CC - Item 5A - Assessment Of Temple City Blvd. Truck Router i. staf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI; CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 7, 2000 SMEN-T--OF DISCUSSION - - -In recent years, Commissioner Ruiz has expressed concerns with noise andair pollution caused by- - truck travel on Temple City Blvd., especially the use ofjake brakes. In response, staff has forwarded numerous letters to the responsible company regarding this concern (Exhibit A). However, such actions have had no lasting results. - - - _ - ' " ' " The Traffic Commission has directed _staffto assess the feasibility ofremo_ving Temple City Blvd. as a designatedtruck route. _In order-to remove a designated truck route, a municipal code amendment wnt5hl'he renuired anil is su6iecYto annrovahhv the CiT`v CouncilmIn addition: steps would have to be taken to determine environmental impacts and to gather public comment At the June 1, 2000 meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to approve the staff recommendation - ---to forward this preliminary-assessment to the City_Council_for direction. Staff'sjmtial solution was to remove the signs that indicate"Truck Route" and I would meet with the City Manager of El Monte and request his assistance in directing those companies in El Monte to - - notify the delivery=companies-that Temple City-Boulevard should not be used as -a truck route..- However, the Traffic Commission wants quite a bit of additional staff work (both in-house and consultant) to be done and we would need the Council's authorization to do so. EXHIBITS: _ Exhibit A - Traffic Commission Staff report, dated May 25, 2000 COUNCIL s:! s ; Exhibit B - Draft Minutes, dated June 1, 2000 JUN ? 2n, r ITEM No. f staf epor TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS FROM: JESSICA WILKINSON, ASSOCIATE PLANNERht~ DATE: MAY 25, 2000 SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT OF TEMPLE CITY BLVD TRUCK ROUTE - DISCUSSION --Pursuant to a-request from-the Traffic Commission,-staff-has-been-directed-to assess-the-impacts - years, Commissioner Ruiz has expressed concerns with noise and air pollution caused by truck travel on this route, especially the use of jake brakes. In response, staff has forwarded numerous -letters-to the-responsible company regarding-this concern-(Exhibit-C)--However,-such--actions- have had no lasting results. - The Commission has directed staff to assess the feasibility of removing Temple City Blvd. as a --designated truck Touter In order to dni-o-ve a di si ated truck,- route; a muniici 1 -code-- " - pa amendment would be required. These amendments are subject to approval by the City Council BACKGROUND According to Chapter 10.08.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (Exhibit A), Temple City Boulevard is a designated truck route from the northerly city boundary (Southern Pacific Railroad) to the San Bernandino Freeway (I-10). The truck routes have been established since the city incorporated in 1959. In the Circulation section of the General Plan (Exhibit B), Temple City Boulevard is designated a secondary arterial roadway since its traffic volume is not as high as a primary arterial roadway (i.e. Rosemead Blvd., San Gabriel Blvd., and Garvey Avenue). Trucks traveling on Temple City Blvd. serve the businesses in Rosemead, El Monte, and Temple City. EXHIBIT "A" Rosemead Traffic Commission June 1, 2000 Page 2 of 3 A preliminary step in considering the amendment of the code is to determine if this proposed project is exempt or not exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. If this project is found to be non-exempt, a determination of the possible environmental impacts of this project must be made. This would require an initial study to be completed. If environmental impacts are found, adoption_ of the Mitigated Negative Declaration_ or the completion_of anEIR (Environmental Impact Report) would be required. During the initial study process, the following actions would be taken: 1. Traffic study to be completed. 2. Legal findings to be determined by City Attorney. 3. Analysis of San Gabriel Valley Truck Transportation Study, completed by San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. 4. Comments by affected Rosemead property owners and businesses. 5. Comments and analysis by affected municipalities, such as El Monte and Temple City. 6. Comment from affected agencies such as Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, Los Angeles County Public Works Department, California Highway Patrol, California --____-_-_-_-Department-of--Transportation,-- Los-Angeles-County-- Superior Courts-- -Rio-Hondo;- - Department-of_ Health_Services South-Coast-Air-Quality-Management-District, _ --Metropolitan Transportation Autliority; and Foothill Transit: - - - 7--Comparativeanalysis-of-similar code-amendments:completed by.other-municipalities=(i-e.- _ City of Montebello). 8. Public Notice city-wide and to affected municipalities/ businesses. 9. -_Public .Hearin before-the-City Council.--.---- 10. City Council consideration of amendment-to-the municipal code. If City Council-directs staff to-further process-this:project; the-following recommendations may = be considered: ].-Take no action at this time. - 2. Proceed-with the public hearing process to amend the Rosemead Municipal Code 10.08.010 to remove Temple City Blvd. as a designated truck route. 3. Temporary removal of truck route as part of a one-year trial program. 4. Designate Temple City Blvd. as a street with a maximum gross weight limit and/or limit the hours of truck deliveries. Rosemead Traffic Commission June 1, ?000 Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION: Due to the extensive amount of staff and consultant time necessary to pursue this project, it is recommended that the Traffic Commission forward this preliminary assessment to the City Council for direction. Exhibits: A - Municipal Code Section 10. B - General Plan, Circulation Section C- Letter 10.08.010 - - Chapter 10.08 7. San Gabriel Boulevard from the Pomona Freeway to Delta Avenue; "TIGHT LIMITS ANDTRUCK -San-Gabriel-Boulevard from Hellman ROUTES Avenue to Potrero Grande Boulevard; 9. Rush Street from San Gabriel Boulevard Sections: to Walnut Grove Avenue; - - 10.08.010 i17azjmum gross weight 10. Del Mar Avenue between Hellman limit. Avenue and Garvey Avenue. 10.08.020 I<faaimum gross weight B. The provisions of this section are not limit on Rosemead Place, applicable with respect to any vehicle which Vrhitmore-Stree2-and is subject to the provisions of Sections 1031 Diggs Avenue during through 1036 inclusive of the Public Utilities certain hours. Code. C. This section shall not become effective 10.08.010 Maximum gross weight until signs are erected indicating those streets - - limit. - which are affected by the provisions of this A. Pursuant to the provisions of Section section. ,5701 of the Vehicle Code, r o.Person, corpo- - D. This section-shall not prohibit any_com-_ w ~ Y ration or any other organization shall use -or mercial vehicle coming from-an-unrestricted- operate any commercial vehicle or any vehicle -street for egress or ingress by truck route to ---exceeding six. thousand-(6;000)-pounds on or --and: from therestricted sVeets as set forth in oieCany_sVeet,_road_or-public-right-of w•ay---- ;1 isseetion-when necessary-forthe purpose"of - within the city except the-following streets ' making pick-ups or delivery of goods, wares which are designated.as_truck.routes:---= r_ _or merchandise- from and_to-any-- building_or-----=_--- - - _ 1 Lower Azusa Road from Rosemead street located on any restricted street or. for the _ Boulevard to.Southem Pacific Railroad right- purpose-of delivenng materials to b used in . LL -of-way, the actual o~'6ona" fide repair, alteration or _ A•fissron-Drive .from Valley--Boulevard' - - construction-of an building or structure u on Y _P~_ to the westerly°city-boundary a pu-blic-r--strtcted street for which a building Valley le Bou~_ard = from the-easterly-to-=-- permit-has previouslY"been:obtained:therefore.-~= - the westerly city boundary; E. This section shall not apply to any vehi- 4. - Garvey Avenue from the easterly to the cle owned by a public utility while necessa ly - westerly city boundary;_ .in_use. in- the construction, installation, or 5. Temple City Boulevard from the north- repair of any public utilities. cFly city boundary(Southern Paci is Railroad) P. The provisions of subsection A of this to the San Bernardino Freeway; _ section shall not apply to any state highway. 6. Walnut Grove Avenue from the norther- - (Prior code § 3303) iy city boundary (Southern Pacific Railroad) to Sari Gabriel Boulevard; 19? EXHIBIT .I1~11 10.08.020 10.08.020 Maximum gross weight limit on Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street and Driggs- Avenue during certain hours. A. The City Council finds and determines that the use of Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street and Driggs Avenue, during the evening and early morning hours by vehicles having a gross weight in excess of six thousand (6,000) - - pounds impairs. the quiet enjoyment of the - residential area fronting on those streets at a time when the residents thereof are most in need of peace and quiet. Therefore, the use of _vehicles having a gross weight in excess of six - thousand (6,000) pounds on Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street and Driggs Avenue during the evening and-early_moming.hours is injuri------- . - ---~.~--ous.to=the:.health:and=w,elfare.of-the.residents~~_-~=~-._..-~----- of said streets. --B Pursuant to thy- rovisions of Section 35701-of-the'Vehi cle Code°no'person°corpo - ration or any -other organization shall use 6r operate any commercia]:vehicle_orahy vehicle-:=_ - _exceeding_six_thousand.(6,000)_pounds on.or_-- over Rosemead Place,-Whitmore Street, or Drig~s Avenue between [he } burs of nin p.m. - UT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 State Requirements The Circulation Element serves as a guide for public improvements -as-they relate .to-.the long-range. planning- process -in_the City-of- - - - Rosemead. The incorporation of this Element into the General Plan is recognition of - the importance of considering traffic requirements in any future development in Rosemead.. The State Law requires that every general plan include a circulation element, which must. contain, at a minimum, the "general location and extent of existing and proposed major thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals, and other public ------ut-ilit-ies--and--facilities,-all-correlated---.with--the--land-use element of the general plan" (Section 65302(b)). The General Plan Guidelines identify certain features that may be important to the community. Those items mentioned in the General Plan Guidelines that are of particular concern to the City of Rosemead incl ude: ° Streets and highways; Parking facilities; - rznsit..and.rapid tiansit, ° Paratransit (e.g., carpooling, van pooling, and taxi service); Bicycle and pedestrian facilities; and °-_Ut-ilities-transmission_facilities. - C-irculation-Element--serves --to-fulfill--5tate requirements - - - = fo a- cir-dulation -element (Section 65302):---In- additionn-ihe ___Circulation_.Element-is-concerned-with_ t_he__consinued_m_aintenan_ce and expansion of the sewer system, water system, and utilities to meet the-future-need of the City.'- - - CIR-1 _ 3/25/06 1.2 Issues and Opportunities The circulation system for the City of Rosemead has developed over the years along with the San Gabriel Valley. Due to the maturity of the majority of the City, major modifications to the overall system are not._ required. The existing system _ is compatible with the .land use pattern and intensity in most areas of the City. The existing street classification system is illustrated in Figure CIR-1. These street classifications conform to those utilized by Los Angeles County as do the streets in the surrounding area. Each of these streets was field. checked to determine existing street geometrics and traffic utilization. --Figure--CIR-2-illustrates the - existing street-geometrics.--..----- On-street parking is generally permitted on all streets with some restrictions near intersections. There are also some parking Prohibitions on Rosemead Boulevard. Major intersections have been signalized and traffic controls appear to be appropriate for existing conditions. Existing daily traffic volumes on the City's arterial streets, are illustrated on Figure" CIR-3. _ These data were provided by the daily- czp_acities forvarious _street _cross sections.... and Levels of Service are listed in Table CIR-1. Comparison of , - these= capauty_values_ .vitfi"exisung_volumes-(Figure_CIt2 3)_and existing _geometrics -(Figure- CIR-2) -provides, an- indication of the.-.- - - ystem.---defic]ency Is. - adeouacy--of_..an _Pxtsting-circulation .s - " indicated on-Rosemead-Boulevard-south- of`:Valley--Boulevard:--In- addition, -San Gabriel-Boulevard north of Garvey Avenue an - - southerly of--•balnu.t. Grove. Avenue- is-approaching capacity.- --Other traffic-- circulation -problems have been _ areas'-'where - - id nti_.`ied include-vehicular-access --to the Rosemead. Shopping " _ - Center and the need for increased access. to the 'Walnut Grove ,avenue/Rush Street area. Bus -5ervice- is- provided by -,he Southern- California Transit District (SCRTD) with routes -throughout the City and tie San Bernardino Freeway Busway .-SCR TD provides bus service on Del— Mcr, Garvey, Hellman, Marshall,. Mission, Rosemead, San Gabriel,- Temple City Boulevard, Valley Boulevard and WalnutGrove: The - City also provides Dial-A-Ride service Within the City or within five miles of the City-limits. CIR-2 S/22/So These existing conditions provide a basis for the development of a Circulation Element for the General Plan. This element will provide guidelines and policy to assist in maintaining a satisfactory, circulation system and to serve in future land use changes. The relationship between land use and circulation is an important factor in planning and a basis for_ a General Plan.- Any changes in land use or circulation have a corresponding effect upon-the other. _ Freeway ® Major Arterial I, / . I __D ® Secondary Arterial IF . J J S - r ~C ILL, Collector £ S - II r.1 Local t _ i. Rush St. Extension (Proposed Study Area) - 1 1 I _4 ~ V Ai, 7" t IL - Il jI - I y _ l I ~ - tI t~~ ;1 f1 a r IGi;R E C R- 1 , u on a vii -C. e'.Se?_=ear? - - - - Eli ~ Zll GGeneral- '~f an - - - - E ? te a ° . 00 TT0~:4~LAt:D/ASSOO1•.TCS SOURCE; Weston Pringlo and 1. scociatos 4•LT u,u,on 81.0 2 4 Lc~., Al u.a V LT 6 I/S p/ v...., e..,. 2 2 4, LT 4 LT 9 1/S - 2 2' /'2 f'i J 4 r LT B I /S i - 2 2 4, LT a.. 2 2 $m be.mrEmo i.., 2 -4rLT - - - A„ 4rLT LEGEND =4-* LT - - 6? LT =6_LA_f~S=PUA=: - - 4, LT 8 I/S 4 LT - - LEFT-TLJRN=LANES- - - - - - 4, LT = 4 LANES PLUS - _ - 4r LT-6 1/S --L-EFT=TU a,....... RN ANES-- - - - - - - - - - 4_ ° 4 LANES NO LEFT- - - TURN_LANES - +LI - 4,LT8 1/S= 4 LANES FWS N LADS 2- EFTUR - AT-INTERSECTION-- - 2 LANES (9___-INTERCHANGE c - - - - •e.,~ 1 4rLT i=lGURE CIR-2 - f r ` et Geomet- -ics y _ ?Aar 3 COTTON/SELAI`:D/AS SCiCIATES 50UP.C veston P inglo and Asroclntoa I 3700 2500 cr.no A... [ b _ un.,bn el.a 13 0 1600 Q O W L { M 12,8 o~.r A1°.a v O M ° ~ 0 CQ7 / L (Q~ . _ 21 200 y {IrC 100 V.. IN 21 7 , 0 - - 8500 u.r"ll St. 4200 5300 i0) II 500 10 Hr::.. n ♦.r +.n Bar n. r0nb Frey 6900. 5600 5100 0 - - - Ln Iri - N c.,.. 18 300-- - - 20,500 19,000 - - - - - 18,200 - R (8 0 c - - - 3206 - p" 0 - - - 5500-- - - - - - _ _ G . I _ - 2500 } Pomona Fr_y q Vo . 1 - F--Ill -_COITr'•i 4i6ELAiJf1/r;S8001ATES SOURCE: `Yeston Pr!ncle_cnd Assoclstos i _ 2.0 PROPOSALS 2.1 Standards There are several types of street classification systems. All of these systems divide streets into a classification based upon .the. street's -primary -function; _ In -al ost all cases, the major difference between - the -different systems is the title given to each of the classifications. The roadway _ standards in this General Plan is based on the classification system used by the Los Angeles County Road Department which categorizes roadways according to their pavement and right-of-way widths. For planning purposes, the County classification system was expanded to include a number of lanes and capacities. The six categories include: freeway, highway, major arterial, secondary. arterials,,____ - collector-roads,,-and--local streets. The following discussion summarizes the major characteristics of the classification of roadways used in this element. Freeway - A divided, multiple-lane highway devoted entirely to the task of traffic movement with --access controlled by ramps spaced at regular intervals. The San Bernardino and Pomona Freeways ' _ are in this category. Major-Arterials ---A facility on-which geometric - -design and- traffic- control - - -expedite throw h traffic=mov ment .-Access_to- - - - - - - abutting properties and on-street -parking -is-- - - - - - - - -restricted. A major arterial is the principal urban =thoroughfare. ---Roadways in this category " generally have right-of-ay-.widths-of-aPProxi-_ - ----w- mate.ly_100__feet .and -may have, da ly ;raffle- - ti . = _-volumes=m-ezeess of-20;000 veli'icles on_any-=given - _ - - segment Valley Boulevard, Garvey.-Avenue, San.. - - Gabriel- Avenue,-a_nd_Roserread-Boulevard-a're=roadway-s- _ _ m this" category. Rosemead Boulevard is a - - - esignated-StarterH'ighway--(H•vy- 19)-and-is currently-- - --handling the greatest-traffic -load,of--any roadway---= in the. City;. excluding the-freeways. --Secondary Arterials - Roadways in this category serve a similar function--as-ma) or arterials except that the design capacities are not as great. In addition,-secondary arterials do not generally carry the large volumes or through traffic- commonly ~l operating on the primary arterial roadways. Secondary arterials have an average maximum right- of-way width of 80 feet and daily traffic volumes averaging between 10,000 to 20,000 vehicles. Roadways in this category include Del Mar-Avenue, Graves Avenue, New_ Avenue,. Rush Avenue, I emple City Boulevard, and Walnut Grove Avenue. Collector Roads - A collector street serves traffic movements in a defined geographic area of a city and connects this area with arterials and freeways. There are few through traffic trips, most traffic utilizes collectors to move from a lower order street-to-a-higher--order--stree t-Curbside parking is generally acceptable and the abutting properties have complete access to the street. The right-of- way -width of this roadway type is variable but generally averages 60 feet. Traffic volumes also varry with the average generally somewhat less. than - 10 000 vehicles- Roadways classified as,collector streets include Encinita_-Avenue,__ Grand --Avenue,-Heliman__Avenue;-lvar - - - - = Avenue, Loftus Drive Marshall. Stree,t_Muscatel_ } avenue, Ramona Boulevard; R=ia-Hondo=-,avenue; and Rosemead Place.-- o cal Sfreets _ Local streets refer to those streets_ - -that -provide direci access to the individual parcels . y:=The remaining_ streets located ihrouaohout-the=Cit not otherwise designated are classified as local _ _streets_- The=remafni'ng=roadways no.-classified-in - - _t he abpye_;ca:iegories--would=be--considered -local. roads. - Local-streets are generally; two-lane with a minimum - right=of-way--width of-50-feet. - a-ter-ials =seconJarv:?arterials;=collector.-~- - __Cro s sect ons= of_.maior roads, and local streets_ are shown in Figure-C1R-4. The = "location 'and functional classificztion in the City of Rosemead is sho<.n in Figure CIR-5:- - Ine ability of a roadway or intersection to handle the current - "-vaffic load can bed-scribed -in terms of level-of -service. The level -of -service is the ratio of the road's design capacity to_. the existing volumes. The resulting ratio then permits the . CIR-8 8/22/86 road to be placed into one of six level-of-service categories. The six levels-of-service are generally described as follows for simple, uninterrupted flows. Level of Service A: This is a condition of free flow, accompanied by low traffic volumes _and_-high _ speeds._ - - Traffic densities will be low, with uninterrupted flow speeds controlled by driver desires, speed limits, and physical roadway conditions. There is little or no restriction in maneuverability due to the presence of other vehicles and drivers can maintain their desired speeds with little or no delay. Level of Service B: This occurs in the zone of stable _ flow, with operating speed beginning to- be-restricted--.-somewhat by traffic conditions. Drivers still have reasonable freedom to select their speed and lane of operation. Reductions in speed are not unreasonable with a low probability that traffic flow will be restricted. The lower limit (lowest speed, highest volume) of this level -of -service has been used in the design of rural _ highways. - Level of Service C: This is still in the zone of stable -.1 --•flow; but--speeds-_and--maneuverabi'li'ty` are_ more clos=ly' controlled by the higher traffic volumes. Most of the - - in_their.,freedom. to select. their -own,_, divers-are- restricted.: - --speed, change-lanes -or-pass-A-- relatively~ -satisfactory'- operating speed is still obtainable -with service volumes suitable for urban design practice. -=-Level-of- Ser-vice -D: --This --level-of-service-approaches-- "-unstable,~flow with- _-tolerable . -o>ratin -s ds ,being p` g -P _a---- nainY~in d"-thougn -signffica5tl7 affected -by- changes in .operating-conditions. Fluctuations in volume and temporary .-----resrr-fictions--•-to-~-flow-may-cause`~sobstanrial-drops'`in operating speeds. In an urban setting such as Rosemead, - - '='=-operating" c"onditions described in this category are acceptable. Level of--Service E: This level -of -service cannot be described by speed alone but represents operations at lower operating speeds, generally about 30 miles per hour, with traffic volumes at or near the design capacity of the roadway. Traffic flow is unstable and there may be stoppages for short periods. This level of service is associated with the operation of a facility at design flow. CIR-9 8/22/86 Level of Service F: This level-of-service describes a forced-flow operation at low speeds where volumes are above the design capacity of the roadway. In the extreme cases, both speed and volume can drop to zero. These conditions usually result from queues of vehicles backing up from a restriction downstream. The section of the roadway under study will serve as a storage area during parts or all of the peak hour-period. -Speeds are-substantially-reduced and stoppages may occur for short or long periods of time because of the downstream congestion. The level of service can be calculated if the design capacity for average daily traffic (ADT) and the existing traffic volumes (ADT) are known. For urban design purposes, a level of service (LOS) of C is desirable though in most urbanized areas such as Rosemead, the LOS of D is generally considered to be acceptable. T-he-actual-capacity-of-aroadwayis dependent on numerous factors, foremost among them is the number of travel lanes. Daily volumes and the corresponding LOS for different design in configurations are shown in Figure CIR-4. CIR-10 6/ll/S6 CROSS SECTION DAILY CAPACITY") LOS C LOS 5 6 Lane Divided 45,DDD 49,500 4 Lane Divided 30.000 33,000 4 Lane Undivided 20,000 22,DD0 2 Lane 60'- 100' R/W 4-Lane Medlan Major and Secondary Arterial w Collector - --50' R/W-(minimum)--- _i . 2-Lana .w _ _ FIGURE CIR-4 Street_ Classification Standards . City of . Rosemead General -Plan. _ - - COTTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES - - 1 2.2 Proposed Circulation System Review of the cross sections and the daily capacities listed in Figure CIR-4 provides an indication of the adequacy of the street system. As for existing conditions Rosemead Boulevard remains with a capacity deficiency. San Gabriel Boulevard north of Garvey Avenue and north of-the Pomona Freeway is approaching capacity. Valnut Grove south of Garvey may be reaching design capacity if future development occurs in the Redevelopment Project ALf _a~ Other sections of the arterial street system remain at acceptable Levels of Service. Since the City of Rosemead is relatively fully developed, the growtb_in_traff.ic woufd_be_a_result of_r_e.de_v_elopment of_exiating areas, in-fill or intensification of areas and regional growth. These potentials for increased traffic are discussed in this section of the report and their traffic demands estimated. There are three areas of the City where significant land use changes are. being proposed which could impact the- circulation- - system. Each of these has been examined and estimates made of trips to be generated by the proposed uses. Rosemead Shopping Center. The area easterly of Hart Avenue is "currently-residential: A" pr-dpo6 al--to conv`ert'tt is to a Mizell- T 1 Use: Residential/Commercial area is being considered. For -purposes-:of estimating trip- generation;; iT has:-.been -assum d_ = - - - = - that-half=of--the-area- would=be--residential,--at-l4-dwelling---- - units per --acre,- ---and half--- commercial- (professional - - _ office-se r-vice)._._.These_new_uses are_estimated.- to_generate - 6,500 daily` trip ends. The existing residential uses in this ------------area--are estimated-=to- generate--4,-500--daily-trip--ends-so-that - - - - - .the p opbsed use._would.add-approximately-2,300.-daily trips to,- the area road system. _ - _ - "---"'~-=""""'-,--,-Hellma'ni1'venue--IZ'edeve'lopry ~ent-of-the-rc'sidenuai-a'rea between , _ Hellman Avenue and the San Bernardino Freeway and between New - - _ - - - - - Avenge and Sen Gabriel Boulez%ard is'znother land- use change ` - - being considered. The -proposed- use -vlould be -Mixed- Use: Residential/Cornrnercial. An equal split of the area between - - ---residential--a-t--14- dwelling --units -per---acre- and-commercial-------- - - (professional office-service) .vas assumed in order to estimate - trip ocneration. Estimates of trip generation - for-- existing- land, uses were 5,900 daily trip ends and for proposed land - uses, 12,700 daily trip ends or an increase of 3,S00 daily trip ends. San Gabriel Boulevard/Garvey Avenue. The DCODOsed land use plan would redevelop and intensify the commercial use of the CIR-12 - - .5/2S/S7_ `i area adjacent to this intersection. It is estimated that this land use change would add 3,800 daily trip ends to the circulation system. Additional -development may - occur .-in-. various--locations throughout the City which-_ cannot be -quantified.. . The circulation plan will allow for this kind of development; howeer, any major changes in land use must be carefully evaluated to ensure that they can be supported by the circulation system. There is also a potential expansion of development in the area of Walnut Grove and Rush which would place increased demand upon the circulation system and should be monitored. Walnut Grove is now reaching sign capacity _-during-peak .-hours.---Any additional--development in- the-area - - - should be care u y weig to t censure that it meets the goals and objectives o the Redevelopment an an does not a verse y mpact the existinz circulation svstem. Regional development is similar to that of the City and is not anticipated to result in significant increases on the arterial,.. system. Increased regional demands upon the freeway system could result in congestion and diversion of trips to surface streets. The. City will monitor the regional- transportation - _ planning processing to concerns and present alternatives- `-"to-_any planning- that could impact the -City street system. - - - -_:..The_increasedtraffic -from.-the_,theee--specific areas:discussed--. - r-- - -----was-assigned-"to-tfie'st~eet system -and'comb~ned with-e-xi- -sti-ng - volumes. Figure -CIR-5 illustrates projected daily traffic wiVi - the,-three.-areas of redevelopment-as=-described above - - - - T. norder-°to accommodate b"dtK existing=and future traffic demands - he_J Jlov.. ing circulation -system is- proposEd Rosernead Poulevard.. Northerly of Glendon Way,- the street ~6 -should- provide =t r-lanes of traffic in- each direction plus left. turn channelization. ----This-- b accomplished by.=. parking prohibitions and/or street widenin5 specific study . . =-sriould- Le dndertaken to -identify methods-of providi"ng these - - - additional lanes and special intersection turning lanes. mss-? -Pa Ci OftenLs -c+-Ud-y,-mC-ThOdS--0f-G~2 tra-f-flc~t'O'--the L Rise ~:ead Sho~pi:n~ -Ce«t~r and~r-ea-to-t c eas~via :1'~ar-snail ~ ! ~ -SiT-ert-s-c-j-'~-J-,Y` =4-wed. Consideration should also be given to the redesign of the ramp/Glendon Way/Rosemead intersection ` - as a part of this study. San- Gabrieil oulevard. - While this street is not-projected to - exceed current capacity, it is approaching capacity and any further traffic increases could result in deficiencies. At present, on-street parking is permitted on San Gabriel Boulevard north-and south of Garvey Avenue. Removal of this - - - - - - -CIR-13 - - 5/23/87_-. . GunC A.• Ynarpn BI.E, c C b ~ lows A[uu V/ fn / - vnu., ei.a. 221700 22 8 16,SDD I rD 22.100 - y _ 10 J n. ur.rs~ A... =An wrnararrra rr.y - S ~ N _ G,. A.. 19 000 19,300 - - 22,300 8 b.51.-_- ,(300 ~ 26,900 r _ . _ _ Pono F r 60 1 FlG~ J l C, i ~-5 , v ~ i~ -~r - COTTON 6ELArJnraSSOC[ATES SCUPC L' Weston P - In le and Ass ocletes~~l - I i p -IIr'if rI I ~~a. 13 h_1~ - F _~Jij 1 1 p J LL It` - ' I 'jl I~JD__;ri I I I I 1 ~ L i- r Irr 1, ~ ~ ~Ir~ h i t~ II I I _ i F I I' ^ -FIGURE- .CIR-_6 I Potential i Ski Plan. T CL L Areas - 'NIQ 1 C't o- --Rosemead _ en eras- flan. G COT-i ON!SRANDi:.SSOCi.4TES ~ . - a on-street parking would allow for an additional lane in each direction and provide increased capacity. Any redevelopment along this segment of San Gabriel Boulevard should be planned without the need for on-street parking. Initially parking restrictions could be implemented at major intersections to - allow additional turning lanes. The section -north of the _ Pomona Freeway . is subject to other- potential impacts- and limitations. Hellman Avenue. Redevelopment of the area between Hellman Avenue and the San Bernardino Freeway requires an improved circulation system. Specific considerations would include widening Hellman Avenue to provide four lanes plus left turn channelization and redesign of the Del Mar Avenue/San -Ber-nardino--Freeway--interchange-The in,ers cctionof-Hellman Avenue at San Gabriel Boulevard and at New Avenue should also be examined as a part of any redevelopment plan for the area. Improved circulation would be a major requirement of any redevelopment of this area. Walnut Grove Avenue-San Gabriel Boulevard-Rush Street. The southeast area of the study is currently experiencing increased development. which will impact traffic operations in the area. _ These findings were documented in an August,. 1985, _ study conducted by Willdan._?,ssocia,tes..rihat.study_recommended improvements to the Walnut Grove-San Gabriel-Pomona Freeway area and the feasibility_ study_ of a_new connect to the Pomona findings -_shoul"deb _ ----Freeway-'-from=-Rush=Sure=r °-Thes implemented~along with consideration of an extension of Rush i Street easterly to provide an easterly connection to the.. - -=-POTOna=Fr-eew•ay-either= directly=or-via- Rosemead Boulevard. - This would provide a second east-west arterial access to the City__betv._een-the_San-Ber-nardino-and-Pomona-.Fr-eeways.-------- - - ---TFc-City- should--continue to-work.with -SCRTD to provide bus -sei ice and encourage the use_of_~pub_lic$tr.znsportation._sZegional-- - - transportation service should be monitored to evaluate the impact =ot.._n_y,changes-upon the--City of_-Rosemead-€ (%,Jethods of-increasing=---- ride. sharing -in_ high employmen ..areas= should be -encouraged and transporta{ion system management plans be considered along with anv major new development. 0-1 he, policies include the preparation o' Traffic System \4anagemeni (TSMO plans for SpeCifiC areas of the Ciiy identlfled in Figure CIR-6. TS:M plans prepared for these and other areas- will iden-tfy strategies that will reduce traffic including ride sharing, van DOOiS, public transit, dial-a-rides, etc. CIR-14 5/22/86 3.0 GOALS AND POLICIES GOAL 1: INSURE THE FREE MOVEMENT OF VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC THROUGHOUT THE CITY. - Policy 1.1: The City will periodically_ review-the_ function of Rosemead's system of roadways to identify any problems. Policy 1.2: Encourage the development of TSM plans for all major office and commercial developments with special emphasis on those areas identified in Figure 6. Policy 1.3:-Cooperate with-neighboring-j.urisdic.tions- in developing resolutions to traffic problems that are regional in nature. Special emphasis should be devoted to Rosemead Boulevard, Valley Boulevard, Garvey Avenue; and San Gabriel Boulevard. - _ Policy 1.4: The City should -study alternatives for - improving circulation in the vicinity of Rosemead Square including the addition of travel lanes on Rosemead Boulevard through prohibition of parking" and possible. - - redesign of the freeway ramp -at Rosemead Boulevard. I Policy 1.5: The City should consider a prohibition of an=stre --parkin for _Szn.GabrieCBoulevard.wliicfi:would - - improve-the-capacity-Through"the addition of'"fwo f7a"vel'-`T- ~T- lanes. Policy 1.6: A transportation management plan should be prepared-as-part-of-a-specific -plan- for-the-_mixed'u- -district _located_south_o&- 4osc cwirvar~ and-north of. Hellman-Avenue i~ F~ivJFi_;irJ~ - - -Pol'i'cy l.i:=The-C-ity sshould- consider "the extension of - - Rush Street to South El Monte to provide- additional.= - - - - east/west-arterial` access to-th. City. " GOAL -2: SEPARATE TRAFFIC ASSOCIATED WITH-COMMERCIAL- - - AND INDUSTRIAL USES FROM RESIDENTIAL NEIGH- BORHOODS.- Policy 2.1: Develop neighborhood traffic control plans - for those- neighborhoods experiencing the spillover-- . traiflc impacts. - CIR-15 - 6/17/86 Policy 2.2: Periodically review on-street packing in neighborhoods adjacent the revitalization/redevelopment districts (refer to Economic Development Element) and develop parking and control plans for those areas adversely affected by spillover traffic and parking. GOAL-3: INSURE. THAT--ALL- COMMERCIAL--AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROVIDED WITH ADEQUATE PARKING FOR ITS EMPLOYEES AND VISITORS. Policy 3.1: The needs of the handicapped will be considered in all development plans. Policy 3.2: Private and public parking shall be providedin sufficient amount to adequately meet local needs and to minimize congestion on arterial streets. Policy" 3.3: Require new development (industrial, commercial, and residential) to comply with parking area _--standards and periodically review -and evaluate-- these - - standards for adequacy. Policy 3.4: Require new development in revitalization/ - redevelopment districts' to provide adequate off-street parking- MAYOR: ' ROBERT W. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOE VASOUEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK JAYT. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR Oscmead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (625) 288-6671 FAX (626) 307-9218 December 28, 1998 Mr. Warren Cox Vice President, Distribution Vons-Company,-Inc. P.O. Box 51338 Los Angeles, CA 90051-1338 Re: Use of Engine Brakes by Tractor Trailers Delivering to Vons Company, Inc. - El - Monte Distribution Center, 4300-Shirley-Avenue,-El-Monte, California- Dear Mr. Cox: --The..City.of-Rosemead ,would- like- to-thank you_foryouur-continued5ppport of th_e City's- concerns regarding tractor-trailer truck noise.. Your attention to this matter has minimized- complaints-to.theCity:- In recent- weeks, however, we have received an increased number of complaints :-regarding noise -from-tractor-trailers=•agpin using=their-engine-brakes_.on Temple City.__ Boulevard within-the -City.-The City has requested the Sheriffs Department to continue - - to-enforce -the City s speed and noise-ordinances on-Temple City Boulevard.- As _with.___ --ourMarch 1-9, and August 3-1998_letters, we are requesting-you--remind -your'drivers of = the City_Of Rose-mead's noise and.speed_ordinances._- ---Thank-you for _y-our-attention-to this.-matter.- The,City=of_Rosemead appreciates allyour_ assistance.Should you have any questions_regarding this matter please contact me at (562) 908-6226 or Ms. Jessica Wilkinson at (626) 288-6671. _ - - Sincerely, - - - "V'_C' Joanne Itacaki Traffic Engineering Deputy cc: Jessica Wilkinson, Administrative Aide COPY I 0-'15\1002\L02 - - - EXHIBIT "C" C- JUNE 1, 2000 Chairperson Quintanilla called a regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission to order in the council chambers at 7:00 p.m. at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. - --ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Quintanilla - Vice-Chairperson Ruiz Commissioners Baffo, Herrera, Knapp Absent: None Ex Officio: Associate Planner Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Knapp led the Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Quintanilla led the Invocation -,---I-. -APPROVAL--OF-MINUTES- • - - .Vice-Chair Ruiz.requested to. amend the minutes according to the middle of page-five (5) of the--- May 4, 2000mihates"Wagner told him to do any petitions.- ".-Vice=Chair Ruiz indicated that the opposite should be noted: "Wagner told him not to do aiiy petitions..:." Motion by Commissioner Knapp, seconded _by_Commissioner -Ruiz,-that_the- minutes of-May 4, - X000,-be-a roved--Vote-results: - - - - - - - Y-es:--- - - uintannilla -Ruiz Knapp, Herrera.Baffo_- _ = ----Absent . None Abstain: None II. ORAL COMMUNCATION FROM THE AUDIENCE. Helen-- Gunthar,..3654 -Dubonnet,_ reported she-- witnessed. recently. a southbound driver on - Muscatel Avenue south of Mission, traveling on the opposite lane in order to avoid driving over the rumble strips. - Commissioner- Knapp requested that a- chartreuse-colored-"SCHOOL ZONE" sign -be -posted - separately from the existing "25 MPH" speed limit sign situated on Marshall Street. Although the existing sign "defines" the school perimeter, Deputy Traffic Engineer Joanne Itagaki vowed to investigate the matter.. Chairperson Ruiz called for the removal of low shrubbery on the northwest comer of Muscatel ` - = Avenue-and Edmond Drive;-however, Ms: Wilkinson verified having earlier reported this request to. theParks and.Recreation-Department.- - III.- - OLD BUSINESS - - - - - - - A _ _-ASSESSMENT -OF-TEMPLE-CITY. BOULEVARDJRUCK ROUTE Ms:-Wilkinson presented the staff report.-- Since 1959,--Temple _City Boulevard has been-.----.:. designated as a "second arterial" truck route originating from the northerly city boundary - _ - ---(Southern -Pacific Railroad) to-the SanrBemardino -Freeway- (I=10)-Pursuant-to a traffic==''== commission request, staff assessed the feasibility associated with the removal of the EXHIBIT "B" Traffic Commission Regular Meeting June 1, 2000 Page 2 of 3 Temple City Boulevard truck routein the hopes to reduce the noise and air pollution produced by these vehicles. However, in order to remove a designated truck route, a municipal code amendment is required. In addition, steps would have to be taken to determine environmental impacts and to gather public comment. ---RECOMMENDATION - - Due to extensive staff and consultant time, staff recommended that this preliminary assessment be forwarded to the City Council for direction. DISCUSSION AMONG COMMISSIONERS AND STAFF Commissioner Knapp requested to include "for example, the City of Montebello removal T of designated truck route" to item #7, page 2 of the staff report. - Vice-Chair Ruiz requested that a detailed GIS (Geographic Information System) truck route map incorporated with the city's zoning areas be included to the staff report. In addition Vice-Chair Ruiz wished to include the truck count onto the map. Deputy Traffic Engiheer-Itaga i indicated -that the current traffic count reflects-all -types of vehicles, not solely trucks. The proposed traffic study in the preliminary assessment would include a 24-hour traffic counts concentrating on truck travel. 'T----" M6ti6n•byCommissioner Knapp;-seconded by'Commissioner Baffo; to-approve-the-staff recommendation. Vote results: Yes: Quintannilla, Ruiz, Knapp, Herrera, Baffo No: None . - - - - -Abstain:- -None - - - - IV NEW BUSINESS - A: REQUEST FOR ADDITI6NXLBROOKLINE AVENUE°TRAFFIC°CONTROLS -BETWEEN -VALLEY BOULEVARD AND LOFTUS.DRIVE- Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Ms. Martha Murillo Spangler of_3803_Brookline, Rosemead, is requesting that the commission install stop_ signs to "prevent a possible tragedy" due to speeding vehicles evading Temple City Boulevard traffic signals by reverting to the Brookline Avenue route. Wherefore only six (6) accidents have been reported between the periods of January 1, 1996, through September 30, 1999; field observation of Brookline Avenue corroborates undue velocity traveling above the prima facie limit. Furthermore, a 653 count has been confirmed from a twenty- - - -----four-(24)-hour traffic volume-analysis: Based°on these findings; the most effective and tangible deterrent to speeding would be enforcement. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the placement of a radar speed trailer in addition to selective - - -enforcement on Brookline Avenue; between Valley Boulevard and Loftus Drive. DISCUSSION AMONG COMMISSIONERS AND STAFF - - Commissioner Knapp inquired whether Ms. Spangler and those in the petition had been notified of tonight's- traffic commission meeting. Ms. Wilkinson informed the --commission that-Ms.- Spangler-and those in the petition were.forwarded_copies_of-the____ - _ --Traffic Commission agenda and staff report Vice-Chair' Ruiz reminded the-commission of an earlier account- in 1984 or 1985; whereby, a traffic signal light was requested. Vice-Chair Ruiz cited the traffic problems on Temple City-Blvd. based on the drop-off/pick-up of schoolchildren and truck gridlock. - Consequently, he emphasized the need to update traffic management policies. 2 1 Traffic Commission Regular Meeting June 2000 Page 3 of 3 Motion by Commissioner Herrera, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, to approve the staff recommendation. Vote results: Yes: Quintannilla, Ruiz, Knapp, Herrera, Baffo No: None Absent: None Abstain: None V. STAFF REPORTS None. -VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS After noticing a tour bus parked on a residential street, Commissioner Herrera inquired of applicable allowances and citations of such parking. Ms. Wilkinson informed the commissioner to_contact -Director_of Administrative-_Services"Bill -Crowe- regarding parkingregulations and - citations through parking control. - - Vice-Chair Ruiz requested staff to provide him with a copy of the municipal ordinance allowing " - ` a two (2y-hour truck-parking timeframe. - As organizer and director of the Rosemead 4`h of July parade, Commissioner Knapp invited the commissioners and-their families to the celebration;-likewise, the commissioner mentioned that - sale of T-shirts commemorating the parade would be on hand. --VII -J--°ADJOURNMENT - - - - --Thercbeing no=otlier-business to. come before:.the=commission, the_meeting was =adjourned. The------7 -nezf meeting will occur on Thursday, July 6, 2000, at 7:00 P.NI 3 eit* at jr?wwwacd Truck Routes , , _Z i I - -t 6 a~~ r n~~;y i t 1 rO 5l 3 1 \ - \ 10 /8 mmruunID mll~IW U; y I ~IRI INLIp1~~rL'~2~`~-~~r ,1 FUM&7Cllll ~~mm"imm'' I nmriim T-0111411 Em 5W E a~'[ll • ] ~~s- B ~ - ` r 8 _ m Truck Routes P I* >6, 000 I bs. R .",,,'>6,0Q0 lbs. Limited Hours (Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street, and Driggs Avenue) 7 1. Lower Azuza Rd from Rosemead Blvd to Southern Pacific Railroad. 2. Mission or from Valley Blvd to westerly City boundary. 3. Valley Blvd from the easterly to westedy City boundary. 4. Garvey Ave from the easterly to the westerly # City boundary 5. Temple City Blvd from the northerly City boundary to the San Bernardino Fwy.a-v s 6. Walnut Grove Ave from the northerly City boundary to San Gabriel Blvd . 7. San Gabriel Blvd from the Pomona Frvy to Defla Ave'" itZ? 6 San Gabriel Blvd from Hellman Ave to Potrero Grande Blvd 9. Rush Street from San Gabriel Blvd to Walnut Grove Ave 10. Del Mar Ave between Hellman Ave and Garvey Ave 3 .a~e„Kae vi, wnnmore. saro o,gps n.J . - - l 4 I I I _ Zoning I R-1 F- A-1 C R-2 9 ~i C-1 C R-3 C-3 R-3d C-3d %IIIZZA, R-4d CBD CBD-d M-1 M-1d O-S P M P-D P-0 P-Od ® Flood Control School 6