CC - Item IV.CC-A - Request For Twenty-Four Hour Per Day Drilling Operationssta!f TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 3, 2000 RE: REQUEST FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOUR PER DAY DRILLING OPERATIONS Attached is a letter from the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority (SGBWQA) requesting an encroachment permit to install three test extraction wells on Arica Street; at Rio Dell Street, Rose Street and north of Mission Drive. 24-hour operations will be required for well pumping, but not well drilling. The extraction wells are being constructed as part of a project to remediate contaminated groundwater. The project is being sponsored by the SGBWQA in conjunction with the Northwest El Monte Community Task - - Force and the U.S: Environmental Protection Agency. The wells will be approximately four feet from the curb. Well drilling will be completed in one day and will occur during normal daytime working hours; the continuous 24-hour testing will take 72 hours to complete. To mitigate sound and noise during nighttime testing operations, the pump motors will be insulated for sound by use of sound insulating blankets. During nighttime operations, 24-hour monitoring by SGBWQA or contractor staff will be performed. A total construction period of one week will be required at each location. Drilling at each site will not occur concurrently, but overall construction activity will be taking place at each location simultaneously. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City-Council grant permission for 24-hour operations associated with installation of the three monitoring wells on Arica Street and authorize staff to issue public works encroachment permits for the work. Attachment CO ' I i C 1 L / GEANDA 2000 rsmd/staff rpJcity V 9 l _ TCPr° No C-C~~ r ' 04-1'1-2000 09:46 6268597768 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY P.02 San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority 856 Oak Paik Road, Suite 200, Covina, Calffotnla 91724 • (626) 859-7777 • Fax (676) 859.7788 http://www.wga,mm April 11, 2000 Mr. Brad Johnson Planning Director City of Rosemead - 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead,..CA 91770 Re: El Monte Operable Unit Early Action Encroachment Permit for Installing Test - Extraction Wells Dear Mr. Johnson: The San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority (Authority) is a public entity specially created by the State Legislature for the purpose of remediating groundwater contamination in the San Gabriel Valley' groundwater basin. To that end, the Authority, in conjunction with Northwest El Monte Community Task Force (Task Force) and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, has d6voloped a' project to remediate,contaminated groundwater contamination in various locations throughout your area.. The Authority and the Task Force are currently planning to construct three test extraction wells (EW-18, EW-19 and EW-20) at several sites located in the public ri ght-of-way within your city boundaries. Therefore, we are requesting an encroachment permit from the City of Rosemead to allow us to proceed with the con stxuction activities. The wells will be installed in the street, approximately four feet from the sidewalk curb at the following local ions (see attachment): .EW-18 in the-approximate area where Rio Dell St. and Arica :Ave. intersect •EW-19 in the approximate area where Arica Ave. and Rose St, intersect •EW-20 on Arica Ave., a short distance north of Mission Dr. One week prior to initiating dii]Lng and testing activities, an informational flier (in English and Spanish) approved by the City will be distributed to all homes within 1,000 feet of each proposed extraction well location. The flier will provide anar vi:vvn..:._...:i~^mvn r~cva~vi..r~~..i._._. o-.~.,.;.~.~,,...~....: r 04-11-2000 09:46 6266597788 - WATER QUALITV AUTHORITY P.03 Mr. Johnson April 11,. 2000 Page 2 information on the project schedule.and include contact names and phone numbers for the residents to call with any questions. The construction of each well will take.one to two. weeks to complete. This time periodincludes 6 days to complete the, drilling, installation, development and piezometer installation. A subsequent aquifer test will take 6 days of 24-hour monitoring to complete. Construction of the well requires an area of 60 feet-by 10 feet adjacent to the well location. For this purpose, it will be necessary to temporarily close a lane during the construction period. After construction is complete, the surface structures of the wells will consist of round steel covers, completed flush to the ground surface. The subsurface well casing will be locked to prevent unauthorized entry. If evaluation of the aquifer testing results indicate . that the well appropriate for remedial pumping, the wellheads will be modified to accommodate the necessary pump discharge piping and conveyance lines. At your convenience, we would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the answer any of your questions. - Someone from our office will be contacting you in the next few days to schedule an appointment. As in the past, we sincerely appreciate the City's assistance in this important endeavor. With your help, we continue to expedite the cleanup of our groundwater resources. Sincerely, Randy Schoellerman, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure Cc: Mr. Daniel Bergman, Noithwest.El Monte Community Task Force Nfr. Kirby Brill, San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Ms. Sharon Wallin,-Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. 20'd AlfdOHlnd AlIHdnO 6S1HM 99LLSS9929 b2:bL 0002-b0-50 04-~1-2000 09:47 MAR, 26'2000 2 : 2 9 P M 6268597788 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY R,04 110. 9691 P. 2 m N 4 100 C> Li E I m O I I~ N .,ail I r` r ~}y' f w ljL~ L `L~' "_Ir r \ 1 (l7 II U 7 0 U _ rn a ~ ) I I 1 11 I I I _ c'> N O aT CJ lD ~ C: N O G'. cC W K: V'J 4~ ~ --t ^aw w ~ H~ H -s v -r c-a c'~ c-~ n