CC - Item IV.CC-C - Proposal To Provide Engineering Services For Traffic Signal Modifications On Various StreetsTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER >g DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2002 RE: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE /HELLMAN AVENUE /RAMONA BOULEVARD AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HELLMAN AVENUE /1 -10 ON /OFF RAMPS Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from Willdan for engineering design, utility coordination, contract administration, and construction observation services for the traffic signal modification at Walnut Grove Avenue /Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and installation of a new traffic signal at Hellman Avenue /1 -10 On /Off Ramps. A traffic study was recently completed analyzing the existing traffic flow at the intersections of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and at Hellman Avenue and the 1 -10 Freeway Ramps. The traffic study concluded the installation of anew traffic signal at the Hellman Avenue /1 -10 Freeway Ramps was justifiable using Caltrans traffic signal warrant analysis. Due to the close proximity of the two intersections, it is recommended that the existing traffic signal at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and the new signal at Hellman Avenue and the 1 -10 Freeway Ramps operate as one signalized location. The project consists of modifying the existing traffic signal at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard to include new intersection phasing and vehicle heads, and to install new traffic signal poles, vehicle indications and detection at the 1 -10 Freeway Ramps at Hellman Avenue. Both intersections will be connected to the traffic signal controller at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard. A description of the proposed traffic signal timing can be found in Exhibit "A ". COUNCIL FEB 2 6 2002 ITEM No. :1Z • M - e February 20, 2002 Page 2 The total construction cost for this project is estimated to be $75,000, and the estimated contract period is 25 working days. The proposed project is currently programmed in the City's FY 2001 -02 budget. Construction of the project is anticipated to occur in the summer of 2002. The proposed fees are as follows: • Preliminary and Final Design $ 9,000 • Utility Coordination 3,900 • Construction Observation 6,600 • Contract Administration 1,500 Total Proposed Fee $21,000 The total fee, excluding utility coordination, is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan which pertains to design engineering services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the attached engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Attachment Exhibit "A" The following is the proposed combined traffic signal phasing for the Walnut Grove Avenue /Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard /1 -10 Freeway Ramps Intersections. These phases are graphically represented in the attached Phase Diagrams. Phase 1 + 5 Phase 4 Walnut Grove Ave. Walnut Grove Ave. • NB and SB left turns — Green o NB and SB left turns — Stop • NB and SB through — Stop o NB and SB through — Stop Ramona Blvd. Ramona Blvd. o WB — Stop o WB — Green Hellman Ave. at Walnut Grove Ave. Hellman Ave. at Walnut Grove Ave. o EB —Stop o EB —Green 1 -10 On /Off Ramp 1 -10 On /Off Ramp o SB —Stop o SB —Stop Hellman Ave. at 1 -10 On /Off Ramp Hellman Ave. at 1 -10 On /Off Ramp o EB and WB — Green o EB and WB — Green Phase 2 + 6 Phase 3 Walnut Grove Ave. Walnut Grove Ave. o NB and SB left turns — Stop o NB and SB left turns — Stop o NB and SB through — Green o NB and SB through — Stop Ramona Blvd. Ramona Blvd. o WB — Stop o WB — Stop Hellman Ave. at Walnut Grove Ave. Hellman Ave. at Walnut Grove Ave. o EB — Stop o EB — Green 1 -10 On /Off Ramp 1 -10 On /Off Ramp o SB — Stop o SB — Green Hellman Ave. at 1 -10 On /Off Ramp Hellman Ave. at 1 -10 On /Off Ramp o EB and WB — Green o EB and WB — Stop Legend: NB = Northbound SB = Southbound EB = Eastbound WB = Westbound m cQ 0 c� •any 9AOJ0 jnuleM -- - - - - -- O O O r T m U O Z LO \N N cu 0 SZ- 0 0 m c� 0 c� flL •any OAO.10 eM N ca Q m � o 2 N ca m 0 c� 0 0 M •any 9A0.l J 3nuleM m 0 Z N C/) m cQ 0 c� 4 Q T any OA0.40 anuleM m U O O Z W C li �WILLDAN Serving Public Agencies February 19, 2002 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 1 1191 "(W11, SUlti IllIILI't I, ( ahiumla'11746 -.1497 ,6 2%908 -6201) fax 962 2120 www.w I din ,. um Subject: Proposal to Provide Engineering Services for Traffic Signal Modifications at Walnut Grove Avenue /Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and Installation of Traffic Signal at Hellman Avenue /1 -10 On /Off Ramps Dear Mr. Tripepi: As requested, we are pleased to be given the opportunity to submit this proposal for installation of a new traffic signal at Hellman Avenue /1 -10 On /Off Ramps and modification to the traffic signal at Walnut Grove Avenue /Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard. A traffic study was recently completed analyzing the existing traffic flow at the intersections of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and at Hellman Avenue and the 1 -10 Freeway Ramps. The traffic study concluded the installation of a new traffic signal at the Hellman Avenue /1 -10 Freeway Ramps was justifiable using Caltrans' traffic signal warrant analysis. Due to the close proximity of the two intersections, it is recommended that the existing traffic signal at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and Hellman Avenue and the new traffic signal at 1 -10 Freeway Ramps operate as one signalized location. The project consists of modifying the existing traffic signal at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard to include new intersection phasing and vehicle heads, and to install traffic signal poles, vehicle indications, and detection at the 1 -10 Freeway Ramps at Hellman Avenue. Both intersections will be connected to the traffic signal controller at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard. SCOPE OF SERVICES We propose to provide the following basic services for the project: February 19, 2002 Page 2 Preliminary Design 1. Confer with City staff to review, in full detail, the requirements for the project. Review available information and data assembled by City staff. 2. Develop base drawings, including collecting and plotting of field data, and the identification and plotting of substructures and utilities. 3. Prepare traffic signal plans for the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue /Ramona Boulevard and the intersection of Hellman Avenue and the 1 -10 Freeway Ramps. The plans will also include necessary signing and striping revisions at the intersections. 4. Submit preliminary traffic signal plans to the City of Rosemead and Caltrans for review and comments. 5. Develop preliminary project cost estimates. Final Design Phase 1. Based on comments received form the City of Rosemead, Caltrans, and utility companies, revise plans. 2. Prepare detailed final plans and attend coordination meetings, as necessary, with City personnel at various times during the design phase to obtain additional input and review work. 3. Obtain final approval and construction permit from Caltrans. 4. Prepare specifications and contract documents to conform to applicable requirements of the City of Rosemead 5. Prepare final project cost estimates. Utility Coordination 1. Submit copies of plans to all affected utilities and agencies. 2. Coordinate with affected utility companies to provide for any utility relocations to accommodate new traffic signal pole and foundation installation. 3. Send notification to affected utility companies, other agencies, contractor, and City staff, and attend and coordinate the preconstruction conference. February 19, 2002 Page 3 Contract Administration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assist the City in securing bids and awarding project. Attend preconstruction conference and prepare minutes Provide contract administration for proper enforcement of the contract plans and specifications. Provide engineering support, as needed, to make as -built revisions to the original plans. Provide the necessary consulting services required to coordinate the efforts between the City and contractor. Review and approve progress payment requests. Answer inquiries and complaints for the City relating to the project. Construction Observation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Provide daily construction observation during the construction period. Provide the necessary weekly, monthly, and final reports as needed. Provide copies of daily construction observation reports on a weekly basis, if requested. Provide necessary coordination with other agencies to provide final inspection of the project. Perform as -built corrections on original drawings. Provide report to City following final inspection stating that the project has been completed, and provide necessary data for City acceptance of the project. . Our proposed fixed fees are as follows: Preliminary and Final Design 9,000 Utility Coordination 3,900 Contract Administration 1,500 Construction Observation 6,600 TOTAL (Fixed Fee) $21,000 February 19, 2002 Page 4 The current estimated construction cost for the total project is $95,000. The design fee is based on the fee curve schedule from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The total fee, excluding utility coordination, is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan which pertains to design engineering services. The construction contract period is estimated to be 25 working days. Compensation for weekend inspection and inspection beyond the allocated working days and hours will be on a time - and - materials basis. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at (562) 908 -6210. Respectfully submitted, ' WILLLIDAN William C. Pagett, P.E" Senior Vice President AF:mh 95610- 02 \06- 155\P02 -038 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Item CC -C was removed for discussion purposes) A. AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY FROM CATHERINE AND LAWRENCE PANARELLI B. AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY FROM HONG BUM CHOI AND KIE SOK CHOI Councilman Taylor referring to CC -B, asked why the claim is filed against the City when it was the Gas Company that was doing the work. Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk, replied that the attorney representing the claimants was informed of that fact but insisted on filing a claim against the City nevertheless. The claim was sent to the City's adjuster Carl Warren & Company who recommended rejection of the claim and will ultimately tender the claim over to the Gas Company. Councilmember Clark requested an explanation from the City Attorney on the standard procedure of claims filed. Robert Kress, City Attorney, explained that the City is part of the Joint Powers Insurance Authority pool. Claims are typically referred to the City's adjuster, Carl Warren & Company, and they routinely recommend rejection. Mr. Kress stated that this does not indicate that the matter will not be settled in a future time. However, it does set up time parameters on the statute of limitations in which to file a claim. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C -C APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND HELLMAN AVENUE/RAMONA BOULEVARD AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HELLMAN AVENUE/I- 10 /ON -OFF RAMP Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if the City is going to purchase the Cal Trans maintenance yard property. Mr. Nunez was informed that Cal Trans is not selling that property. CCMIN:z_z "z y pap a6 Councilman Taylor asked if the No Right Turn on Red would remain at southbound Walnut Grove and Hellman? Joanne Itagaki, Traffic Engineer, will check to assure that it remains. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH that the Council approve the engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION — None VL STATUS REPORTS — None VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. in memory of Charles Bruesch, Mayor Pro Tern Robert Bruesch's father, and in memory of Daniel Pearl, Wall Street news journalist murdered by Pakistani terrorists. Respectfully submitted: City Clerk APPROVED: CCU N:2 -26.02 Page n7