CC - Item II.B - Public Hearing To Consider Local Law Enforcement Block Grantstaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: • SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 RE: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT (LLEBG) PROGRAM FUNDING Over the past four years, the City of Rosemead has participated in the federal Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Program. The LLEBG Program provides units of local government with funds to underwrite projects designed to reduce crime and improve public safety. For FY 2000 -2001, the City will receive $119,751(matched by $13,306 of city funds) from the Department of Justice to fund law enforcement activities. This represents a slight reduction from prior years as the funds awarded are proportionate to ajurisdiction's average annual number of Part 1 violent crimes reported to the FBI compared to the average for all other jurisdictions for the three most recent calendar years. The City's FY 2000 -2001 application was submitted and conditionally approved on August 30 pending the completion of Advisory Board review and City Council approval. Pursuant to federal requirements, the City convened our LLEBG Advisory Board to review and make non - binding recommendations to the City Council regarding the expenditure of -rant funds. The Advisory Board met on Wednesday, September 6, 2000 and unanimously approved the Sheriff's Department expenditure recommendations. The Sheriffs Department requested FY 2000 -2001 grant funds be allocate for two new non -sworn items. These positions will allow the Sheriffs Department to free -up sworn personnel for patrol and gang enforcement services. In prior years, expenditures have been utilized for both equipment and overtime for special assignment details and extending services. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the funding recommendations of the LLEBG Advisory Board for FY 2000 -2001 and approve matching funds of $13,306 from unappropriated reserves. _ i y'� DUNCIL IliGt.:vCDA S E P 2 c ?nop ITEM! No - -72T:. o TO: LLEBG ADVISORY BOARD FROM: BILL CROWE, SGT. WAYNE WALLACE DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2000 RE: LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT (LLEBG) PROGRAM — RECOMMENDED USE OF FUNDS OVERVIEW - Over the past four years, the City of Rosemead has participated in the federal Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Program. For FY 2000 -2001, the City will receive $119,751 from the Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance to fund law enforcement activities. Prior year awards have been used to pay for Sheriff's Department personnel expenditures and to purchase equipment used by the deputies assigned to Rosemead. In order to secure the new fiscal year allocation, and pursuant to federal requirements, the City is once again convening the LLEBG Advisory Board to review and make non - binding recommendations to the City Council regarding the expenditure of grant funds. To this end, the Sheriff s Department has recommended the grant and the required 10% matching funds be expended to deploy additional law enforcement resources. Funds would be used for overtime expenditures, thereby allowing the deployment of additional personnel. Past expenditures have been utilized for both equipment and overtime for special assignment details and extending services. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS - The Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program was created in May 1996 and is a program within the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program provides units of local government with funds to underwrite projects designed to reduce crime and improve public safety. Under the statutory provisions of the LLEBG Program, BJA sets aside funds to be awarded directly to units of local government within a state. The amounts awarded are proportionate to the state's average annual number of Part 1 violent crimes reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation compared to the average for all other states for the three most recent calendar years. BJA staff works with state and local LLEBG Program managers to administer program funds expended on legislatively mandated purpose areas. By law, projects under this program must be funded in accordance with the following seven purpose areas: supporting law enforcement, enhancing security measures in and around schools, establishing or supporting drug courts, enhancing the adjudication of violent offenders, establishing multi - jurisdictional law enforcement task forces, enhancing crime prevention programs, and defraying the costs of indemnification insurance. Further, the law requires that a unit of local government must establish or designate an advisory board that includes representatives of groups with a recognized interest in criminal justice and crime /substance abuse prevention and treatment. The intent of the advisory board is to form a team effort towards solving a community problem. The advisory board must be comprised of representatives from each of the following: • Local law enforcement agency • Local prosecutors office • Local court system • Local public school system • Local nonprofit educational, religious, or community group active in crime prevention or drug -use prevention and treatment The advisory board reviews the application for funding under the LLEBG Program and is authorized to make non - binding recommendations to the local unit of government for the use of funds received under the program. The Bureau of Justice Assistance recognizes each jurisdiction has different circumstances and thus permits a variety of means for the advisory board to communicate and arrive at a recommendation. Options may include: formal meetings; memoranda circulated for input and concurrence in lieu of formal meetings and meetings can be incorporated into other scheduled meetings. In addition to advisory board input, a public hearing is required prior to the obligation of any funds received and when changes are made to the proposed expenditure of the funds. Once the advisory board has made its recommendation, staff will transmit them to the City Council and a schedule the public hearing for an upcoming regular meeting of the City Council. APPLICATION STATUS — Within the past year, staff has electronically submitted LLEBG applications for FY 1999 -2000 and FY 2000 -2001. A request for fund drawdown has been processed and approved for the FY 1999 -2000 grant and funds are currently being expended by the Sheriff's Department for a non -sworn position and equipment acquisitions. The FY 2000 -2001 application was prepared and transmitted to BJA on August 29 and was conditionally approved on August 30` pending the completion of advisory board review and public hearing. The Sheriff's Department requests FY 2000 -2001 grant funds be allocate for two new non - sworn items. These positions will allow the Sheriffs Department to free -up sworn personnel for patrol and gang enforcement services. REQUESTED ACTION — The city management concurs with the Sheriff's Department proposal and requests that the LLEBG Advisory Board review the suggested funding options and report to the City Council the board's recommendations for LLEBG Program expenditures. Print Application Application was submitted on 29- HUG -00. Page 1 of 1 C''CIN WI d t: https: / /orants.ojp.usdoj.gov: 8004/ gms_.../l lebg _main.app_read_onh- ?p_bgid =2 &p action =prin 8 /29/00 LLEBG FY 2000 Application Date Certified : 29- AUG -00 Date Submitted : 29- .AUG -00 Jurisdiction Information Jurisdisction: Rosemead Cey County: LOS ANGELES State: CALIFORNIA CDFA. Number. 16.592 Budget Information Eligible Award Amount: $119,751 Final Award Amount: 5119,751 Match Amount: 513,3D6 Matching Funtls Description: State and Local Government Units CEO Information Title: City Manager Name Prefix: Mr. Last Name : Tripepi First Name Frank Address: 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 -1787 Telephone: - 626.559 -2110 Fax: 626 -307 -9218 Emait: frankt3 @prodigy.net Application Details Date Agreed to Trust Fund Requirement: 29- AUG -00 Applicant is PSOHB Compliant: Yes Date Agreed to SPOC Requirement: 29- AUG -00 Date Agreed to SAA Review Requirement: 29- AUG -00 Date Agreed to Certifications: 29- AUG -00 Date Agreed to Assurances: 29- AUG -00 C''CIN WI d t: https: / /orants.ojp.usdoj.gov: 8004/ gms_.../l lebg _main.app_read_onh- ?p_bgid =2 &p action =prin 8 /29/00 LLEBG Correspondence Handbook Page 1 of 1 FY 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants tI Program R wit�h Rosemead City, CA A pplication Award RFD Grant Changes Reports Correspondence to ... Application Handbook New Mail Old Mail Sent Mail Send an Email Help /Frequently Asked Q uestions LLEBG Home LoL -Off Message Created: 30- AUG -00 From: ojp @ojp.usdoj.gov CC: Subject: FY 2000 LLEBG Application (5462) Approved. Message: Your Application for the FY 2000 Local LLEBG Program has been appr the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).You will be notified via email wl your official award documents are posted and are ready for you to acce line through this system. 20 https: / /grants.ojp.usdoj.QoN 8004 /gms user/ plsql /llebg_app.show_ mail ?p_note= 6148 &p_bgid =2 9/5/00