CC - Item III.D - Adoption Of The City Of Rosemeads Appropriation Limit And Annual Budgetstaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager . DATE: June 19, 2000 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2000-37 ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S 2000-01 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AND ANNUAL BUDGET Attached for your consideration is a copy of Resolution No. 2000-37 adopting the Appropriations Limit, the 2000-01 Annual Budget, and making the appropriation for amounts budgeted. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2000-37 approving the 2000-01 Appropriation Limit according to Article XIII-B (Gann Initiative) of the Constitution of the State of California, and approving the 2000-01 Annual Budget, and making the appropriation for amounts budgeted. 4 JUN 2 7 2000 ITEM No. FGT: klo Attachments G RESOLUTION NO. 2000-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMITATION FOR THE 2000-01 FISCAL YEAR AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 2000-01, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNTS BUDGETED WHEREAS, Article XIII-B of the Constitution of the State of California provides that total annual appropriations subject to limitation of the City shall not exceed the appropriations limit of the City for the prior year as adjusted for annual adjustment factors; and WHEREAS, Article XIII-B was modified in June, 1990 by the approval of Proposition 111 and SB 88 (Chapter 60/90) which revised the annual adjustment factors to be applied to the 1986-87 Appropriation Limit and each year thereafter; and WHEREAS, the decision as to which of the factors: a) either the California Per Capita Income or the percentage change in the local assessment roll due to local non- residential construction; b) either the change in population in the City or County; must be done by a recorded vote of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to set an appropriation limitation for the 2000- 01 Fiscal Year on those appropriations subject to limitation under Article XIII-B; and WHEREAS,,a proposed annual budget for the City of Rosemead for the Fiscal Year i .11 commencing on,July -1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001 was submitted to the City Council and is oh file in the City Clerk's office; and WHEREAS, proceedings for the adoption of said budget have been duly taken; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made certain revisions, corrections, and modifications to said proposed budget; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has caused the proposed budget document to be corrected to reflect the changes ordered by the City Council NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the cost of living factor used to compute the appropriation limit is the percentage change in the California per capita personal income combined with the change in population in Los Angeles County are to be applied to the 1986-87 limit and each year thereafter, and that the annual appropriation limitation for the City of Rosemead during the 2000-01 Fiscal Year for appropriations subject to limitation under Article XIII-B shall be nineteen million, three hundred forty-five thousand, twenty-eight dollars ($19,345,028). Section'2. The Budget, as amended, is adopted as the Annual Budget of the City of Rosemead for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001. Section 3. There is hereby appropriated to each account set forth in-the "Expenditure Appropriation by Function Summary" of said budget attached hereto, and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein, the sum shown for such account in the 2000-01 Budget Column, and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted without prior written approval of the City Manager. Section 4. The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and thereupon the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 27th day of June, 2000. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTEST: City Clerk 2000-01 EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION BY FUNCTION COST 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 CENTER ACTIVITY ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4100 City Council $101,220 $115,300 $131,050 4110 City Administration 558,045 606,490 580,320 4120 City Clerk 118,246 109,451 165,250 4130 Finance 300,245 439,200 352,730 4140 City Treasurer 10,181 300 300 4150 City Attorney 143,273 123,920 130,940 4180 Buildings 288,472 333,530 397,100 4200 Community Promotion 252,785 278,400 284,800 4240 City Garage 35,130 54,000 111,800 4250 Appropriation Reserves 51,696 100,000 100,000 Sub-Total $1,859,293 $2,160,591 $2,254,290 PUBLIC SA FETY 4300 Law Enforcement $4,304,361 $4,563,950 $4,720,350 4310 Parking Control 134,414 142,930 163,550 4320 Crossing Guards 103,102 98,880 120,900 4330 Animal Regulation 45,892 43,000 47,000 4340 Street Lighting 272,973 261,000 261,000 4350 Emergency Medical 9,690 10,800 10,300 4360 Narcotics Fore. & Seizure 42,897 52,370 55,690 Sub-Total $4,913,329 $5,172,930 $5,378,790 2000-01 EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION BY FUNCTION COST CENTER ACTIVITY TRANSPORTATION 4500 Construction-Streets 4510 Traffic Administration 4530 Construction-Signals 4600 Street,Maintenance 4630 Traffic Signal Maintenance 4640 Tree & Parkway Maintenance 4650 Signs & Striping Maintenance 4660 Public Transit Sub-Total COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4700 Planning 4710 Building Regulation 4720 Engineering 4740 Community Improvement 4750 CDBG Sub-Total 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGET $3,257,521 $535,280 $1,195,500 47,602 39,640 36,640 0 15,000 220,000 317,911 450,400 380,000 132,258 128,000 128,000 229,434 230,200 248,500 189,678 125,000 135,000 682,147 729,900 758,270 $4,856,551 $2,253,420 $3,101,910 $237,211 $278,110 $353,480 616,803 611,600 613,500 227,620 232,300 267,700 112,726 124,910 140,880 2,241,051 1,440,686 4,853,798 $3,435,411 $2,687,606 $6,229,358 2000-01 EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION BY FUNCTION COST CENTER ACTIVITY 1998-99 ACTUAL 1999-20Q0 2000-01 PROJECTED BUDGET PUBLIC HEATH 4780 Solid Waste $43,844 $20,000 $70,100 CULTURAL & LEISURE 4800 Parks & Recreation Admin.. $211,491 $222,580 $242,840 4810 Parks 883,564 933,950 999,600 4820 Recreation 482,120 504,530 546,700 4830 Aquatics 248,419 267,520 281,090 4840 Recr. Fee & Charge 181,792 221,750 202,990 4850 Aquatics Fee & Charge 8,743 19,950 33,510 4870 Dinsmoor Heritage House 2,890 3,710 3,850 4880 Park Projects 357,526 84,000 0 Sub-Total $2,376,545 $2,257,990 $2,310,580 CITY GRAND TOTAL $17,484,973 $14,552,537 $19,345,028