CC - Item 4C - Award Of Bid (Copying Machines)i staf epor MEMORANDUM TO HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD-CITY-G0UNGII FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 7, 2000 RE: AWARD OF BID - COPYING MACHINES On May 30, 2000, staff opened bids for replacement high-speed copying machines. _ For - - __--__-__the purpose-of_this-bid-process,_staff_observed demonstrations.and_tested.different--------- makes and models-of-copying machines that would meet the City's requirements.- After - -reviewing the merits-of the machines observed staff sought bids-on-the Ricoh Aficio___-_-__ _ _ _ - -850-0n-Demand-Digital=Imaging System arid-Ricoh-Aficio-.650-Integrated_Digital - - - - - -Imaging System.--There were three responses to the City's request for bids. However, VI IG VIU.JUVI III LLUU WUQ UI LGI-LIIG \IGaV1111G-V CJ LG, L1.11.f .I IG.LI IY bid ana-lysis. =-Staff-evaluated:the-bids-:on_the_basis-of_a-five-year-".life cycle"-costs-of-owning-the=== machines. The bid analysis took into account the initial purchase price and estimated --------maintenance-costs-for_the-.next_five_years. The_foIlowing-are-the-results-of-the-bid analysis based on a five-year usage of the two copying machines: Vendor Purchase Price" Maintenance Costs Total 5-Year Ownership Cost Ikon Office Solutions $44,287.25 $41,200.00 $85,487.25 Advanced Co Systems $76,856.29 $62,652.00 $139,508.29 'Purchase prices includes sales tax, installation, delivery, training, and trade-in value of both the Konica 6190 and IBM Copier III Model 60 copying machines now owned by the City. COUINICIL :`GEND "S JUN 13 2000 ~C.-G IL T r:l N! . I V~ 1 Copiers Bid Award June 7, 2000 Page 2 The low bid was submitted by Ikon Office Solutions. Copies of the bid specifications, the bid forms submitted by the two companies and a list of reference are attached. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City of Rosemead award the bid for replacement copying machines to Ikon Office Solutions for both the Ricoh Aficio 850 On-Demand Digital Imaging System and Ricoh Aficio 650 Integrated Digital Imaging System. Idwcopwrmachi~rd.doc NOTICE INVITING BIDS The City of Rosemead is currently seeking bids for two (2) high speed-copying - machines. Bids will be accepted for the-following: Ricoh Aficio 850 On-Demand Digital Imaging System and Ricoh Aficio 650 Integrated Digital Imaging System All bids must be submitted on the attached bid form. All bid prices must be effective for a period of thirty (30) days from the date that bids are opened. All bids must include the cash purchase price for the machine and a five (5) year service-and-maintenance-agreement. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Valderrama or Karen Ogawa at (626) 569-2100. All bids will be opened on Tuesday, May 30, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. at Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91-770._.- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - PROPOSALS - - - =-=Bids-shall:be-submitted on-the form-provided-Numbers-shall-be-typed-or written - clearly and the signatures of all persons-signing the document shall be in longhand.--..The-completed--formshall _ be submitted without. alterations-_or erasures. Incomplete forms and forms filled out incorrectly will be cause for - _ =-rejection of.the bids. - - - Alternative proposals will not be considered unless requested by the City of -Rosemead-- Nooral-or-telephonic-proposals-shall-be-considered.- - - AWARD AND REJECTION OF BIDS - - The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder complying with these - instructions, provided that the bid is reasonable in the judgment of the City of Rosemead and it is in the interests of the City to accept it. The City Council, however, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. The competency and responsibility of bidders will be considered in awarding the bid. Notice to Bidders May 10, 2000 Page 2 WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS " Bids may be withdrawn by the bidder prior to, but not after May 30, 2000. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT No assignment by the successful bidder of any contract to be entered into hereunder, or any part thereof, will be recognized by the City of Rosemead unless such assignment has been approved in writing by the City Manager. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS _ _If any- party_submittin-g-a-bidis in do0bt_as t_o the_true meaning-of any-part-ofthis- document,__he or_she-may__submit_to -the.-City -a written_ request for an interpretation.-If the-City determines that-an interpretation-is-necessary,-it-will-be_---__________ ~ - ---made by addendum-only:- Addendums will-be mailed-or delivered Yo-each person receiving a set of these bid documents. The City will not be responsible or any -otherexplanations-or-interpretations of the proposed-documents== -ADDENDI'JMS-AND Any-addendum or bulletin iss eed-Uy the City during-the time of bidding shall-U(e overed in.-the-bid.-The receipt.of each_addendum.shall-be acknowledged on the Bid Proposal Form submitted by each bidder. BID SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS The vendor or manufacturer bidding the machine shall have at least one (1) year of experience servicing and maintaining the specific model bid or its predecessor. The machine must be newly manufactured. The City will not accept bids for used, rebuilt or remanufactured machines. Documentation will be required by the City to substantiate any claims made in the bid submitted. i Notice to Bidders May 10, 2000 Page 3 - II. WARRANTY The minimum warranty period for the machine listed in this bid shall be at least six (6) months. The warranty shall be unlimited and cover all machine failures, regardless of cause, with the exception of operator's misuse or abuse. III. MAINTENANCE The successful bidder shall agree to service the machine bid for a minimum period of five (5) years. All labor, materials including toner, developer and all other materials, except paper and staples, shall be included in the bid. " The bid for service and maintence- shall -be made-on--a cost-per-copy or -annual-fixed-r_ate-The-successful bidder shall-specify-his/her preference-on - _the_bid_ form. Costs materials, such as toner and developer; shall tie listed on a separate sheet of paper,-if-it is-not-included in the cost-per--Copy or annual-fixed a-te=stated'ih=the=bid------- - - _ IV.---RESPONSE TIME _ The successfuC biddeCshall -guaranie for service (Monday through Friday). e a four (4) hour response time-to-ca V. SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT v. =-The successful bidder shall make available an acceptable temporary replacement copier if the machine purchased is not operational for a period of two (2) consecutive working days. VI. REFERENCES The successful bidder shall provide at least three (3) references currently utilizing the machine and servicing indicated in the bid proposal form. 1 Notice to Bidders May 10, 2000 Page 4 VII: TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE The City of Rosemead currently owns one (1) KONICA 6190 copying machine with approximately 2,500,000 copies registered on the unit and one (1) IBM Copier III Model 60 with approximately 5,700,000 copies. The successful bidder shall accept-these machines as t-rad"T-ins. Please specify the trade-in value of each machines on the bid proposal form. If an inspection of the machine is necessary, please make an appointment with City staff by calling the telephone number listed previously. - - VIII. APPROXIMATE ANNUAL USAGE The City, based upon past experience, anticipates that the machines will be Ricoh 850 42,000 annual _Ricoh_650. 35,OOQannual,copies_ klo:word\data\copymachinebid.doc (05-10-2000 revised) BID PROPOSAL FORM MAIL TO: City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 - - - - - - - "Bid Proposal - Copy Machines" I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids and the Bid Proposal form and have satisfied myself as to the scope of the work. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for 30 days from the date of this proposal. 2. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids and Instructions to Bidders. 3. To provide a bid price that includes tax, installation and delivery charges. 4. To provide training on-the machine specified in this proposal for City personnel. - - - - - Total purchase price, including tax, delivery charges, and installation cost: A.~yRicoh_Aficio_850 S Sales Tax (8.25%)- S - - - - - --Delivery-Charges -5---" Installation Cost - - S = Tdtal Purchase==Pace S - - - ---Ricoh Aficio 650 Sales Tax (8.25%) S Delivery Charges $ Installation Cost -5 - - - - Total Purchase Price S - - - Trade-in Allowance for: A. Konica 6190 B. - IBM Copier III Model 60 S MAINTENANCE COSTS: This may be bid on a cost-per-copy basis or as an annual fixed rate. The maintenance agreement is to take effect after the end of the warranty period (minimum of-six.(6) months) and be effective fora period of five (5) years from the expiration of the warranty period. City of Rosemead Bid Proposal Form May 10 ,2000 Page 2 Maintenance Cost cont'd: A. Ricoh Afiicio 850: Cost-per-co py: Annual Fixed Rate: 5 per copy, 1' year $ per year, 1" year - -s- -per-Copy, 2nd year- 5- - ---Per year,-2nd year - 5 per copy, 3`d year 5 per year, 3`d year 5 per copy, 4" year 5 per year, 4`n year. 5 per copy, 5'h year 5 per year, 5" year _B_ Ricoh Afiicio_650: - - - - Cost-per-co py: Annual Fixed Rate: 5 per coPY, V year 5 - .per year,-l" year 5 - per coPY,-2nd-year per_year,,2"d year = - per copy; 3`d-Year-= - ..:Peryear, 3'd year - ~=--5- per coPY-4-myear-- - -5 _ -----per year, -year - - ---=-Authoized-Signatu ee. -Provide-the name-and titie 6f theindividoal-signng'the submittal for the firm.!- _ This-individual-must be authorized to-bind the-firm to the terms-of-the-submittal " Company Address - - - Telephone Number - Authorized Signature Date MAYOR: MARGARET CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: JAY T IMPERIAL COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT W. BRUESCH GARY A TAYLOR JOE VASOUEZ R(ncmead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR - -R-ICO H 8 S'0 -AND-RTCO-N 6 5 0 y ' - - - - - Correction-to=the-Section Vlllr__----___-__- - V11 I-- - : -_APPROXWATE-ANNUAL USAGE The City, - Cased UDOn 2St eY. _fience,_-anLici ateS--iilat. tne.- _ machinas will be Ltilized as tollov.s_ - - Ricoh 350 500,000 annual copies Ricoh-S50 4 _ -pj - -~~-4-= - 20,000 annua178 pie s 1 BID PROPOSAL FORM MAIL TO: City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead,-CA 917TQ_- "Bid Proposal - Copy Machines" I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids and the Bid Proposal form and have satisfied myself as to the scope of the work. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1 2. 3. To hold my bid open for 30 days from the date of this proposal. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids and Instructions to Bidders. To provide a bid price that includes tax, installation and delivery charges. l.4.,_ To provide training-on the machine specified in. this proposal for City personnel. Total purchase price, including t. A. - -Ricoh-.Aficio-850:: - _DeliVery .Charges Installation-Cost- _ - ==Total`Purchzse Price- 3x, delivery charges, and installation cost --5--1 f1 C -Cj --y'.7--== B - -~Ricoh.Aficio 650: Sales Tax (8.25 /o) S Delivery Charges lhstallation Cost - Total Purchase Price S Trade-in Allowance for: A.. Konica 6190 S B. IBM Copier III Model 60 S MAINTENANCE COSTS: This may be bid" on a cost-peg-copy basis or as an annual fixed rate. The maintenance agreement is to take effect after the end of the warranty period (minimum of six (6) months) and be effective for a period of five (5) years from the expiration of the warranty period. z City of Rosemead Bid Proposal Form May 10 ,2000 Page 2 Maintenance Cost cont'd: A. Ricoh Afiicio 850: Cost-per-copy: Annual Fixed Rate: S oc B5~ per copy, 1 ' year 5 per year, 1" year Sri Per"copy, Zoe year---- - --Per-year,_2- year.-- 5 DC f per copy, 3`d year 4'h 5 per year, 3'd year 4'h year 5 per year year per copy, , S on t;ra per copy, 5'h year $ per year, 5'h year - - B.- Ricoh Afiicio 650:------ - - - - - - Cost-per-copy: Annual Fixed Rate: - _5 . -:;csf - - -Per-copy,-1" year _ S per year, 1`' year J - - ~a - - -s_ po _r_coPX: 2_ yezr - per ear, 2~e ee~ 5 P Y Y - - ° - 5-' °rr s pzr copy-3' year-- -P- eF-Year,_3' Y-ear S=- - - - - - -peg copy, 4m year --per-year,_4 h year -----per-coPY,-S -yeah-_ ` - 5 - per year, 5'" year - `Authorized Signature- Provide the name and title of the individual-signing=the-submittal-for-the_ firm =-This:individual-must-be-authorized-to-bind the: firm-to-the-terms-of the_ submittal._ O ' VA - Name/Title - - - C c - - - - -Company Telephone Number_ t D ~j 1 Authorized Signature e a ~ 05/00/2000 TUE 15:50 FAX 16002/002 Fax. 626 307-9216 Nancy, Here are three refecznces for the equipment from the bid. Feel free to contact them at your convenience. If I can help in any other way please ask. Shanks. again.for.thc.oppormnity to do.busincss-with the City of R_osernead. Dean Ricoh Aficio 650 References Hyundai Moto, America Gina - 714/965-3943 - ---Monarch Health Care Lloyd Hairy_ T:= ==9-49/659=6262-- - - City of Duarte --PatRezavt- - 626x57-7931 - - i. BID PROPOSAL FORM MAIL TO: City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 "Bid Proposal - Copy Machines" I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids and the Bid Proposal form and have satisfied myself as to the scope of the work. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for 30 days from the date of this proposal. 2. To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids and Instructions to Bidders. 3. To provide a bid price that includes tax, installation and delivery charges. 4. To provide training on the machine specified in this proposal for City personnel. Total purchase price, including tax, delivery charges, and installation cost: A.-,----Ricoh Aficio 850 S Sags Tax (8:25%) S- - - - _ - - - Delivery-Charges-- _ -S-=-NOfE - _ - - - - - Installation Cost - - - - S - _ - - - - - - =TotaL2urch2se-P_rice ~B 5 SEE--ATTACHED-SHEET --Sales Tax 8:25% - - - - - D2iivery Charges " T5""NONE - _ _-lnstallation-Cost-- 5-=-=Nr1t;,: Prlg? Total Purchase Trade-in Allowance for: A. Konica 6190 B. IBM Copier III Model 60 S S_ M^-,INTENANCE COSTS: This may be bid on a cost-per-copy basis or as an annual fixed rate. The maintenance agreement_ is to take effect after the end of the warranty period (minimum of six (6) months) and be effective for a period of five (5) years from the expiration of the warranty period. _ GESTETNER/RICOH 3370 DIGITAL COPIER REPLACES THE MODEL 3265 ?650) INCLUDES:STANDARD ARDF & COPIER HARD DRIVE $25,550 LARGE CAPICITY CASSETTE (3500) 2,035 - - -3000 SHEET-F-INZ-SHER--WITH--50--SHEET - 3,200 STAPLER... 3 HOLE PUNCH 875 $31,610'- LESS KONICA TRADE 1,600 LESS IBM TRADE 300 LESS 7% CASH DISCOUNT 2,080 NET $27,630 SALES TAX 1,454.48 TOTAL $29,084.48 LEASE OPTION 36mos $875.44mo 60mos. $578.77mo. - - ==GESTETNER-=3=28'5-D:LGITAL-GORIER _ - INCL-UD~S=:=STANDARD-A-RDF_ & HARD.mDRiVE-- T-$39:n000~ - - - - - - - LARGE--CAPICITY---CASSETTE-(-3500-),- ----4,300-- 5, NI:SHER - - -805 _ - 3 HOLE PUNCH - - LESS--T RADE- KON-1CA---- - - LESS T.RADETLBM 300 LESS 7oCASH DISCOUNT n 3,344 -3 - - - NET $44,131 3;6-40.81 SALES TAX - - - - - 57,771.81'- TOTAL LEASE OPTION 36mos $1319.52mo 60mos $878.21 mo:- THE VOLUME ON THE MODEL 3285 IS A MINUMUM OF 50,000 PER MONTH THIS UNIT NEEDS TO OPERATE AT A MUCH HIGHER VOLUME TO BE AS RELIABLE AS IT WAS MADE FOR. _.TWO_._OF, THE MODELS _3370_ INST,ED . - - MY RECOMMENDATION WOULD BE-FOR e Clfy of Rosamead Bid Prooosal Form May 10 ,2000 Page 2 Maintenance Cost cont'd: A. Ricoh Afiicio 850: Cost-per-coo v: Annual Fixed Rate: S 0 3 per copy, 1s' year S per year, 1s' year _ - "d S : o+- per copy-, 2 year- S per year, 2- d year S c 37 per copy, 3`d year S Der year, 3`d year S x-si per copy, 4'" year S per year, 4'" year S Di f per copy, 51h year S per year, 5ht year S. Ricoh Afiicio 650: - - - - - - COS`:-Der-COD V: -Annual Fixed Rate: peryear ,-1s'.year= =Y_ __S -@c_+35 per cnPy:=2"d-year _ -5 - - - - per-y=ear 2"d=year - ' - - - _ year_ _ S S ` - ' - ci3T per copy, 3,d perye -ar, 3 Y id ear - - - g--__--G 34 rco 4 , PY ,yeea ar S _per-year,_4m year-_. - = L i4-per copy, 5'h-year- S---- - --Per year 5'" year - - - - Authorized Sigrieture' Provide the name and title of the individual si gning the submittal for the firm. o _ ----_T.his -individual- must be authorized-to-bind-the firm-to-the-terms-of the submittal -Nsme/Title--- (•~-~isi~t:,G f\r=-i~cuLC.=--- Com an ----Address:.-_-_-._----_IUD-C8-=1-~1'✓Ci_.-,/a-Z~S-r~--P-C~--:~ C -7 Teie?hone Numnber n Authorized Si_neture Cate J'/j' Cx~