CC - Minutes Special Meeting 06-26-00NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL. ADOPTED BY THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING ROSE-MEAD OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL AND ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2000 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council and adjourned regular meeting of the Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark and Chairman Ortiz, at 7:08 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Pro Tern Imperial The Invocation was delivered by Chairman Ortiz ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL: Present: Councilmembers Bruesch, Taylor, Vasquez, Mayor Pro Tem Imperial, and Mayor Clark Absent: None ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION Present: Commissioners Loi, Ruiz, Vice-Chairman Breen, and Chairman Ortiz Absent: Commissioner Alarcon - excused The following item was taken out of order. III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mayor Clark asked if anyone in the audience wished to addressed the members of this joint meeting. There being none, item No. I was opened for discussion.. JOINT DISCUSSION OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF PLANNINT COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL Councilman Taylor explained that the Council was addressed at their last meeting by an applicant (Ms. Kennard) whose sidewalk appeal was denied at the Planning Commission meeting and that she was not allowed to speak on her item. Mr. Taylor continued that she was told to leave her name with staff and she could appeal their decision for a $50.00 fee. Chairman Ortiz stated that she was allowed to speak, and the Commissioners always try to be equitable and fair to everyone. Councilman Taylor stated that the Assistant City Attorney at that meeting told Ms. Kennard that this was not a public hearing and she could only speak if the Commissioners gave their approval. Mr. Taylor stated that she said she received a letter inviting her to attend the Planning Commission meeting and then was not allowed to speak. Robert Kress, City Attorney, explained that according to the Brown Act anyone that comes to a public meeting has the opportunity to speak on an issue, and the City's Code section states that when an application is made to the Planning Commission, the applicant be given the opportunity to speak. Mr. Kress stated that the attorney made an error and the conduct of public hearings has been discussed with him. CC & PC JOINT ?,(TG:6-26-00 Page N I Councilman Taylor stated that the additions to the houses near the applicants homes were not required to put in sidewalks, and that some of the current Commissioners were on the Planning Commission at the time those waivers were granted. Mr. Taylor stated that there are many small areas there, such as not through streets or cul-de-sacs, that were not required to put in sidewalks through the years either. Councilman Bruesch stated that this issue needs to be looked at a safety feature, especially on streets where the traffic and speed volume is high so that pedestrians do not have to walk in the street. Mayor Pro Tern Imperial requested the City Attorney to review when the public can speak. Mr. Kress replied that the public is given the opportunity to speak on an item, then the Chair closes the public participation part and opens it up for discussion within the Commission/Council, at which time there is no further public input. Councilman Taylor stated that sometimes the public or applicant does not understand when they can or cannot speak. Chairman Ortiz stated that the Commission has always allowed the public to speak. Commissioner Ruiz stated that at their meetings, the public hearing process is explained by the Assistant City Attorney. Mr. Ruiz continued that sometimes applicants are reluctant to speak, perhaps not knowing what to ask or unaware that their item is being discussed. Mr. Kress suggested that the preamble for the public hearing that is read by the Assistant City Attorney be reworked to reinforce to those in the audience as to what is going to occur during the public hearing and with other agenda items. Councilman Taylor stated that an announcement to that effect be made at the beginning of the meetings. Chairman Ortiz stated that if an applicant is not present for their item that evening, then the item is continued until they are. Mr. Tripepi stated that the Council wants to ensure that people are allowed to speak and issues are addressed. Councilman Imperial stated that there are procedures to follow and people have a right to speak, but not when a vote is in progress. Mayor Clark stated that constituents are concerned with the number of cars parked on the street rather than in their garages. Mayor Clark asked the Commissioners to carefully look at requests for largeadditions to houses that only have a one-car garage. That situation exacerbates the street parking problem. Ms. Clark explained that she has always been concerned with mansionization and that the City' s. ordinance was changed to require more open space. Ms. Clark requested that the Commission look at that ordinance again, as enough years have transpired to evaluate the results, and if every property was built to the standards allowed today, what would the City and our street parking look like. Ms. Clark explained that any home built over 2500 square feet requires a C.U.P., and that in the southern part of the City two homes were built on lots that were 6400 square feet apiece and each home was almost 3000 square feet, which was about 50% of the lot. Ms. Clark continued that she drove by there tonight and the areas she could see from the street were paved, with very little green lawns. Ms. Clark stated that paved areas need to be kept to a minimum as grassy areas are needed for storm water run off. CC & PC JOINT MTG:6-26-00 Page #2 Councilman Bruesch stated that many homes have floor plans that lends themselves to adding on more bedrooms once the inspection period is over, and to be aware of that situation. Mayor Pro Tern Imperial expressed his concern with large homes being built in lower income neighborhoods and the effect it has on children having to walk by those homes daily. Mr. Imperial stated that he agreed that there is a problem of owners turning rooms into bedrooms and the subsequent problem of too many cars parked on the street. Chairman Ortiz stated that the Planning Commissioners are looking forward to addressing the issue of how parking impacts and area and that the Commission is always proactive. Mayor Pro Tern Imperial stated that the Planning Commissioners should not get involved with interested parties in Council decisions or issues that were rejected. Chairman Ortiz responded that he cannot give advice as a single commissioner, that his role is to observe and ask questions, not make recommendations. H. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - None IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR CC @. PC JOINT MTG:6-26-00 Page a3