CC - Item 5A - Assessment Of Temple City Blvd. Truck RouteTO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DISCUSSION '"S AM ANWA s e POFA HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER JUNE 7, ?000 ASSESSMENT OF TEMPLE CITY BLVD TRUCK ROUTE In recent vears, Commissioner Ruiz has expressed concerns with noise and air pollution caused by truck travel on Temple City Blvd., especially the use of jake brakes. In response, staffhas forwarded numerous letters to the responsible company regarding this concern (Exhibit A). However, such actions have had no lasting results. The Traffic Commission has directed staff to assess the feasibility of removing Temple City Blvd. as a designated truck route. In order to remove a designated truck route, a municipal code amendment would be required and is subject to approval by the City Council. In addition, steps would have to be taken to determine environmental impacts and to gather public comment. At the June I, 2000 meeting, the Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to approve the staff recommendation to forward this preliminary assessment to the City Council for direction. Staffs initial solution was to remove the si_ens that indicate "Truck Route" and I would meet with the City Manager of El Monte and request his assistance in directing those companies in El Monte to notify the delivery companies that Temple City Boulevard should not be used as a truck route. However, the Traffic Commission wants quite a bit of additional staff work (both in-house and consultant) to be done and we would need the Council's authorization to do so. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A - Traffic Commission Staff report, dated Ma} 25, ?000 Exhibit B - Draft Minutes- dated June 1. 2000 „1! tESf ~..rps-, I f! t ; ! U rn n i ` , V f IT CIdfE "%:'o. Tom. ; EXHIBIT "C" Y~. "°~KAy+T ~l staf epor TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JESSICA IWILKINSON, ASSOCIATE PLANTNTERy DATE: MAY 25, 2000 SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT OF TEMPLE CITY BLVD TRUCK ROUTE DISCUSSION Pursuant to a request from the Traffic Commission, staff has been directed to assess the impacts associated with the removal of Temple City Boulevard as a designated truck route. In recent years, Commissioner Ruiz has expressed concerns with noise and air pollution caused -by truck travel on this route, especially the use of jake brakes. In response, staff has forwarded numerous letters to the responsible company regarding this concern (Exhibit Q. However, such actions have had no lasting results. The Commission has directed staff to assess the feasibility of removing Temple City Blvd. as a desigmated truck route. In order to remove a designated truck route, a municipal code amendment would be required. These amendments are subject to approval by the City Council. BACKGROUTT According to Chapter 10.08.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (Exhibit A), Temple City Boulevard is a designated truck route from the northerly city boundary (Southern Pacific Railroad) to the San Bemandino Freeway (I-10). The truck routes have been established since the city incorporated in 1959. In the Circulation section of the General Plan (Exhibit B), Temple City Boulevard is designated a secondary arterial roadway since its traffic volume is not as high as a primary arterial roadway (i.e. Rosemead Blvd., San Gabriel Blvd., and Garvey Avenue). Trucks traveling on Temple City Blvd. serve the businesses in Rosemead, El Monte, and Temple City. EXHIBIT D Rosemead Traffic Commission June 1. ?000 Pa,c (f3 A preliminary step in considering the amendment of the code is to determine if this proposed project is exempt or not exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. If this project is found to be non-exempt, a determination of the possible environmental impacts of this project must be made. This would require an initial study to be completed. If environmental impacts are found, adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration or the completion of an EIR (Environmental Impact Report) would be required. During the initial study process, the following actions would be taken: 1. Traffic study to be completed. 2. Legal findings to be determined by City Attorney. 3. Analysis of San Gabriel Valley Truck Transportation Study, completed by San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. 4. Comments by affected Rosemead property owners and businesses. 5. Comments and analysis by affected municipalities, such as El Monte and Temple City. 6. Comment from affected agencies such as Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, Los Angeles County Public Works Department, California Highway Patrol, California Department of Transportation, Los Angeles County Superior Courts - Rio Hondo, Department of Health Services, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and Foothill Transit. 7. Comparative analysis of similar code amendments completed by other municipalities (i.e. City of Montebello). S. Public Notice city-wide and to affected municipalities/ businesses. 9. Public Hearing before the City Council. 10. City Council consideration of amendment to the municipal code. If City Council directs staff to further process this project, the following recommendations may be considered: 1. Take no action at this time. 2. Proceed with the public hearing process to amend the Rosemead Municipal Code 10.05.010 to remove Temple City Blvd. as a designated truck route. 3. Temporary removal of truck route as part of a one-year trial program. 4. Designate Temple City Blvd. as a street with a maximum gross weight limit and/or limit the hours of truck deliveries. % Rosemead Traffic Commission June 1. ?000 Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION: Due to the extensive amount of staff and consultant time necessary to pursue this project, it is recommended that the Traffic Commission forward this preliminary assessment to the City Council for direction. Exhibits. A - Municipal Code Section 10.08.010 U - General Plan. Circulation Section C - Letter