CC - Item III.B - Supporting the "Fair Competition And Taxpayer Savings Act" InitiativeTO: FROM: DATE: RE: staf leporI HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER MAY 4, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23 SUPPORTING THE "FAIR COMPETITION AND TAXPAYER SAVINGS ACT" INITIATIVE Attached for your consideration is a request from the Taxpayers for Fair Competition for support of an initiative on the November statewide ballot concerning the design of public works projects. As a result of a series of lawsuits brought by a small group of Caltrans engineers who want to keep all project design and engineering work in-house, state agencies are banned from contracting with private engineers and architects on state funded projects such as highway, bridge and transit improvements. Attached is a resolution of support and an information from the Taxpayers for Fair Competition regarding the initiative. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve Resolution No. 2000-23 Supporting the Fair Competition and Taxpayers Savings Act Initiative. COUNCIL GEMA MAY 0 0 2000 ITENA ~:.0. 111 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-22 SUPPORTING "THE FAIR COMPETITION AND TAXPAYERS SAVING ACT" INITIATIVE WHEREAS, California's population growth has resulted in the demand for more than $90 billion worth of highway, school, prison, flood control and other infrastructure improvement projects; and WHEREAS, the need for state and local government to contract with the private sector for architectural and engineering services has never been greater; and WHEREAS, a series of successful lawsuits by a group of employees at Caltrans has resulted in effectively banning the state from contracting with private engineers and architects; and WHEREAS, a recent, unanimous, appeals court decision has extended the ban on contracting out specifically to school districts threatening severe delays in building badly needed schools; and WHEREAS, in order to stop the Caltrans bureaucrats' continuing effort to prevent the state and local government from utilizing private engineers and architects, an initiative known as "The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act" has been prepared; and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act changes California's laws and allows the state and local governments to contract with private companies for architectural and engineering services, and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act changes California's laws and allows the state and local governments to contract with private companies for architectural and engineering services; and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act will save California's taxpayers money by encouraging competition between state employees and the private sector, and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act requires architecture and engineering contracts to be subject to standard accounting practices and requires financial and performance audits as necessary to ensure contract services are delivered within the agreed schedule and budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BUTITRESOLVED that the City of Rosemead supports "The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act" for architectural and engineering services as an initiative. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 91h day of May, 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk ❑ 111 Anza Boulevard, *406 • Burlingame, CA 94010 • 650-340-0470 • FAX: 650-340-1740 ❑ 11300 W. Olympic Boulevard, #840 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 • 310-996-2600 • FAX: 310-996-2673 •42~ - March 31, 2000 Dear Community I-cader: I am writing to ask your organization to support an initiative on the November statewide ballot concerning the design of public works projects. The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act is a common-sense measure that would simply give state and local governments the flexibility to contract with qualified private sector engineers and architects where it makes sense to do so - something the other 49 states can do. Why is this initiative necessary? Without it, transportation and other public works projects could suffer delays. As a result of a series of lawsuits brought by a small group of Caltrans engineers who want to keep all project design and engineering work in-house, California government is essentially banned from contracting with private engineers. and architects to complete the backlog of critical state and local infrastructure improvement projects These same lawsuits arc beginning to threaten the flexibility local governments currently have to use both public or private sector architects and engineers. The lo.rt ollle%zhilily can only mean an emngrea er hacXVog in the derrgn o ecrenfialp blif tuorkt jarojetIs The Pair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act is needed to overturn those lawsuits and ensure state and local government has the flexibility to use the common-sense approach of contracting with the private sector for engineering and architectural services as necessary. I have enclosed the following information with this letter: • Complete copy of the initiative text (four pages) and a one-page explanation of the initiative. • I=xamples where local government has successfully used public/private partnerships for the types of projects that could be in jeopardy due to the Caltrans engineers'. lawsuits. • "\hdhs and Facts" sheet that answers the untrue charges made by the engineers group at Caltrans about this initiative. You may have received information from their ironically named committee TTC'alifornians Opposed ro School & Road Delay." Apparently, dace are willing to say almost anything in nn arrempt to derail this common-sense initiative. • List of the more dean 200 organizations that have already acted to support this initiative. Included in this list are the more than 100 cities and counties, and school districts which, after studying it for themselves, have decided to support the initiative. • Sample resolution and support form, either one of which will include Your organization on the support list. Please join the growing coalition of more than 200 cities, counties, school districts and other education, labor, taxpayer and business organizations in supporting the lair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act. If von have an) questions please call Ted G rcen at 310/996-2600 or Dana Rambo at 650/340-7043. _4 I Z _ - - led Green Coalition Director FAIR COMPETITION AND TAXPAYER SAVINGS INITIATIVE SECTION 1. TITLE. This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "Fair . Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act." SECTION 2. PURPOSE AND INTENT. It is the intent of the people of the State of California in enacting this measure: (a) To remove existing restrictions on contracting for architectural and engineering services and to allow state, regional and local governments to use qualified private architectural and engineering firms to help deliver transportation, schools, water, seismic retrofit and other infrastructure projects safely, cost effectively and on time; (b) To encourage the kind of public/private partnerships necessary to ensure that California taxpayers benefit from the use of private sector experts to deliver transportation, schools, water, seismic retrofit and other infrastructure projects; (c) To promote fair competition so that both public and private sector architects and engineers work smarter, more efficiently and ultimately deliver better value to taxpayers; (d) To speed the completion of a multi-billion dollar backlog of highway, bridge, transit and other projects; (e) To ensure that contracting for architectural and engineering services occurs through a fair, competitive selection process, free of undue political influence, to obtain the best quality and value for California taxpayers; and (f) To ensure that private fums contracting for architectural and engineering services with governmental entities meet established design and construction standards and comply with standard accounting practices and permit financial and performance audits as necessary to ensure contract services are delivered within the agreed schedule and budget. SECTION 3. Article XXII is hereby added to the California Constitution to read: § 1. The State of California and all other governmental entities, including, but not limited to, cities, counties, cities and counties, school districts and other special districts, local and regional agencies and joint power agencies, shall be allowed to contract with qualified private entities for architectural and engineering services for all public works of improvement. The choice and authority to contract shall extend to all 0001 phases of project development including permitting and environmental studies, rights-of-way services, design phase services and construction phase services. The choice and authority shall exist without regard to funding sources whether federal, state, regional, local or private, whether or not the project is programmed by a state, regional or local governmental entity, and whether or not the completed project is a part of any State owned or State operated system or facility. §2. Nothing contained in Article VII of this Constitution shall be construed to limit, restrict or prohibit the State or any other governmental entities, including, but not limited to, cities, counties, cities and counties, school districts and other special districts, local and regional agencies and joint power agencies, from contracting with private entities for the performance of architectural and engineering services. SECTION 4. Chapter 10.1 is hereby added to Division 5 of Title 1 of the Government Code to read: § 4529.10. For purposes of Article XXII of the California Constitution and this act, the term "architectural and engineering services" shall include all architectural, landscape architectural, environmental, engineering, land surveying, and construction project management services. § 4529.11. All projects included in the State Transportation Improvement Program programmed and funded as interregional improvements or as regional improvements shall be subject to Article XXII of the Califomia Constitution. The sponsoring governmental entity shall have-the choice and the authority to contract with qualified private entities for architectural and engineering services. For projects programmed and funded as regional improvements, the sponsoring govemmental entity shall be the regional or local project sponsor. For projects programmed and funded as interregional improvements, the sponsoring governmental entity shall be the State of California, unless there is a regional or local project sponsor, in which case the sponsoring governmental entity shall be the regional or local project sponsor. The regional or local project sponsor shall be a regional or local governmental entity. § 4529.12. All architectural and engineering services shall be procured pursuant to a fair, competitive selection process which prohibits governmental agency employees from participating in the selection process when they have a financial or business relationship with any private entity seeking the contract, and the procedure shall require 0002 compliance with all laws regarding political contributions, conflicts of interest or unlawful activities. § 4529.13. Frothing contained in this act shall be construed to change project design standards, seismic safety standards or project construction standards established by state, regional or local governmental entities. Igor shall any provision of this act be construed to prohibit or restrict the authority of the Legislature to statutorily provide different procurement methods for design-build projects or design-build-and-operate projects. §4529.14. Architectural and engineering services contracts procured by public agencies shall be subject to standard accounting practices and may require financial and performance audits as necessary to ensure contract services are delivered within the agreed schedule and budget. § 4529.15. This act only applies to architectural and engineering services defined in Government Code section 4529.10. Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to expand or restrict the authority of governmental entities to contract for fire, ambulance, police, sheriff, probation, corrections or other peace officer services. Igor shall anything in this act be construed to expand or restrict the authority of governmental entities to contract for education services including but not limited to, teaching services, services of classified school personnel and school administrators. § 4529.16. This act shall not be applied in a manner that will result in the loss of federal funding to any governmental entity. § 4529.17. The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of this act or its application is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. § 4529.18. If any act of the Legislature conflicts with the provisions of this act, this act shall prevail. § 4529.19. This act shall be liberally construed to accomplish its purposes. § 4529.20. This act seeks to comprehensively regulate the matters which are contained within its provisions. These are matters of statewide concern and whin enacted are intended to apply to charter cities as well as all other governmental entities. 0003 SECTION 5. This initiative may be amended to further its purposes by statute, passed in each house by roll call vote entered in the journal, two-thirds of the membership concurring, and signed by the Governor. SECTION 6. If there is a conflicting initiative measure on the same ballot, which addresses and seeks to comprehensively regulate the same subject, only the provisions of this measure shall become operative if this measure receives the highest affirmative vote. 0004 The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Initiative for Architectural and Engineering Service 1. Permits Contracting Out of Architectural and Engineering Services: Allows state and local governments, special districts and school districts to contract with private companies for architectural and engineering services. Defines such services as architectural, landscape architectural, environmental, engineering, land surveying and construction management. 2. Local Choice to Deliver Transportation Projects On-Time: Gives local governments greater control over transportation improvements so that_ highway, bridge and transit projects can be delivered on-time and within budget. 3. Taxpayer Safeguards: • Prohibits government employees from awarding contracts if they have a financial or business relationship with the companies involved. • Requires compliance with all laws regarding political contributions, conflicts of interest or unlawful activities. Subjects all architecture and engineering contracts to standard accounting practices. • Permits financial and performance audits as necessary to ensure contract services are delivered within the agreed schedule and budget. 4. Strict Design and Construction standards: Already established project seismic safety, project design and construction standards are not changed by the initiative. 5. Only Applies to Architectural and Engineering Services: This measure does not apply to any other contracts except for architecture and engineering services. For example, it does not apply to peace officers, teachers or correction officers. 5/17/1999 Taxpayers for Fair Competition 111 Anza Boulevard, Suite 406 • Burlingame, CA 94010 Phone: (650) 340-0470 • Fax: (650) 340-1740 11300 W. Olympic Boulevard, #340 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 • (310) 996-2600 _Fax: (310) 996-2673 LOCAL PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS: A HISTORY OF SUCCESS, A FUTURE AT RISK Many local governments and local agencies have successfully used contracting for architecture and engineering services as a way to get the job done in a fast, cost-effective fashion. Often this has meant bringing in projects for less money and in less time than Caltrans own estimate to do thejob. Here are a few of those local success stories: History of Success Santa Clara County Transportation Authority In 1984, Santa Clara County voted a half-cent increase in the sales tax to improve traf- fic conditions on three local highways. Caltrans initially estimated itwould take 17 years for the work from start to fin- ish. The Authority then created a public- private partnership, which did the work in 10 years, at a savings of hundreds ofmillions of dollars. Santa Barbara County A tale of two highways points up the difference between Caltrans and the private sec- tor here. A series of projects to make improvements on US 101, being delivered by Caltrans, is at least a year be- hind scl -_dule, and further delay seems likely. On the other hand, a project to make im- provements on Route 154 was delivered on time and under budget by a private contrac- tor. Orange County Tlredesign and construc- tion the county's toll roads is being handled by a private contractor. Against comparable Caltrans projects, the private contractor spent" 10 Percent less on management costs - brought in the project 6. percent ahead of schedule, instead of 16 percent behind for Caltrans - and kept cost growth down 12 Percent compared to Caltrans. Contra Costa County Through the use of pri- vate sector contractors, the county transportation authority was able to bring in a program of improvements on State Route 4 six to nine months ahead of the pro- jected Caltrans schedule. Source: `Meeting California's Infrastructure Challenge: Assuring Cost-Effective and Timely Project Delivery. Prepared by the California Taxpayers' Association and the California Chan, ber of Commerce - May, ;999 A complete copy of the report may be obtained by calling Taxpayers for Fair Competition at (650) 340-0470 _ Taxpayers for Fair Competition 2/29/00 111 Anza Boulevard, Suite 406 • Burlinaame, CA 94010 Phone: (650) 340-0470 • Fax: (650).349_] 740 11300 W. Olympic Boulevard, #1340 Los Angeles, CA 90064 - (310) 996-2600 • Fax: (310) 996-2673 All that could be a thing of the past however. Already, the state is virtually prohibited from contracting out for architecture and engineering services, thanks to a series of lawsuits brought by state-employed engineers (mostly Caltrans employees). Now that ban is beginning to limit the choices available to local governments as well. FutureAtRisk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Statewide (seismic retrofitting work) While California has many of the world's leaders in the field of seismic safety, if they don't work for Caltrans (which most of them don't) - they won't be working for us. In fact, more than 20 contracts for seismic retrofitting work with private sector experts have al- ready been cancelled. San Francisco A lawsuit has been filed to terminate prig vate sector architectural and engineering contracts on the San Francisco Airport expansion and turn thatwork overto pub- lic employees. The costs and time delays of such a step would bestaggering. The precedent for other local government entities is clearly alarming. Lancaster "If projects such as the Avenue L and Av- enue H Bridge 1417dening projects had to be designed by the State, they would be delayed indefinitely. In order to maintain local control overpub- lic works projects and to maintain the abil- ity to design and construct projects in a timely manner, staff recommends" support of the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act. City of Lancaster Staff Report June 8, 1999 East Bay MUD At least three sector contracts have al- d b l d b E t B MUD rea y een cance e y as ay due to the threat of a public employee \ IawsUlt. \S) _ Southern Port In the fall of 1999, major work at a port was delayed due to conrusion over local government rights to contract with private firms. - Central Coast Water Authority PECG filed a lawsuit in 1995 (prior to the Supreme Court decision) seeking to stop DWR from entering into an agree- ment with the Central Coast Water Au- thority to build and operate a pipeline extension. The local water agency hired a private firm to perform the necessary design work. PECG lost that suit, but the outcome would most likely be very different if filed today, given the 1997 Supreme Court decision. Oakland - "One high visibility project in Oakland ...is design of the 1-880 Broadway/Jackson in- terchange improvements. To keep this project on schedule may require outside transportation engineering service to supplement Caltrans'staft Thus it is important to ask the voters to change the State Constitution to permit contracting out. City of Oakland Analysis June 16, 1999 San Diego The City Attorney in San Diego has told the city that any future contracting out should be done under the conditions set forth under the decision in PECG v. Caltrans - conditions which make con- tracting out next to impossible. The City Attorney reasoned that there were enough similarities between the State Constitution and San Diego's City Charter, as to make the court decision apply to the city as well. School Construction In September of 1999, an appeals court essentially prohibited the San Francisco school district from contracting with ,private design Urns. The appeals tour specifically cited PECG v. Caltrans in their decision. Can other school districts be far behind? - i What is the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act ? On the ballot in November, this straightforward initiative simply gives California's state and local gov- ernments the flexibility to contract with qualified pri- vate sector engineers and architects where it makes sense to do so - something 49 other states can al- ready do. It will save taxpayers money by encouraging the kind of competition that makes everyone work smarter and more efficiently and it will help speed up the safe delivery of thousands of backlogged projects: over- passes, bridges and schools awaiting earthquake ret- rofits; stalled highway and road improvements and ex- pansions; the building of new classrooms to accom- modate more children; flood control improvements and other overdue projects. The so-called Californians Opposed to School & Road Delay - a committee set up by the small group of Caltrans engineers opposing this initia- tive - is making false claims about what the initia- tive would actually do, in an attempt to trick people into opposing it. Let's set the record straight: MiSHEMM. This initiative is not necessary. Government can contract out now. FACT: It is necessary if you believe state and local gov- ernments need the flexibility to contract with private design firms when it makes sense to do so. As a result of a series of lawsuits brought by a small group of Caltrans engineers who want to keep all the work in- house, California government is essentially banned from contracting with private engineers and architects. Fur- thermore, local governments and agencies are being threatened by additional lawsuits. More than 200 organizations, including over 100 cities, counties and school districts agree this initiative must be passed. '7n order lu ouo~rtain locnl conlrol over public works projecls and to maintain the obilil}- tozlcsign and cou.vlruc! projecls in a limelP manner, sloff recommends " support of the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Sarings Act. City of Lancaster Staff Report June 8, 1999 This initiative would cause project delays due to the imposition of new statewide standards not yet de- veloped. FACT: False. The delays will come if this initiative is not passed, and California governments are prohibited from utiliz- ing the private sector to help speed project. delivery. Section 4529.13 clearly states, "Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to change project design standards, seismic safety standards orproject construc- tion standards established by state, regional or local governmental entities." The initiative specifically gives local governments and schools more control and authority over contract- ing for architectural and engineering services. "Counsel has indicated that the new provisions do not impose ally substanllve nets requirements, and in ficl, leave implemerlation ofconlrncling proce- dures to local agencies." Contra Costa Transportation Authority October 14, 1999 This initiative will take away local control and actu- ally restrict the ability of local government to contract out forprivate architectural and engineering services. FACT: Not true. Section 3 states, "Nothing co_niained m Article Vll of this Constitution shall be_constmed to limit, restrict or prohibit the State of any other- governmental enti- 3/30100 ties, including, but not limited to, cities, counties, cities and counties, school districts and otherspecial districts, local and.regional agencies and joint power agencies, from contracting with private entities forthe performance of architectural and engineering services." In addition to forbidding any restrictions on local control, Section 3 also specifically says that state and local governments "shall be allowed to" contract for such services and specifies that the "choice and authority' to do so rests with the government entity in question. -The language of the bills is permissive and allows the Stale and local agenciesflexibility to use consultants, but does not require them to do so. " City of Santa Cruz June 24, 1999 "The initiative would allow freedom of choice to local agencies, because the initiative does not _ mandate or require contracting out - it only pro- vides the constitutional protection for its permitted use. " Contra Costa Transportation Authority October 14, 1999 remainder of the sentence. It goes on to define ele- ments of such a process, all of which are part of the existing law (Section 4526)• The completed sentence defines this process sim- ply as one, "which prohibits governmental agency em- ployees from participating in the selection process when they have a financial or business relationship with any private entity seeking the contract, and the procedure shal require compliance with all laws regarding politi- cal contributions, conflicts of interest or unlawful activi- ties." By restating current law, this initiative actually pro- tects and strengthens the process currently in place. the initiative would embed in the constitution the authority and flexibility for both state and local agencies to contract with the private sector for engineering and architectural services, utilizing a qualifications-based, open cund fair process. Contra Costa Transportation Authority October 14, 1999 This initiative has no support. FACE': False, again. This initiative simply restates current law which requires private design contractors be chosen based first on their qualifications. If the opponents are troubled by the phrase, "fair, competitive selection process" they should read the FACT: The current endorsement list of more than 200 organizations speaks for itself. The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act is supported by the California Taxpayers' Association, California Chamber of Commerce, Coalition for Ad- equate School Housing, Californians for Better Trans- portation, business, labor and hundreds of school dis- tricts, cities, counties, water districts and other public agencies. Taxpayers for Fair Competition 111 Anza Boulevard, Suite 406 • Burlingame, CA 94010 Phone: (650) 340-0470 Fax: (650) 340-1740 11300 W. Olympic Boulevard. 4840 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 996-2000 Fax: (310) 996-2673 ❑ 111 Anza Boulevard, #406 • Burlingame, CA 94010 • 650-340-0470 • FAX: 650-340-1740 ❑ 11300 W. Olympic Boulevard, #840 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 • 310-996-2600 • FAX: 310-996-2673 WHO SUPPORTS THE FAIR COMPETITION AND TAXPAYER SAVINGS ACT? (as of 4/17/00) California Chamber of Commerce California Taxpayers' Association Coalition for Adequate School Housing Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3 (AFL-CIO) Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 12 (AFL-CIO) National Council for Public-Private Partnerships American Institute of Architects, California Chapter American Subcontractors Association, California Chapter Associated General Contractors California Association of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors, National Association - California Building Industry Association California Business Properties Association California Business Roundtable California Cement Promotion Council California Chapter, American Planning Association California Contract Cities Association California Fence Contractors Association Californians for Better Transportation 1 LOCAL & REGIONAL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS (CONT'D) Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce North Coast Builders Exchange Northern California Engineering Contractors Association Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Orange Chamber of Commerce Orange County Business Council Orange County Transportation Coalition Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce San Francisco Chamber of Commerce San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce San Leandro Chamber of Commerce San Mateo Chamber of Commerce San Rafael Chamber of Commerce Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce Southern California Contractors Association Greater Tulare Chamber of Commerce Visalia Chamber of Commerce CITIES & COUNTIES City of Angels Camp City of Arcadia Arcata City Public Works Department City of Arroyo Grande City of Belmont City of Belvedere City of Camarillo City of Campbell City of Carpenteria City of Ceres City of Claremont City of Clayton City of Colfax City of Concord City of Corcoran City of Cotati City of Daly City City of Del Mar City of Dublin City of Emeryville City of Escalon City of Eureka City of Exeter City of Fairfield City of Fontana City of Ft. Bragg City of Fortuna 3 STATEWIDE ORGANIZATIONS CONT'D California Groundwater Association California Manufacturers Association California Minority and Women's Business Coalition California Park & Recreation Society California Travel Parks Association California Trucking Association Civil Justice Association of California Coalition for Project Delivery Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California National Federation of Independent Business Painting and Decorating Contractor Association` Western Growers Association Western States Petroleum Association TAXPAYER ORGANIZATIONS Alliance of California Taxpayers and Involved Voters California Taxpayer Protection Committee Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Responsible Voters for Lower Taxes United Californians for Tax Reform Waste Watchers Butte County Citizens for Better Government Contra Costa Taxpayers Association Kern County Taxpayers Association TAXPAYER ORGANIZATIONS (CONT'D) League of Placer County Taxpayers San Diego County Taxpayers Association Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association Shasta County Taxpayers Association Sonoma County Taxpayers Association LOCAL & REGIONAL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce Associated Builders and Contractors, Los Angeles Ventura Chapter` Bay Area Council Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce.. Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce Downey Chamber of Commerce Fairield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Industry Manufacturers Council Irvine Chamber of Commerce Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Mid Valley Chamber of Commerce Milpitas Chamber of Commerce Modesto Chamber of Commerce Mountain View Chamber of Commerce 2 CITIES & COUNTIES (CONT'D) City of Fresno City of Garden Grove City of Gardena City of Gridley City of Hermosa Beach City of Highland City of Imperial City of Indian Wells City of lone City of Irvine City of Kerman City of La Mirada City of La Puente City of La Quinta -City of Laguna Hills City of Lancaster City of Livermore City of Livingston City of Lodi City of Loma Linda City of Lompoc City of Los Banos City of Malibu City of Millbrae City of Morgan Hill City of Newport Beach City of Novato CITIES & COUNTIES (CONT'D) City of Oakland City of Ontario City of Orland City of Murrieta City of Palm Springs City of Pasadena City of Porterville City of Poway City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Richmond - City of Rio Dell City of Rio Vista City of Ripon City of Rohnert Park City of San Juan Capistrano City of Santa Clarita City of Santa Cruz City of Santa Rosa City of Saratoga City of Sebastopol City of Sonoma City of Taft City of Tehachapi City of Temecula Town of Tiburon City of Tulare City of Trinidad 4 CITES & COUNTIES (CONT'D) City of Ukiah City of Vallejo City of Watsonville City of Westminster Town of Windsor City of Winters Amador County Fresno County Glenn County Humboldt County Kern County Kings County Lake County Madera County Mono County Nevada County Santa Cruz County Siskiyou County Sonoma County Stanislaus County Santa Barbara County Association of Governments LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Apple Valley Heights County Water District Contra Costa Transportation Authority Elsinore Water District LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (CONT'D) Heritage Ranch Community Services District Ironhouse Sanitary District Lake.County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Lake County Sanitation District Live rmo re/Amador Valley Transit District Los Alisos Water District Novato Sanitary District` San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District - Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission South Tahoe Public Utilities District Sunline Transit Agency Vista Irrigation District VVestborouah Water District EDUCATION Alum Rock School District Barstow Unified School District Central Unified School District Clovis Unified School District Downey Unified School District Eastside Union School District` Encinitas Union School District Folsom Cordova Unified School District Fresno Unified School District Monrovia Unified School District 5 EDUCATION (CONT'D) Redding School District Vacaville Unified School District West Fresno School District ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL ORGANIZATIONS Bay Counties Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors Association California Geotechnical Engineers Association Engineering and General Contractors Association Engineering and Utility Contractors Association Placer County Architects, Geologists, Engineers and Land Surveyors Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers, Greater LA Chapter Structural Engineers. Association of California Structural Engineers Association of Northern California Structural Engineers Association of Southern California New Additions 6 SAMPLE RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF "THE FAIR COMPETITION AND TAXPAYER SAVINGS ACT" INITIATIVE WHEREAS, California's population growth has resulted in the demand for more than $90 billion worth of highway, school, prison, flood control and other infrastructure improvement projects; and WHEREAS, the need for state and local governments to contract with the private sector for architectural and engineering services has never been greater; and WHEREAS, a series of successful lawsuits by a group of employees at Caltrans has resulted in effectively banning the state from contracting with private engineers and architects; and WHEREAS, a recent, unanimous, appeals court decision has extended the ban on contracting out specifically to school districts threatening severe delays in building badly needed schools; and WHEREAS, in order to stop the Caltrans bureaucrats' continuing effort to prevent the state and local government from utilizing private engineers and architects, an initiative known as "The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act" has been prepared; and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act changes California's laws and allows the state and local governments to contract with private companies for architectural and engineering services; and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act will save California's taxpayers money by encouraging competition between state employees and the private sector; and WHEREAS, the Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act requires architecture and engineering contracts to be subject to standard accounting practices and requires financial and. . performance audits as necessary-to ensure contract services are delivered within the agreed schedule and budget; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, SUPPORTS "The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act" for architectural and engineering services as an initiative. Contact Title f,_rey State Zip Telephone Number Pax Numhcr E-mail address Please fax Coll rpletecl form to 650-340-1740. Questions? Call 6501340-0470. /20/00 ❑ 111 Anza Boulevard, #406 • Burlingame, CA 94010 • 650-340-0470 • FAX- 650-340-1740 ❑ 11300 W. Olympic Boulevard, #840 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 • 310-996-2600 • FAX. 310-996-2673 S upport Form I / We support the Taxpayers for Fair Competition initiative allowing state and local governments to hire private architectural and engineering firms to help build important infrastructure for transportation, schools, prisons and water projects. You may add my/our name to your coalition list. Organization Name Authorized Signature Printed Name oAddress Cry, St?te, Zip Phane FAX E i`1ai/Address Please FAX completed form to Jason Barnett at (650) 340-1740- TIM A/ff KOUI Taxpayers for Fair Competition 3/20/00 - Giitiative -