicinity of Scott Street. He indicates that vehicles are speeding through the crosswalk. Muscatel Avenue is a 40-foot wide norih/south secondary arterial. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by single yellow skip striping. On-street parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping times. The posted speed limit on Muscatel Avenue is 30 mph. There is a 25 mph school speed limit sign for northbound Muscatel Avenue north of Valley Boulevard. Scott Street is a 36-foot wide east/west local street. There is no striping on the street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping times. Scott Street is stop controlled at its T-intersection with Muscatel Avenue. The prima facie speed limit on Scott Street is 25 mph. EXHIBIT "C" At the intersection of Muscatel Avenue and Scott Street, a yellow crosswalk coasts on the south leg. School crossing signs and markings exist on Muscatel Avenue in advance of this crosswalk. The reported accident history in the vicinity of Muscatel Avenue and Scott Street was reviewed for the period from January I, 1996 through June 30, 1999. Field review of Muscatel Avenue in the vicinity of Scott Street revealed a yellow crosswalk on the south leg of the intersection. This crosswalk was identified v ith warning signs and pavement markings. The field observations were made during school hours but not during the beginning of release periods. However, approximately 10 pedestrians, during the field observation, used the ciosswalk Mr. Boyd has requested the installation of speed humps or rumble strips to slow down traffic in the vicinity of the crosswalk. Since the City's policy is not to install speed humps, the installation of rumble strips was considered. As we have found on Encinita Avenue, the installation of rumble strips has been helpful - .i in alerting motorists in advance of the crosswalk. A similar rumble strip installation is . recommended for the crosswalk on Muscatel Avenue at Scott Street. After review of the Caltrans guidelines, the warning signs for the crosswalk need to be relocated. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of rumble strips north and south of Scott Street on Muscatel Avenue is recommended. It was further recommended that the school signing on Muscatel Avenue be revised. All these school signs shall be the new "chartreuse" color. Commissioner Ruiz stated that on the north/west corner of Edmond Drive there are some brush that are up to the curb and are restricting the view of people making a right hand turn. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. . B. REOUEST FOR SPEED CONTROL ON STEELE STREET BETWEEN ' ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND ELLTS LANE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that during last months Traffic Commission - meeting, Ms. Suzanna Costa requested some sort of speed control on Steele Street. - - Commissioner Ruiz requested staff to review Steele Street for additional traffic controls. - Ms. Costa did not specify her concerns. She expressed an interest in installing speed humps on Steele Street to slow vehicles. Staff indicated to Ms. Costa that the City's current policy is not to install speed humps due to exposure to additional liability. Steele Street is a 36-foot wide residential roadway from Rosemead Boulevard to Rio - Hondo Avenue. Between Rio Hondo Avenue and Ellis Lane, Steele Street is 40 feet - - wide. There is no striping on the street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping times. Steele Street is stop controlled at its intersection with Rosemead Boulevard. Hart Avenue, Rio Hondo Avenue and Ellis Lane. The prima - facie speed limit on Steele Street is 25 mph. - The reported accident history on Steele Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Ellis Lane was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1999. The estimated 24-hour traffic volume on Steele Street is approximately 2,000 vehicles. per day. This is generally considered the average volume of a residential roadway. Field review identified no parking street sweeping signs and stop signs along Steele Street. A few vehicles were observed traveling on Steele Street. It is estimated their speed was approximately 25-30 mph. These observations were made during oft-peak hours. As you are aware, the City's current policy is to deny the installation of speed humps on public streets. This is primarily due to the lack of approved standard designs for the speed humps. Other cities have installed speed humps on a "trial or study" basis and have determined, under their own legal advice, whether their city.is taking on additional liability. The installation of rumble strips was considered for'Steele Street. However, the installation of rumble strips in the City has been primarily to advise motorists in advance of a specific situation. For example, on Encinitas Avenue the rumble strips were installed to warn motorists of the yellow school crosswalk-at Pitkin Street. The installation of rumble strips on Steele Street would be inappropriate, at this time. In addition, the noise from the rumble strips would be a concern on this residential street. There were no speed limit signs posted on Steele Street. Such a posting may serve as a reminder to motorists of the prima facie speed limit of 25 mph on a residential street. It is recommended that 25 mph speed limit signs be installed on Steele Street. Due to the similar roadway characteristics, it is further recommended that 25 mph speed limit signs be installed on Guess Street and Ralph Street. De Adalena Street is not included in this recommendation. De Adelena Street is currently being surveyed as an addendum to the City's Engineering and Traffic Speed Survey. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of 25 mph signs on Steele Street, Guess Street and Ralph Street was recommended. It was further recommended that the speed trailer be placed on Steele Street followed by selective enforcement. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, and carried _ unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Aide Wilkinson stated that at the last City Council meeting of January 25, 2000, the traffic request for parking restrictions on 3319 San Gabriel Boulevard and Hidden Pine and Valley Boulevard were approved by the City Council and have already . been installed. VT. COMMTSSIONER RFPORTS Commissioner Knapp inquired as to the school bus on Graves Avenue. Administrative Aide Wilkinson stated that she placed a parking control officer at this location, but didn't . . see anything. Chairman Quintanilla inquired about the school signage behind Savannah School. NFU. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.