CC - Item 3 - Bids For Garvey Senior Housing And Community Center ProjectMemorandum TO: Frank G. 14•ipepi, Executive Director Prow Stephen Copenhaver, President Date: August 1; 2000 Subject Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Garvey Senior Housing and Community Center Project, Project Management Services and Change Order Policy A complete set of the plans and specifications for the Garvey Senior Housing and Community Center Project are available for review in the City Clerks office. The project consists of a 72-w.iit Senior Housing Apartment complex of 72;915 square feet and a community center of 28,324 square feet. These plans have been reviewed by the Redevelopment Agency at various times during the project design phase. Additionally, the Planning Commission and CiLy Council approved a Development Agreement several months past. Ultimately, the senior housing component will be owned by the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation on property leased from the City of Rosemead. This structure is similar to that utilized for the Angelus project. The community center building will be owned by the City of Rosemead on City owned property except for a portion of the parking lot for the community center is located on property leased from the Army Corp of Engineers. This parking land is being made available in. five-year increments and hopefully at some point in the future the Citv will be able to secure a 50-year ground lease. Project ownership is of some importance because although one bid and one contractor will be selected for the entire project, the contractors will be required to break their bids down into the two component parts of the housing and community center. These projects have slightly different finding mechanisms and the bid documents will allow the City entities (RRA, RIIDC, City) to enter into separate contracts, if necessary, for funding purposes. At this time, it. is anticipated that the Redevelopment Agency will construct the projects ai1d provide the majority of the required fiuidin g 0 0 X0 00 G 00 ITEM No. As the Agency Board is aware, additional soils analysis was c•.ondncted to provide comfort that all reasonable steps were taken to properly prepare the site for development. The engineer of record; the review. engineer and BVH were consulted and the final construction plans now reflect the most conservative approach to both soils preparation and the -building structure. This higher design standard, recommended by the review engineer, will further-protect the project in the event of an earthquake which seemed prudent given the public nature of the project. The bid specifications, as prepared by BV3d, also require unit prices for the site work. This is the one area where the engineer's best estimates have been utilized in the plans but an area where our experience indicates that actual site work quantities may vary from that indicated on the plans. In general, BVH and GRC are seeking Agency approval of a change order policy to help manage the site preparation situation, and perhaps even more importantly, building change orders in general. Authority to process change orders approved by the architect; project manager and Executive Director cumulatively totaling not more. than 311o of the project cost is requested. All individual change orders in excess of $50,000 will be submitted to the Redevelopment Agency Board for their approval. The Plans for both deye,-opments will be advertised for bid to General Building contractors who are licensed with a "B" License by the State and can, provide both faithful performance and materials and lahor bonds in support of their bids. A Notice Inviting Sealed Bids will be advertised twice and the documents designate a bid period of approximately 30 to 35 days and designate September 29, 2000, as the public bid opening date. Plans and specifications will be available for sale at City Hall for $125.00. A pre-bid conference will be held on September 14, 2000. The authorized Bid Form is bound into the Specifications with other contract documents. This project is to comply with provisions of the California Labor Code with regard to prevailing wage.. apprentice hiring'; extended work hours and the subsistence pay. A Bid Bond in the amount often percent (1017o) of the bid amount will be req aired with the bid. The Architect has submitted a Statement of Probable Cost for the construction project,on the order of $10,000,000. The construction period is estimated to take 15 to 16 months. Following receipt of' the bids, BVH and GRC will carefully review the bids uxl present their findings and recommendations to the. Agency Board. With respect to managing the project, it is suggested that the Agency follow a similar process as the Angelus project. This consisted of GRC acting as the owner's representative; BVH attending weekly construction coordination meetings and remaining on call for "as needed" services on materials, construction methods and plan clarifications, Willdan providing building inspection services and designing and inspecting all ofl'-site improvements, utilities and coordinating all Block Grant activities. This method of managing the project provides the maximum over-sight and the best resources available to monitor the construction. The project, will be staffed by GRC with a full time position due to the magnitude of the project. The. Angelus project was staffed at approximately 407c of the Lime with daily review of the project. This project at three times the cost will require full time attention of the. on-site project manager plus off-site efforts associated with reporting, processing; Agency Board meetings, lease-up programs, grant coordination, openings, property, management contracts etc. to make the project run hopefully as smoothly as the Angelus senior project. The estimated cost for project management services through the bid, construction, lease-up period is 2.5% of the project construction cost (Angelus, a smaller project, was $2,000 per unit or 3% of the construction contracts. Recommendation it is reconunended that the Agency Board approve: a) the plans and specifications and authorize advert.ise.rrrent for bids by the City Clerk: b) a change order policy that requires the approval of. i) the architect, project manager and the Executive Director for change orders less than $50,000 up to a cumulative amount equal to 3% of the project contract amount, and ii) Agency Board approval of all change orders in excess of $50;000 and all change orders in excess of No of the Project cost; and c) approve GRC. on a time and materials basis, as the project manager/owner's representative services for the duration of the project during the bid, construction, opening and lease-up phases of the project. 2nIV 9/1 V k 2 nJ V0 Ni i Z~p R v r v s Pw~ L j ~Zs Z 4 SQ~p - 01 ..y,yt'S25 iltb =Ld Y~ , pp I 4 Gry{. ~C } 1 4 a! 2 1 I j Ntd wR: + ' G d i ~ I S! fF~. !E J ~ 1 ~ 9 a ~ z ~ , } Y WIN _ kE TMr. S P.~ . 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