CC - Item II.A - Public Hearing Reallocation Of CDBG Funds%O TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER3�i�� DATE: January 22, 2002 RE: PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING REALLOCATION OF CDBG FUNDS FOR FY 2001 -2002 Since FY 1994 -1995, the City of Rosemead has participated in the federal CDBG program as a direct entitlement entity. On May 8, 2001, the Rosemead City Council approved the CDBG budget for FY 2001 -2002. That budget was based on anticipated costs of projects and anticipated resources. Because the budget was based on preliminary estimates, the City now needs to reallocate resources based on actual expenditures, bids and /or revised estimates of costs for projects. The total amount available to expend is $4,441,262. The proposed reallocation changes are listed in the table that appears on the following page: COUNCIL G-7 FEB 2 U 2002 ITEM No. -- Project Budget Reallocated Budget Change Administration 160,000 180,000 20,000 Fair Housing 25,000 25,000 0 Public Services 236,630 236,630 0 Code Enforcement 51,500 51,500 0 Res. Rehab. 250,000 250,000 0 Rehab. Activities 61,000 61,000 0 Housing Code Compliance 58,000 58,000 0 Street Res. close out 30,000 30,000 0 Com. Rehab. 150,000 150,000 0 Water Quality Project 100,000* 150,000 50,000 Ralph Hart Storm Drain 800,000 650,000 - 150,000 Garvey Ave. Com. Ctr. 1,273,000 ** 2,300,000 1,250,000 Street Lighting 477,426 189,132 - 288,294 Res. Lead Remediation 100,000 75,000 - 25,000 Res. Lead Testing 35,000 35,000 0 Unprogrammed Funds 87,540 0 - 87,540 TOTAL BUDGET 3,895,096 4,441,262 'This project is a carryover project from prior fiscal year. $150,000 already appropriated in federal accounting system. $100,000 was based on estimated $50,000 in expenditures in FY 2000 -2001, but project did not draw funds until FY 2001 -2002. Actual reallocated amount is $0. "This project is a carryover project from a prior fiscal year. $1,900,000 was budgeted in FY 2000- 2001 and estimated expenditures were $627,000. Actual expenditures in FY 2000 -2001 were $226,037. Project is currently budgeted in federal accounting system at $1,900,000. Actual unexpended and reallocated funds proposed are $400,000. DISCUSSION OF REALLOCATED PROJECTS Administration. Proposed reallocation is based on anticipated need. Budget in FY 2000 -2001 was $178,000. The reallocated budget represents a 1% increase over FY 2000 -2001 and is based on anticipated expenditures. Water Quality Project. No new funds proposed. This is an accounting change to reconcile City budget to approved federal budget. Ralph, Olney, Hart Storm Drain. Reduction of $150,000 based on actual bid costs. Costs may be further reduced, depending on federal CDBG share of project. If so, additional funds will be reallocated. Garvey Avenue Community Center. There is a proposed reallocation in the amount of $400,000 to cover additional project costs. Balance of proposed reallocation is an accounting change to reconcile City budget to approved federal budget. Public Hearing for CDBG Funds Reallocation, 2 Street Lighting. Project is in environmental review stage. Project will probably go forward at end of fiscal year or beginning of next. Funds to be rebudgeted in next fiscal year. Residential Lead Remediation. Guidelines are currently being created. Project not anticipated to be fully expended at end of fiscal year. Unprogrammed Funds. Contingency funds are proposed to be rebudgeted to Garvey Avenue Community Center. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends, after public testimony, review and after any amendments, that the City Council approve the City's proposed reallocation of CDBG funds for FY 2001 -2002 and authorize this as an amendment to the City's Annual Funding Plan. Public Hearing for CDBG Funds Reallocation, 3 Frank Tripepi, City Manager, explained that several dealers will purchase a small flatbed that will hold a few cars. Those small trucks do not go into the Auction property. Mr. Tripepi stated that trucks that size have been towed from the surrounding residential streets before as they are a hazard and over 80 ". Councilman Taylor stated that the Auto Auction should provide a loading zone at their site. Mr. Taylor requested that a dialogue be started with the Auto Auction staff to try and work out this problem. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch stated that this issue has been addressed before where small auto dealer's trucks have been impacting residential streets. Mr. Bruesch asked if Del Mar is a designated truck route. If so, then the trucks have a legal right to park there. If not, then the trucks can be ticketed. Mr. Nunez stated that there is an increase in yard sales and they should be checked for permits. Councilman Taylor requested that Mr. Nunez fist the yard sales he sees and bring the list to the Council. Ernie Ayala, President, Rosemead Chamber, invited the Council to Target's ribbon cutting on Monday, March 4 Mr. Ayala announced that the next Chamber Mixer will be on March 14"' at the Rosemead Community Center, and Eggs and Issues will be held on March 28 II PUBLIC HEARINGS An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney. !�. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING REALLOCATION OF CDBG FUNDS FY 2001 -2002 Frank Tripepi, City Manager, presented the staff report. The Mayor opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak on this item. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH that the Council approve the City's proposed reallocation of CDBG funds for FY 2001 -2002 and authorize this as an amendment to the City's Annual Funding Plan. Vote resulted: CCMIN:2 -26-02 r age a2 ., Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch stated that there is $500,000 difference in the reallocation budget. Lisa Baker, Grants Coordinator, explained that the carryover is from unexpended funds from the prior fiscal year that has to be accounted for, plus program income. M. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-11 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $693,845.50 NUMBERED 36778 THROUGH 36903 MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council Adopt Resolution No. 2002 -11. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-12 - VACATING A PORTION OF ALLEY NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: CCMN;2.2602 e.r a3