CC - Item IV.CC-B - Authorization To Reject Claim Against City From Thanhle LyTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL, r`aENIDA APR 2 5 2000 FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK, CMC 0 DATE: APRIL 19, 2000 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST CITY FROM THANH LE LY The attached claim was received in this office on March 28, 2000. A copy was sent to the City's claims adjuster, Carl Warren & Company on March 29, 2000. Carl Warren & Company sent a notice on April 11, 2000, recommending that the aforementioned claim be rejected by-the-City. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the rejection of these claims and authorize a letter of rejection be sent to the claimant. ITEM No. S staf epor 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 March 29, 2000 Dwight J. Kunz Senior Account Manager Carl Warren & Company 750 The City Drive, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92668 RE: THAN LE LY CLAIM YOUR FILE # S 101965 SWQ Dear Mr. Kunz: The attached claim was faxed to my office on March 28, 2000. Please advise us of the steps you wish to take in this matter. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERRAMA City Clerk Attch. LAW OFFICE OF PHILIP S, BOVEE 104: C LAS TUNAi DA. . . SAN GABAIEL CA 01776 (626) 28&-0 6 March 2R, noo Ci.t:y Lrf 1ZOSCmcad 883R_ R. V.illey Bou](:vHT(1 Rosemead, CA, 91770 AttenUon: C:.it'.y Clerk O1f.iCe, Nnbcy Valdur r-tana lte: Yntu' 7.nsured (Viy of Roscmead Date Of loss 2-10-00 C) (irt/POliry Nn. 1YG340276 Our Cli.renhk) Tltanh L(: by Ylr:aca nnte the followSny information: ( ] As por your-rerlucN _ ( ) Par your i.n f.vysmLi cm ' ( ] please sign whore Qdi.cattc-l - ( ) ) Isaac c<,t LacC Out: office ( ) Thank ynn fru- ( ) Please 1orwaI:'. (X ) Enclosed ploa.4r..t'nd - by our c:li.cnt.. COMMENTS: L 4)D ovi-11CI.: Os 1'll11.11' s. EmEr Ma) l...L.;(~, `J:ny Legal AdG~.Stant. FILE WITH: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES nESFRVE FOri FILIN(<gTAMi' CI 'I Y CLERK'6 OFFICE TO PERSON OR PfiOPERTY rN AIM NO . INSTRUCTIONS. t. Claims Irn death, injury to parson er to parcunol piopeny must Ir filed Rol Ialnt than six ' lnonthc oflm Ilrv uc4unonce. (G/w (:rxlo Pot. H11.i'J - i i'- I 1,~ 1-,^•; CI T 2. (:Ialms for Aamagos to out pngrM1ny muo-l oe tiled nol Low W. 1 yo+i ehur the twvm rnncn. (Got DMn Cnr:. Pill.) MAR 2 8 2000 3 nnad entire claim form haloro filing. 4. Soo page [ for diu(,rum ul.on which to I(.:ntA place of accident. S. Thic wean form muFt be cignntt on page 2 at holloln. N FAC SHEET rs CFFICE I I V OI - ^ C H . G. Allach •vyupdu r•PADIF, II nv[i' :ory, In pion lull details. (,IC: . • , N1. of Writ of (:Izi;mnnl 70: c/.Y OY ROSL9KAP. H0010 JE. %33,'•: MY, I:o(:ctnt:ad p)'//u 3/7/72 - Nr.ma of Claimant UccupuGo^ of laahrrm+t Thanh T.o: Ly _ Student HQh Ie AAA(Pts nl ClHirnanl City and State Hume 141rphonb NPmhnr 10635 Ella St. E) Morlte.., CA (026) 901-'023) - 8tAkis, s AAdrore or CluhI.: I Ghy ann Stat_ ..v:.incsn'c!cph::n4 . lumbe, Giva address and lofephnnn numbbr In whlch you desk c' nul[LeS of commurpcutiuu. w L4 cent Clnimo^I'/• Rnrial S4^urlly Nn rugwdn/q Ihm claim: (626) 2135-01M . I .I'(,L• ~0• J 6 2 unas Dry f. - J' i~ - C7~.. `J1 //E'--_ c1. . - - _ - - When did DAMAGE or ItJJURY occur? _ Names of any city employees invofv(rd in INJURY or UAIAAGE - owe--2 -10 _00_. Tato_I2:40 PM It claim iS for Equitable lndomnity, givo dam clairnant nerved JCsse Gul'.i.errez -dYi= with tho oomplAlyd: - I - - - - - Whom did DAMAGE or INJURY Occur? Describe lulty, :md locale On diagram on reverse cidt+ of lhis chcel. Where n r no olale, ivc =nal n.n,e>:.,.d address and men5uromonL^ from landmafkc: - - - - Ms. )..y was ):rrocecrf.ing straight on lower Azusa Rd 14esth(Jund on H traffic lane aitr::r passing Ardcn in lhu city of rl_ Monta. Describe in dulnil Irow th4 DAMAGE or INJURY occulted. - iis t.y was pincovdinn_ .'::t.rri.ight. On LoWns' AZUSa Rd. Eonl.l?cnintf an 9? I.r:.lf:f ice la n+:. S;)e• was fully =LnlJnad as the rrt.ho vehicle in f"r'ont came to YtOp. Then, she was rear endcd "r(,m C>ehi nd, 1',y Pir.'. (;nl i6trrez and 1'ri)sll(t(1 to St.r.iltc the vchiclc in i-Y(,nl. (,t 1"1er She u. Lni l',Cd croft L..i~,,;e,.: iniuri.e.s. Why do you dim the city is rc:"ponciob7 . wh i c.l is which nt.ruck from Wind l_rul antics L Y, UP Ci.l.y Of R017=001d- DAMAGE e In Jclail each INJUIIY Ol iis. I.,y'S ve.hicl.ia supl-cYad tun aratu damage to Lhe front ;-trot rU:u si.dct. AN by 's horse II is cur rontly be!nq trcaLad fir.' SO!L t.inmue dumagcs, other injur.ius undc:terminud ❑t this L.imuu. SEE PAGE 2 (OVER) THIS CLMM MIUSI DE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIUL Tim atnounl CW1100d, ;ui of the dale of plosanlalion of th Damages incur rud to date (exact): Damage to property S Exyoneoc lot rrlodical and huephul care ...........T_..._. Lo.a of carn,nga Spocl.l damagoc for S_.... s claim, is compulrrl As follows: Ealimaled procpeclive damages as [at as known: Future axponcec for medical and hospital cart Future loss of 0arnings .5.. Other ptaspeehve cper:ial damages S. Prnsp!.rlive DanetAl damapes ..5_ Total oblirnate prn.peclive damapas S_ General damagct ...........................5, Total demegPC ;nrrrdad to dalo S_ lulalaruwnlcL;uruJar rd date of preconlallon of lh,s clAIM: Undctcrmim-d at 1.1)i:E po l)t Was oamapa androrm1u7 inveshpaledbypol .Y P• . W010 V _.11 R) _MU_tft< 1'!r7.icr_• bCratll't meat -.11--D. Who[ city?. ulanrotlkc or mobdance canrd7__, ilTt l It g!., n.)rnn nilyrn amhulnnr. P. r,.r ~,•I r. 1) , : II in)uJi¢dJlnl< dMe, lime, ..ms nr.d uddreaa oI doctor of your f%ral eio;lTlrt tt , Long tt //1(C~. Clnr. vay Ave: 1'oar-m<a~dr CA :)777~ WIT NF.S86C to DAIJ,AI:%E or IN.ltIRY: Li=% aU Peraonc and addlor vc of parYOne kid w to have infUlrnalion: - Name-- t)G .Phonc_. . Nnrnb____..____.._...._____ Address. Phonr.'__ Name.. Phon!:_ DOCTORS and HOSPITALS: - - Honplml Address .-_,-__b:dr lirrspitalized Doctor Dale. of 'IlenUnCM-. Doctor dress Trcn:mwd_. READ1 For all eccidbnl claims place on Iollowing diagram names of 6ltcols, including Nonh, East, Soulh, and West- indicate place of accident by "X•" and by Sh!rwinp Moose numbers or distances to streal corners. . If City Vehicle wag invotvod, designate by IcHer "A° location of City Willett, when you first saw if, and by "B" i0c:66011 of your6alf. ;AREFULLY - or your vehicfe when you r6ci sbw Cily vrhidL: IMbIlon of City voh;ole at time of aceidcnl lay "A.t" and location or your, ell or your vohicle al the lime of the accident by " 6.1" and Ibtr point of impscl by "X" NOTE: If d;ngramy 1,0owdr, not fit the cifuslion. onoch hefoto a pmpef diagram tipned by Plaimcnl. SIDS )ZALK PARKWAY SIDCWBLK r i k LURi f Signeluro of Clalmanl or person filing ou Tvped Nama: - Dr.le: Ids LeLelf glvh ~g,d,di~~sldp w Clairne nt: NOTE; CLklti19-`.iUST DG PILED %YITH 01 CLi:AK Gov. Code Sea 91S-.. P,escnla;Ion of 3 W; e claim i, o Iclon I'en. Cod: Sec. n. March 31, 2000 R, CP cry, APR 11 2000 TO: City of Rosemead CITY C' J OFFICE ATTENTION: Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk RE: Claim Ly v. Rosemead Claimant Thanh Le Ly D/Event 2/10/00 Recd Y/Office 3/28/00 Our File S 101965 SWQ We have reviewed the above captioned claim and request that you take the action indicated below: • CLAIM REJECTION: Send a standard rejection letter to the claimant. Please provide us with a copy of the notice sent, as requested above. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours CARL WARREN & COMPANY 2 Lch.cw& D. M cwgt a el Richard D. Marque cc: CJPIA Attn: Executive Director CARE WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT•CLAIMS ADJUSTERS 750 The City Drive • Ste 400 • Orange, CA 92868 Mail: P.O. Box 25180 • Santa Ana, Ca 92799-5180 Phone: (714) 740-7999 • (800) 572-6900. Pas: (714) 740-9412