CC - Item IV.CC-D - Reject Claim Against the City From Julio Vasquez And Mercury InsuranceTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK DATE: MARCH 30, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY FROM JULIO VASQUEZ AND MERCURY INSURANCE The attached claim was received in this office on February 28, 2000. A copy was sent to the City's claims adjuster, Carl Warren & Company on the same day. All information received after that date has been forwarded to them. Carl Warren & Company sent a notice on March 27, 2000, recommending that the aforementioned claims be rejected by the City. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the rejection of these claims and authorize a letter of rejection be sent to the claimants. Attch. stafl epor TO: City of Rosemead March 27, 2000 ATTENTION: Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk RE: Claim Claimant D/Event Recd Y /Office Our File Vasquez v. Rosemead Julio Vasquez 2/10/00 3/21/00 S 101964 SWQ We have reviewed the above captioned claim and request that you take the action indicated below: • CLAIM REJECTION: Send a standard rejection letter to the claimant. Please provide us with a copy of the notice sent, as requested above. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours cc: CJPIA Attn: Executive Director CARL WARREN & COMPANY Richard D. Marque CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT-CLAIMS ADJUSTER_ S 750 The City Drive • Ste 400 • Orange, CA 92868 Mail: P.O. Box 25180 • Santa Ana, Ca 92799 -5180 Phone: (714) 740 -7999 • (800) 572 -6900 • Fax: (714) 740 -9412 March 27, 2000 TO: City of Rosemead ATTENTION: Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk RE: Claim Claimant D/Event Rec'd Y /Office Our File CITY lfR 2 �� J nr - 1CL Mercury Insurance v. Rosemead Mercury Insurance Company 2/10/00 3/21/00 S 101964 SWQ We have reviewed the above captioned claim and request that you take the action indicated below: • CLAIM REJECTION: Send a standard rejection letter to the claimant. Please provide us with a copy of the notice sent, as requested above. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours cc: CJPIA Attn: Executive Director CARL WARREN & COMPANY Richard D. Marque CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT•CLAIMS ADJUSTERS . 750 The City Drive . Ste 400 . Orange, CA 92868 Mail: P.O. Box 25180 . Santa Ana, Ca 92799 -5180 Phone: (714)740 -7999 . (800) 572 -6900. Far: (714) 740 -9412 MAYOR: JOE VASQUEZ - MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT IY BRUESCN JAY T IMPERIAL GARY A TAYLOR March 28, 2000 Dwight J. Kunz Senior Account Manager Carl Warren & Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92668 RE: JULIO VASQUEZ CLAIM YOUR FILE 9 S 101965 SWQ Dear Mr. Kunz: �oscmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD - P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD. CAIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 288 -6671 FAX (626) 307-9218 1 The attached letter and claim was received in my office on March 27, 2000. On March 21, 2000, a similar claim form was mailed to you from Mercury Insurance. Please advise us of the steps you wish to take in this matter. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERRAMA City Clerk City of Rosemead Attch. LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM SAYEGH A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED March 16, 2000 ROSEMEAD CITY HALL Attention: City Clerk 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: OUR CLIENT. YOUR INSURED: DATE OF LOSS: Dear City Clerk: JULIO VASQUEZ CITY OF ROSEMEAD/ JESSE GUTIERREZ FEBRUARY 90, 2000 Please find enclosed our CLAIM FORM, relative to the above - referenced matter. This form is intended to meet the requirements of the Government Code - Notice of Claim within the six month time limit. If you need additional information to be placed upon notice or to evaluate this claim, please contact the undersigned. Your a ly c. As stated courtesy and cooperation are greatly appreciated. ESQ. CC: Carl Warren & Co. - Attention: Richard Marque WHITING PROFESSIONAL CENTER • 554 E. FOOTHILL BL \'D., SUITE 119 • SAN DimAS, CALIFORNL4 91773 TELEPHONE:(909) 599 -1234 • (626) 914 -5868 FACSIMILE:(909) 599 -6652 FILE WITH: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Claims for death, injury to person or to personal property must be filed not later than six months after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Set 911.2.) 2. Claims for damages to real property must be filed not later than 1 year after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec 911.2.) a Read entire claim form before filing. 4. See page 2 for diagram upon which to locate place of accident 5. This claim form must be signed on page 2 at bottom. & Attach separate sheets, if necessary, to give full details. SIGN EACH SHEET. City and Sate 10: CITY OF ROSE? AD, 6636 E. .Valley Blvd., Rosemead 91770 I July 05, 1945 Name of Claimant I Occupation of Claimant Rio Vasquez Sanitatim Departm2r t city and Sate Home Telephone Number Home Address of Claimant ty 4ECO Daleview Av ens, #159, El htrte CA 1 (626) 944 -3705 Business Address of Claimant Give address and telephone number to which you desire notices or communications to be sent regarding this claim: At Law Office Of l Attorney Ap LC SX) 3St thill ffiya =11° �n r Names of any city employees involved in INJURY or DAMAGE When d d r _qa MAGE or INJURY occur? Date bU10/00 Time 12:40 p.m. If claim is for Equitable Indemnity, give date claimant served with the complaint: RESERVE FOR FIL114G STAMP CLAIM MAR 2 7 20g Date of Binh of Claimant io,sinesa ,e1ep.Lio ^.e N Claimant's Social Security No. JESSE-,GUTIERREZ Whe — Where did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Describe Cully, and locate on diagram on reverse side of this sheet. Where appropna e, giv names and address and measurements from landmarks: In the City of E1 Itnte, Wntty Off Ifs Ang '3s'mx m Trier P .as3 'dad the rear -end impact. Describe in detail how the DAMAGE or INJURY occurred. Jesse Gutierrez drove a 1993 Ford van owned by the City of Rosemead, and rear -ended a vehicle driven by Thanth Le Ly, which was then pushed into Mr. Vasquez's vehicle. Mr. Vasquez was injured as a result of Why do you claim the city is responsible? Mr. Gutierrez drove unsafely,,in violation of CVC Section 22350, Unsafe Sneed For Conditions, thereby causing this accident_ Since he was driving a car owned-by the City of Rosemead, Rosemead is vicariously liable for. all damages arising from this accident. Describe in delail each INJURY or DAMAGE PROPERTY DAMAGE: 1966 Honda Civic rear -end damage (see Property Damage BODILY INJURY: estimate or Headaches, invoices.),. dizziness, neck pain, back pain right leg pain, hip, belly . button, ritght hand numbness /weakness. Blurry vision. Refer to pertinent medical records for a THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIDE SEE PAGE 2 (OVER) The amount claimed, as of the date of presentation of this claim, is computed as follows: Damaoes incurred to date (exact): Estimated prospective damages as far as known: Damage to properly .........................5 - Future expenses for medical and hospital care .... S Expenses for medical and hospital care .........S Future loss of earnings ............. ....... ...s Loss of earnings ............................ S 2 Other prospective special damages S Special damages for ........................ S ? Prospective general damages ................. s Total estimate prospective damages .......... s General damages ........................... S � Total damages incurred to date .............. S Total amount claimed as of date of presentation of this claim: S It is uncertain at this p what the total damages are. I $10,000.00 to $50,000.00. E1 Monte Was damage and /or injury investigated by police? V e S If so, what city? Were paramedics or ambulance called? yes Ifso, name city or ambulance American Medical ResAonse If injured, state date. time, name and address of doctorof your first visit Arcadia Methodist Hospital 300 W Huntington Drive Arcadia CA 91007 WITNESSES to DAMAGE or INJURY: List all persons and addresses of persons known to have information: Name Je sse Gutierrez Address N Halifax E1 Monte Phone (626) 454 -5171 Name 'I'hanh L - Ly Address 10685 F11-n cr El MmntA Phone (626) 401 -028 DOCTORS and HOSPITALS: Hospital Arcadia Methodist Address 300 W. Huntington Dr. Date Hospitalized 2/10/00 Doctor Dr. Leo Rizzi, D.C. Address 1234 Foothill Blvd. 93 Date of Treatment Doctor Date of Treatment READ CAREFULLY For all accident claims place on following diagram names of streets, or your vehicle when you first saw City vehicle: location of City vehicle including North, Fast. South, and West; indicate place of accident by at time of accident by "A -1•' and location of yourself or your vehicle at "X" and by showing house numbers or distances to street corners the time of the accident try' &1" and the point of impact by "X:' If City Vehicle was involved, designate by letter "A" location of City NOTE: If diagrams below do not fit the situation, attach hereto a proper Vehicle when you first saw it, and by "B" location of yourself diagram signed by claimant. N SIDEWALK CURB —! A-1-7 X- iC -lYX &1 LOWER AZUSA ROAD PARKWAY �//7 SIDEWALK I Sicnalure of Claimant or person Filing on his behalf gi'ng relationship to J ° imant: Typed Name: William Claimant Sayegh, Julio attorney for Vasquez Dale: 13 ST CLERK (Gov. Code Sec. 915a). Presentation of a false claim is a felony (Pen. Code Sec. 72.) MAYOR: JOE VAS:VE; MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT IV BRUESCH JAY T IMPERIAL GARY A TAYLOR March 21, 2000 D% fight J. Kunz Senior Account Manager Carl Warren & Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92668 RE: JULIO VASQUEZ CLAIM YOUR FILE # S 101965 SWQ Dear Mr. Kunz: Rosemead 6638 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 288 -6671 FAX (626) 307 -9218 The attached claim was received in my office today. Please note that this claim was filed on behalf of the claimant by Mercury Insurance. Mr. Vasquez is also retaining the law firm of William Sayegh (see correspondence of 2 /20/00). Please advise us of the steps you wish to take in this matter. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERR -"4A City Clerk City of Rosemead _. Attch. cc: City Attorney FILE WITH: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Claims for death, injury to person or to personal properly must be filed not later than six months after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec 911.2.) 2. Claims to. damages to real property must be filed not later than 1 year after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec 911.2.) 3 Read entire claim fonm before filing. S. See page 2 for diagram upon which to locate place of accident & - this claim form must be signed on page 2 at bottom. fi Attach separate sheets, it necessary, to give full details. SIGN EACH SHEET. TO: CITY Or ROSEhLAD, E838 E. Valley Elvd., Rosenezd 91770 Name of Claimant If ,1 . o M ��� t�2 4o a Address of Claimant V Gty and Sate 4 smo l)i l v ✓ly P# 1 sJ Q I I� Business Address of Claimant Ciry and State Give address and telephone 2umb�o which Qu desire nolice or c � o to be sent d regang this claim: �1 RESERVE FOR FILING STAMP CLAIM Vi R 2 .. 2TI Date of Binh of Claimant Occupation of Claimant Telephone Number Q 4 �Lg 3 ss Telephone Number nj's Social Security No. When did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Names of any city employees involved in INJUr, o; DAMAGE Date — I D —n Time I �.e S�, C� (.) +-� (may' r� Z If claim is for Equitable Indemnity, give date claimaril served with the complaint: Dale give sweet Where did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Describe rully, and locate on diagram on reverse side of this sheet. Where appropriate, g names and address and measurements from landmarks: \J0'5 }-( - L 9-- 6 01'1 9el Describe in detail how the DAMAGE or INJURY occurred. Why do you claim the city is responsible? Lam- S Describe in detail each INJURY or DAMAGE SEE ?AGE 2 (OVER) THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED UN Ht C�' ,. Vi R 2 .. 2TI Date of Binh of Claimant Occupation of Claimant Telephone Number Q 4 �Lg 3 ss Telephone Number nj's Social Security No. When did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Names of any city employees involved in INJUr, o; DAMAGE Date — I D —n Time I �.e S�, C� (.) +-� (may' r� Z If claim is for Equitable Indemnity, give date claimaril served with the complaint: Dale give sweet Where did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Describe rully, and locate on diagram on reverse side of this sheet. Where appropriate, g names and address and measurements from landmarks: \J0'5 }-( - L 9-- 6 01'1 9el Describe in detail how the DAMAGE or INJURY occurred. Why do you claim the city is responsible? Lam- S Describe in detail each INJURY or DAMAGE SEE ?AGE 2 (OVER) THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED UN Ht The amount claimed, as of.the dale of presentation of this claim, is computed as follows: Damages incurred to date (exact): Estimated prospective damages as far as known: Damage to property .........................5 Future expenses for medical and hospital care .... S Expenses for medical and hospital care .........5 Future loss of earnings ....................... Loss of earnings ............................ S Other prospective special damages ............5 Special damages for ........................5 Prospective general damages ................. 5 - Total estimate prospective damages ........ S General damages ...........................S Total damages incurred to date ..............5 Tota amount claimed as of date of presentation x of this cla S T�M f n 7) M �Jn t�n Izjn t � Was damage and /or injury investigated by police ? __UV_4_ If so, what city ? n Were paramedics or ambulance called7lfso, name city or ambulance � If injured, state dale, time, name and address coonlor of your fiv t WITNESSES to DAMAGE or INJURY: List all persons and addresses of persons known to have informatio h j \ Name C in 10, r r Address) 01 f� Ff L S-)- �. � r�I'tr'YN+(' 9 i�hone ( t,740) Y (ti – h2 S.J Name_ ( Addrecs Phone DOCiDR and HOSPITALS: / y�1 �Q n Hospital mo f�1�� %.ha -- Date Hospitalized Z�" /D Q�-� Doctor ->✓ .', n i C)^ Address Date of Treatment Doctor Address Date of Treatment READ CAREFULLY For all accident claims place on following diagram names of streets, or your vehicle when you first saw City vehicle; location of City vehicle including North, Fast South, and West; indicate place of accident by at time of accident by'A -t" and location of yourself or your vehicle at "X" and by showing house numbers or disances to street corners the time of the accident by "B -1" and the point of impact by "X:' If City Vehicle was involved, designate by letter "N' location of City NOTE: If diagrams below do not fit the situation, attach hereto a proper Vehicle when you first saw it, and by "B" location of yourself diagram sinned by claimant. CURB SIDEWALK Signature of Claimant or person filing on his behalf giving relationship to Claimant: tom — I vl s� 1 rRi "o / ->< BE FILED WITH CITY CLERK (Gov. SI t � n �4 r6 Typed Name: Dale: Sec. 915,). Presentation of a false claim is a felony (Fen. Code Sec. 72.) - 1l/ 1 10 fo; 92. -cf4 MAYOR: JOE VASOVEZ MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT %V RRUESCH JAY T IMPERIAL GARY A TAYLOR March 9, 2000 \l illiam Sayegh 554 E. Foothill Boulevard, Suite 119 San Dimas, CA 91773 Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (625) 268 -6671 FAX (626) 307 -9218 Re: Your Client Julio Vasquez Dear Mr. Sayeh: Your claim, which was received by the City Clerk's office on February 28, 2000, is being returned because it failed to comply substantially with certain Government code Section. Pursuant to Government Code Section 910, a claim shall be presented by the claimant or by a person acting on his or her behalf and shall show all of the following: • Description of the date, place, and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim asserted; s A general description of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it may be know at the time of presentation of the claim; o The name or names of the.public employee or employees causing the injury, damage or loss, if known; o The amount claimed as of the date of the presentation of the claim, including the estimated amount of nay prospective injury, damage or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed, if less than 510.000.00 No dollar amount shall be included in the claim if the _ amount claimed exceeds 510,000.00. The claim must, however, state the court in which jurisdiction of the claim lies. William Sayegh Julio Vasquez Claim March 9, 2000 Page 2. For your information, consult Section 910, 910.2. 910.4, and 910.8 and other section of the Government Code pertaining to the filing of claims against a public entity. Due to certain time requirements for filing these deficiencies, this should be corrected immediately. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERR.AMA City Clerk City of Rosemead Encl. cc: Carl Warren & Company L) 0 -0S LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM SAYEGH A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION February 21, 2000 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA. 91770 RE: OUR CLIENT: DATE OF ACCIDENT JULIO VASQUEZ FEBRUARY 10, 2000 Dear. Gentleperson: FEB 2 8 20-a CITY C' = - 'S OFFICE This office has been consulted regarding an incident in which you and /or your vehicle may have been involved. We are now in the process of investigating this matter. Sometimes there are several versions as to what happened in an incident and before we proceed further, we would like to know your version of what happened in the above - referenced matter. Do you feel this incident may have been your fault or another Party's fault? What are the reasons for your belief and also what are the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses? Please fill in the enclosed Information Form and return it to our office in the self - addressed stamped envelope, which we have provided. If you were covered by insurance at the time of the accident, please notify your insurance company immediately and request them to contact our office. If you did not have insurance, please state so on the Information Form. Be advised that by complying with this request, you will avoid the necessity of this office having to file and serve you with a lawsuit at this time. However, if we have not heard from you or your insurance carrier within ten (10) days, we will have no alternative but to file and serve you with a lawsuit. We trust this will not be necessary. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Very truly yours, WILLIAM SAYEGH, ESQ. WS: sc Enclosure: As stated C Awp6MJes\vasquezcity.1lr WI IITING PROFESSIONAL CENTER • 554 E. FOOTHILL BLVD- SUITE 1 19 • SAN DIMAS, CALIFORNIA 91 ;73 TELEPHONE: (909) 599-1234 • (818)914-586S • FACSI511LE: (909) 599 -6652 INFORMATION FORM THE LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM SAYEGH, APLC 554 E. FOOTHILL BLVD., SUITE 119 SAN DIMAS, CA. 91773 (909) 599 -1234 1. Address: City & State: Telephone Number: ( 2. The accident: (Please indicate your answer by marking an "X° in only ONE box) [ ] was my fault. [ ] was NOT my fault. 3. My version of this accident is: P1'ease complete ocher> "'side 9 My Insurance: Name of Company: Address: Phone: ) Agent: Address: Phone: ( 1 5. The witnesses known to me are: Name: Address: Phone: IF YOU KNOW OF ADDITIONAL WITNESSES, PLEASE LIST THE INFORMATION ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. Policy Number. IMPORTANT: TO VERIFY THE ABOVE INFORMATION, YOU MUST SIGN BELOW: DATE: SIGNATURE: March 6, 2000 TO: City of Rosemead ATTENTION: Nancy Valderrama RE: Claim Claimant D/Event Rec'd Y /Office Our File .J Vasquez v. Rosemead Julio Vasquez C' 2/10/00 2/28/00 S 101965 SWQ We have reviewed the above captioned claim and request that you take the action indicated below: • CLAIM INSUFFICIENCY: Please send a notice of insufficiency, which must be mailed to the claimant no later than March 20, 2000. THIS MUST BE MAILED TO THE CLAIMANT WITHIN 20 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE ORIGINAL CLAIM IN YOUR OFFICE. DO NOT SUBMIT A "REJECTION LETTER. See Government Code Sections 910 and/or 910.2 and /or 910.4. Use the attached format for responding and give the reasons indicated for insufficiency. Please provide us with a copy of the notice sent, as requested above. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours CARL WARREN & COMPANY ? 6Ch"dl "q ael Richard D. Marque Enc. Form letter format cc: SCJPIA A , / enc. CARD WARREN C7sC. C®. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT-CLAIMS ADJUSTERS 750 The City Drive . Ste 400 • Orange, CA 92868 Mail: P.O. Box 25180 • Santa Ana, Ca 92799 -5180 DHI. "I" 'An Irmo ­ . ... ......... FORM LETTER #2a CITY LETTERHEAD March 6, 2000 NOTICE OF INSUFFICIENCY Your claim, which was received by the City Clerk on (date), is being returned because it failed to comply substantially with certain Government Code Sections. Pursuant to Government Code Section 910 a claim shall be presented by the claimant or by a person acting on his or her behalf and shall show all of the following: • The name and post office address of the claimant; • The post office address to which the person presenting the claim desires notices to be sent; • Description of the date, place, and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim asserted; • A general description of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it may be known at the time of presentation of the claim; • The name or names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage or loss, if known; • The amount claimed as of the date of the presentation of the claim, including the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed, if less than $10.000.00. No dollar amount shall be included in the claim if the amount claimed exceeds $10,000.00. The claim must however state the court in which jurisdiction of the claim lies. • The claim must be signed unless the claim is for supplies, materials, equipment or services and the claim is presented on a billhead or invoice regularly used in the conduct of the business of the claimant. For your information, consult Sections 910, 910.1 910.4, and 910.8 and other sections of the Government Code pertaining to the filing of claims against a public entity. Due to certain time requirements for filing these deficiencies this should be corrected immediately. City Clerk March 2, 2000 Dwight J. Kunz Senior Account Manager Carl Warren & Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92668 RE: JULIO VASQUEZ CLAIM Dear Mr, Kunz: The attached traffic report regarding the aforementioned claim was received in my office on March 2, 2000 Please advise us of the steps you wish to take in this matter. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERRA VIA City Clerk City of Rosemead Attachments cc: City Attorney Fab -29 -2000 07:59pm From- CROO194100 02 -10 -00 FACTS: AGENT CARTER #494/vg T -032 P.007 /007 F -211 = On Thursday, 02 -10 -00 at approximately 1245 hours, I was dispatched to the area of Lower Azusa Road and Arden Driver in regard to an injury traffic collision investigation. SCENE: N/A VEHICLES/DRIVERS: All parties involved during this collision investigation identified themselves to me by presenting their valid California driver's license. Parry #3 ( VASQUEZ) was treated at the scene for the listed injuries by Los Angeles County Paramedic personnel and later transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for further follow up, by AMR ambulance personnel. The vehicles involved in this collision received the damaged listed on page one of this report; with vehicle #1 and #2 being driven by the scene by their respective drivers. Party #3's vehicle was left parked in the parking lot by his wife who had arrived on the scene after her husband had been transported. EVIDENCE: One roll of 35 mm film (approximately eight exposures) taken by this officer and booked into evidence under the above listed case number. These photos depict the damage to all three vehicles. STATEMENTS: Party #1 GUITERREZ, stated he was eastbound Lower Azusa Road in the #2 traffic lane at approximately 30 to 35 mph. He stated party #2 stopped in front of him and he attempted to stop his vehicle but was unable to do so and struck the rear of parry #2. This in turn, forced her vehicle into parry #3's vehicle. Party #2 LY stated she was stopped in traffic behind party 43, when she was rear ended by parry #l, which forced her vehicle into parry #3's vehicle. Parry #3 VASQUEZ was contacted by this officer at Arcadia Methodist Hospital. He stated he stopped behind a vehicle in front of him who had come to a stop to allow a vehicle to exit the driveway east of Arden Drive. As he was stopped in the 92 traffic lane, he stated he was rear ended by party ; #2. OPINIONS/ CONCLUSIONS: Based only by the statements given to me by the involved parties, along with the damaged observed to their vehicles, it is my opinion that the primary collision factor for this collision is 22350 V.C. - unsafe speed for conditions, party #1 in violation. END S t CITY 1 0F (OAR 2 2000 CITY C' ^ "S OFFICE Fab- 29 -2D00 0T:59Pm From- T -032 P.006/007 F -211 [PAGE OF `i EL MONTE POLICE DEPARTMENT I PROPERTY REPORT 11333 VALLEY BLVD. 91731 (626) 560-2100 FAX (626) 4" -2206 i TYPE e OTY i MTCLE BRM YODEL S 'K NO r- r�r -- Vw E — CD -OR(SI GEnERwt DESCRiPT�On { ROLL POSoDe 35 f1 PILIA PREY E T.KEh FROM wnERE IS P.q T NGV A D,T,ON� NOTES C CCEMl U1 Emrr TYPE OTY MTCi SPnID woOEt SFANL NO VA E 00 -0R)9 GEnER.vt OESCRiPiCn PREwS ARWROOM UKEN FROM wnERE,S PROPERTY ND« ,O NOTES —� TYPE OTV MTC,E 81iN.D MODES SEfl�RC nO vwLUE CO Aqs) GEnE0.0 OESCRi 'f PREMiS ROOM TruEF FROM wnFJiE SPpOpEATY nOw M TON,lN TE5 TYPE Ott MTCLE BR,v.D MODEL SEX NO vgwE C' R(S) GE +ERwLOESCRUPTiON PREU. ROOM FROM wnERE3 PROPERTY NOw MpTAna.nOTES TVPE Ott I MTC.E B(iwD MODEi SEOUL NO V—E COLOFk5) GE%kFt LOESCFiF1 7 MENHOOM 1" n FROM wnERE i5 FROPERtt NQv ADDMOnn NOTES J TYK OT rRTCLE BR.v.'D MODE, SERw NO. wV.uE COLONS) 6ENEfuL pESCRiPTiOn PnEw >EiMcNROOM 1U FROM wnERE's PkOPEAT NOw. RDDMOnµ NOTES ' TYPE - 1 6TY AAT,C� M.0 wOOEL SERIµ NO. vuuE 00.0.4)5) GENEA 9ESCFIPfON PR= ..:SEi,WEV ROOM TwrcE.n FROM wn RE SPROPERTY NOw N NOTES ` TYPE OT MTCLE aau o MODE. SEAw NO. vu.uE COLOR)5) GE.VEAi..03CRiPi3OY PFEm,SE/MENROOw Tw(E.\ FAOM wnERE i9 PROPERTY NOw nDO,TO -N . NOTES PROPERTY TYPES SR =SI' 'RECO+En EO E. EVOEnCE f =iOuND S_STOLEn - R - RECOVEPEO SK -53 0,,G L -LOT TOTALS PORT' E(i t� k��i W5 REV$EwE05v Oo.1D co 'N OvTE EMPO FORM F I R (REV 1,991 g ORIGINA O SUPPLE MENTAL ONLY FILL OUT HEADING FOR SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS I Feb -29 -2000 07:59pm From - InjVnrOtm 1nroat rAaaonucrcs C. P $55 Pape 7 (tier. 2 -97) ()PI Oe2 T -032 P.D05/007 F -211 rape 3 a L Y 05P N 10 iayL i' as 94 no 1BNl rTFhaa IWE+rta .ae � 0�e Oae I es.a EMMT OF INJURY ( - R - ONE) WuREO WAS ( ONE) �a IR E4M F��a I1TK SERE OffEl NY1E cOru�If AEW rba. I eta BIC��gTI OMR - D D . •.�OIIIIE2$ - I'y oan rw..vawnm n rKE. ra 1 R A MSt'N(�1 >LSi �iO5P1 iRL aES�..�....ew 1 I ❑ hcTrvrintxr u+.e.mlElEa I�` i I ❑i❑ ❑ ❑ I ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑I Jr la Da,,AYY1E52 - TFi�ISIf. �Iw..I1fD D+an T*..SPMf[a TN TO asrniOE 4ME: 1 - I I L� � Moro MObFr UeaE aarFm IFig I ❑ I � ' C � ❑ - �� I ❑ I ❑ ❑ ❑ i� — � 1_ —L — � rzrwaF 'IrNEDOIIf TMI.sKNiLD a. TA/.EA To DEBCK4E e..wue5 - I r .eeTi. oF.%iEilr OUla.anat7J ❑° ❑ I—j a —� u ❑ I" ❑ ❑I ❑ICI ❑ - ❑I I w.ef.D DI ,.miyD I TLPApf T.,¢,. Ta CESCR..t M�LFS ❑ �CTW if .W2Yr CI4rE.OTifp - ❑ I - I -D El I ❑!❑ El ❑ I I mer.o.E _. •" NvMKD 6rq TMn9V1TED e.. TN£n Tb . RSC.oaE w.la ES _ __ - Li r 1 f 10 1❑ ❑I ❑ ❑I ..VE.D De.�f.56 LE.ERA.£ ..,,n.�D Oan TPe.s+UrtrED e. .. raw Ta ._ _— -• ..• ❑NCrr OFwwE +r CF1.E r4fF�E0 'Ff+Rr_.la...YE �iD +, gErt kCr,in ..o D.T .E4r Inc i4FA[3.ERE.V..ec , I.d a.. .E.a 05P N 10 Fab -29 -2000 07:58Rm Ftom- IfCHrrm, L LJLLIJIUN I 'CHP 555 PDOe 2 (Rev. 8-97) OPI 0 GT[ Os EO —.Sq. r.o G. •LUr T. PROPERTY DAMAGE c " - SEATING POSITION Inr SAFETY EQUIPMENT E-DNKNOP L - AIR BAO GEPLOYEO C . LAP BELT USED I. - uR BAG NOT DEPLOYED D - L, P eELT NOT USED + -DRIVER E- SMOULDER HARNESS USED 'TO S - PASSENGERS OULDER° NESS NOT USED i - 5 ON WAGON REAR C -UIP.^ OULDER NARnESS USED a - RE.Ji OCC TAK OR VAN In•LAP'SnOULOER rv.RNE55 NOT USED v POSC:CN DNnhCAT , - PASSIVE RESTTLUhT USED D OTHER 1.- AEES�.NT NOT USED ITEMS MARKED BELOW FOLLOWED BY SAFETY EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES L - AIR BAO GEPLOYEO MIC BICYCLE -nEWET I. - uR BAG NOT DEPLOYED I MOVEMENT PRECMNG I G,,,,,N N -OT,Ek DRIVER P. NOT REOLNRE5 v - NO w -TES CHILD RESTRAINT PASSENGER 00 -m�ED A -n0 R- IN VEHICLE NOT USED Y -TES 5 -.n vEnICLE USE Vhu+O.vr. T- In vEn1CLE IMPFOPER USE I B PROCEEOINGSTA..nT� U - MDNEP,v N.CLE 1 B OTHER imPRCPER ORN:NG' AN ASTERAK PI SNOUL O BF F2PL11NFn w TNF "RRATI VF PRIMARY COLU9A AT F. LIST nRMBER a OF PARTY AT F1clT TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1 2 1 b 1 TYPE OF vEmCLE 1 1 2 I I I MOVEMENT PRECMNG I G,,,,,N A • /c� n � r 1p0 ' t' ❑ .£E A CONTROLS FUNCTIONING A P.SSEnC KQ ,STwT.OnvwCON _A STOPPED B CONIAELSNOTPMNCTo0NING' 1 1 I p PA35ENGERCAR ,TRAILER I B PROCEEOINGSTA..nT� 1 B OTHER imPRCPER ORN:NG' _ C CONTROLS OBSCURED IC MOTORCYCLE r SCOOTER _ CRANOFFR D NO CONTROLS PRESENT, FACTOR' P K:KUP OR PANE_ TRUCK I D uAKING R.n. Ty I IC OTHER TnAN DRIVER• TYPE OF COLLL$IDN I IE PIC2uP,P. LYRUCKVry TRUULER E MA,LNGLEFTTURN ICu- — __ �E FELLASLE IA HEAD -ON I I�TRuCC TFUCTDR I I �F MwIUNG VTURN IGB -CKIM1G 13&D 5✓APF - IG TRUCK, TRUCK TRKTOR nI, TiLLR C REARENO I SCHOOL BUS I IN $LOMnG r_5T_pPPWG v TNER,MARA ITO J Iums, D BRO,rDSIDE _ _ I I I OTNER BUS _ I _ I _ I PASSING OTHER v6,c !A CLEAR _ - ' CLOUDY _ C 9Amrn' _ I` E HIT pBTECi_ 1 � EMERLEN[ Y VEWCLE J C.uNGw^ Nf w FAReG MaNEUVEP L ENTC RINC TRAFF �Iµpp OvERTUANED _ I X nliYwAV CO. ST EOUIPMENT L 82TCLE _ _ I[ VEmC lE'fEJESTRVw - ID SnCw.NG T 1LOT Ek' rM OT ER vEnrCLE M OTnFFR uI FE TuRnmG i FOGrvr iI BAITt R - _ I ,N PEDESTRIAN _ 1 N zwG.NTO OPPOSING LANE IF Oir.E�R• _ MOTORVEVREINvOLVEO WITH I IO MO O PfRKEO v,.I D LA rAN- COLUSrOn DESTRN ;B PE A - -_ I _ P -ER GING -� -- I L1GnTNG I I Q TRAVELING wR0 a wAY 'A DAnl.:ni ~ IB 0U5A-D.,N C OTnE0. nOTOR VZnrCLE T 2 3 I _ f,- ,' P:' '' f. °� OTHERASSOC U, OFARCRiIS) I fMAFK °1021TEaES) R OT..QR• - 1Q MOTOR VEm ^LE ON OTHER RCAD DA STREE TLIGHTS IE PARKEDVOTORvEnICLE _ p Ow %NOSTREEIuG -TS _ _ TRA:n IG BK:TCLE - E D..RC itREETUCnTSNGT F.,NCTIONInC' B �ss,.c.•c.'.a. E.•.°n.E- 0-0 I I H.NiI T 2 S I SODRIETY -DRUG Pn.SICAL fv:cRK +TO.,TEUS) READwaY SURFACE Ic - c+`c•- "'•°"Oi °1¢ clyEE ND :A DRT I :IZE00B.ECT _ I , DwNanc NEE. uNDEA.IFIuENCE SNOL.Y -•Ce_ - J OTHER OB,ECT I !E vISION OBSCUREME 1 18 T IC 1 3LrvPER"LILIODY O -,Y ETC r I F INA T T ENTION' G ETOP6 CO TRAFFIC I C n80 -NOT UNDER INFLUENCE' D nED- 1rnPArgMEnT UNKMDVM' ROADWAY CAnDITXYyS1 IuAAKt TC LTEMSI I PEDESTRAN'S ACTIONS _1 1 Ifj ENTERING, LEAVING RAMP I E UNDER DRUG WFLUENCE" ' — IA nC:ES DEEP RUT' A NOFEOESTRLANSINvOLVEO I 11 PREVIOUS COLLISION I F rmPARMENT- PHYSICAL• IB LOOS MATERALON RO AOwAT - B CRCSSWC W CROSSWan AT Ir.TER5ECTIGN UNF.AILIAR 1MTn ROxD G LUPAIRMENT_ NOT KNOv C DBSTRvCTrO On gOM++nY' �� K CEECTNE vEN EQUIP CITED H HOT APPUGBLE I_ ID CONSTRUCDON_GF ruq CORE_ C CROSSING W CROSSWAL, -rv0T I ATWTERSECTIOn ❑•Es ❑r.0 IT S�EEPrIFATIGUED I 1E AEDuCEONO,l+,,,*TN L SPECIAL INFORMATION I F FLOODED I D AO nG WC.R OS L CE R IN TIE IN ROAD- IN CLI RUOES Sr.DULCE3 _ _ �c NYVOIVED VEnICIE I ' A nASAR MATERAL G o inE_x — �M . 'N CTnER• _� ,� O UHU5 CONDITIONS _ T I __ HOT IN ROAD F N3. - i - T ^ APPROACHING, LEAV,n-SCnCOI Bu< .O nunA V Y VEmCLE EKETCn /�/��� I V/ ` I.C. ATE no I — v y-- r 7' ^ � C WSCE.�NEDLIS \•� _ T -032 P. 004/007 'F -211 UUINu 2 P a.o a Li rE r: •rnr +Cl.• OFFrCFF.O Inr q£q ^ IOM2R4 a0y1G- wp'iir[L NO EJECTED FROM VEHICLE 0 - NOT EJECTED FULLYEJECTEO -- P.UZTLLL, E,ECTED 3. uN.NOWN OSP s° tYP9 Feb -29 -2000 07:57Dm From - [r1PS -5 PRD^ t (Rcv 8 -9T) OPf 04,2 F T -032 P.003/007 F -211 { � L� L L 1• I�Ic� 7� ovD c •.+ f Oa�TY NFPCRri..L GSMCT BGl CD�I,S.Pi G - LNGED 4. W o.. .6.N Iri..E p'mI A=. dFICEAIO p \JU.:FI< i-- �7 \:c: 1<1 " )O �G 1 �d 19a2- I -�a� .rtrwTesaR....i . a. o.. oi.hzw rnmovwr]B.: ( �..onE !J Q FEErIF.•es Dr S M T W F S ' .o — «nw•. u TES NO I! q '1 0 1 wr..iEGSCnD.. wTn <r.rt DNJ. FVi J u DR EF E F R� £ fL O Q n YES Q ND E , PARTY D"':vErt s'vC.n:E nw s c� ]aFETY E +F wrlEn.Dpfi/_D.LS uCE!<rw.irA aT..TE C ���� _I_�QkiU•Q.111S�wf'tr�8111 � r •.Fr....D;.c ..n (wee' IT � 4-WEAS DRIVER c— 11 C] �o Err D TO.. �'1 ". •0 1 L=. ry �:,� ri.t °" s ' '` S.WE AS DRIVER 4 a j JQ L nt.,_EJ 1_T;� - t^ I cn.i.lE.LC L � Mn - \- T vA 91 J! 6.1DU TC«a MWDC.F Dw aFmERC OF E] OFFICER Z DRIVER ❑ OTMER (� L 1\ (U l-1 V LU Kl bF.t —R E.E: rtfi T wl T � 6JirNwiE �• I MnCE1 I °R pR tw. N3ECia Nbf MrMEM REFER )O mROPT G j ) c� ,J K� �RD � 1 � F� ,�,� d t !� (' � O y � D � �Y n W5nJC31: F � .b•E (�[; .F..ICt�ICEnTIF.GTWn m�.,eeA ' Ol.p 1 LJ V'.'A - N� C 1 C1 I�:/'lJ� J<L O -� t Cl•P •AF daT DESCPoBE.ErvC.E D.u+r2 1XDE..I D:...GPO.rsEw WE E �un[ NOME ®MINOR _ ucq.r.�G PaiC. V. I DJ-1 ❑L.00. DMNDR CIR -,4k � L a 114v¢ P, CTRCCT R' nC.mw. :irF➢ W.i: rpi 1 i \ C..i.T TCP�. ^.] — PAATI Dfe�w[r�w.w�ESt 'i..;C 4w6] ;. r f r E:\ E lm rG TGF w/e..4ori/fL1DR uCE.PF. wuu:ffll I]i.T! 2 q3 M9rxy .�uRP�t13TV591 I.sTI T., Ir A .Ar , ...saE 4 I D,,\j A � F L fw "� E ® SF E DRIVER T \ ^_ SA E AS DtbvE ..Ilan cmm.TECv ED IJ n - , jF C (�173i asPDST,o., aF ,DE..c�°'oRple =eF GOFFICER 2 DRIVER ❑DTrCR _ � ^`I .[r ](.. IyJi IE.E`, ti.Cnl WE4ni e.GiNwTE R..¢ .0, .N AAEW REFEF To W RRAT- rc N.E E,Y r.E.- PlICNE vfiuC.F -0E..iicGwTlb•/.I $ fR. AE D.�T .4re�.wE TME DESCwBE Ven�c.i c..w.cE n.wc.. o.....cED.A=a �ONK �nONE I ( MINOR E� n:.FnwCG CnRq.tfi vp- �[♦ruu9ER R 3 a �MDD RDEC4vER �a 9 s �� 6 AAR❑ OF T.I-i .LTG 1T OR ryLM'.T 13S aPEEDvwi CA DDT ` ) /� C.�•i TCPN:C �U PARTY �vFAS ULEn�KER ST.TE 'Cry 'y.FETr �£. rW wwuuCY'MCpOR vcE+u nuuBER ° TwTE 3 { ors? {� �cti `�� � -Gran truxR�y� A Lt! �l1`.�O V+a (� \:: �. o "� "' �SA+IE AS DRIVER SiwE DRIVER 1 ..i�p GRDOiaTE�:P G M f / \ o IU 1 , . A ( 3 1 a i0 .i mo vE c E b . �1 OFFICER DRIVER OTTty I l SU r,.�G l E:GT. wt N.: � A TE "CE El I� - {.:ti S 1 cs `I ID ?1 FR.rXt .{Cn,,..:,. DEFECTD NOI.:.PP.REM RE;:MTO� ., ✓C � crM. .r.I.c rno-.c w3.I.E�, vErv_.EIMnFCT�DI• !❑ Lab - ' 4 ' i �lo 0 -353 ruaEOA. <G eE SCEB cE wilnD .E..QE TPE ❑VnR 'NONE IJC, MINOR .v.in�.CE GW5S1( VO�Cr n'vueEr2 I TERE 8 D B bEc, R U RD R `\ DaG OF TRAI I CIRCET OY '.IT SPED iI WT ~ G DO C...T sC {+CWn� 11 hU S11 1 \� �J PG(E\a.r/E.- �s.Dw.IE�� nDi�F�ep REVIEWER$ DATE REVIEIYEO �L lln 10I5�F.ITCn YES NO [] WA � MAYOR: JOE VSSOVEZ MAYOR PRO TEM: MAAG4RE1 CLARK COUNCILMEMSERS: ROBERT W. BRUESCH JAY T. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR February 26, 2000 Dwight J..Kunz Senior Account Manager Carl Warren & Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92668 , Pose mead 8638 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 288 -6671 FAX (626) 307 -9218 RE: JULIO VASQUEZ AND RONALD BENDANA Dear Mr. Kunz: The attached claim for Julio Vasquez and correspondence regarding Ronald Bendana were received on February 28, 2000. Attached also is the City's Vehicle Accident Report involving the aforementioned claims. The police report will be forwarded to you as soon as it is received. Please advise us of the steps you wish to take in this matter. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERRAMA, City Clerk City of Rosemead Attachments cc: City Attorney JO -o� LAW OFFICE OF NVILLIAM SAYEGH A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORNMAnON February 21, 2000 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8638 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA. 91770 RE: OUR CLIENT: DATE OF ACCIDENT: JULIO VASQUEZ FEBRUARY 10, 2000 Dear Gentleperson: FEB 2 8 ZDV� CITY'' -- .S OFFICE This office has been consulted regarding an incident in which you and /or your vehicle may have been involved. We are now in the process of investigating this matter. Sometimes there are several versions as to what happened in an incident and before we proceed further, we would like to know your version of what happened in the above - referenced matter. Do you feel this incident may have been your fault or another party's fault? What are the reasons for your belief and also what are the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses? Please fill in the enclosed Information Form and return it to our office in the self - addressed stamped envelope, which we have provided. If you were covered by insurance at the time of the accident, please notify your insurance company immediately and request them to contact our office. If you did not have insurance, please stale so on the Information Form. Be advised that by complying with this request, you will avoid the necessity of this orrice having to file and serve you with a lawsuit at this time. However, if we have not heard from you or your insurance carrier within ten (10) days, we will have no alternative but to file.and serve you with a lawsuit. We trust this will not be necessary. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Very truly yours, WILLIAM SAYEGH. ESQ. WS: sc Enclosure: As stated C:MpS k5Ie,l, asgve26Iy I i, INFORMATION F ORM THE LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM SAYEGH, APLC 554 E. FOOTHILL BLVD., SUITE 119 SAN DIMAS, CA. 91773 (909) 599 -1234 1. N Address: City & State: Telephone Number. 2. The accident: (Please indicate your answer by marking an "X° in only ONE box) [ ) was my fault. [ J was NOT my fault. 3. My version of this accident is: Please complete' other 4. My Insurance: Name of Company: Address: Phone: ( ) Policy Number. Address: Phone: ( 5. The witnesses known to me are: Name: Address: Phone: IF YOU KNOW OF ADDITIONAL WITNESSES, PLEASE LIST THE INFORMATION ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. IMPORTANT: TO VERIFY THE ABOVE INFORMATION, YOU MUST SIGN BELOW: DATE: SIGNATURE: A t1IEIZCLIRA' CASUALTY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1150 BREA CA 92822 JESSE GUTIERREZ 4446 NORTH HALIFAX EL MONTE CA 91731 DATE: 02/22/2000 INSURED: RONALD E BENDANA Dear JESSE GUTIERREZ i 065 27 -1271 crry FEB 2 8 Z99g We have received a report of your loss of Feb 10 ,2000 . The claim number assigned to this matter is TV901050 -92 . I will be the claims representative for this loss. If I have not already contacted you, please call me at (714) 671 -6700 Er.t 6343 Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. so we can discuss this loss. If you are making a claim for damages to your vehicle, we may suggest or recommend a repair facility in your area. If you choose to have your vehicle repaired at _a facility recommended by . Mercury, the repairs will be guaranteed pursuant to. Title 10, Chapter 5, Subchapter 7.5, Section 2695.8(d) of the California Code of Regulations. However, please understand it is your right to have all repairs completed at a repair facility of your choice, but we will not guarantee these repairs. We will make every effort to resolve your claim in a fair and timely manner. If you are dissatisfied with our claims service in any way, you may contact our Customer Relations Administrator at 800 - 924 -9225 for further assistance. VJe appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Sincerely, 10ELISSA BROWN (7 14) 671- 6700Ext 6343 Claims Department NOTE: This letter does not confirm coverage or guarantee or imply acceptance of liability. C -178 siss A1ERCURY CASUALTY COMPANY P.O. BOX 11 s0 BREA CA 92822 .A."d Tot JESSE GUTIERREZ 4446 NORTH HALIFAX EL MONTE CA 91731 DATE: 02.'22; 2000 CLAIM NO: TV901050 -92 OUR INSURED: RONALD E BENDANA DATE OF LOSS: 02, Dear JESSE GUTIERREZ We are investigating this accident and will appreciate your assistance. Please provide us with the information requested below. ( X ) Give us, on the enclosed form, your complete report of this accident. 27 -1271 ( ) Your name was given to us as a witness of the accident that occurred on the above date. Please complete the enclosed form to assist us in our investigation of this accident. Some information may riot apply or will not be known by you. Please leave those spaces blank. (X) (X) Call me at the phone number below Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please decide upon a repair shop of your choice and call me three working days in advance before taking your car in for repairs. This will enable us to schedule your vehicle inspection with one of our appraisers. Give us the name of your Insurance Company: - Policy Number Agent _ Ari iracc Telephone Number Have you reported this - accident to - your Insurance Company or Agent ? - - Yes Nb If you are not insured, so indicate I am not insured. ( ) Forward two competitive estimates of the damage to your vehicle. Thank you for your prompt reply and cooperation. Very truly yours, MELISSA BROWN (714) 671- 6700Ex1 6343 Claims Department REPORT OF ACCIDENT _ Your Name _ VEHICLE �4:: Driver Address rake Owner of vehicle .. ....... _....... Driver Address Make Owner of vehicle Type Telephone No City /State License No. _ Telephone No. City /State _ License No. Were you injured? ' Was anyone else injured? If so, answer the following: (YeS NES 140) Narne Address Describe injuries f✓edical neatmenl required? 'YES I'D) Name Address v ^s c:ibe i ies Medical 1,earment required? (YES 110) Phone Phone FACTS O1 ACCID NT: Date of Accident Time M. Location CityiState Direction car A was traveling VIhat street /lane Direction car B v ✓as traveling What street lane Any tra violation? Which car? Explain Speed Speed Any indication of intoxication? Was police report made? _ Any citations issued? w,rCATHM ('nNlnlTInNIC- cr -lcrl CLAIM NO: TV901050 - 92 (Circle One) Driver A - Driver B - Witness - Other 9M Year Type M Year In which car? What station or department? To whom? Charge? PLEASE USE DIAGRAM TO EXPLAIN HOW THE ACCIDENT HAPPENED \ I Show: Car .4 as Car B as © \ DE I%ALK 1 I /� 1 SIDE n�LK / .IJE N�LK .1E FlaIRE 10 INDICA ` / D TE vORTw [RLY IAECTIDN DESCRIBE ACCIDENT IN DETAIL Who do you believe is at fault for the accident and why? Are you related to any person involved in the accident? Are you acquainted with any person involved in the accident? WITNESSES /OCCUPANTS: If so, whom? If so, whom? NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY -TOWN PHONE NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY TOWN PHONE NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY -TOWN PHONE cic KIATI Mr - DATF C r r CITY OF ROSEMEAD - VEHICLE ACCIDENT REPORT Cody �; DEPT. !7. S �C��r ✓�LI CITY V_HIC!` 1 I PE F.IdIT TEE \'rh L .IJo. CDIJTR DI V. I� �LIYQ2!!Yl cov�o. No. 1 P�� SE F. \'IC SEC NON !4. LIc. o. P 17 S ?oGcy No? oZ �, ! 1 1 "c- INGDcNi 9 I � - � � J +_ -I� - UO HDUR S PIA D4TE POLICE r \ ` s POLICE AGENCY 1"'l� rn REPORT IJO REPORTING C 1'1'161t -�i P�J_ STATION CITY CC OR 4REA PL4CE INCIDENT HAPP-NED �1 )STREET, ROAD, ETC.; (���r /� 711 ^ J DPIVER 1D I-- Jo6 k rl l� 1 7iI 4cdrrs:: Homc ,�:= T ' , / v %'orL. Locmicn z✓'�'N��i'� /s' �06,7 /•lU(V:= T+! K U / u 1 } V L'J J U W DrLrr' / s�L;c. N Phony Ll(.cfCl_ Phone VEHICLE Y, Il — Z :13 - �a� ✓(J /!%✓f= L_(73 -6. F 140�,l ur Ty.r 4 Rohs Dam »cd il )' _..w Pe ;scnc -r Pve scno -r / y 4Eda:z r Hc.-rc A[cr rss 15. n_EJ ny: Horne ICITYI _ lS. Rrc 1 ICIiYI evinces ?iene: Ha.-•c Svc�nres ) DRIVER 2��F /2 -1- <� 02li('r 2�1�o1Z lu r.w_I (AD DR ES S) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) IPHO'.! DRIVER'S LIC. NO. 114SUR4NCE CO!,.F' -I:Y EMPLOYER Ib AmE O. >c_RSG U. COw PAHY OR pRLAn'IZATIpuI IA DOP ES SI ICI TYI IS TA T EI (ZIP CODE) (PHO": c I VEHICL l5 IY EARL Vch. Lc. No. LJ WAKEI MODEL OR TYPE) (YEAR) Ir:UMDER) (57 T7, F ? wu Dcmc �cL O I O'',N ER wA¢EI U OIHEP. PRDPe`R il" CAMAGE 16 Yr.❑ U Nv_ I LOSS OP. CAIIP.GE i0 CITY AND /CR EISPLO) ' NON.V =:i p 4 i? 1 -s, ocsuly I EOUI ?.'.ENT CR ?RO ?il'? i19, Yes Lbil I( yc ;, or:�. C / \ O I C I u I O I o IN-u.E ZC F F_ 2 ! U I�oIICC i2cXX'Vf _ C DRESS G I � L ATUcE OF : iURY /✓EC /' Lf✓ % / /L 0- 2 'l L EZI L z :. !tE :DD ?ESS ATURE OF i:U-IRY T -KEIJ TO ORA) A DIAGRAU, A1:D SHOW HOW INCIDENT OCCURRED Gil I'.c Ixcilvv ccd pasiticv of Ychlc lc(c) cI � -1 A' IGbt '•ehK�e r; I� �'C elicr ' ✓c:TCIc eS NORTH A' S T E S T [): ='L0.1. .+ny hcw mcltenl oc b_ncc: I 1- lr •�� rcl4� a ll/' >'"7. rIN r 'A C` LE ` r1 �1 Tn 1 1 .n L ra yr no 'Cc t ran blank. For Cuch cotr gur y, cheek (1) the ONE bo. in each column INSTRUC iICN: that be;t applies. Where Il are t-a column; of bo.es, the right hand column for vehicle Q. In the longer bo.r: ( =), fill in the correct liomcs. 20 PERSONAL INJURIES ) I r None 2❑ 2 L D,ivn 6 Passrnon 3 E 1 E D,i•a Onl 4 ❑ : ❑ Po; >rnorr(s) Only $ ❑ S J City Employee Not in Veh. 6❑ 6❑ . °c desvion 7 n_ 7 F Dine, 1 2= Total No. Injured 21 I Totol No. Fowl 21 INVOLVING . l ❑ Non.Cify Vehicle -- 2 ❑ Another City 1'ehide - - -• 3 ; ❑ q � F;., If Object (Other than C IL'. Ma.ing Object Vehicle) 5❑ ?e deso ion 6 ❑ O,he, 72 LOCATION o"r VEHICLE DAMAGE .. 1 ❑ I ❑Leo Ice 2 ❑ 2 ❑ Lei, Front 3 ❑ 31--7 Front ❑ = _n ?.;a.,, Front 5 F 5177 Riabt Side 6 ❑ 61❑ Rlght Rev 7❑ i,] Pee, EF ED Left Reer 9❑ 9❑ 0:her or tAul,iple 0 r iw1 0❑ None 23 NATURE OF VEHICLE DAMAGE I ❑ l.Xl Bu- per(s) 2❑ 21_J Doo,( :) Note: 3 3❑ Fndcr(s) Chcck c 41 F,e,e all 5 Grill :Sot 51❑ 61 I Hood Apply 3 j_j 317 Pocrcuor 9 9r r :ari e 70 1171 ' Ts? I :I I Tian: Dcc'e /LJd 12 ❑121 t'e'hed(s)i Thr(s) Iii '131 i..dshic ld/N'indo.vl s) 24 VEHICLE DAMAGE (EST.) 1 _' I g Orcr _200.00 2 _ Under 1200.00 25 WAS YOUR VEHICLE LEGALLY PARY,ED AND UNATTENDED? ❑ 1'cs 137 If No, complete the report, including Col. 2, 3, and 4. No If Yes, ionorc Col. 2, 3, and 4, on to bottom of page. -------------------------- 26 LOCALITY I ❑ RuroLH.•y /Rood.vo^ 31 AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC ' 2 X. Rrsidcrnicl 1 [j 1 ❑ No Othn 3 ❑ Business /Sho n vpi 9 - 2 ® 2 Light : F Frer.voy 3❑ 3❑ Mrilium 5 P Molar Wey jMIn.) 4 E 4 Heavy- fl. -;ng 6❑ Open Field - 5❑ 5❑ Canae ; 7 ❑ Privme Road 8 ❑ Othe, 32 SPEED (enter ESTIMATED mph) I D OPERATING AREA 1 [K Non- imersection 2 ❑ Nearing Intersection 3 ❑ In lnivr cc,ion C ❑ Leaving In,ersrc,ion 5❑ E "rinq Drivcv.oy 6 ❑ Leaving Driveway 7 ❑ Construction ?one 8 ❑ Parking /Sus. Lot 9 ❑ Other 23 DIRECTION County Vehicle and other Vehicle or Pedestrian I 5oth Going Some D6 ec Gan 2 ❑ Cro..ing in Opposite Drocct. 3 ❑ Going in Oppo;he ❑ Not o Ychicle or Pedevricn 29 MOVEMENT 1 I $tro ight Ahccd 2 2 one Chance 3 ❑ 3 ❑ I!c6rng Ri Turn 4 ❑ 4 ❑ IA.king Lcft Turn 5 ❑ 5;. ' Slaving, Stopping 60 6❑ Smnding 7 F 7[] Pcrkcd - 8 ❑ 8 ❑ Bucking 9❑ 917 Polling Beck 0❑ 0 ❑I t.lovin - Unc vc ndcd 30 TRAFFIC CONTROLS jF None Pre cent 21, 21 Green Srenel 3 3F y Sicncl n J J Red Signal $❑ $h Fic;hing Srgnel 6; `. 6- Stop $icn 7 7 ❑ Warning Sign 3❑ 3F Constwclion Sign 9^ 9I Ot her 1 L-1ZJ 1 L--j Sign o Danger 2 2 Time of Impost 3 3 [_� Posted 33 CONTRIBUTING FACTORS t ❑ 1 ❑ Road or VI,Sele Defects 2❑ 20 'Uo ofe ?cssing 3 L_j 3 ❑ Unseie Lone Change 4 ❑ d ❑ Improper Turn 5 F 5❑ Follo.ving Too Closely 6 ❑ 6 ❑ Too Fos, For Conditions 7 ❑ 7 ❑ Violrved Sign /Signal 8!� 8 ❑ Foiled to Yield or Wei, 9 9❑ Other Failmr 3% 0 ❑ No Fault 'd EVASIVE ACTION y I ❑ I ❑ Locked Brakes 2�Z] 2 E Hord Brckes 3!❑ 3 L SIowCr /Stopped 4 ❑ 4 ❑ Stewed Awc 5❑ 51❑ Acccicrmcd 6 ❑ 6 ❑ 3 and 4 Above 7 ❑ 7 ❑ 4 or1 Above zl E 1 r:ane 91 ! 9 E Other 351 j� II � SmDMARKS - (lest) 35 DRIVER CONDITION ' (Just prior lb incident) I X! Goud ..... .. ''Cory 3 _ .yrvocT ci ;: c•ricd - uitctcd i In Pcrn _ I:I:•.c TT OtScr ssl c) GSSE �764(F( ZRGZ Traci Z •rs. :;. ..�? Tdel Yn. C6v. City ;9. —� foul Yr s. :his :. oe Veh. �_ ROADWAY 1 2 Svoioh 2 ❑ CU,..e 3 ❑ Winding 38 TERRAIN I N Level 2 Uogrode 3 ❑ Dorvngrr 4❑ Hill C., 5 E Dip 39 ROAD SURF 1 ❑ C aneralc 2 Aspholt 3 ale d/G: 4 ❑ Unpoved 5 ❑ O:hcr 40 ROAD COND t ❑ Dry 2 Wci 3 Muddy 4 ❑ Sno.vy or 41 NUMBER OF Your Side C Opposing a 42 WEATHER I ❑ Clcor 2M1 Rein 3 ❑ Fog 4 ❑ Dusty 5 ❑ Snow 6 ❑ Heevy Sm, 2 ❑ Other 43 VISIBILITY I Fg] Good 2❑ Fcir 3 ❑ Poo, 4 ❑ tiny Poor 44 SAFETY BELT I ❑ Installed, i 21X' Invcllcd c 3 I Nm Lwcil J t vehicle Ur. 45 On cmcrgcncy t Ye: I No SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR Dote ai ��-- U__ ire cJc� s /rc�� 4 3d 35 '? CALIFQRNIA= �.� CLASS: C DRrVER LICENSE Bsqs2!299 EXPIRES 02-20-DI JESSE rlJTIERPEZ 1416 N HALIFAX RD W ENE El. MONTE CA 71731 SIX: M HAIR: 5" EYES: IsRN W 2- U R I /El FD /0I 1.10 DARRELL CARTER CITY OF EL MONTE DA RRELL CART OF EL CIT I