CC - Item II.A - Planned Development ReviewI � TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 16, 2002 SUBJECT: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00 -01 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 53377 (8723 -8729 Mission Drive) A. BACKGROUND This is a request to develop a twelve (12) lot, single- family, detached residential development within the Planned Development (Pb) zoning district, located at 8723 -8729 Mission Drive. The City Council has previously reviewed three residential development proposals at the subject site over the past eleven years, from the same property owner, Mr. Bill Lau. The first request in 1990 was for the development of a thirteen (13) lot subdivision which was approved by the City Council. Due to an economic downturn in the early 1990's the project was never constructed. In 1994 the applicant proposed another residential development increasing the density of the project from thirteen (13) lots to nineteen (19). This proposal was denied by the City Council due to the design proposal including zero lot line setbacks and a general feeling that the proposal was too dense. Most recently the City Council denied this current application for the development of thirteen (13) lots. Resolution 01 -12, denying the project was adopted by the City Council on April 10, 2001. The applicant subsequently revised the project to address the City Council concerns and this project was presented again to the Planning Commission on December 17, 2001. The Commission unanimously approved the project with the revisions made by the developer. B. ANALYSIS The project proposal is now to develop the property with one less parcel and therefore creating one less housing unit. The re- designed project does address setback concerns raised by the City Council during the March 27, 2001 City Council public hearing. P JAN 2 2 2 -002 ITEM No. The General Plan Land Use Map splits this property into two different districts. The west half is designated as low density residential and the east half is designated for high- density residential development. Low Density allows from zero to seven units per acre and high density allows for zero to thirty units per acre. With an overall site area of approximately 1.7 acres, this project falls within the definition of a "low density" development (1.7 ac. x 7 units = 11.9 units). Although the applicant is not proposing high density, they are proposing slightly smaller front and rear yard areas than would be accepted in the R -1 or R -2 zones throughout the City. The project exceeds the minimum open space requirement of twenty five percent, as outlined under the Planned Development zoning designation. The developer has not altered the size or the floor plan layout of the proposed homes. All of the homes are proposed to be two -story with four bedrooms and range in size from 2,275 to 2,393 square feet, each with a two car garage. The architect has designed four different floor plans throughout the development with four different exterior elevations to enhance the appearance of the cul -de -sac neighborhood. As noted in the minutes attached to this report, the City Council had several concerns with the design of the subdivision as it was presented last March. The concerns included the following: 1) Driveway lengths that could not accommodate larger vehicles to park; 2) Lot sizes smaller than allowed in the R -1 zone; 3) Small side and front yard areas for the north lots; 4) The need for affordable housing in Rosemead. The developer has modified the project to address the majority of these concerns. These modifications are as follows: Issue: Driveway lengths too short Developer's Response: Driveway lengths have been extended from approximately sixteen feet to twenty one feet. Issue: Lot sizes smaller than 6, 000 square feet (R -I zone) Developer's Response: One lot was removed from the design to provide an average lot size of 5,076 square feet. The property was previously re -zoned by the City Council from R -1 to R -3 and the general plan calls for a strip of high density along this portion of Mission for one half of this site. The PD zone allows for variance from the minimum setbacks called for within the R -1 zone. Issue: Small side and front yards for the north lots Developers Response: All homes were shifted to allow for sixteen foot year y ards throughout the development and a minimum of twenty one foot front yard setbacks. The side yards on the. north lots were increased from five feet to sixteen feet. Issue: Need for Affordable Housing Developers Response: The project does not make an economical rate of return if the home sales prices are not maximized. Staff Response: The City does not currently utilize an inclusionary housing ordinance to mandate the affordability /price range of homes within a residential development. Also the updated Housing Element indicates that the Regional Housing Needs Assessment as adopted by the SGVCOG and SCAG also calls for the construction need of homes for above moderate income levels of 287 units between 1998 and 2005. As redesigned, the floor area ratios of the lots range from a low of twenty-five percent to a high of thirty -nine percent. The average floor area ratio is thirty -four percent. It is staff's opinion that the overall design and architectural elements of the project is of a high quality and is appropriate for the area. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempt projects that consist of infill development projects of less than 5 acres in size that will not have a significant effect on traffic, noise or air quality. Accordingly, Planned Development Review 01 -01 and Tentative Tract Map 53377 are classified as a Class 32 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of CEQA. D. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Planned Development Review 00 -01 and Tentative Tract Map 53377, subject to the conditions in Exhibit "A ". Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" Conditions of Approval 2. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated December 17, 2001 3. Planning Commission Minutes, dated December 17, 2001 4. Planning Commission Resolution 02 -01 5. City Council Minutes, dated March 27, 2001 6. Original Tract Map- Denied by Council 7. Revised Tentative Tract Map /Site Plan 8. Architectural Drawings Booklet EXHIBIT "A" TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377; PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 00 -01 8723 -8729 Mission Drive (4500 -4512 Dubonnet Avenue) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL January 22, 2001 1. Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are approved for a 12- lot single - family residential development, to be developed in accordance . with the plan marked Exhibit `B" and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 2. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead an affidavit stating that they are aware of and accept all of the conditions set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions. 3. Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are approved for a two - year period. Applicant shall make progress towards initiation of proposed use or request an extension 30 days prior to expiration from the Planning Commission. Otherwise Tentative Tract Map 53377 shall become null and void. 4. A statement shall be recorded on the deed to all properties in this project stating: "All residential dwellings within this project were designed and approved under a precise plan, planned development (P -D) concept. As a result, some of the project lots and yard areas are smaller than would ordinarily be allowed under the development standards contained in the Rosemead Zoning Code Section 17.76 (P -D Planned Development Zone)." 5. A statement shall be recorded prohibiting the encroachment of parked vehicles into the sidewalk area. 6. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 7. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees, and all other applicable fees are paid in full. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, all school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the Unified School District. 9- - The hours of construction shall be limited from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday - Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays without prior approval by the City. 10. Planning staff shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 11. The conditions listed on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 12. Occupancy will not be granted until all improvements required by this approval have been completed, inspected, and approved by the appropriate department(s). 13. Driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced and improved with Portland concrete cement as shown on Exhibit "B'; and thereafter maintained in good serviceable condition. 14. A wall and fence plan will be required if any perimeter fencing or walls are proposed. The colors and materials of the proposed fence shall be consistent or compliment the submitted color and material board and first be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation (on file as Exhibit D). 15. Prior to issuance of Building permits, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review, reflecting preliminary approval of landscape /site plan, commonly referred to as Exhibit B. Irrigation plan shall include automatic timers and moisture sensors. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed and completed prior to final Planning Department approval. 16. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right -of -way. Said screening shall be approved by the Director of Planning before installation. 17. No portion of any required front and/or side yards shall be used for storage of any type. 18. There shall be no outside storage of vehicles, vehicle parts, equipment or trailers. All trash and debris shall be contained within a trash enclosure. 19. All roof top appurtenances and equipment shall adequately be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 20. The property shall be graded to drain to the street, but in no case shall such drainage be allowed to sheet flow across public sidewalk. A grading and /or drainage plan shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the Building Official, and such grading and drainage shall take place in accordance with such approved plan. 21. The numbers of the address signs shall be at least 6" tall with a minimum character width of 1/4 ", contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Director of Planning prior to installation. 22. Applicant shall obtain a public works permit for all work in or adjacent to the public right -of -way. 23. Applicant shall install and complete all necessary public improvements, including but not limited to street, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, handicap ramps, and storm drains, along the entire street frontage of the development site as required by the Director of Planning. 24. All ground level mechanical/utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves and other equipment) shall be screened by screening walls and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 25. All utilities shall be placed underground including facilities and wires for the supply and distribution of electrical energy, telephone, cable television etc. The underground conversion of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. 26. The dwelling unit shall be provided with water. conservation fixtures such as low -flush toilets and low -flow faucets. The hot water heater and lines shall be insulated. Landscaping irrigation systems shall be designed for high efficiency and irrigation timers programmed for maximized water usage. 27. All requirements of the Building and Safety Department and Planning Department shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. 28. Applicant shall submit a block wall and fencing plan for review and approval by the Planning Department, prior to plan check with the Building & Safety Department. 29. Violation of the conditions of approval may result in citation and /or initiation of revocation proceedings. CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377 GENERAL 1. Details shown on the tentative map are not necessarily approved. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of ordinances, general conditions of approval, or City Engineer's policies must be specifically approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals. 2. A final tract map prepared by, or under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a Licensed Land Surveyor, must be processed through the City Engineer's office prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 3. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final tract map is released for filing with the County Recorder. 4. Monumentation of tract map boundaries, street centerline and lot boundaries is required for a map based on a field survey. 5. Final tract map shall be filed with the County Recorder and one (1) mylar copy of filed map shall be submitted to the City Engineer's office prior to issuance of building permits. 6. Comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 7. Approval for filing of this land division is contingent upon approval of plans and specifications mentioned below. If the improvements are not installed prior to the filing of this division, the developer must submit an Undertaking Agreement and a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in the amount estimated by the City Engineer guaranteeing the installation of the improvements. S. The City reserves the right to impose any new plan check and/or permit fees approved by City Council subsequent to tentative approval of this map. DRAINAGE AND GRADING 9. Prior to the recordation of the final map, grading and drainage plans must be approved to provide for contributory drainage from adjoining properties as approved by the City Engineer, including dedication of the necessary easements. 10. A grading and drainage plan must provide for each lot having an independent drainage system to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or by means of an approved drainage easement. 11. Historical or existing storm water flow from adjacent lots must be received and directed by gravity to the street, a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage easement. 12. Developer shall comply with the City stormwater management ordinance and SUSUMP requirements. .= 13. Developer shall construct a 36 -foot public street, within a 37 -foot dedicated right -of -way and provide a 6' wide easement for utility and pedestrian sidewalk purposes adjacent to back of curb, in compliance of the City Engineer's requirements for such. 14. Developer shall provide an adequate lighting system for the proposed public street. Plans and specifications for the lighting system facilities shall be prepared and developer shall coordinate preparation of such plans with Southern California Edison. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with Southern California Edison guaranteeing payment and installation of the lighting improvements. 15. Plans for street improvements and street light layout for the proposed street shall be submitted to the City Engineer and must be approved prior to filing the final map. 16. Developer shall construct 2 (two) wheelchair ramps per City standards at the intersection of Mission Drive and proposed public street. 17. Public street shall be paved with 4 -inch thick asphalt over crushed aggregate base (CAB). The CAB section shall be determined by soils report submitted to the City by the developer. 18. Developer shall plant 1 (one) 24 -inch box parkway tree at the back of walk along the frontage of each new tract. Species shall be determined by the City Engineer. 19. Developer shall install street name sign at the corner of the proposed public street and Mission Drive. SEWER 20. Approval of this land division is contingent upon the installation of local main line public sewer within the proposed public street. Separate house laterals shall be constructed to serve each lot of the land division. 21. The developer shall submit sewer plans to the City and to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works for review. Approval must be assured prior to filing this land division map. 22. The developer shall consult the City Engineer to determine the sewer location and design requirements. 23. Easements may be required and shall be subject to review by the City Engineer to determine the final locations and requirements. 24. UTILITIES 25. Power, telephone and cable television service shall be underground. 26. Any utilities that are in conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developer's expense. 27. WATER 28. All lots shall be served by adequately sized water system facilities, which shall include fire hydrants of the size, type and location as determined by the Fire Chief. 29. The water mains shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the total domestic and fire flow required for the land division. Domestic flows required are to be determined by the City Engineer. Fire flows required are to be determined by the Fire Chief. 30. Plans and specifications for the water system facilities shall be submitted for approval to the water company serving this land division. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with the servicing water purveyor guaranteeing payment and installation of the water improvements. I. Prior to the filing of the final map, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire Chiefs fire flow requirements. ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: DECEMBER 17, 2001 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 00 -01 8723 -8729 MISSION DRIVE 12 -LOT SINGLE - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Project Description Residential developer Bill Lau, along with project engineer Tom Cao and project architect Homer Yen, have proposed a project that consists of the subdivision of two parcels into twelve lots for the development of new single - family residences. The homes have been designed as part of a planned development, allowing for more flexible yard setbacks. Though the subject site is currently addressed 8723 -8729 Mission Drive, this development, if approved, will include the extension of a public street, these new homes will be addressed 4500 -4512 Dubonnet Avenue. Public Notice Notice of this public hearing was published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on Friday, December 7, 2001. On December 6, 2002, 64 written notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. Envirommental Analysis ' Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempt projects that consist of the infill development projects of less than 5 acres in size that will not have a significant effect on traffic, noise or air quality. Accordingly, Tentative Tract Map 53377 is classified as a Class 32 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of CEQA. Municipal Code Reuuirements Tentative Tract Map - Section 66474 et seq of the Subdivision Map Act describes the grounds for approving a subdivision map. In addition, Chapter 16.04 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides subdivision regulations, which adopt Los Angeles County subdivision regulations by reference. The following are findings that must be made in order to approve a tentative Tract map: • The inap will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare nor injurious to the property. • The proposed division will not be contrary to any official plan. • Each proposed Tract conforms in area and dimension to the City codes. • All streets, alleys and driveways proposed to serve the property have been dedicated and that such streets, alleys and driveways are of sufficient design to provide adequate access and circulation for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. • Easements and covenants required for the tentative map have been executed and recorded. A11,o6. 1 T'TA4 53377 PD 00 -01 Page 2 of 12 If the Plamring Commission cannot make all of the findings, then it shall deny the map. Platmed Development — Chapter 17.76 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides the basis by which a planned development is approved. The purpose of this zone is to accommodate various types of development such as • Shopping centers, professional and administrative areas, • Multiple housing developments, • Single - family residential developments, • Commercial service centers and industrial parks and • Other uses or a combination of uses which can be made appropriately a part of planned development. Such a development may be established to provide diversification in the location of structures and other land uses while insuring compliance with the General Plan and compatibility with existing and future developments in surrounding areas. Property History & Description On February 5, 2001, the Rosemead Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 for a 13 -tract single - family residential development. Subsequently, a public hearing was held before the Rosemead City Council. At the March 27, 2001 City Council meeting, council members addressed concerns with the setbacks, especially that of the rear yard and the vehicle back -up to the garage. Due to these concerns, the applicant, residential developer Bill Lau, along with project engineer Tom Cao and project architect Homer Yen, have redesigned the project into a 12 -tract single- family residential development. The extent of the redesign involves the bulb of the cul -de -sac, realignment of the residences, and an increase in lot sizes. The subject site consists of two parcels, one at 23,810 square feet and the other at 48,430 square feet, for a total of 72,240 square feet. The existing house at 8723 Mission Drive was built in 1920. The six homes located at 8729 -39 Mission Drive were built on October 5, 1953. All the existing structures will be demolished as part of this development. There have been several entitlements for the subject site since 1963. On October 24, 1963, the City Council approved Zone Change No. 3 and Ordinance No. 125, changing the site from R -1; Single - Family Residential Zone to R -3; Medium Multi - Family Residential Zone. The basis for this was to create an orderly transition between the commercial zone east of the subject site and the residential zone to the west. On .Lune 18, 1990, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract Map 48811 and Zone Change 90 -174 for the zone change from R -3; Medium Multi - Family Zone to P -D; Planned Development for the development of thirteen (13) single - family residences. A public hearing before the City Council was held on August 14, 1990 for consideration of Ordinance No. 667 for the development under Zone Change 90 -174 (which was approved by City Council). Because of the recession at that time, this project was not completed. Section 17.76.160 of the Rosemead Municipal Code indicates that if a proposed development is not implemented within a specified time or one year after the project's approval date, that the development plan shall be null and void. A public hearing before the Planning Commission was held on August 1, 1994, for the development of nineteen single - family residences under Tentative Tract Map 51727 and Zone Change 93 -198. The nineteen (19) parcels varied from 2,590 to 4,912 square feet in area. The homes were designed based on a zero lot line development, which allows one or more sides of a structure to be built onto the property line. A public hearing before the City Council was held on September 12, 1994 for the consideration of Ordinance No. 748 for the proposed development under Zone Change 93 -198. Due to concerns with the proposed setbacks and floor area ratios of this development, Ordinance No. 748 was denied. TTM 53377 PD 00 -07 Page 3 of 11 Description - The subject site consists of two existing rectangular parcels located at the northern portion of the city. Currently, there are seven residential structures within the two lots that will be demolished as part of this development. The applicant plans to subdivide these two lots into 12 parcels for the development of twelve single- family residences. Access to the property is from Mission Drive, a secondary arterial road. This proposed project will incorporate the development of a public street with a 36 -foot radius cul -de -sac (future Dubonnet Avenue) and 6 foot wide sidewalks. Subject Site & Surrounding Uses The site is designated in the General Plan for High Density Residential and Low Density Residential and on the zoning map, it is designated for Planned Development Zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses: North: East: - General Plan: Low Density Residential General Plan: High Density Residential Zoning: R -I; Single - Family Residential Zoning: C -I; Neighborhood Commercial Land Use: Single- family residence Land Use: Nursery South West General Plan: Low Density Residential General Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: RI; Single Family Residential Zoning: R -I; Single - Family Residential Land Use: Single - family residence Land Use: Single - Family residence Administrative Comments & Analysis The applicant proposes to subdivide the subject property into twelve (12) lots with a public cul -de- sac street. The proposed lots Would range in area from 4,329 square feet to 7,038 square feet with the average lot consisting of 4,664 square feet. The proposed homes would face on the proposed public street (future Dubonnet Avenue). Though some of the proposed homes do not meet the minimum rear and front setbacks required of the R -1; Light Single Family Residential or R -2; Light Multi - Family Residential Zones, the Planned Development (PD) zoning designation encourages diversification in the location of structures while complying with the General Plan. Tentative Tract Map Review — The applicant proposes to subdivide the 72,240 square foot lot into twelve separate lots. The lots range from 4,329 square feet to 7,038 square feel in area (See Figure 1.1). The map was distributed to various agencies for their review on October 18, 2000. Responding agencies have made their comments, which are on file. The City Engineer has checked the Tract for its accuracy. The City Engineer's conditions of approval have been added to the attached as Exhibit A. These conditions include the following requirements: • A 36 -foot wide - public street; • A six foot wide easement for utility and pedestrian sidewalk with 3 foot by 3 foot tree wells; • Adequate lighting system for the proposed public street; • Two wheelchair ramps; at least one parkway tree along the frontage of each lot; and • A street name sign. The Los Angeles County Fire Department has indicated that upon the review of this tract map that the installation of one new public fire hydrant would be required. The Southern California Gas Company has identified the following conditions for construction over their easements: • No change of grade without prior written approval of Southern California Gas Company. • No permanent structures within the easements, i.e., buildings, concrete pads, block walls, etc. Should the Gas Company have to remove any temporary structures over our casements, the re- installation would be done at the property owner's expense. • No planting of trees or deep - rooted plants without the written approval from Southern California Gas Company. • No poles, signs, or fence posts to be installed without the written approval from Southern California Gas Company. • Ingress and egress rights to and from the pipeline must be maintained. TTM 53377 PD 00 -01 Page 2 of 12 Pacific Bell has indicated that the appropriate easement requirements will be determined at a later stage of development. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has no objection to the proposed project provided that sanitary sewers arc utilized as a method of sewage disposal. The Sheriff's Department has no objection to the .project provided addresses are clearly posted at driveway entrances. Southern California Edison and Charter Communication have stated no, objection to this project proposal. Zoning Setbacks This area is zoned for Planned Development allowing creation of setbacks that are more lenient than those in the residential zones in respect to rear setbacks and floor area ratios. The intent of the PD zone is to provide diversification in the location of structures and in land uses that is compatible with the General Plan and with existing and future development in the surrounding area. Although this proposal would be much larger and taller than adjacent dwellings, the majority of the homes are being built within the property development standards of the R -l; Single - Family Residential zone, as indicated in the table below: Figure I Lot # Front Setback Side Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback Front- Facing Garage Lot #1 22' -0" 5' -0" I6' -0' 1 21' - Lot #2 18'6" 5' -0" 16' -0" 21' -0" Lot #3 21 0 5 0 16 0' 21 0' Lot #4 18 0 5 0 16 0' 21 0' Lot #5 12'-0 5'-0 16 0' I 19 0' Lot #6 —� 20'-0" 5' -0" 16' -0 " 20' -0" Lot #7 35'-0" 5'-0" i 16'-0" ' 20'-0' lot #8 10 5'-0" I 16 0' 40 0' Lot #9 IT-O' 5'-0" i 16'-0" 24'-0' Lot #I0 16' -0" j 5'-0" 16' -0' - 2 P -0' Lot #11 21 0" 5'0" ( 16' -0" 21' -0" Lot #j _._._. - - 18' -0" --- -- - - - - - -- - - - -------- - i 5' -0" 16' -0' - -- - - - - -... -- 21' -0" Residential Floor Plans -Twelve single - family residences are proposed with this development. The homes will have living areas of over 2,300 square feet and are two - story. There are four different architectural styles detailed by the following: Plan A : This plan consists of 2,393 square feet of living area and a 457 square foot garage. The first floor includes a living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, family room, a bedroom and bathroom, and a two -car garage. The second floor consists of a master bedroom and bath, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The building height is 28 feet. Plan B : This plan consists of 2,281 square feet of living area and a 438 square foot garage. The first floor includes a living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, family room, a bedroom and bathroom, and a two -car garage. The second floor consists of a master bedroom and bath, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The building height is 26 feet. Plan C : This plan consists of 2,390 square feet of living area and a 468 square foot garage. The first floor includes a living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, family room, a bedroom and bathroom, and a two -car garage. The second floor consists of a master bedroom and bath, two bedrooms and a bathroom, a sitting area, and a balcony. The building height is 26 feet. Plan D : This plan consists of 2,275 square feet of living area and a 458 square foot garage. The first floor includes a living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, family room, a bedroom and bathroom, and a two -car garage. The second floor consists of a master bedroom and bath, two bedrooms and a bathroom, a family room, and a balcony. The building height is 27 feel. TTM 53377 PD 00.01 Page 3 of 12 FIGURE 2 ],or Number Floor Area Number of Bedrooms Lot Area Floor Area Ratio (Square Feet) (Square Feet) (Percentage) fl 1 2281 1 4 1 5028 1 34% 4 2390 4 4661 37% 5 2281 4 43 39% 6 2390 4 --------- ........ 5399 _.. - -. ............. ....... . __..........- 32°/, 7 2275 4 5698 3 8 2 393 4 7038 25% 9 2275 4 485 10 2275 4 . . _. 4565 18'% -- - - - - -- ._... -- 11 - -- - -...- - -- - 2281 - -- -- - - .._.......----- 4 ---- .. -.----- - . _. _. -. 4664 -- - - - -- -- --- - - - -- - - -- - - -- 36% 32% Architecture - Visual and architectural elements have been incorporated into the design of the dwelling such as bay and arched windows, tall entrance facade, and street - facing balconies. The architecture is consistent with custom homes being constricted elsewhere throughout the community. The following styles comprise the exteriors for the proposed homes: Figure 3 Plan Type Roof Tile Stucco Color ! Stucco Trim ( Roof Eave A Light Brown Sandstone Oatmeal White Shadow Tanglewood Whi Shadow B I Terracotta/ Black Streaks j Hacienda Pampas White Pampas White C ......... ... .. . .... . ...... D I4 Tlmtndge Gray . --- .._. -_- _ El Diablo I Aspen Miami Peach Arizona White ......_ __ ....- White Shadow Arizona White . -..--- White Shadow Landscaping - Each residence, especially the comer property adjacent to Mission Drive, will include various types of landscape plants and trees. There will be new sod and one 15- gallon Capital' Ornamental Pear tree within the front yard of each residence. The.plant area along the front facade of each residence will include Mock Orange and Crimson Jewel Bougainvillea shrubs to name a few, and Ivy Geranium ground cover. In addition, the sidewalks will include 3 -foot by 3 -foot tree wells with Chinese Pistache trees. Fencing - The perimeter of the subdivision area will have a 6 -foot high concrete block wall with 2- inch -wide recessed spaces between blocks and 6 -inch high rib face blocks along the top of the wall, creating a decorative design (Condition No. 28). A sample photo of these block walls will be provided at the meeting..Along the side yards, each residence will have 6 -foot high Redwood panel fencing with lattice tops and chamfered posts. Staff recommends that these fences be painted with a solid stain color to match the adjacent residents due to concerns with wood discoloring when affected by rain or automatic sprinklers. Mail Boxes - The applicant is initially proposed to install stand -alone Victorian style mailboxes along the front yard. However, staff finds that because its style is incompatible with the contemporary Spanish and Mediterranean architecture of the proposed homes, it is recommended that the applicant instead install the surface mounted versions of the mailboxes, either in white or beige to match the exterior of the home. Neighborhood Character - In comparison to surrounding residences, development on the subject site would be significantly greater. Residences immediately surrounding the site on either side were built in the late fifties and will most likely be replaced with larger homes in the future. Future new homes will be constructed to maximize the lot areas and will range from 2,000 to 3,000 square feet in size. Although the surrounding area northwest of the subject site consists of homes in the R -1; Single Family Residential Zone, the immediate area also includes commercial uses such as offices and a retail establishment, and townhouse developments. Although, this project does not meet the definition of "high density ", it could be considered "medium /low density ". The land use element in the General Plan indicates that policies call for a strip of high - density residential housing along TTM 53377 PD 00 -0/ Page 4 of 12 Mission Boulevard extending from an area just west of Muscatel Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. Such high- density areas serve as buffers between the arterial roads and the single - family neighborhoods located northwest of Rosemead Boulevard and Mission Drive. While the size of the structure should not be the sole means of determining whether or not a residence will adversely affect the character of a neighborhood or be architecturally consistent or compatible with its surroundings, it provides a benchmark in evaluating a project's impacts on its surroundings. In addition, adverse impacts to the character of the surrounding neighborhood will be mitigated and architectural interest is added to the project by varying roof ridgelines, setting the second story further back than the first, the roofing and other aesthetically pleasing elements. Overall, staff feels that the addition of this residential development will increase property values and the general aesthetics of the neighborhood. VI. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 to the City Council, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A ". EXHIBITS: A. Conditions of Approval 13. Tentative Tract Map 53377 C. Site Plan, Floor Plans & Elevation Plans D. Landscape Plan, Fence Plan, Mailbox Plan E. Assessor's Parcel Map (APN: 5389- 010 -067; 5389 -010 -068) 1 Zoning Map G. General Plan Map H. Land Use Policy (General Plan) 1. Applications, dated October 25, 2000 TTM 53377 PD 00 -01 Page 5 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377; PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 00 -01 8723 -8729 Mission Drive (4500 -4512 Dubonnet Avenue) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL December 17, 2001 Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are approved for a 12 -lot single - family residential development, to be developed in accordance with the plan marked Exhibit "B" and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 2. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 shall not lake effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead an affidavit stating that they are aware of and accept all of the conditions set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions. 3. Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are approved for a two -year period. Applicant shall make progress towards initiation of proposed use or request an extension 30 days prior to expiration from the Planning Commission. Otherwise Tentative . Tract Map 53377 shall become null and void. 4. A statement shall be recorded on the deed to all properties in this project stating: "All residential dwellings within this project were designed and approved under a precise plan, planned development (P -D) concept. As a result, some of the project lots and yard areas are smaller than would ordinarily be allowed under the development standards contained in the Rosemead Zoning Code Section 17.76 (P -D Planned Development Zone)." 5. A statement shall be recorded prohibiting the encroachment of parked vehicles into the sidewalk area. 6. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 7. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees, and all other applicable fees are paid in full. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, all school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the Unified School District. 9. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday - Saturday. No constriction shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays without prior approval by the City. 10. Planning staff shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 11. The conditions listed on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 12. Occupancy will not be granted until all improvements required by this approval have been completed, inspected, and approved by the appropriate department(s). 13. Driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced and improved with Portland concrete cement as shown on Exhibit "B "; and thereafter maintained in good serviceable condition. 14. A wall and fence plan will be required if any perimeter fencing or walls are proposed. The colors and materials of the proposed fence shall be consistent or compliment the submitted TTA4 53377 I'D 00 -01 Page 6 of 12 color and material board and first be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation (on file as Exhibit D). 15. Prior to issuance of Building permits, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review, reflecting preliminary approval of landscape /site plan, commonly referred to as Exhibit B. Irrigation plan shall include automatic timers and moisture sensors. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed and completed prior to final Planning Department approval. 16. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right -of -way. Said screening shall be approved by the Director of Planning before installation. 17. No portion of any required front and /or side yards shall be used for storage of any type. 18. There shall be no outside storage of vehicles, vehicle parts, equipment or trailers. All trash and debris shall be contained within a trash enclosure. 19. All roof top appurtenances and equipment shall adequately be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 20. The property shall be graded to drain to the street, but in no case shall such drainage be allowed to sheet flow across public sidewalk. A grading and /or drainage plan shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the Building Official, and such grading and drainage shall take place in accordance with such approved plan. 21. The numbers of the address signs shall be at least 6" tall with a minimum character width of 1/4", contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Director of Planning prior to installation. 22. Applicant shall obtain a public works permit for all work in or adjacent to the public right -of -way. 23. Applicant shall install and complete all necessary public improvements, including but not limited to street, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, handicap ramps, and storm drains, along the entire street frontage of the development site as required by the Director of Planning. 24. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves and other equipment) shall be screened by screening walls and /or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 25. All utilities shall be placed underground including facilities and wires for the supply and distribution of electrical energy, telephone, cable television etc. The underground conversion of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. 26. The dwelling unit shall be provided with water conservation fixtures such as low -flush toilets and low -flow faucets. The hot water heater and lines shall be insulated. Landscaping irrigation systems shall be designed for high efficiency and irrigation timers programmed for maximized water usage. 27. All requirements of the Building and Safety Department and Planning Department shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. 28. Applicant shall submit a block. wall and fencing plan for review and approval by the Planning Department, prior to plan check with the Building & Safety Department. 7'7M 53377 PD 00 -0/ Page 7 of l2 29. Violation of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377 GENERAL Details shown on the tentative map are not necessarily approved. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of ordinances, general conditions of approval, or City Engineer's policies must be specifically approved in the final map, or improvement plan approvals. 2. A final tract map prepared by, or under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a Licensed Land Surveyor, must be processed through the City Engineer's office prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 3. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final tract map is released for filing with the County Recorder. 4. Monumentation of tract map boundaries, street centerline and lot boundaries is required for a map based on a field survey. 5. Final tract map shall be filed with the County Recorder and one (1) mylar copy of filed map shall be submitted to the City Engineer's office prior to issuance of building permits. 6. Comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 7. Approval for filing of this land division is contingent upon approval of plans and specifications mentioned below. If the improvements are not installed prior to the filing of this division, the developer must submit an Undertaking Agreement and a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in the announfestimated by the City Engineer guaranteeing the installation of the improvements. 8. The City reserves the right to impose any new plan check and/or permit fees approved by City Council subsequent to tentative approval of this map. DRAINAGE AND GRADING 9. Prior to the recordation of the final map, grading and drainage plans must be approved to provide for contributory drainage from adjoining properties as approved by the City Engineer, including dedication of the necessary easements. 10. A grading and drainage plan must provide for each lot having an independent drainage system to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or by means of an approved drainage easement. 11. Historical or existing storm water flow from adjacent lots must be received and directed by gravity to the street, a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage easement. 12. Developer .shall comply with the City stormwater management ordinance and . SUSUMP requirements. T7'M 53377' PD 00 -01 Page 8 of 12 13. Developer shall construct a 36 -foot public street, within a 37 -foot dedicated right -of -way and provide a 6' wide easement for utility and pedestrian sidewalk purposes adjacent to back of curb, in compliance of the City Engineer's requirements for such. 14. Developer shall provide an adequate lighting system for the proposed public street. Plans and specifications for the lighting system facilities shall be prepared and developer shall coordinate preparation of such plans with Southern California Edison. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with Southem California Edison guaranteeing payment and installation of the lighting improvements. 15. Plans for street improvements and street light layout for the proposed street shall be submitted to the City Engineer and must be approved prior to filing the final map. 16. Developer shall construct 2 (two) wheelchair ramps per City standards at the intersection of Mission Drive and proposed public street. 17. Public street shall be paved with 4 -inch thick asphalt over crushed aggregate base (CAB). The CAB section shall be determined by soils report submitted to the City by the developer. 18. Developer shall plant 1 (one) 24 -inch box parkway tree at the back of walk along the frontage of each new tract. Species shall be determined by the City Engineer. 19. Developer shall install street name sign at the corner of the proposed public street and Mission Drive. SEWER 20. Approval of this land division is contingent upon the installation of local main line public sewer within the proposed public street. Separate house laterals shall be constructed to serve each lot of the land division. 21. The developer shall submit sewer plans to the City and to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works for review. Approval must be assured prior to filing this land division map. 22. The developer shall consult the City Engineer to detennine the sewer location and design requirements. 23. Easements may be required and shall be subject to review by the City Engineer to determine the final locations and requirements. 24. UTILITIES 25. Power, telephone and cable television service shall be underground. 26. Any utilities that are in conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developer's expense. 27. WATER 28. All lots shall be served by adequately sized water system facilities, which shall include fire hydrants of the size, type and location as determined by the Fire Chief. 29. The water mains shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the total domestic and fire flow required for the land division. Domestic flows required are to be determined by the City Engineer. Fire flows required are to be determined by the Fire Chief. TTM 53377 PD 00 -0/ Page 9 of 12 30. Plans and specifications for the water system facilities shall be submitted for approval to the water company serving this land division. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with the servicing water purveyor guaranteeing payment and installation of. the water improvements. 31. Prior to the filing of the final map, there shall also be filed with the City Engineer, a statement from the water purveyor indicating subdivider compliance with the Fire Chiefs fire flow requirements. O ) 'a 1 qb 44 N In � n i � � 1i1 1p 0 11� 1� I q• \2p 2y (,i . ' 1 U` o, D BOYOON Ba lr, w u U, Li rl J® ® / ate, Sj o lY 4 v I `J to Y ?2 fi ,1 i CfJ ? o I) U . <S. QI W o I- S_89 °oz_er ie eoe.35 3 ° - 1 q /� ' (1``• \`� '�� .mil` O I n U \N �. N ^I A� ��dSl ol JS9`3��1 biO 1, O m p� s.BS °0?3C o o I' `j .jD 60 LID 71 EXHIBIT E Lr 5c 0 O LL M 1 A\F rA FAI r- Ifill", :. H . "71N Rl .. ......... ... t�sp i s Ld WE RI ST P Ly cl I 0( C37 C31 L SITE 4 J. V,Jj. LU U., oO,, t I qq I R! C,3fD PIT 4 F c Rl EXHIBIT "F" N Q N M U N r; ►. %S / on t .eo. 10101111F seasonal SITS FIGURE LU -1 CIA Land Use Policy Planning Area 1 City of Rosemead General Plan COTTON /BELAND /ASSOCIATES PLANNING AREA .. . Low Density Residential W>: ;; High Density Residential 000 000c m Mixed Use: Res Went lal/Cortercid 0 000 f I OHbe /Lbht Industrial Commercial Public Facilities Mixed Use: Light Industrial/ Commercial � mil y pr I LU -R EXHIBIT "G" Planning Area l:. Land Use Policy Low density residential uses predominate in this planning area. The element's land use policies call for a strip of high density residential housing along Mission Boulevard extending from an area just west of Muscatel Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. Mixed -use residential /commercial development is designated for the east side of Rosemead Boulevard to the Rosemead /Mission Boulevard intersection. These areas of high density serve as buffers between the boulevards and the single - family neighborhoods located northwest of the intersection. The proposed uses generally correspond to the existing residential uses and densities in this planning area. Commercial activities in this planning area are limited to an area adjacent to Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Boulevard. The central location of this area should encourage the development of local commercial uses. Rosemead High School, situated between Rosemead, Lower Azusa, and Mission Boulevards, and Encinta Avenue separate the commercial and the mixed -use residential /commercial areas from the low density neighborhoods located to the east. The mixed -use designation is discussed in greater detail in Section 2.3 of this Element. Office and light industrial uses are located in three non- contiguous areas. The largest area is located in the extreme northwestern corner of the planning area and includes an area north of Grand Avenue to the City's northern boundary. A second industrial area is located at the opposite end of the planning area north of Valley Boulevard and adjacent to Temple City Boulevard. Finally, a third small area is located east of Encinta Avenue along Lower Azusa. The land use policies will preserve the existing industrial development in the planning area _110ugfa will restrict any further expansion of those uses are restricted. LU -7 8/22/86 EXHIBIT "H" 0 AUG. - 20 011MOM19 11:59 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL:626 - 9 2I8 P.OU3 PLANNED DEVELOPMAEI REVIEW JIPPLICATIOW SVPPLEMP.Bi (1) CITE or A019ffiaD, PLAAIJC DEPAAD®T 8639 VRIT.EE 9DDUVARD RO6ZQAD, 0 91770 1 (61a) 282 -6691 SITE ADDRESS: 'ITi e n li l ffi�— 1111 1/f DATE: 3ladSL� DESCRIPTION Of REQUEST /PROJECT: 1- suY4l' F' (T11w oom i' ( ) Modification of apprewed PD prejoee PD appc. "d by Enne Ch"Ve 0 (data: ( J New PD project A. Do the submitted plana_compty with concept pion requirement• par MC 9120.3, Oevolopmopl�3l+e.ee:quirementB per AMC Set. 9120.4, or both) SlgPATURE: FEE 5935 PD N DATE: EXHIBIT I AUG.- 20 '01IMONI II:59 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL:626-301 -9218 ,g,m,,L INPORNATIOe PORN (2) CITY OP R[ PLAMM10 DEPARDUOY 8838 � aUD[.EYARD RUBID001D, O 91]]0 (818) 788 -6671 P. 004 srrE ADDRESS= ?�'Zi,_i - tS'12 /1 MI ; m 1)Y. DATE= DESCRIPTION OF REQUIST /PROnCr IL TI11 \11I\� 1 1`1'(1(' -rte LOS SIZE= 1 1 ^ f' ;1.12 LAN: PROJECT /BDSINEss NAME tiIa Boom OP OPERATION= NO. OF ENPLOTEE5= PAOJLCT DETAIIsf (type or Print on separate sh , et if more spoee is needed), F ioting use: fj l' 117111 �"1my ' at, to be dsmoli.hed: of to remain: of 'Prvpoeed vaa, �< h1IP YY11111I1�'ICYTk'S additional of, total of :' I: L height: BU ilding f! broken dove by intended vaa and nu ber of structured or du, 1) � �C15 :5F' ") 4 - -; Rly : ,F ?,) .+;1'1 SF <F) 4,'1`15 �_ ?�) �},I,�k1 �.� f.'>) � ,'23 =�✓F *1) kin Ca l'a CCi ion �F he , 114 4 �q r atioIn` 4 u iL ber requ igli D orid 1 ) f 1 \SF Pnz kin u a ev t etie nm fsd 6 r Lot coverag., floor area ratio, landscaped percentage= APPLIGAI /SOBDIVIDEA: �jj\1_i� -- St' - "IQ M )ajMl A*a. (JiS OP ho.s: (61 � -2Rl— ill ?»_ BUSINESS Qe (S), Address: Phone: PROPERTY OWNER: 1 `, /'\ rV♦ Addr ... : Phone, REPRISENTATIVE ( architect , engineer, ): iy - (eo k AV!'�ll lC'1, Address. Q5Ot) t 1. Dl'a6E ' M lh2 Phone: f 2I•:.- 1-5 3Z � I hereby cortify that the 4bove -4f eorreet / tb ' the beat of my knwledge. Applicant'. algnatur g � � + Date. Print Bares, N M I -Sul APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY, g �Ij IE FL /IRM DO NOT WRITE BQON MUS LINE DATE! NO(513 PEEP AUG. - 20'01(MON1 12 00 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL :6 26 - 30 - P.006 1fl1VIItl1O�IlAT. PSSrv"v�v edW (3) CM oP ROMMxD, PrAwa oo ORALS Ms WALLET Poms7a= AD®mP, 0 91770 (918) 2Rai671 - SITE ADDRESS: _�< -i5 r 12�'I IS`swn 1/f, DATT• r00ADI DESCRIPTION Df RE0cEST /PA0nCT+ 1'L Sin?E" �Ylm1'U - , h.lY1L'Z 1, Surrounding land noes of the sitar north south east wet 2. Could the request, if granted, have an effect on any of the items listed below? Mower yes or m in space provided. ty,y, a. Change in scenic views er vistas Skeet existing residential areas to public land. or reads. b. Change in pattern, meals or character of general area of project. ,r , c. change in place or animal 11fe. d. Ineresee of solid waste or litter. VIL s. Change In dust, sh smoke, fames or adore in vicinity. 1�& d. Increase of solid waste or litter. 'Lit a. change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or adore in vicinity. ALc f. Change in ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. iJC q. Change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. h. Site on filled land or on slopes of 10% or more. i. Des or disposal of potentially haaardous materials, such as toxic substances, flarmabl -s or explosives. IL j. Projected change in demand for City services, (polico, fire, avatar; sawaga, etc.). V� k. Relationship to a larger project or aeries of projector_ If yes, please type or print esplaution on a ..pasts -must. 3. Number of trace on the oitor V me. of ask tree., _D Number of tress to be removed, Number of oak trss to be removed. ' If oak trees are to be removed, please refer to RNC Sec. 9131 about permit procedures. a. Are there any mmown cultural, historical, archeological or any other anvirorosntal aspects of the project site and surrounding =as that the Planning Department should be a.,ars of? 1JC If yes, plena type or print explanation on a separate shalt. J / 7 SICN114RYr /../ • — _~='', DATE, PI, /ENvI AU6. -20 01(MUNI 12:0I CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL 626 307 -9218 F. U01 The information furnished moat be as it appears an the latest APeosment roll of the Los Angeles County Aasefaer. An inaneorata or iscomplate lift say cause invalidation of your case. Attached in a list of providers of %hie service. A listing dean not conotituts a reco®endation from the City. Submit the following with applications Site Address: Y{ �.. 'rrin D. Dates Description of RBqueet /Project. 11. \,F T!,1'Yil'U t�o1MlJ5 ALr{ D_AM a. one (1) map showing each parcel within, or partially within, a 300 -feet radius of the exterior boundaries of the property under consideration. Number each parcel within the 300 -foot radius on the map (1.e., 01, 02, . Is. one (1) list of aaeaeor•e parcel number, property owner's name, and property owner'. mA if^ address for each parcel numbered (i.e., 01, 02, s3...). c. three (3) gets of gummed labele with the list copied onto than. d. one (1) copy of this fora with the affidavit shove below signed and notarized by the preparer of the three items listed above, PRDPrRTT OwKLR$ LIST /RADIUS NAP IKSTeUCTI0119 (4) Cllr or RO6SN"D, PLANKING D"ApXpoor as" PALiAr BOUL40ARD ROSEHMAD, fa 91770 (9181 288 -6611 City of "@"end ( County of Loe Angale. ) . State of California ) ��22 - 1, \ �tku� , hereby certify that the name. and addressee of all persons to whom all property is aeoe000d an they appoar on the latest available assessment roll of the County of Los Angelo within the described and for a distance of three hundred (300) fait free the exterior boundaries of property described as, Street Addrouarias), ZSD :!3- 3`lZ C.1 M�.�Sli�ll (Q_Y, sensor's �Y-rtel No.(o)s !'T3�(l- cj1) — (�0l , - C1,F Signed: Print Name to) , r']l�1 Lau Mailing Addrsoe: z%, s- (!�1 �ZI '[t�U) Phones 1011:• 1LS�• { �l� `J City /state /tip: /��ti1Ll x'120 , CA Date, '8y C'6 6 S" cxibod and swore to before N this „ day of , 19_ KOIAM PUBLIC PL /RADIOS AUG. ?0'01(MON) 12 :01 GITI OF ROSPEAU TEL:6 2ti- 307 -9 219 P. 009 APPLIOJer'S ArrITAVYT (S) CIYr or Af158]BAD, pLAIQINO DarAH7>�'l 6830 VALE= BOOLBVAPD ROSPID ' 0 91770 (816) 288 -6671 The applicant. not the representative, should Lead this shear and then sign and notarize signature at bottom. Dear Applicant: You are advised NOT to obtain any loanw or loan commitmmms on the subject property, or to clear the land, or do anything whatsoever that is dependent on final approval of your application. Anything you do before final approval will be AI YOUR OW RISK. Do not aaouma that Your coon will be, Or )ue bean finally approved until you are officially notified of such decision IN ORITINU by the City of Rosemead. Final approval requiroa favorable action by the Planning Conmieeion or the City Council. lvrthor, final .approval alone may not be enough. READ the notice of decision and the RESOLUTION of the Pla,orinq Commission or City Council on which the decision is based. It is necessary that you comply with ALL the conditions Of approval at forth here L ^ hs final approval take. effect. Sincaraly, rIILR LYONS Director of Planning City of Rosemead Site Addreesr - O�Z� - iS�� i ' 1"1 11511 Dy Dater _..21 �0 D ... riptien of Request /Project, U2 \'Yi1P_ Farnwku 1'y1 IELe' city of Rosemead ) county of Loo "gels&) State of California ) I /we. _ BA u , hereby certify chat I /we an /are the applicant(.) involved in this request, and that the foregoing vt rtamnvea and ansverl! herein contained. and the information herewith submitted are in all resp(et■ true and correct to the but of my /our knowledge and belief. Print Rame(o): CJ11, LLJA µ J wailing Addr.aa, 220 . 3St St. - 't M Phoney ` 351 City/State/Zip: �.��G \IY1 , t;J� ����'0 Data, :�t� - au \ D I Subscribed and -worm to before me this day of , 1g_. NOTARY PUBLIC rL/AMDAVIT AUG. -20 011M0Ni 12:U1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL :62b -301 -9218 RADIUS MAPS* PROPERTY OWNER LISTS FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY ARMSS (Archkedure N R2dlus Hap Services) Attn: Lucy Polo Garda 569 So. Marengo Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101 (626) 574 -9022 Fveninos (625) 449.4830 G. r— MAPPING SERVICE Ate: Gilbert Castro, Jr. -- 711 Mission Street Sw`t13 South Pasadena, CA 91030 (626) 411 -1080 or (800) 400 -MAPS VAX(626)441 -8850 OWNERSHIP LISTING SERVICE Attn: Catherine McDermott PO Box 890684 Temecula, CA 92589 (909) 699 -8064 or (800) 4WB064 L.A. MAPPING SERVICE Attn: Robert Castro 8062 Whitmore Street Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 260 -8382 SUSAN W. CASE 917 Glenneyre Street, Suite 7 Laguna Beath, CA 92651 (949) 494 -7418 SUE MORENO More Services 2270 Cogswell Road El Monte, CA 91732 (626) 350 -5944 P. 009 T- SQUARE RADIUS MAPPING PO Box 605 La CaAada, CA 91012 (818) 403 -1603 (213) 255 -9805 FAX (626) 403 -2972 ,FOOrHILL PROJECrNGMr Attn: Sandra Gunn 117% 28th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 434 -9228 FAX (714) 434 -9228 KIMBERL Y WENDELL PO Box 264 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 431 -9634 The above references are only an aid to provide you with information about available services. This does not constitute a recommendation from the City of Rosemead. AO4.'10 OIIMONI 11:01 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL:61b-30' -9118 P.010 YBOP�T OMM "Y=AVIT (6) Cm W ODSOMW, VIAMIM MWAR71MT 9818 VALLIM 80131X aeD ROSEWW, m 91770 (81B) 388 -6671 S3TE ADDALis, g�i2 ")" "��Zil '" \ \S�`LYl �f" nASE: D OF BEQUEST /PBDJLCZ: M S�7.Y71111 city of aoasmead ) county of Lou Angeles) State of California ) I /we, 1 hereby Certify that 'I /we aA /are tAV a) of the property involved In this request, and that the foregoln aw stataney, and anowars herein contained, and the information berewith submitted era in all reeperts true and correct to the boot of my /our knowladgs'sfd baliof. signed: Print Name (s) : Y) \,1 �l Nailing Addreeea '\ - (1 S C CA // T �1 1101 pAeae: (i�Z�- - 7- d�( �1T33 City /State /zip: /M Y_1�4 lA `�1L I Data: a\Dti Subscribed and sworn to before ma this , day of . 19_. NOTABy PUBLIC FOR O"ICB USE UItLY — Do alyl Mums "LW Tis LUM Piled with Caae No.: on the day of , 19_ PL /"rIDAVIT PLANN ETING CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the City of Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Rosemead City Hall at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead Commissioner Ortiz led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Breen delivered the invocation. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairman Alarcon, Vice- Chairman Loi, Commissioners Breen, Ortiz, and Herrera ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO: Crowe, Johnson, Wilkinson, and Romanelli 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meetings of December 3, 2001. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Breen, seconded by Vice- Chairman Loi, that the minutes of the City of Rosemead Regular Planning Commission Meetings of December 3, 2001, be APPROVED as submitted. Vote results: YES: ALARCON, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: LOI ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 2. EXPLANATION OF HEARING PROCEDURES AND APPEAL RIGHTS Deputy City Attorney Stan Price explained the public hearing process and the right to appeal Planning Commission decisions to the City Council. 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The commission secretary administered the oath to members of the audience wishing to speak before the Planning Commission. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00- 01 -8723- 8729 Mission Drive A request by project architect, Bill Lau, for a twelve (12) -lot single- family residential development located in the PD, Planned Development zone. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson 4# 2 DECEMBER 17, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES PAGE 2 Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of two (2) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff: Vice - Chairman Loi inquired as to guest parking accessibility; whereupon, Planning Director Johnson responded that guests may park on the street or driveway. Chairman Alarcon focused on two (2) topics pertaining to a traffic study, and the garage vehicle requirement for a four (4)- bedroom dwelling. Although traffic circulation and parking issues have been evaluated, Director Johnson explained that a "full- scale" traffic study was not necessary. However, an adjacent seventeen (17) -unit development is in the planning stages; accordingly, a complete traffic impact study will be subsequently conducted. Furthermore, a four (4)- bedroom residence requires a two (2) -car garage. Commissioner Ortiz requested standard residential street width and front yard dimensions; Director Johnson clarified thirty -six (36) and approximately twenty -one (21) feet to the sidewalk respectively. Chairman Alarcon opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: The applicant's architect, Mr. Homer Yen of 805 West Duarte Road, Suite 102, Arcadia, announced his presence to answer commission questions. Public hearing was opened to those rvho wished to OPPOSE the application:. None. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Alarcon closed the public hearing segment for this project. (MO) Motion by Vice - Chairman Loi, seconded by Commissioner Breen, to RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL Tentative Tract Map 53377/Planned Development 00 -01 for a period of two (2) years, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Vote results: YES: ALARC6N, LOI, BREEN, ORTIZ, HERRERA NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Alarcon declared said motion duly carried and so ordered B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 01- 842 - 8036 -38 East Garvey Avenue A request by project architect, Edwin Mah, and property owner, Kai Min Kyi, to construct an 8,104 square foot mini - mall /restaurant development located in the C -3, Medium Commercial zone. Presentation: Planning Director Johnson Staff recommendation: TABLE —until further notice. Owing to oak tree design complexities and arborist illness, Conditional Use Permit 01 -842 is PUT ON HOLD until further notice. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99 -765 (MODIFICATION) -8 963 East Garvey Avenue A request by Shaianne Su, dba "Fashion Studio," for the expansion of a retail use in conjunction with an existing garment manufacturing operation located in the M -1, Light Manufacturing zone. PC RESOLUTION 02 -01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATI VE TRACT MAP 53377 AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 00 -01, ALLOWING THE DEVELOPMENT OF. A 12 -LOT SINGLE - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TRACT IN THE P -U; PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE, LOCATED AT 8723 -8729 MISSION DRIVE (APN: -5389-010-067,-068). WHEREAS, Bill Lau, 220 South First Street #101, Alhambra, CA 91801 submitted applications for a tentative tract map and planned development for the development of a 12 -lot single - family residential development,located at 8723 -8729 Mission Drive; and WHEREAS, 8723 -8729 Mission Drive is located in the Planned Development Zoning District; and WHEREAS, Chapter 16.04 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) requires a tentative tract map fora 12 -lot subdivision; and RMC Chapter 17.76 specifies the criteria by which a planned development may be granted; and WHEREAS, Sections 65800 & 65900 of the California Government Code and Section 17.112.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorize the Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve or deny conditional use permits, and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2001, 64 notices were sent to properly owners within a 300 - fool radius from the subject property, in addition to notices posted in 10 public locations, specifying the availability of tile application, plus the date, time and location of the public hearing for Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01; and WHEREAS, on December 17, 2001, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to "fentalive Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01; and WIIEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1 . The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are limited to projects that consist ofinfill development projects of less than 5 acres in size that will not have a significant effect on traffic, noise, or air quality. Such projects are listed as a Class 32 Categorical Exemption under Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act and local environmental guidelines. Therefore, this project is exempt from environmental review. SECTION 2 . The Plamring Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist tojustify recommending approval of Tentative "tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 according to the Criteria of Chapter 17.116.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. That the proceedings to alter the development plan for this Planned Development Zoned properly is justified in that it is in the public's necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practices for such action. FINDING: The subject site consists of two sites, one which falls within the General Plan land use designation of low density and the second that is.placed in the high density land use category. The land use element in the General Plan indicates that the policies call for a strip of high- density residential housing along Mission Drive extending from an area just west ol' Muscatel g70cN. 3 Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. Such high- density areas serve as buffers between the arterial roads and the single- family neighborhoods located northwest of Rosemead Boulevard and Mission Drive. Due to the split designations, the project would work well as either a low or high density project. Although the current design (7.2 units per acre) is not considered "high density ", the lots have been designed with an average lot size (5,076 so smaller than allowed in the low density areas of the City (6,000 sf min.). 13. A planned development zone may be established to provide diversification in the location of structures and other land uses while insuring compliance with the General Plan and compatibility with existing and Future developments in surrounding areas. FINDING: The project is in compliance with the general plan in that one half of the site is designated as "low density residential' and the developer is proposing a "low density" design with setbacks that are similar to those for R -1 single family residential development standards. Surrounding areas to the north and west of the site are either developed with low density single family homes or are planned to be developed as low density housing in the near future. SECTION 3 . The Planning Commission HEREBY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01, fora 12 -lot single- lamily residential development, subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4 . This resolution is the result ofan action taken by the Planning Commission on December 17, 2002, by the following vote: YES: ALARCON, ORTIZ, BREEN, LOI, RUIZ NO: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE SECTION 5 . The secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 2002. William Alarcon, Chairnian CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 7th day oflanuaiy 2002 by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: William Crowe, Secretary TTM 533 77 PD 00 -0i Page 5 of 12 EXIIIBIT "A" TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 53377, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 00 -01 8723 -8729 Mission Drive (4500 -4512 Dubonmet Avenue) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL December 17. 2001 Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are approved for a 12 -lot single - family residential development, to be developed in accordance with the plan marked Exhibit "B" and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 2. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead an affidavit stating that they are aware of and accept all of the conditions set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions. 3. Tentative Tract Map 53377 and Planned Development 00 -01 are approved fora two -year period. Applicant shall make progress towards initiation of proposed use or request an extension 30 days prior to expiration born the Planning Commission. Otherwise Tentative Tract Map 53377 shall become null and void. 4. A statement shall be recorded on the deed to all properties in this project staling: "All residential dwellings within this project were designed and approved under a precise plan, planned development (P -D) concept. As a result, some of the project lots and yard areas are smaller than woidd ordinarily be allowed under the development standards contained in the Rosemead Zoning Code Section 17.76 (P -D Planned Development Zone)." 5. A statement shall be recorded prohibiting the encroachment of parked vehicles into the sidewalk area. 6. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements oflhe Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 7. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees, and all other applicable fees are paid in full. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, all school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the Unified School District. 9. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday - Saturday. No constuclion shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays without prior approval by the City. 10. Planning staff shall have access to the subject properly at any time during construction to monitor progress. 11. The conditions listed on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 12. Occupancy will not be granted until all improvements required by this approval have been completed, inspected, and approved by the appropriate deparhnent(s). 13. Driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced and improved with Portland concrete cement as shown on Exhibit "B "; and therealler maintained in good serviceable condition. 14. A wall and fence plan will be required if any perimeter fencing or walls are proposed. The colors and materials of the proposed fence shall be consistent or compliment the submitted T7A4 53377 1 Page 6 of 12 color and material board and first be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation (on file as Exhibit D). 15. Prior to issuance of Building permits, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review, reflecting preliminary approval of landscape /site plan, commonly referred to as Exhibit B. Irrigation plan shall include automatic timers and moisture sensors. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed and completed prior to final Planning Department approval. 16. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right -of -way. Said screening shall be approved by the Director of Planning before installation. 17. No portion of any required front and /or side yards shall be used for storage of any type. 18. There shall be no outside storage of vehicles, vehicle parts, equipment or trailers. All trash and debris shall be contained within a trash enclosure. 19. All roof top appurtenances and equipment shall adequately be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 20. The properly shall be graded to drain to the street, but in no case shall such drainage be allowed to sheet flow across public sidewalk. A grading and /or drainage plan shall be prepared, submitted to and approved by the Building Oflicial, and such grading and drainage shall lake place in accordance with such approved plan. 21. The numbers of the address signs shall be at least 6" tall with a minimum character width of 1/4 ", contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Director of Planning prior to installation. 22. Applicant shall obtain a public works permit for all work in or adjacent to the public right -of -way. 23. Applicant shall install and complete all necessary public improvements, including but not limited to street, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, handicap ramps, and storm drains, along the entire street fironlage of the development site as required by the Director of Planning. 24. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow 'p reservat ion devices, fire valves and other equipment) shall be screened by screening walls and /or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. 25. All utilities shall be placed underground including facilities and wires for the supply and distribution of electrical energy, telephone, cable television etc. The underground conversion of these utilities 'shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. 26. The dwelling unit shall be provided with waterconservation fixtures such as low -flush toilets and low -flow faucets. The hot water healer and lines shall be insulated. Landscaping it systems shall be designed for high efficiency and irrigation timers programmed for maximized water usage. 27. All requirements of the Building and Safely Department and Planning Department shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. 28. Applicant shall submit a block wall and fencing plan for review and approval by the Planning Department, prior to plan check with the Building & Safety Department. TTAI 53377 PD 00 -01 Page 7 of 12 29. Violation of the conditions of approval may result in citation and /or initiation of revocation proceedings. CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FORTENTATIVE'IRACT MAP 53377 G& 1. Details shown on the tentative map are not necessarily approved. Any details which are inconsistent with requirements of ordinances, general conditions of approval, or City Engineer's policies must be specifically approved in the final map or improvement plan approvals. 2. A final tract map prepared by, or under the direction of a Registered Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying, or a Licensed Land Surveyor, must be processed through the City Engineer's office prior to being filed with the County Recorder. 3. A preliminary subdivision guarantee is required showing all fee interest holders and encumbrances. An updated title report shall be provided before the final tract map is released for filing with the County Recorder. 4. Monumentation of tract map boundaries, street centerline and lot boundaries is required for a map based on a field survey. S. Final tract map shall be filed with the County Recorder and one (1) mylar copy of tiled map shall be submitted to the City Engineer's office prior to issuance of building permits. 6. Comply with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. 7. Approval for filing of this land division is contingent upon approval of plans and specifications mentioned below. Ifthe improvements are not installed prior to the filing of this division, the developer must submit an Undertaking Agreement and a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in the amount estimated by the City Engineer guaranteeing the installation of the improvements. 8. The City reserves the right to impose any new plan check and /m' permit fees approved by City Council subsequent to tentative approval of this map. DRAINAGE AND GRADING 9. prior to the recordation of the final map, grading and drainage plans must be approved to provide for contributory drainage from adjoining properties as approved by the City Engineer, including dedication of the necessary easements. 10. A grading and drainage plan must provide for each lot having an independent drainage system to the public street, to a public drainage facility, or by means ofan approved drainage easement. 11. Historical or existing storm water [low from adjacent lots must be received and directed by gravity to the street, a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage easement. 12. Developer shall comply with the City stonmwaler management ordinance and SUSUMP requirements. T7AI 53377 PD 00 -01 Page 8 of 12 ROAD 13. Developer shall construct a 36 -Coot public street, within a 37 -foot dedicated right -of -way and provide a 6' wide easement for utility and pedestrian sidewalk purposes adjacent to back of curb, in compliance of the City Engineer's requirements for such. 14. Developer shall provide an adequate lighting system for the proposed public street. Plans and specifications for the lighting system facilities shall be prepared and developer shall coordinate preparation of such plans with Southern California Edison. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with Southern California Edison guaranteeing payment and installation of the lighting improvements. 15. Plans for street improvements and street light layout for the proposed street shall be submitted to the City Engineer and must be approved prior to filing the final map. 16. Developer shall construct 2 (two) wheelchair ramps per City standards at the intersection of Mission Drive and proposed public street. 17. Public street shall be paved with 4 -inch thick asphalt over crushed aggregate base (CAB). 'File CAB section shall be determined by soils report submitted to the City by the developer. 18. Developer shall plant 1 (one) 24 -inch box parkway tree at the back of walk along the frontage of each new tract. Species shall be detennined by the City Engineer. 19. Developer shall install street name sign at the corner of the proposed public street and Mission Drive. SEWER 20. Approval of this land division is contingent upon the installation of local main line public sewer within the proposed public street. Separate house laterals shall be constructed to serve each.lot of the land division. 21. The developer shall submit sewer plans to the City and to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works for review. Approval must be assured prior to filing this land division map. 22. The developer shall consult the City Engineer to determine the sewer location and design requirements. 23. Easements may be required and shall be subject to review by the City Engineer to determine the final locations and requirements. 24. UTILITIES 25. Power, telephone and cable television service shall be underground. 26. Any utilities that are in conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developer's expense. 27. WATER 28. All lots shall be served by adequately sized water system facilities, which shall include fire hydrants of the size, type and location as determined by the Fire Chief. 29. The water mains shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the total domestic and fire (low required for the land division. Domestic flows required are to be determined by the City Engineer. Fire flows required are to be determined by the Fire Chief. TTAI 53377 PU 00 -01 Page 9 of 12 30. Plans and specifications f o r t he water system facilities shall be submitted for approval to the water company serving this land division. The subdivider shall submit an agreement and other evidence, satisfactory to the City Engineer, indicating that the subdivider has entered into a contract with the servicing water purveyor guaranteeing payment and installation of the water improvements. 31. Prior to the filing of the final map, there shall also be tiled with the City Engineer, a statement the water purveyor indicating subdividercompliance with the Fire Chief's fire flow requirements. - Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if this is where the proposed Eaton Village project was going in? Prank Tripepi, City Manager, responded that it is basically all the property that fronts Valley Boulevard. Mr. Tripepi stated that the Revelopment Agency and City Council have made a determination that these properties be developed as commercial uses, not industrial. Mr. Tripepi continued that this is a land use and zone change amendment from industrial to commercial and does not single out a specific project. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM 13RUESCLI that the Council adopt Resolution 0 1 -08 and introduce Ordinance No. 818. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial,.Vasquez, Clark No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C: PLANNFI) DEVELOI'TIENTR,EVIEW 01 -01 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 53377 (8723 -8729 MISSION DRIVE) C.1. RESOLUTION NO. 01- 09— APCROVEPLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVWNV 01 -01 AND TENTATI VE TRACT MAP NO. 53377 The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. o -09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TbQ3 CITY OF ROSEMLAD, COUNTY 01 LOIS ANGELES, STATE OF CAL11 APPROVING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 01 -01 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAI' NO.,,53377;.SUDDIVIDING TWO LOTS INTO ITURTEEN LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 8723- 8729 MISSION DRIVE (APN: 5389-010-067,068) Prank Tripepi, City Manager, presented the staff report. The Mayor opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to address this item Rudy Elefl; 8655 E. Mission Drive, Rosemead, stated that this item was before the Cvuncil before and was denied because the layout of the property did not have any open areas. Mr. ElefTis requesting that this project he denied again. John Rauch, 4528 Bartlett, Rosemead, stated that for the 3n time, the developer is presenting a plan to develop that property. Mr. Rautll continued that 13 houses are proposed with 10 of them being placed on substandard lots. 'Phis will result in many people, many' children, and lots of parked cars. Mr. Rauth proposed that the Council deny this item, and for the developer to redesign the In to provide more quality living space (i.e., larger lot sizes). Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if these homes meet the floor - area -ratio (PAR). rage H 5 3 -27 -01 1•nge fly - , q �� • Mr. Tripepi responded that they will have to comply with the City's FAR ordinance. Maly Redd slated that more garage area will be needed as too many cars will be parked on the street. Gale Littleton, Tri= tech Associates, 150 N. San Gabriel Boulevard, San Gabriel, a civil engineering company representing the applicant, stated that they have reviewed the staff report and that they are in concurrence with the staff recommendation. There being no one else wishing to speak on this matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Councilman Taylor requested that the tract map be displayed for those in the audience. Mr. Taylor stated that in a few of the houses the front yard setback is only 3' to 4', with 5' to 8' back yard setbacks. Mayor Pro Tern 13 uesch stated that he is concerned with the back yard setbacks of lots #7, #9, and #10. Mr. I3ruesch explained that those lots only have a 5' setback. Councilman Taylor stated that that is his basic objection also. Mr. 'Taylor continued that the garages that face the street are only 16' frmn the front of the garage to the property line and that cars can barely fit in that space. Mr. Taylor stated that his biggest contention is that these lots are in comparison to art R -'I residence, which requires 6,000 square feet. However, the lots in this project have been cut down to an average of 4,000 square feet. Mr. Taylor slated that these homes are probably in the $400,000 price range and he objects to the homes at lire end of the project mainly because of the small side and front yard setbacks. Councilman Vasquez stated that upon listening to Councilman Taylor, he recommends that the Council move to deny this project. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN VASQUGZ, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUL'•SCH that the Council deny Planned Development Review 01 -01 and Tentative Tract Map 53377 (8723 -8729 Mission Drive). Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Councilmember Clark stated that this project will have huge houses with 2 -car garages and no off- street parking. Ms. Clark continued that some of the driveways are so short that the cars would barely fit in them. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch slated that the State Department of Housing and Conununity Development has said that a range of affordable new housing has to be developed for all cities. Mr. I3ruesch stated that all the new housing in Rosemead is beyond his range of affordability, which may be beyond the range of a great many of Rosemead's residents. Mr. Brrresch stressed that in developing new housing in our conurlunity, there is a need to look at affordable housing. Vote resulted: Yes: I3ruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Vasquez, Clark No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 11.1. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -007 - CLAIMS AND DEATANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. CC1,I W:3Q7 -01 P. u6