CC - Item III.C - Ordinanance No. 811TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: V11RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 1' DATE: AUGUST 1, 2000 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 811 —AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD IMPOSING A 45 -DAY MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS OR OTHER ENTITLEMENTS FOR GARMENT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR ASSEMBLING IN THE M -1 ZONE AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DEPARMENT TO INITIATE A STUDY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE ZONING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES The City of Rosemead currently has approximately forty garment manufacturing businesses operating within the City boundaries. Thirty -four of these businesses are operating under conditional use permits (CUPS). The remaining six businesses are legal non - conforming businesses that Have been in existence, prior to ordinance number 619 that was adopted on January 26, 1988. This ordinance allows garment manufacturing, processing, or assembling, including sewing and cutting operations in the M -1 zone, pursuant to the granting of a conditional use permit, by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission and Planning Department staff periodically inspect each of the locations that have a CUP. These inspections are conducted due to the fact that CUP's are issued by the Planning Commission for a set time period. These time periods are generally approved for one to two years. The short time periods have been set by the Commission due to problems with garment business operators inability to adhere to the conditions as set forth the in conditions of approval. Typically, the conditions that are not being followed include: exceeding the maximum number of employees allowed based upon -COUNICil. N.GENDAI AUG Q 8 I- ITEM No. � $ P Y � k 2/5 parking requirements; storage of materials and cleanliness of the interior work space; overall maintenance of the industrial and commercial centers within which they operate; changes of ownership that are not reported to the City; lack of current health department and state garment manufacturing licenses and inadequate identification signage. The nature of the garment industry makes it difficult for staff to monitor the number of employees operating at a site. As new contracts are secured by businesses, the number of on site employees changes month by. month. It is an arduous task for the City's code , enforcement officer and or planning staff to visit each factory to inspect all of the conditions as set by the Planning Commission. Because the entire eastern portion of Garvey Avenue is zoned M -1; Light Manufacturing and Industrial, there are many properties that allow garment manufacturing businesses. There are a large number of multi- tenant industrial and commercial centers that have garment factories operating out of single or multiple tenant suites. It is recommended that the City Council direct the Planning Department to study the zoning issues related to this type of use and recommend any changes to the zoning ordinance, if warranted. Also staff will work with the State Department of Industrial Relations to monitor the existing businesses. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 811. , 3/5 ORDINA1NCE NO. 61 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEME D IMPOSING A 45 -DAY' MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUAINCE OF ANY PERMITS OR OT _ER EN'TITL EMENTS FD ?,. GARMENT l ,1 ikN , -, PACTURZNG, PROCESSING OR ASSEN3LING IN THE M -I ZONE A.N'D DIRECTING THE ?LANT_'ING DEPPnTMENT TO INITIATE A STUDY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPING . APPROPRIATE ZONING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES THE fiITV COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSE ? ✓ :ELF DOES ORDAIN AS r O ,LOIKS : SeCtion T While this ordi.nance remains in affect, no conditional use permits, buildine permits, design revieias.or otner entitlements author the estahl_shmer.t of any new Garment manufaoturing, prOCesSi.ng, Or aSSEmDling, _nclud— sewing and Cuttan?..oDe a :_ons, shall De issued and no anDllcati on :cr su C_ ^. aermlt (s) shall �De acceUted. E -ct�on 2 . Pursuant to the provisions of Section 65656 of the Government Code of the State of Calif OrP.lo, this :_: an C enCV i. ^.t Er_m C_d_nance. __.is OYCina °_ e=lect immediately and shall cXDire forty -- - -iv (:E) Cays thereafter unless extended by the City CculnC<l after notice and public hearing. The facts Constituting the current and immediate threat to the public welfare necessitating an urgency ordinance are as oiiows: 4/5 The City Council finds and determines that the Mora tor'_um imposed by this o_ainanc°_ is enacted to protect and p 1 eserve the public health, safety and welfare of the local business community and residents of the community pending completion of a Flanning Department review of this subject. The Council has received reports regarding healt. ^, Safety and welfare .issues at existing garment manufacturing !7L'sinesses a. ^.d wishes to review the regulations for these businesses before permitting add_ticnal businesses to be est abli 5h ed. The City wishes to review the _ g'ulaLory framework in which to consider the proper location arid development standards for such facilities. The lack. of _'g'Llati ons is a current and immediate threat t0 the public welfare, and the approval of permits for such uses Without proper review would result in a threat to the public welfare. Section S . The Cit }' COL'ncil may grant the provisions of this moratorium orain ante upon reCommendaticn o= the plaaning Commission, subject to a find'ind of tnc following Th° =:._iCL appl ca c, Ot the r01 %i =ions o= the moratorium to a partic L'1a pr olect would re s'11t in nractical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general p and intent of the moratorium; and 2 5/5 2. That there are exceotional circumstances or conditions appl2caple to the development that do not apply general'iv to the other projects covered by this moratcrlum; and 3. That the granting of an exception would not be materi ally' detriment al' to . the public welfare as defined Section 4 . if any provision of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional, it is the intent of the City Council that such portion of this ordinance be severable from the remainder and that the remainder be Given full force and effect. .eti on 5. ThE P1 an•ninc . Denartm°_nt is hereby direct-' to commence a study anal to make recommendations _t deems necessary to strengthen the City's ability to scrutinize applications for the establishment of garment manufac*_urina, processing, or assembling, including sewing and cutting operations. Cect'.on 7 . The Clry Clerk shall certify to the adoptlr'n of this Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED and P -DOPTED this 8th day of August, 2000. ia'J Or ATTEST: tV