CC - Item II.A2 - Approving General Plan AmendmentRESOLUTION 2002 -42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 02 -01 AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM PUBLIC FACILITIES TO MIXED USE INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2401 PINE STREET & 2447 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD IN THE C -3 (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) ZONE AND R -2 (LIGHT MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONE. (APN: 5284 -006- 800, -802,- 803, -805; 5284 -012 -801). WHEREAS, Mr. Rick Meaglia, representing Park Edison LLC, 688 W. Foothill Blvd., Monrovia, CA 91016, filed an application requesting a general plan amendment from Public Facilities to Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial for the development of a mini- storage.and industrial complex for property located at 2401 Pine Street and 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard on February 6, 2002; and WHEREAS, Rosemead's General Plan designates the subject property for Public Facilities uses; and WHEREAS, Rosemead's Zoning Map designates the site for C -3; Medium Commercial and R -2; Light Multiple Family Residential uses; and WHEREAS, Sections 17.116 and 17.120 of the Rosemead Municipal Code set forth procedures and requirements for zone changes and amendments; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has an adopted General Plan, zoning ordinance, and map including specific development standards to control development; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Amendment 02 -01 would designate the subject property "Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial" allowing for the development of an industrial complex and mini - storage; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2002, an initial study for the proposed general plan amendment was completed finding that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, a negative declaration was prepared; and WHEREAS, on August 29, 2002, notices were posted in 12 public locations and 43 notices were sent to property owners within a 300 -foot radius from the subject property specifying the public comment period and the time and place for a public hearing pursuant to California Government Code Section 65091(a)(3); and WHEREAS, on September 10, 2002, the City Council $Z? 13 2002 iTFnA n? n_ r7 . -3: .. testimony relative to General Plan Amendment 02 -01; and WHEREAS, the City Council has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemead as follows: Section 1 . The City Council HEREBY DETERMINES that a Negative Declaration shall be adopted for General Plan Amendment 02 -01. An initial study was completed to analyze potential environmental impacts pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study analyzes the potential environmental impacts that could be created from the proposed amendment. The study was sent to all responsible agencies, and noticed in 10 public locations, soliciting comments for a 30 -day period prior to the Planning Commission hearing. This study found that there would be no potential significant environmental impacts. The initial study for General Plan Amendment 02 -01 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2 . The City Council HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that changing the land use designation to Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial and placing the property in the M -1: Light Manufacturing zone is in the public interest and necessity and general welfare, and good city planning practice dictates and supports the proposed zone change and general plan amendment. The change to the M -1: Light Manufacturing Zone will provide a superior level of planning and protection to the quality and character of the proposed area. Section 3 . The City Council APPROVES General Plan Amendment 02 -01, amending the General Plan land use designation from "Public Facilities" to "Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial ", for property located at 2401 Pine Street and 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard, (APN: 5284- 006 - 800,- 802,- 803,- 805,5284- 012 -801) Section 4 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 10th day of September, 2002. Robert Bruesch, Mayor Resolution No. 2002-42 Rosemead City Council September 10, 2002 NANCY VALDERRAMA, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution.No. 2002 -42 being: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 02 -01 AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM PUBLIC FACILITIES TO MIXED USE INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2401 PINE STREET & 2447 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD IN THE C -3 (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) ZONE AND THE R -2 (LIGHT MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONE. (APN: 5284- 006 -800,- 802,- 803, -805; 5284 -012 -801). was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 10' day of September, 2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS:. ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NANCY VALDERRAMA, City Clerk PLAN ING CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the City of Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Loi at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Rosemead City Hall at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead Commissioner Ortiz led the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice - Chairman Herrera delivered the invocation. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairman Loi, Vice- Chairman Herrera, Commissioners Alarcon, Breen, and Ortiz ABSENT: None EX OFFICIO: Price, Johnson, and Romanelli 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of July 1, 2002 (the minutes for the July 15, 2001, regular meeting will be deferred to August 19, 2001). (MO) Motion by Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon, that the minutes of the City of Rosemead Regular Planning Commission Meeting of July 1, 2002, be APPROVED as submitted. Vote results: YES: LOI, HERRERA, ALARCON, BRfr"' ° °'." NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ABSENT: NONE EXHIBIT B Chairman Loi declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 2. EXPLANATION OF HEARING PROCEDURES AND APPEAL RIGHTS AUGUST 5, 2002 PLANNING CONMQSSION MIM7IES PAGE 2 3. 4. Deputy City Attorney Stan Price explained the public hearing process and the right to appeal Planning Commission decisions to the City Council. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The commission secretary administered the oath to members of the audience wishing to speak before the Planning Commission. PUBLIC HEARING: A. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 02 -01 /ZONE CHANGE 02- 215 /CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02 -863 (CONTINUANCEl~ Pine Street/2447 San Gabriel Boulevard A request by Mr. Richard Meaglia of Park Edison, LLC, dba "Global Industrial/Mini- Storage Park," to amend the General Plan land use designation from Public Facilities to Mixed Use: Industrial/Commercial, and to change zoning from R -2 (Light Multiple Family Residential) and C -3 (Medium Commercial) to M -1 (Light Manufacturing) for the development of a mini - storage and commercial /industrial complex to be located in the C -3 (Medium Commercial) and R -2 (Light Multiple Family Residential) zones. Presentation: Director Johnson Staff recommendation: APPROVE —for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Applicant(s): In the audience. Questions from the commissioners to the staff.• Commissioner Alarc6n sought any neighbor reaction or criticism to the project; upon which, Planning Director Johnson replied in the negative. Chairman Loi opened the public hearing to those IN FAVOR of this application: The applicant, Mr. Richard Meaglia of Park Edison, LLC, located at 688 West Foothill Boulevard, Monrovia, promoted the project's land improvement benefits, including a revamp of San Gabriel Boulevard with an exemplary structural design; thus inviting job growth opportunities. In closing, Mr. Meaglia announced his availability to answer commission questions. AUGUST 5, 2002 PLANMNG CONMSSION MINUTES PAGE 3 Commissioner Breen inquired into a possible correlation between "Park Edison" and the property owners, Southern California Edison, as well as the projected completion time; as a result of which, Mr. Meaglia stated that there is no affiliation, emphasizing both as separate entities and estimated a completion period of six (6) to nine (9) months. Chairman Loi requested the contracted property lease duration; whereby, Mr. Meaglia responded with sixty -five (65) years. Commissioner Ortiz put forth a question concerning the drip line position; whereupon, the Southern California Edison real estate representative, Ms. Diane Weinmueller of 14799 Chestnut Street, Westminster, asserted that a state - prescribed drip line safety clearance of seventeen (17) feet would be observed. Commissioner Breen wished confirmation of security guard presence; at which point, Ms. Weinmueller provided assurance. Public hearing was opened to those who wished to OPPOSE the application: None. There being no one further wishing to address the commission, Chairman Loi closed the public hearing segment for this project. (MO) Motion by Commissioner Breen, seconded by Vice - Chairman Herrera, to APPROVE General Plan Amendment 02 -01 /Zone Change 02- 215 /Conditional Use Permit 02 -863 (Continuance) for a period of one (1) year, subject to the conditions listed in "Exhibit A." Vote results: YES: LOI, HERRERA, ALARCON, BREEN, ORTIZ NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Loi declared said motion duly carried and so ordered 5. OTHER BUSINESS -Items 5A -5G were noted as one (1) motion by the commission: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98 -747 (EXTENSION�- East Malley Boulevard A request by Can Ngoc Nguyen, dba "Asian Gems Restaurant," for the transfer of ownership of an on -sale beer and wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with an eating establishment. PC RESOLUTION 02 -40 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 02 -01; ZONE CHANGE 02- 215; AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02 -863 FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM PUBLIC FACILITIES TO MIXED USE INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL, AND FOR THE ZONE CHANGE FROM C -3 (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) AND R -2 (LIGHT MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO M -1 (LIGHT MANUFACTURING) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MINI- STORAGE AND COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, TO BE LOCATED AT 2401 PINE STREET/ 2447 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD IN THE C -3 (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) ZONE AND R -2 (LIGHT MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONE. (APN: 5284- 006 -800,402,403, 405; 5284 -012 -801). WHEREAS, Mr. Rick Meaglia, representing Park Edison LLC, 688 W. Foothill Blvd., Monrovia, CA 91016, filed an application requesting a general plan amendment from Public Facilities to Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial, a zone change from the C -3 "Medium Commercial" and R -2 "Light Multiple Family Residential" to the M -1 "Light Manufacturing" zone for the development of a mini - storage and industrial complex for property located at 2401 Pine Street and 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard on February 6, 2002; and WHEREAS, Rosemead's General Plan designates the subject property for Public Facilities uses; and WHEREAS, Rosemead's Zoning Map designates the site for C -3; Medium Commercial and R -2; Light Multiple Family Residential uses; and WHEREAS, Sections 17.116 and 17.120 of the Rosemead Municipal Code set forth procedures and requirements for zone changes and amendments; and WHEREAS, Section 17.112 set forth procedures and requirements for conditional use permits; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has an adopted General Plan, zoning ordinance, and map including specific development standards to control development; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Amendment 02 -01 would designate the subject property "Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial" allowing for the development of an industrial complex and mini - storage; and WHEREAS, Sections 17.116 and 17.124 of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorize the Planning Commission to consider and recommend- pr000sed_zone c to the City Council; and CITY COUNCIL AGENDA EXHIBIT C WHEREAS, on June 6, 2002, an initial study for the proposed zone change and general plan amendment was completed finding that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, a negative declaration was prepared; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2002, notices were posted in 10 public locations and 43 notices were sent to property owners within a 300 -foot radius from the subject property specifying the public comment period and the time and place for a public hearing pursuant to California Government Code Section 65091(a)(3); and WHEREAS, on August 5, 2002, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony relative to General Plan Amendment 02 -02, Zone Change 02 -215 and Conditional Use Permit 02 -863; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: Section 1 . The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that a Negative Declaration shall be adopted for General Plan Amendment 02 -01, Zone Change 02 -215, and Conditional Use Permit 02 -863. An initial study was completed to analyze potential environmental impacts pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study analyzes the potential environmental impacts that could be created from the proposed amendment. The study was sent to all responsible agencies, and noticed in 10 public locations, soliciting comments for a 30 -day period prior to the Planning Commission hearing. This study,found that there would be no potential significant environmental impacts. The initial study for General Plan Amendment 02 -01, Zone Change 02 -215 and Conditional Use Permit 02 -863 are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2 . The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that changing the land use designation to Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial and placing the property in the M -1: Light Manufacturing zone is in the best interest of the public necessity and general welfare, and good city planning practice dictates and supports the proposed zone change and general plan amendment. The change to the Planned Development Zone will provide a superior level of planning and protection to the quality and character of the proposed area. Section 3 . The Planning Commission FURTHER FINDS AND DETERMINES that Zone Change 02 -215 and Zone Change 02 -01 is consistent with the Rosemead General Plan as follows: A. Land Use General Plan Amendment 02 -01 consists of amending the existing land use designation from "Public Facilities" to "Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial ". This amendment will allow for this commercial/ industrial development to be compatible with the area designated as "Commercial ". PC Resolution No. 02-40 GPA 02 -02, ZC 02 -215, CUP 02 -863 Page 3 of B. Circulation: The development is located at San Gabriel Boulevard, a major arterial road. The design of the proposed development allows for adequate access and circulation. Access is provided on San Gabriel Boulevard as well as Pine Street and Fallingleaf Avenue. No significant increase in traffic is anticipated . C. Housing: Although the portion of this site to be developed as a mini - storage is currently zoned R -2; Light Multiple Residential, the proposed use will not deplete available land for housing. Because of the overhead electrical transmission lines throughout the right of way, Southern Calif. Edison will not allow habitable structures to be constructed underneath them. D. Resource Management: The Edison right of way that traverses the entire length of the City from north to south is one of the few open space areas with the City borders. However, this site, as well as most of the other Edison right of way sites throughout the City, is not accessible to families for recreational uses. It is generally a private business that locates beneath the power lines. In many cases this tenant is a wholesale nursery. The applicant has provided extensive landscaping on the proposed site and the project will not have any negative impacts on air or water quality in the City. E. Noise: This development will not generate any significant noise levels for the�surrounding area. An initial study was completed and its findings have determined that this development could not have a significant effect on the environment. F. Public Safety The Fire and Sheriff Departments have reviewed the proposed plans. The site is not in any special study zones. The entire City of Rosemead is free from any flood hazard designations. Section 4. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that the facts do exist to justify approving Conditional Use Permit 02 -863, according to the Criteria of Chapters 17.112.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed use so applied for will not, under circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working the neighborhood thereof: FINDING: The property owner plans to intensify the existing land with the construction of an industrial complex and mini - storage development. This site will be operated in PC Resolution No. 02-40 GPA 02 -02, ZC 02 -215, CUP 02 -863 Page 4 of 4 accordance with applicable City regulations, and is in conformity with the development in and around the project site. B. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed use so applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood; FINDING: An initial study was prepared for the proposed development to evaluate the potential for negative impacts to this site as a result of this project. No potential significant negative impacts were found and a Negative Declaration had been prepared. All tenants will be extensively reviewed by the Planning Department prior to occupancy. C. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed use so applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental or injurious to the general welfare of the City. FINDING: The proposed project is consistent with other developments on San Gabriel Boulevard and in the general vicinity of the subject property. The proposed development has been reviewed for negative impacts to noise, air, traffic, pollution, recreation, land use, etc., and was found to have no significant detrimental impacts. The proposed development is in conformance with the General Plan and Zoning regulations for that area. Section 5 . The Planning Commission HEREBY RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of Zone Change 02 -215, amending Rosemead Zoning map land use designation from C -3; "Medium Commercial" and R -2; "Light Multiple Family Residential" to M -1; "Light Manufacturing ", and approving General Plan Amendment 02 -01, amending the General Plan land use designation from "Public Facilities" to "Mixed Use: Industrial/ Commercial ", for property located at 2401 Pine Street and 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard, (APN: 5284- 006 - 800,- 802,- 803, -805, 5284 -012 -801), pending City Council approval. General Plan Amendment 02 -01 is approved subject to the conditions of approval in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 6 . This action shall become final and effective ten (10) days after this decision by the Planning Commission, unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided in Article IX - Planning and Zoning of the Rosemead Municipal Code. Section 7. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on August 5, 2002, by the following vote: YES: ALARCON, ORTIZ, BREEN, HERRERA, LOI NO: NONE PC Resolution No. 02-40 GPA 02 -02, ZC 02 -215, CUP 02 -863 Page 5 of 4 ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE Section S . The secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day of August, 2002. Due Loi, Chairman PC Resolution No. 02-40 GPA 02 -02, ZC 02 -215, CUP 02 -863 Page 6 of 4 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 19th day of August, 2002, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Bradford William Johnson, Secretary S E M F O ' St i f VON.IEV eport 120SEMEA6 PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION PROM: ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: JULY 15, 2002 SUBJECT: GENERAL1'LAN'AIVIENDMEN "1'02 -01 ZONE CHANGE 02 -215 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02 -863 Project Description Richard Meaglia of'Park Edison, LLC, has submitted applications to amend the General Plan land use designation from "Public Facilities' to "Mixed Use. Industrial/ Commercial" and to change the zoning From "R -2: Light Multi - Family Residential' and "C -3: Medium Commercial" to "NI -I: Light Manufacturing and Industrial ", for the development of a mini- storage and an industrial complex, located at 2401 Pine Street and 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard. Public Notice Notice of this public hearing, was published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on Monday, .tune 24, 2002. On June 20, 2002, 43 written notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The public notice for the proposed Negative Declaration has been forwarded to Los Angeles County Recorder foi'public notification on June 6, 2002. Environmental Ana An initial study was completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study reviews the potential environment impacts of the proposed project. This study has found that there are no potentially significant environmental impacts that could occur with the proposed General Plan Amendment 02 -01, Zone Change 02 -215 and Conditional Use Permit 02 -861 Therefore, a Draft Negative Declaration has been prepared. A copy of this initial study is provided as Exhibit C. Municipal Code Requirements Zone Chmige: Chapter 17.116 oGI e'Rdseniead M01ndiphl' Code 'sets fotth'tile procedures and requirements for zone change's and.ainendments. A zone change_ may be permitted whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or,good zoning practicejustifies such action. A zone Change nwst be found consistent with the Rosemead Geiieral Plan. General Plan Amendment: Section'65300 el seq of the California Government Code sets standards for each city to prepare, adbjit, an�'ai'ncr d "a com'prelichsive 'general "plain. This plan coordinates the long -term physical development':;oal5 and objcctibes'o "f tile city 'Government Code Sections 65860, 66473.5 and 66474 require that day -to -day development, decisions, such as zoning and land subdivisions should be consistent with the general plan. Conditional Use vei•inii: Section 17.1 12.020.018 of the Rosemead Municipal Code allows a mini - storage use in any zone upon the gra Conditional' Use Permit (CUP). Section 17.1 12.010 sets the following critet is that must be m • That the Conditional Use Permit applied for is authorized by the provisions ofthis title; and CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ROSEMEAD PLANNING ®EPART'fV1 _ N EXHIBIT A i(i.s Jq - 1 i is Tewarive Trac/Jhip 26557 .hare 17, 2002 Page, 2 of.S That ithe`gianting of such'Coliditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the established character of the surrounding neighborhood or be injurious to the property or improvements m's'ucli vicinity and zone In which the property is located; and + That'tile establishment, maiiitenance or conduci of the use for which the Conditional Use Permit is sought will not', under the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or 1 welfare of persons residing or working 'ill the neighborhood, and • That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City. Property History & Descri The subject site consists of five existing parcels.. The total area for all five parcels is 240,820 square feet in area (5.52 acres). A breakdown of each parcel area is as follows: Assessor Parcel'Number Area (square feel 5284- 006 -802 1,536 s.f 5281- 006 -800 44,520 s.f. 5284 -006 -803 48,160 s.f. 5284- 006 -805 36,990 s.f. 5284 - 0.12 -801 112,820 s. f. 2 -59 acres Southern California Edison owl'is tile Culire subject site. Most of the land is vacant with some portions occupied with nursery,tenants. "I'here are no pr'evirius entitlements or development records for iliis Site & SurroundinK Land Uses The General �Plan �land 'use designation, is presently ".Public Facilities" and is currently zoned "C -3: Medium Commercial ,, and R 2.±LIght MLilti � Family Resldu�itial" (2401 Pinc 5tr e'eQi I he applicant is proposing to change the present lTnd use deslgnation'to Use bidusthaI /Commercial" and'ilie "zoiiiiig to "M'I: 'Cight rMali i fa : 616iirigr : " "I'lie'site is siu :r66nd&I by the following''land rises:' 11 i I!!' I NortlF . ,, I ;,i' ,;!1 il'. ,, ?' di .'n t ;1;: General Plan: N1ixeil Use Industrial /Commercial; Medium Density Residential ,'..17oniii4 :; 10 ,C Mediu'ni�Conuneiclal R 2-:1�LigheMultr family" Residential: % ..l! 1 ;!Land Use.. cgliii»crcial,bLISinesses; residence, 1 'l iGcneral flan IMixed Usc -Industrial /Commercial; Medium Density, Residential, zoning: q Medium Commercial; R -2: Light Multi- Family Residential ,uind�Use`. conimercial: businesses; oflice;;auto sales; residence . t i ;.East*, 'General Plan Miscd Usc: I lidristrial /Coiiimcrcial;' Public Facilities' " ! C ? Nledluni Conmicrcral N'I I': Light Manufacturing 'l' La 'conui erclal businesses; cliur`ch, Jacant`Edison property 'Nest! G'eneral,Plaii: �Mediriiii DensityiResid'eritial''' zoning: R-2: Light Multi- Faliiily Residential Child Use: residence 1 Administrative' Comments & Analysts ' 'File applicant is proposing to aniend the existing General Plan land use designation from "Public Facilities" to "Mixed Use; Industrittl/ Commercial" and chime the zoning from "R -2; Light Multi - Faiiiily Residential" and "C -3' Mediririi Conumrcial" to "M -1: Light Manufacturing ". "I "he applicant :1 , I 1, "�P'i.. � �r4111 f� 1' li . 1 ;' 1. ,tit .. , ,. , .+ � .. •'`i.� 1. , � ,. I � is proposing to- develop a 95 700 ± foot mini- stotage'lacility and a 48;400+ square foot Industrial cohlplCX'OI1 the plop Cl l)! 1 + 1 I i .l } �i i, r IA �t ' �.I1 'f NN I, 1 Though there are no prospective tenants for the industrial complex at this time, once the buildings are ready for occupancy, the Planning Department will examine iilc'onling businesses extensively fdr their land uses and its conlpliance,witfi tile 'city 's zoning codes: The applicant has indicated that the project will be occupied by light manufacturing tenants'with a product display showroom at the front of the building and areas for, manufacturing and /or storage located behind the showroom. Environmental Review — An Initial Study has been prepared for the purpose of identifying and evaluating the potential environmental impacts that could occur as a result of changing the existing land use and zoning designations. It is the intent of this'einvironmental document to address, to t. tile extent foreseeable, the potential environtilelial iny)aets that could be expected to occur with this subdivision.• A copy of this study is provided Under Exhibit C. This initial study has been forwarded to various agencies for a 30 -clay review period in which they could review and comment on the project proposal. To date, there have been no conrtnents submitted by any reviewing agencies or Surrounding property owners. This environmental evaluation involves an intensive analysis of the proposed development's impacis on factors such as noise, traflic, water and air quality, and geological resources. Based on this review, staff has determined that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. Parkink & Circulation — 'file applicant proposes to provide 83 parking spaces for the industrial complex and 32 spaces for the mini - storage development. The parking calculation for the industrial complex is provided in the following table: L ild Use Parking Calcul Ilion Requuect Number of Parking Storage /Warehouse ; ;., 128 SF/ 1000 SF 28.4_ spaces nu Manufacturing/ '20 000 SI / 400 Sf•„ J _ 50 spaces. ; . t, { , , showroom y 1 S?F Ili • %o t "• .4 , ", I x 1. , tip. I,o t'lI Re�lmred No.lO( Pal - nig' 79 spaces IProvlded.No..Of P u tun �' ,, 1 183:s l u cs ,. Il r`r:. i i'. `i It .i. CIA il`✓ "l P li i ,I• Each individual building in'the industrial complex has a floorq)lan that is comprised of manufacturing/ Ishowrobnil space , and =warehOLI Se " sp arc: - iil he, hreakdown iniiividual building is:as follows: , Building B- 1: '�3 .. Warehouse 10,000!s l: ' `,I .I Building 13-2: Manufactu[ing - 4;000 s f: . Warehouse- 7 'r l' f' I' I. +i'•: d r Building 11 -3: Manufactuiing— ,3;000 s,f Warehouse f8,000"s f. Illi 1 I II,. ,ii Building B-4: Nlamtfactuluig ,6`000 sT, l i `,, I;'1, ;1• .:,Warehouse- '8,000.s >E „! a Total: :: Manufacturing= 20,000's:C f =: i''iii.`.pf Warehouse — !281400 s,f. "rile number of parking spaces provided fix the mini- storage is more than sufficient for this type of businessas most of the paiking'is usuially in the aisle ways ,ii; front of the individual units. Vehicles drive ill); to tile, storage unitsi for loading and storing. Imfact in 1997, the Planning Commission approved a similar project, (Planned Development Review 97 -01, General Plan Amendment 97 -01, Zone Change 97 -204), involving.the development of a 105 foot mini- storage and a small 742 +square footoffice wAli eleven (1 1) parking spaces. General Plan Atriendnlent 02 -01 and Zone Change 02 -215 will result in potential less- than - significant ., .kit 1i 1 X. 1 ' � 1� i. I, ol�r 1•� _ .. • 1 .I. • ��4i Y!. 'ikl 1�• . i�lA� .I`i I .!i' : .:. . i 1 impacts to traffic and ; transportalign,due -to the intensification of the land use. Such a use will result in an increase in vehicle a aff is deriving from the occupants of the industrial complex and users of the ,proposed mini- storage. 1 low6 mini storage facilities do not create large demands Cur parking and ininitiially impact traffic to the surrounding streets and freeways. Additionally„ the applicant has designed the project to providc,access, t}rrning radiuS,, -and loading space for larger commercial vehicles and reduce potential hazards that !fray be associated with the,development of an industrial .. — , complex. The main entrance to the industrial complex will be off San Gabriel Boulevard, which provides access to tile' 'all Bernardino Freeway it lighway I0)`'and to the neighboring cities. A twenty -six foot wide driveway provides access down thc.lengfh of the property and ends with a secondary access to Pine Street. The mini - storage development, will have access located on'Pine Street with emergency access off Falling Leaf Avenue. ' San Gabriel Boulevard is a major arterial road with freeway access. Pine Street and Falling Leaf Aventine are local streets. South of the project area is Graves Avenue, a secondary arterial road. North of' the project area is Garvey Avenue, a major arterial road. These major roadways are conifiatible with tile land use pattern aiid intensity of the proposed project thus becoming an asset to fuf6re'developmeriCin this area " Site /Floor Plan — There hill be four new buildings consutrcted as part of the industrial complex. The total bbilding' area for all four lb rildiii�s' will lie 1 45;400 squa e' lect, I Of the lolal's(16are footage, •i!7,000 squate'fect!will be uSed'loj'nidusuial / nranufacturu1g,usesr'�'rid 31,400 si�uare feet:vvill be occupied for wa!ehouse;irScs { ' ! As inHrcalcd;on thesife plan Biiilchng 13 -I' will have a total'aiea:of '1'0,500 square feet! `.136,ildmg r3l2 - v!II c { onsist`of 17,000 squaic•fccf,7builchrg l3' have 9,700 square; Feet" and building B, -4l * i' vill- liave , .t6;206,sgriaYe;feet!ofiarea.' `Each individUal birildini in't'he 'complex wilUhouse one'tenant k Flie nunr -'sfoi a e, located t o the'r e�r;of the industrial complex, will consist of twolb6ildings.a'nd have 'a total i f95';700'sgtiare' "feet ofbuilding area. The total first floor square, footage' for-the niini= stora,e'is156,300square•feeit The' secondi0oor will have 39 ,4001square feet ;There•will.be a total of ,62'sCura e'auiitS , !Tlieiufirt &waryrjn vze;itlie smalle'stf Bing 5 feet by 5 feet and largest being 10 feel by 30 feeC I Each of;the cix''buildings ranges in height from 10 to 22 5.feeG jfhe fing,is in'coiiformaiice with Chaliter 17:12.290 of the Rosemead Municipal .Code •outlining variable` height requirements'l;for commercial and industrial projects abutting residential zones..,Total,lot!covcragc for the industriaLcomplez is 37 %and total lot coverage for,the mmi- storage dcvelopmentis,5,0 i t Elevations - The exteriors of the pi oposecl'cofnmercial /nufirsu complex buildings will consist of a mix t of split faced ail(] scored concrete block in neutral '['ail and Buckskin colors. Tan split faced concrete block \Vill h!ahlight the storefronts while scored concrete.block will makeup the remaining part �ofthe buildi,n>; & fac ?de I hC proposed development wdl`reflcc1 a contemporary design featuring anodized alumunmi slorefionls wit'li onze tinted glass, stirccoiform foam detail along the roof m Brown, and a 16 foot high 'split faced, scored concrete block accent band around the entire exterior of the buildings ill BUcksk!n. 'file emiance to the mini- storage on-Pine Street will have eight -foot high ,w� ought iion gates. The exteriors of the mini - storage will also feature anodized aluminum storefronts with dark bronze tinted �jass`in fiontof Tan concrete block. The mini- storage will also have a standing rib metal roof Ill BUrt'luldy and a split faced,,scored concrete block accent band in Buckskin oil the, interior elevations. i Color presentation be provided on the day of the meeting `I La'ndscao - As shown on the site aiid plan& (Exhibit, B), the applicant proposes to provide,adequate the enlire New 24, -inch and 49 -inch box trees, s6ch as Japanese'l31ueberry, Camphor, Date Patin, andi.lacaranda Mimosifolia will be planted. California Fescue ground covei'will lie provided at the San Gabriel Boulevard, Pine Street, and Falling Leaf Averide street fronts. A condition has been added as to ensure that the landscape areas will be maintained on a rCeUIar basis (Conditi6h No.' 12) Sims - Sign areas are called out on the elevations in Exhibit 13. However, these areas are not specific and only sl16\v where any future signage'may be located. Since the plan does not provide in detail what is proposed for each sign and because firture tenants are unknown, staff is recommending that the entire industrial.complex submit a sign plan that dictates a uniform design style reflecting the architecture oft lie buildings. It ji . I ccommended that a comprehensive sign plan be submitted to the I Ili II'I .; 1. ', ,.t' i ni - 'l iii ,- r. t. � •. I - Pla(m ill g Director fix review and appro prior to the final inspection and approval ofthe buildings. This proposed de\elopmenl gout( create jiosrtive'a`nd economic impacts to the city both in terms of improved structures and tax base,' as well,.asjob creation �; C'Mects on the environment have been thoroughly examined in respect toithe implementatioi of the project from beginning to the future. Staff feels that the construction of these aesthetically pleasing buildings and the addition of site �improve vastly improve, the subject property.' This new development will be consistent with the existing commercial and iridtistrial rises ill the surrounding area and will likely influence similar developments in the city. The proposed develojnnent will promote economic growth in the City. VI. 11 E CO M IVI E N DATI 0 N Staff reconimerids that the Planning Coliutiission " 1. APPROVE . General Plait Aitient:66ent 02 -01: Zone Change 02 -215, Conditional Use Permit 02- 863 ,`subject to the 6011clitions outlined in Exhibit "A ". 2. i ADOPT a Ne isatiLe Declaiation for General Plan An cndntent 02 -01 and Zone Change 02- .�' 215 „{ ltr , nct r'Sf �I( i r t: 3:,' Recom mend Cit'y'Coul'applov al of Gencra'I PIaNAnic dment :02 -01 changing the I'and'use' designation f1 0hi'Publlc Ncdltres to Mixed Use hldust'iial/ Commercial; aiul li..i' ,. r.! r'I JI,,. Ir>, t4 ... {R I' 1 rl..r ail +r 1 7 ; r t t o ..� 1 1!'N 4. Make the fiadlais redunccl undel Section 17.116 of theRoeeriicad Municilial Code in'order :r �. (:jj .ILL': .,• il. .� li• , -I., ,, ,1 {.. 1 to recommend . Cit} Council approval of Z , 'one'Clianae 02 -215 changing`'thc zoning t, deslgnauoll loci R I anuly Resulentlal' and C 3 Medunn Com�mciclal li g it j +{ I I. I I J 1r •I w i f ; ul{ a ,i JI �t It ll t� \hibltg ' t ,..•'� ..t. .4iFd, lltil A. rCondilii,nsiil�Ap`pi�bval B l,;I slle/P.loin/likvanuli'Pllm _ i.': iW : :u': t;: L,I I,,r •, ��I.,I ... c,, :,�. ' L, 91' .. .Initial Sllidy r , D. s Zoning Map,. �.. F. General Plan `Mall F . -' Assesssol's Pheel Mtip - G. i; Applicaliunt Gebt;i. -A- 6'2111121. t : t I ;tit S., uij; ilid r P. ul r '.1 I , I' + .t t I i §! t t f u f'1 v I r r I t + 1 tr ;, , 1,,• ,> EXHIBIT ..A.+ ' GENERAL PLAN AD1ENIMENT 02 -0J ZONE CIIAN 02 -215 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02 -863 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard/ 2,401 Pine Street CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Jul 15, 2002 1. Conditional Use Permit. 02- 863',:General Plan Amendnient02 -01, and Zone Change 02 -215 are; approved to amend 'the land ,use' designation from "Public Facilities" to "Mixed Use- Industrial/Commercial" and change the zone from ",R Light Multi - Family Residential" and G- 3':iMedimn Conmmercial ,lto ` M', -1:' -Light Manufacturing"Jor the development of a mini - I. sto� rh n t} and a {ndustr pal c rage, fa omplex to be.dcveloped in accordance with the plan marked Lxhibrts B g id `. C and submrttcd;color ed elevations t andicolor and material Sample boards: { 'll IN : IJ "h I '. "' i iAnyr'evisior>sltd the�rppcoved plaiIs'nwst.be resu6nuited forlievrew and.approvad +y !be I'larinin�De�ai `' r ' r lr t l -'1 I' h I'.r, 1, r I if +. 2 II Approval shiWiiot take efTe�t for an} purpose unti l the!applrcanthas filed }vith the City of r Rosemead an 4l'id it tatrjig 1116 e aware ofand accept all of the conditions set forth m the letter of approval aril this Irst of conditions ' "' 3� h 1 i , be applicant shall,coIII 1 vlth all T•;ederal Stale an 1 Iocal. laws relative to the approved use including the cquuenrcnls,o(�thc,Planning, l3uilchng • Pire.TShcriffand Health Departments. 4 131 - ildingipenmits Will 116t,he issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees, anti all other applicable fees are paid iii, ill. ,,, ,'�' �•., ;.. iii Ili;iI ; i _ : . 5. , ' Prior to,,rssua ofbuilci permits, all fees payable, under State Law shall be paid 1 • .':� t p ;; ,'. t ti'.'1 , +:, V. .. .� I iJ I is ( .• ,,.. 1 6. ; j ,1 he hours ofc6nstuc6on:;shal1.b&Iinuted from 7,a mf;to 8, li m. Monday -,.Saturday. No co isti :uUron. shall take placeOWSundays or•on any:]egal.holidays wilhout,prior approval by ,r: .7. ;, 'Planning.staffshall have access to, the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 8. The conditions listed, on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly on to development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 9. Occupancy will not be granted until all improvements required by this approval have been completed; inspected, and�a`lipioved by the appropriate department(s). 10. ' 'Driveways and parking ,refs shall be Sul (aced and improved with Portland concrete cement as shown on Exhibit 13 and:thereafter maintained in good serviceable condition. 1 I . Prior to issuance of Building pe'rinits, a IIandscapc'aiio' irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department lot'rcvic\v, reflecting preliitniriary approval of landscape /site plan, commonly referred to as'Exhibit'B.' I lrrigation plan 'shall include automatic timers and moisture sensors. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed and completed priorto final Planning Department approval' 1'2. A permanent maintenance of all landscaping shall be provided insuring regular ' urrgation ferllhiation and pecd abatement. r ,, . , „ 13. the aijplicant'shall subnul;;a sign progrvn for the lijoli•osed developiiient, showii"i" both individual slenage' and monument signs, to the 'Planning Director for review mid approval. ,. 'k ISi bnrttaI of thissign M, prof ram must be pilor - fin al i tb al tn.q*& t6on and approv of the site a I r l'u,i�� Ir I I', Pl f f,l. I I ' '( i � I I 1 !�.N,�� +, � � .. + I Ir I• .I .r , t,.�+ , + r. F 1' {1 ''.+'b i �.• ll �. .( `• ' (it + Ir: ' , .'• le. It �. , Lt �11t I f +71 I i�11 t5 p: I I i , , �. • f , Li + IIt� ,u'1 , , „ ,.... ry I•L •o - r7 ++'vrLy. +Fp� I. I i , •YI rlf+ u+ , ,.� :, ., p,. _, _ L; ; W lit 14. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, hre'valvcs, A/C condensers, furnaces and other e(luipment) shall be located away front pbbhc blew or ade�luately screened by landscajiiiig of screening walls so as not to be seek frOitl the public'iigbt -of -way. Said sciecnnlg'shall be approved by the Director of Planning before installation'. 15. No portion of the lot, outside ol' the building, shall be used for storage of any type, unless designated and ajtiiroved':by,tfie Direciiir oCPlaiuiing. Al(ti ash and debris shall be contained within'approyed trash e ; •�, , 16. There'sh,all lbe'!16;oulstdc!e,torage 6fveilicies 'vehide 'equipment or trailers.. All trash Il and debgis shall:be contained wrthm�a,lr'ash eiiclosure'�'� .( " t lSfl�,!Ilh��r� -:.r 'tl 'lit ° 1i li + i •:: ,: I :. l ,t `, t ! f ' Eti; 17 +', All _ roof,'toplappur�emnccs end +equtj�ment� °sha be screened fi'om v{ew,fo the satisfaction of the Planuutg•Departrienl ' y•' 7 't' t 18. Lhe properlti sliall,be graded to dr�ut to the slreetl but'in no.case shallsuch drain ag be allowed ,to ehcct ,floty au,oss suIewall:,' A vrading,,ind /or drainage:,plari shall; be prepared;, submttlerl ' I31,iildtng"Ol and 9ticli grading and drainage I n shallttake 1 place accordance \\ith''such approved plan , ! I •t 1 , y:.x 711 + 'o'�I 1 lriti 'l'(i tell l �..{. 19 The nuritbers Of tile add{ess s!er>c Sh�lhbc �t lust 4 s tall writ a nininwm eb.r,acter of „1.1 : ll •t 1/4 cont iastuiv ii c oloi and e nstly visible at driver s.level fiom -tfie street. Materials, colors, "locations and size of 5ddi'm n!imber s shall be , approved by the Director,of Planning prior totntstaNii t , 20 7 W!n(low sigiiagc area shaII to a matimum�of of.the, window.and door area. i , t t t., Applic ant reiilove tIlat,signage which exceeds the. % coverage area. ; . ,. , .t t,l.•,, ' ';'': ' { I ��.:, 1n - l r ,,,. ! 'al i xtt l; � - r -. . , ., , ,,, 21: l Applicant ehall a I),ubbe, ivoi pernut, ,all w,otk' or adlace.nb,tq the public �� i{ght -of py y i t ri i is t. 22. Applicant, shall: install: and complete all necessary public improvements, including bill not Iunricd,to curbs, gutters. sidewalks, handicap ramps, and storm drains, along file entire street frontage of (he developincnt site as required by the Director of Planning. 23, All utilities shall be placed underground including facilitie -and wires for the supply and, distribution ofelecti ical energy,'tclephone, cable television etc. The underground conversion of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning, , „ ..; 24. Alb requirements of the Building and Safety Department and Planning Department shall be complied with prior'to the, find app! ovalof the proposed construction. 29. All trash, rubbish, and gaibage receplacles'shall be "regularly cleaned, inspected, and maintained nn a clean, " safe, and saiutary condition.` "' 30. Tlie Site shall be maintvnei er�,lliti -free state. Any'hew gralliti shall be removed within twenty -foui (24) hours. A'24' -hour, Graffiti 1 folliite' can be called at (626) 307 -0463 for assistance;.! !'" 31. The site shall lie maintained �iii`a cle n 'weed and litter. free state in accordance with Sections Il. 8.32 010 $' ,2 040t'of the, Rosenne id Municipal Code, which pertains to' the storage, accunwlation; c0lecton; aiid' disptScal tnf'garbage,'rubhish, trash, and debris. All trash containers, shall be sto!ed urthe aplitoprtatc flash enclosure al all times , 7 1 F ll i, ) w ii } i , r 1 - , 3 P 32 Adcquatcligl tutg sh�{ll be p! oG rn tGc vch{cic kmg , 'A , detailed h Flit ing;plan shall be subnnited to the t uig �o! Ire { v�re�� and approt al ,'All exterror lighting shall ; be dncUed away font ad�� ent,p!ojicttjes and shielded +on:all sides S " t 33 .1 rThe par area ,;n)e sllall and repainted herrodicafly ! i Ir i' .� lit ,1, , '��,I!`d � {,� i 71 if ,1 t ,7e l t• ( r l '�, t, ill' ;� +il; .. ,.., City staiidards!to the saUcfaction'of the Planning Departinclit. In accoidaiicc with Chapter 77.84,oGtlie Rosemead M'uiuCij aMlCod'e, aIFdesigna ,le,dlparking' veil ues'shall:be striped. !Such Striping shall be inaupthmcdiin`a cicar,'visible and orderly manner. 34— ; ,Pursuant to iCaliloi:nia iV 1§i'222�, 1,8 'at :lcast,two� (2)- ipeicent:`o'C the nated , (pr lia �+ 4 cap ;, �sgace -, Ir, requn ed parki sh l� A letter by tfie pl operty shall 6e:.given totlie cltj a61H h7 n' 6Ilforccinent+ ;f i 1 t •' L' + nq, j {• 35. ; i ll I he numbers of t addlessjsigns.shallibe,at leas) six (6) i iches' a miniinunr.characier width.of /a mchcs'conu astutg I ucoloi and visible at41i rvci street level. 'hhe location, color, land size of such signs shall b'esublect toahe ylamiing diFectoi S appio'val Ailn.j+ g7dt44i•'J +I��,�i: 1{ ) o ,.� , 36. The parking space + mar t -eis Including double Mirpmg wheel stops, and handicapped, - -shall be repaiiited•periodic all ylto!crti staiularrcis and to the Satisfaction ofthe plaiinin de parliipent. (Pit! + . - g l . 37. ; :, 7 he ap�ilicvit shall keepdhc�elecu ical aif niecliantcaliequil ineiit and /or �em enc crgy ency exits free +° '' 1.I Ii n , 'I. of nyrdebr is storage hir uture "etc and maintain a iininlu n clearance of five (5) feet: 38. ' No R V. or othenOilISide vehicle Storage shall be a with either facility, sl, N.' 39. Triof to issuance'.of peinuts; a'p all /fenciipg plate Shall, be sulmritted , vhiclishall inchide the lutstallalion of decorative bhck waIIS'whcre deemed apliropilate�lhioughout the peiingeler fl propeity,lineG1,'r ti I+ lj�t wo,l i p•;,L hl a, ie 1 w'. Y 9US,' F ',. 40. In the event that the opciation of any part of these facilities should result in annoyance or u`yury,to adhcenl' piopei (y owners, the'co iditioins niay be modified if, afl'cra duly advertised pt'I iZ icanng by the Planning Commission such m6dification is deemed appropriate in order to elinpinate`or reduce the 'uinoyai4ce or complaints. �i 41. 7 he'ho '' 'I 'operauoii for rtes mini self storage Cacilityshall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily.,, , 42. 'All roof npounted I -I VAC and other mechanical ed'uipnpenl shall be screened. 43. No guard, dogs may be used on tile, p - Cniises for security. :. 44. No public auctions or yaid sales `iiiay b held on the premises. , + , 45. Storage of•ezplosive chemicals, flan of hazardous materials emitting obnoxious odors is prohibited within the mini - storage facility spaces. I .. 46. There shall be no residential occirpaiicy uses within either the mini - storage or industrial complex: 47. No mini ,storage slpaces sliall'beliented to ban'ds'that i�ilLulilizc npusical instruments oil site it for p,actice sessions or any;othcl venue �' 'JII {i�, 'ip'is1, i.. 'tl;➢ , gl.�1t� d', 48: Violatioii�of the •I conditions of appioval'.ma} result ut citation :, ihd /or initiation of revocation proceeding 1,4t V IA, II: q ' Ali , Flt i't/ Ili {� li Its ri qr+ l - I Jtr ,i t 1 I r t'y!,I 1 ✓i 1 .,. 1. ..-, it %,l It..�l fhpl"jgyl �.•'. .'� + + a '. "(, rd r. {.I'+ L n ir•� rl,•I1 ,I, )I fj 4 t ir, I ,q':I 1 : li. rJ 1 i { 1 it 14IYI'j ,, i•I I i '1. 4 , 'I ' I ,17 1 f i I L I ' , I ti t��1VI�I,iIi It IJ7 , �t ii�IJ 1 l i t I, I t, r1 1 ' �J•al s+ ,tli l ,f `alt I,ii..'1 { lJ I + 4 { 1 1 t t ri 7 I I �I fee 1 <j1..z r .;I , I7' +" _ ✓i i �Fi I �{ , . i p} � ,1, , ' + •..161 , ,. ,� i , .rat . r . : s . - - .. I 1 I I J ' I + I I I I i II ir�'' 4 I I ;. I I 1� s n •i it lt'.'I 11 i .. n l of , ' r t i ♦ i Y 1 t 1 !i. i ll '. i ,.'I, i .,, El' and South FI Monteon the °east. 1he'cityilstc:a square miles or acres in size. Rosemead is home to a Iaesidenl popul of approxun rlely 128 peopled h 1 , • 1 1 fa I ` ' IrFI 1 r J! r, r r J - � ENN TQRAT ,,,' �, 14 1 Fa k` Y'�1ht -b YI :I 1 ' � ,. i t; J.I.I „I�N1'e;u I l � �' 1. �,, I 1'rojecl title: l ,,,�:1•; .i G eneral-Pl:ni Amendment 02 -01 d 'ati' I t.tl tit. id , i i d , :ie . ; Zont +Change 02 -215 y •rl �'•j � ( ji �'� t ,i t' 2., I an Lead I nge nct nam e d address , Y I Cit of Rosemead U t , fi i it 8839 East Valley'Blid i I Rosemead, CA 91770 t I + I 1 IK,A Y1 A 1 Ii Y it 1.• r F �.t, 1 , .�i 3. f:� 1 -ti 1 •,I 'I Contact person and Itltor(e no ,. o l l' Juinlfer Vdlnseiror, AssustaiifPlanncr ' I hiitungibcpartmcnt '!r� �i (62 { 5.6.9, 21'40 .�. l ' till rr•tt rl. ! i9 . "ICI I'.' i , 4. Project location: , I 1 2 Pine Street " C 244I7,'San Gabriel Boulevard; E'XHIIT' I , I l t ,i ti City liRoscmead . Count LOS Angeles .,bf 5: 'Project sponsors name aIil tddr ess: Ric 1 caglia% Park Ldisoii 11. L.C. j ut 1 „ , •, I 688 W. Foothill Boulevard 1, 0 1, i Monrovia, CA 91016 l ll t� ' � 6. General plan designation: PublicTacililies 7. Zoning: R -2; Light Multi- Family Residential Zone C -3; Medium Conunercial Zone 8. 1 Descrilitian of: project. ¢(Describe (lie, whole f action involved, including lint not limited to later phases of the project, and any secondary, support, or off -site features necessary for its in lilenien(alion. Atlach:aildilional sheets if neces`sar'y.), This, is a general plaii','aiireodment,to change rbe existing land use designation of "Public Facilities” to "Mixed' Use:' In duslrial/ Conunercial', and a -zone change to change the existing i zoning district. of "R -2:, Light Multi - Family Residential Zone" and "C -3: Medium Commercial Zone" to "M -I: Light 'Manulacturiiig Zone for. the development of a mini- storage and commercial/ industrial. complex on. the subject prolierty. The proposed General flan Amendment and Zone Change are riecessaq�lfor the effective!redevelopmcot of the area and will improve the physical all il economic conditions of thelezisling area. 9. Surrounding land uses setting. (Briefly describe the project's surroundings) The City of Rosemead is in urban suburb located in the San Gabriel Valley, 10 miles east of the City of Los Angeles. bounded on the north by the cities of Temple Cit and San Gabriel, on ,lt,rs the )vest , South 4 San Gpbiiel 6n the south'bv plus bit It El' and South FI Monteon the °east. 1he'cityilstc:a square miles or acres in size. Rosemead is home to a Iaesidenl popul of approxun rlely 128 peopled 1 , • 1 1 fa I ` ' IrFI 1 r J! r, r r J - � �, 14 1 Fa k` Y'�1ht -b YI :I 1 ' E r('_i ' tl " I tt 1 i,. • �li�.b: d 'ati' �( . ".i; , "4.1 .114 ; {1 I w 1 1 II �{ } ..1 , ' � ,` , �'{ I " r'`jl t4 �rf, • 1 1 . : _ Ft i � l ' till rr•tt rl. ! i9 . "ICI I'.' i , " C E'XHIIT' j ut 1 „ , •, ” 1, 0 1, l ll t� ' � t ti v ,tS of { S 4 4 u • `1 I :1 I ,rt, �'ikr, � ,tr,+ t ` F$ t , 1,' a 1,',. ; { r� 10::. Other Agencies!NJrose aphni"os aLis i e.quired pei,niinits, financing appros�al, or particgt ,itnon agreement)., I ' ji; 1 1 Apliroi al b}' other agencies, is not required as jiart of tlitsl rinendinent. t: i ENVIRONMENTAL I'ACI ORS I OTLN T IALLY AFFECTED The I em iroimienlal factors checked below \votild be i one impact that is a `.`Potent i illy Significant Impact as a r ❑ ;'esthetes t .. 13iologicaf Resour c ❑ ilaz rds &Hazaidori's'Aiiierials I ❑ :Mineral Resources :-'j•G,: ❑ Rl6h Se vices ;iy'rI i, 1 cl Utilities /Sel 'ice systerlis ❑ Agriculture Resources El:'Culiiu'al Resources 0 , Hydrology /Water Quality iffect,by' this project; involving at least Iherchecklist on the following pages. a .. ❑ Noise b 'Rccrcation' � `h' Mmidator }' findings of ti.. q• _I. ,.t S ign i frcance ❑i'A'ir Quality Ll Geologp /Soils ❑ Land use % Planning „❑ Population / Housing ❑ ;' : Transportation / Traffic DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: , 171 1 find that.the proposed prolec( COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ 1' find ,thal although the ;j roposed'lxojcct'could.haye a significant effect on the environment, there will not.hc a significant effect in;this;caselbccause revisions in [hc project have been made by or agreed: to by the project 1;,i onent.. A MITIGATED NLGATIVL DECLARATION, will be L' Find that the pioposed,prgject, NIA' , have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ 1 find Ili the proposed project may have a "potentially significant impact` or "potentially significant unless mitigate impac(,on, the cnironment, bill at least one effect 1) has been adequately analvzed in all earlier.docimrent, pursuant to applicable legal, standards, and 2) has been addressed. by mitigaiionF oicasuires -basal on the, earlier analysis as. described on .attached sheets: An MPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze, only the effects remain to be addressed.,, ❑t I fin8tthat although the project could brie a significant effect on the environment, ., u i I i t I a I ( bi, i , zh ' i n r because alllpotenuallti sugifiilcnnt clfccts (a) Iiaic�Ueeii�mualyzcd adequately ^,-an earlier E1R or �t NI \sL'DLCL ajijihe2�le`StSndards, and (b) avoided or ; pursuant to'that'elnlrertEllZ or NEGATIVE DECI,AiZAfION,`including revision or mitigation measures that are unl)osed upon the proposed;project,atothmg fiuitlicr is required. , i t ' 1 ' I:1 s i , r a . r .. - i .t •� +{ � .. I 1 . 1: <• ' i li - .. .. i i •r t Ili l i.. "f'l .. ,.• i I iq n il 4:��, `'yr, ,; { .:. ii �tl { , t o il, 9 I I i ,.:,• ,1;1ti, : r" t�.ry •n i.' urn. ;':,if. - 'i n, :r. „s_ t• ? y. u,.! I f ir :5 ltt'I I. bi ii I )"rl� : 00 Si e rc <. l ;:. Date I i t Printed Name. EVALUATION OF ENNARONAIENTAL IMPACTS I. A brief explanation is required. Cor.,all answers except `No Impact" answers that are adequately supported „hy the,infonmtion sources a lead agency cites' in; the parentheses following each question. A �No,lmpact. answer is adequatelvsupported:if the leferenccd•information sources show that the impact siniplY does'not api)ly, projects like the one unolvcd (e.g, the project falls outside a fault rupture zolie) , A "No Impact' answer should be explained where it is based on project- specific factors as well as,gencial standards (e.g., the project will not czpose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a'projecl- specific screening analysis). 2. All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off -site as well as on -site, cumulative as well as project - level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3. Once'the lead•agenc) has' determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate '.whether 'the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with nlitigation, less' than significant. ' "Potentialh Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial' &idcnce that ail' effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Sigluficant' impact" 'entries when th> determination is made, an EIR is required. ' 4. ` Declaration: Uss', Than Significant Witli ' Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporaiioti of mitigation' neasuresthas'reduced ' an effect front ' "Potentially Significant' Impact' to a "Less'Thait Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly e.�plain hoiv, they reduce the effect 'to a less than sigiliGcant level (mitigation ftam Section XVI1, "•1-ai lier AnMy es ", may be cross - referenced). 5. L'arlier analti4is liiay be used where', pursuant to the tiering, program EiR or other CEQA process, an effect has 'been l adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c) (3) (D). Eai tier analyses are discrissed in'Secti6n' 17 at the e nd'of the checklist. 6. 'I eadlagetices ve encoutieeihtolttico {jliira {illo the chccklist'iefercl'ices to information sources for potcntiallimpacts (egg gen'er'al phns;'- zoning ordinances) Refefence to a previously' prepared or outside �'8ohun ent•should 'Ndlie"re'app ropriate, include ,a reference to the page or pages where the StalenlClll IS SUbSLan1111Cd , . 7. Suppolung�btfcrrmatlon`Sources A'sodrec list should be'.attachcd, and other sour cs tiscd or r ., 1 3 ndtvld{ials contacted should he:crted m the discussion :I q;I tie' iCM1 �, a:.: {' t� t:Yt l�Vlf r,it ?. : S' —•._„ 8. "I his is oid'v a suggesfcd fonn;'mld lead agencies are free to use diffcrcn['ones 11 I i tt T i t ' t I'. , t it �i t:,i,l li •s ItD ''fit. L.Y. ,.` ,. IIJ I , ' `..l .' ,):. �: 'j' :I ; +', •. , �At to �.: .. n � y'I, i li - ' I f IU`Ij � I' - ;. •;. t I ! '' f t : , fin' , .: k '14, ••I i r 1 II 1I I I f 9.. 1 analysis of,cacll issue shqoki,Idqjitifv: the sigmtical; e c'jiteria or threshold used to miluate each questi on, and (b), the mitigation measure iciclitificid,,' if, any. to reduce the impact to less than ; sigriifi Cant. �g, T 1I I T Q 1 it t Illy^ I it I it it 1I I : lit : SECTION'.IWO ►N'I'RODUC i ION, ,' z`ir Purti The City of Rosemead has prepared this Initial Study for the purpose of identifi'ing and evaluating the :potential environmental impacts that could occur as a result of changing the existing land use and zoning designations. It is the intent of this environmental document to address, to the extent foreseeable, the potential environmental impacts that could be expected to occur with this zone change. r In addition, this evaluation will serve to determine the level of environmental analysis required to adequately'piepare and adopt a,Negative Declaration; and will provide the basis for input from members of the public and public agencies. Pursuant to Sections 15050, 15051, and 15367 of the State CEQA'Guidelines, tlie: City of Rosemead is'the Lead Agency in the preparation of this Initial Study, and any additional, environmental documentation required for the project. 'File remainder of this section provides' the `characteristics of, the proposed project and a description of the prgjecC location. Section "rbree of this initial study includes an environmental checklist that gives an ovm6ew,.of,the, potential impacts to the environment that may result from project implementation, `.'Section 'Pour elaborates on the information contained in the environmental checklist, providing justification for the responses provided in the environmental checklist. it s# 4 Protect Sutiunary ;; t 41; w fit,,.. ,• The City of ltosetneail proposes to •fiirtlier promote ph} sical and economic rehabilitation of the project location by cfi ng existipg� land use designa,tion Fcreililies to Mixed Use: IIiduViiiCIII Comureierul astpi!Gof GenecallPlan Am6iidiile'nt 02 -01 and by changing the existing zonm S district from 1-ti IiiplLlulii I rnn /p 12esidenhnl 7_one' and .0 3' A9eclnnn Connnercicrl Zone to! 7vI'1 t1 ighl iA9ami ;C' krimg "Zone - a's 1parta of Zone' Change 02 -215 r General Plan Ainendmei t:02'01` an Zone Change, 02 =21,5, have been1pr'6pbsed allow foi'tile development of a' mini - storage antic' it 111 cialPindustrial complex.; li ; ' = + •' ` ' The' properties ul this ptote6 area are vacant,' leaving them'vulnerable to deterioration and exposure to' llliglited ; conditidiis..Despiie'tliis, the' 1) rolect.are'a is centrally located as to encourage more commercial growth to "the'area. Redevelopniek,oPthis project area will benefit existing businesses by promoting dey61opmenr compatible in *scale and design for a revitalized business district. o ect Location q Pr � , + .. I { !r I. t t r General ]']an Amendment 02 -01' and Zone Chai{ge'.02 -215 ryill involve the properties located at 2447 San Gabriel Boulevard and''2401 Pine Street. The project area lies in the southNyest area of the City. _Garvey Avenue, north of the project area is a major arterial road. San Gabriel Boulevard, east of the project area is a major arterial road with freeway; access to the San Bernardino% Interstate.,10 Freeway. South of the project area is Graves Avenue, a secondary arterial road. These major roadways are compatible with the land use pattern and intensity of the, proposed general plan amendment and zone change thus becoming an asset to future development in this area. i t , r r t i L• � Irl s, t � t1 i , I r r ILi' {' C t�7ltir 1I .'1115 1 I� fAI t y l 4K ¢ ti.'t�` it jh -I'1l17� y t n17' "I) I'tIl T11:1't�tl t 1. �4. d' !'l ' i }�It tet- al ) a t�r �1, p r I i n r,lll {' dF'I1,' �t { 1 , .. '' 7�: ... 1 , �:, •, r, I ( / V1 r „r h it r {itit ,rf .�. t'• - , � I :,li I - 'ii ' t Jn171a1.Slfl(h' r General Flan Amendmew 02 -01 Zane.Change 02 -215rr i t r r r SECTION TI:IREE tiVA LUA7'ION,O1?, I'NN7LI20NAIENTAL JAI PACT Less Than ' Potcntiallr Significant Less Than i .. ' - - Significant With Mitigation Significant No ISSUES Impact Incorporation Impact Impact 1) AESTHETICS. Would the project " a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ❑ ❑ ❑ Q it b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock ' outcropping, and historic buildings within ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 astate scenic highway? c) Substantiall degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site,and its El 0 surroundings? };' :!.' l_ d) Create a new, of substantial light or - source I glare,'whi6 would tdveisej' . affe'ct'd`ay'or; lo � � mghlti)neiieitsinthe ue1 ?z.w ' 0 El 11 '; I 1 ��I t� tl Ii I I �� ��yrJ GE l�I� i r 1 •, I` ` It . i u��6 � } Ord, 4tr l i � ,r .,• 1�it 2) 'AGIZICUI IURAL'.RhSOUIZC[SIIm{ ^.�� t','4 determining whether impacts to agrcultural . resources are significant en ironriicid it effects t 1 , y r 1.1 .l , 1 , it . . e lead : ! 1 ! ';t� ! I a refer to the Califm nt i . .agenci w _ Agricultural Land ENaluation and - - Assessmero Model (1.997),prepared br lheil, � 1 . t:• ,. California Dept ;of Consctti llion as uroptwnal ` 1 • i tmodel to use ut ass6ssirig impacts on e t • agrictJture and farmland 4V6u d project Ii !' a). Convert Prime Farmland; Unique ' Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance ( Farnand), as shown on the ' maps prepared pursuant to tltc Ferndand .. ` Mapping and Monitoring Program of tLe! � , - - Califoriiia'Resources Agenc�%lo non - ❑ El El 0 agricultural use? ! b) Conflictwithexisting zoning for 1 agricultural use, or a Williatitson Act cmltract7' ❑ ❑ ❑ p �• '' .. it ' I c) . Involve changes in th'c - - environmem, which, due to their location ! or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non- agriculturalmseT ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 it - blilial Shtdv" ' General Plann Anie;idm ',it 02 - " Zone Chan e -215. ' I :..' t l i. .:.' t y '� I l+.i + ''. ° alt - • . . .`71d i iI i1.1 . SECTION THREE EVALUATION'Oli TFNN t Less Than Potentially Significant .Less Than Significant With Mitigation Significant No ISSUES Lnpael lncorpor'ation Impact Ingtacl 3) AIR QUALITY. Where available, llle significance crileria established br the - applicable air quality management or air ' pollulion control district nml be relied upon to make the following determinations. "Wotild the project:, a) Conflictitnhor obstruct iniplementalioll of the applicable air qu tht� %plan n t ;' 1- El +' {,f �'� . El Q II'6 b), a tc 'ail Y , li r qual to slat d „ti 'oi?I 1,'.I contribute substanlialll to an evisung ors 5 t WI�i ,. pro�ecled'mrquahti ttolthon7.: } +rt t + f 1 ' , �c); Result in a cumulaln�ch consider!ble net; ri increase of an cntefia polluhi illor't htcli;•�I t ,i,lhe.projecbregioi • is nowa.11ainment- ainder an,,appli, iiblc federal;or st rtelaeiu air , , - qu thq, slandard.(ilichidutgirelc:isnig ' J. enusstoits 'tthiche.�ceedqu�ntilallt 4 ",,;,I•� c '� threS1161(s, for'o7one prccuraor - ,. ,�:. `� '" t 'Q o . ❑ d) 'j Expose setisilit•e'recep(orslto substantial I'. I <' ,J (] I • poll Want concentrations? �lr, ❑ ❑ Q e) Create objectionable odors affecting a-w , substantial number ,ofpeople ?{I, +',.,�. t ❑ '# ❑ Q ❑ BIOLOGICAL kESOURCES. Would the - pro! ece a) Ilaie •a "sti6stunnl "adierseeffecf: eillien - direclly or'through hahilat modificalioos. on any species identified as a can ifidate, sensitive; or Special slahts species ill1kal or regional plans, policies 1'or re'idations:" or by the California Depairtntenf of Fisli� and Game or�U.S. Fish and Wildlife' Sen+ice? ❑ ❑ ❑ Q b) Have a substantial adverse effect on anv riparian habilat or otter sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, and regitlaiions o} lw lhe' California Department of Fish and Game I - Lritinl.Sti�rlp ,�,1. s General Plan Awewiment'0' 01 " Zone Chrmge -21S. . • 1 I.I , 1,11 k-q ,'I L � 1 � 1+t� ¢ is I i� ,. 1 t , .'''. �x, •. it 1 I r�; I I 1 two d '0 4) SECLION'CIIREE, EVALUATION O,EENN;IRONMENTA�1, ID9PACT Less Than Potentialh. Significant Less Than Sigoilicanl With Mitigation Significaw No ISSUES Impact Incorporation Impact Impact Califoniia - Department of-Fish and Game ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑d or U.S.'Tish aiid Wildlife Service? - c)` Have a'sobsianiial adverse effect oo'+ '• federally protected wellaods its 'dAned,by Section '404 of the Clean Walcr Act - ' (iacluding)b'ut riot limited io:'niarsit +� vernal pool co ist�il c(c) Ihroi+gh direct i removal GIlm6 hydrological Inlerrupuon l ❑ 0 i or othermeansl I+'•. i +❑ +++ { + j� i v '+ , i! r+ Y.•:�'{i cull .:it L I+ 1 I + interfere substahnall} of an} nlne. resident on igrato'n fisldor + , +' 'evildlifespecte'soyouhestabl ishednati� ,r + r +, . a -, ! reside'ut�tmg{alon% «ddhfe conndor of . '❑ !� { •. El _ El 0 0 - impede`[ heuseofn.aln'e:a tldlfe i'amrsei}i '! + , sues; (i s +� li , t .Itlr,,,,� :+t •. e) 1' ConOicLntthnnYloc {h `crdutrin'6csprotecting biological resources ❑ +• r ❑ ❑ 0 ,. such as a tree pre'setv {non policy of • . !l' ordurii'uce ?r , •„ +; H, + :li, +1 , O .. Collnicluvilh [lie provisiolis`bran adopled ' Habitaccohsei , aiioti Plan;+Naniral "h ` Coiniii {iniq :itid other � � ❑ •? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ approved local, regional, or stale hab'ilal i conservation plan ?' n'. i t ' 5) CULTURAL RESOURCES:"I.Would the �• a)' 'Cailse,a si{bstantial''adverse eliange the significmicc'ora hislorical'resouicc as. defined iii § 1'5064i5'1 i'1 i ;' ' ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 b) Cause a subglantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Pursuant to §15064.5 ?' c) Directly or indirectly desliop•a unique paleonlologicaf resource or site or unique ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 geologic feature? (1): Disturb any human remains „ including , l those interred onside of formal. ,+^ cemeteries? - General Plan Amenthneni 02 -'01 Zone Clintke 02'515 s i F v' , !G. i. 3 1 SECTION THREE EVALUATION OF ENVIRONAIENTAL IMPACT .. Less Than Potentially Significant Less Than Significant With Mitigation Significant No .. ' "'ISSUES Impact, Incorporation Impact impact ,t G) GEOLOGY, AND SOILS Would the t project I .1'. I - .t .i ,I ti - i'! rs ` 117.x:7 fr:']1 l '• 1 r :f' . a) L, or.striictures t potential ., i . subslantiaDadaerse effects ineloding'?he , risk'IlOoss upiiky,ordeath ohIrlg:l'j I) Rupliue of a -it w earthquake.fiall, as delineated A ' on I must recent { lquist - Pnolo fartli gIlak'cSwlt Zoning ning l) ' .•Y •. ' : 1 ai e e a. Issuc�3 by the State Geolo6isi °for th are „ i , or b ise'd on olhei� silbstanUalici- idcnc of a, kflown fanit� Rcfer to Dn Ision of Mines G'eol�ol' Special Public 6' 1 42 . El i ) Strong seismic ground sliakuib7 E) 1' El El I,LIa I ur),Seisnuc related ground failure ' Including liquefaction? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ t ' ' iv.) Landslides? ❑;'- ❑ ❑ Q it 11, `' Ib)' Resdfin' subslaiui all sod'erosioiifor (lie ' toss ❑ El �. ' of topsoil ?', . .•I ... •I;:.,i: .. c) i Beiocaied on a geologic'iniifinr oil Ihat is, tinslable or`Ihat`ivould becoitie unstable as a resfdt'ofthe project; and potenlialiy result in on- or'oQ- site1andslide,d5leral I � spreading; subsidence, or ❑ ❑ ❑ Q d)' Be loca(ed'oil esliansive soil; as defined in Table 1 R -1 =B of the Uniform Building ' code ('1994); creating substantial risks to ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑✓ life or collapse? 7) HAZARDS AND HA7ARDOUS MATERIALS. Would the project� ' a) Create a significant hazard to the public or, the environment through the routines., I .. transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? - .. El El z ❑ Initiol'brun't).i ... General Plan ll oieh oneiir 02 Zone. Chmige;0 2 2 15 it 14 1 il`E V fj. j f IiF S I,! l t' • t i, I 1Il t J r I { ij, t - 1` .: >t�t:r j e k 14 t 1,. di �11f � %Zi i . l r �. i t ill : I t ' )!i Nit Ir ;'(: I 1 1 11 e, It 1 t �...., .. ,_ L' ) SECTION THREE EVALUATION OF ENNIMONNIEWAL IMPACT 1 ., 'Less Than P(tci,ti illy -Significant Less'rhan Signific;urt Nvilh Mitigation Significant Impact „ incorporation Impact c)' Eh ha lic or, i i .. fly''- i'. ons; V. .:3i'. ❑: H IRIS, - ;E substances UT waslc Hwu,,aluo -y u.,, �6r .11 ,. 1 rule of'ao existing or, proposedischool ? ;. ❑ , t U , d) Bc localcd a sitet iwhich is included oil , I azardo ls siies'conlpiled IisfoEhus ntai'eria .. .I ,,, :. , pursuantto Goi•ernment Code Section 65962.5`.arld as a" resuli.Avoiddtii create a El ❑ sigiiiricaili to the ji6blic or'the L' . cm irorimenl 's ti, f .. , ',h•ii - ' e); For a localed within.an airport land ` lose plan or, where such a planbasaiol Been •' I !!it 0pled'.'�utliili�llvo nulcs of a,puwic I{:. .I al'rport,or lniblic,lise auport_ �ilould the Iprojecl in.a;safety hazard for people 1. ❑ + ! restdingloriyorking ,utthe.projcclarea? L) For a project "Jdlin the vicmit yof.a, private airstrip, would the project resu t iii ' 1 .a safety ll,!zard for people �residi,itg or •. El El working ill the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interlerc.wilh Tn adopted emergency,, ..response,plan oar emergency esacuation ❑ ❑ h) Expose people or,suvclures loathe risk of ;loss, injure' or death involvinglwildland •,fires; including i0 ere wild ands a're - . 'adjacent,to urbanized areas or,where ❑ ❑ residences are inlenuixedwilh wildlands ?" - 8) HYDROLOGY AND N1'ACL "R QUALITY: would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or, .. ` waste discharge.requiiemenis7; ,. ;;' ., .' - El No Lnnacl I Q ❑ ❑ Q ❑ Q , ❑ Q ❑ Q ❑ Q ❑ Q ❑ Q 1 I Genernl Nlnn Aniendmenl 02 -01 , t ,Zwre Chaivge.,bi 7 l 5 " I S II tl • I ! 1 , :' V rlhtb r..l Y�i t i , � � ,, � , 1,4 I ll i { i I' ; r•j h r1 t Y !, b) Subst hil r `' sufiplles m .coerfere substanilalls ,I wrlltjP. groundwater. recharge suchtlhalfhererl+ t would be a net deficit m a or •+ a Iotaeri I lof the local g�roiiniW ' table level (e.g' the'productimf �aie.of pre -' . existing nearbrw'elIspvould droN�lo.aaevel w'hichlNv6i ld!nol support exist itig�landiuses v or pla"oedihses. for wluclin'pe�nutS, haver . ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 1�VALUA 61 ENVIRONMENTAL 011'Acr been granted)? fCSSThan c) Pot(Inli ll Significant Less Than . r ; '' - ! 1 + l' " . Significant e.Wkh Mitigation Significant No ISSUES " .,'" ,,,�� -' Impact I •. Incorporation - Impact Impact b) Subst hil r `' sufiplles m .coerfere substanilalls ,I wrlltjP. groundwater. recharge suchtlhalfhererl+ t would be a net deficit m a or •+ a Iotaeri I lof the local g�roiiniW ' table r S Genelnl'l inn linettlmenl 02 .- ,i cl `r,.;, , y$�tielx(t` ; 7one Change 0?tzl5..:n 1 „- .,,,•.•. ':I 11 Ji 4 , tt $j(I ,rligJ' r , t” t ,n I,i•.r� }, ti;', Kati :'{ ' , ,'I d',q level (e.g' the'productimf �aie.of pre -' . existing nearbrw'elIspvould droN�lo.aaevel w'hichlNv6i ld!nol support exist itig�landiuses or pla"oedihses. for wluclin'pe�nutS, haver . ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 been granted)? c) , - Sulislairiiallr,.aller thcexisting drainagc , pattern of,the site or area. including,.,) t , ' throughiilic ,oftheconrscofa' fl. ' 1 ,stream;or�ris'er. man ner. which would . result,in on sdhuon;on- d) i. StI6slantia 'y,allerobeexistinl drainage. - patter ofithe site or, site including • ± ' through the'alleration of the co irse'of a stream or rimer, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface nutoff in a - manner, which would resul t in flooding on- .oroff ,,,. El El El e) CreatcorcmtlribulenutofYwater which would exceed the capacity of existing or planted stonnwaterdrainage systems or piovide.substanlial additional sources of polloted -ofL1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ f) Otherwise substantially degrade water.': qualib'? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ g) Place housing within a 100 -rear flood ' hazard area, as limplaed on 'I federal Flood '•` Hazard Bouodaiv* Flood insurance Rate lvfap or other flood hazard delineation '.i ..,1 .1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 :I" It) Place within a 100 -Year floodplain, slruclm,cs which would ntipede or redirect _ ❑. E]. D 0 flood flows ! ? is i) Expose People or structures to a slgntfcanl., risk or kiss i ipiry of dealt pivolt utg: 1'I - 'I tit I floodutg;lutcluding flooding is a of . - ; 1 thefiiluie of � Ievee or dant� `• ' r S Genelnl'l inn linettlmenl 02 .- ,i cl `r,.;, , y$�tielx(t` ; 7one Change 0?tzl5..:n 1 „- .,,,•.•. ':I 11 Ji 4 , tt $j(I ,rligJ' r , t” t ,n I,i•.r� }, ti;', Kati :'{ ' , ,'I d',q fit" 9 s I LUA, CTfONTIIRGF ` . 1. "ENVIRONNTENIA`L IM the fadliie oGa let ee or dan+l ] i 1 : El El + Less hall. r, pit t e lit la l) S � .• S i gn ltl ca ll t • Less. hmi .. ' Significant With Mitigation Significa llt _ 7mnact Incorporation Im pact 1 r 1 IT:rr I it t!; tY' 1i�A �V�t �' . plan,.local;coaslal progmnl,.or!ziining the fadliie oGa let ee or dan+l ] i 1 : El El � cfTecl7 J) Inwidaliomb} selche; tsunanu nwd(lon F. ❑ ❑ consen'ation plan or natural'con In till ilp ❑ ❑ ' con'sen -anon plan' 9) LAND USE,AND PLANNING project: „)Would , a) Result iii'lhe'loss of availability of a kilown the project...;< .. I. r r, ❑ ❑ tile'icgion and the residents of the stale' r is 1 r b) Result ill lhe'loss ofiavailability a) i Pll)' sicall}' dii ali established,,,,,, . E) El connntutil\'? plan, specific plan or other land use plan' i . i r. : It : , :•n i 1 i) NOISE. Would the jirojecl re'snit'ih:' b) Cgnlllct,fjllh anf, .tpphc lble land p6llc) nor ,iegulltr6ii'ofimli6eiicvrldh ,,, , Iirtinn mer tile. inoieet tlnclttdlil{! bllt noise levels in e;cess of standards r not limited to the general plan;'specific plan,.local;coaslal progmnl,.or!ziining - ordinance)'adoptedfor the pjirpose avoiding or initigatitig a» cnvg(nnienlal cfTecl7 El C) Conflict ojtlt.an)' applicable habitat consen'ation plan or natural'con In till ilp ❑ ❑ ' con'sen -anon plan' lo) MINERAL RESOURCES.: Would the project: a) Result iii'lhe'loss of availability of a kilown mineral'resoiiice thatwould be of value to ❑ ❑ tile'icgion and the residents of the stale' r is 1 r b) Result ill lhe'loss ofiavailability i. locally- important mineral resource ' ' recovcm'silcdelincaled ml a local general ❑ ❑ plan, specific plan or other land use plan' 1 i) NOISE. Would the jirojecl re'snit'ih:' Exposure of persons to or generation of'r a) noise levels in e;cess of standards r est tblisli o Ihe1octl generaliplan not se OrainaiiM or' "apphcablc stand Ids O otbel:agencfes� 1 r,), i , r 1 1 h ,:.i ❑., b) Cyfosure of persons tofort generation of y; 1 I , ' e.xcessiN,e groundhogne Ibration or Ge � Genr.rnl VI 7.o t +. .1 •' { "t ,'yti' ?i'`'i '1�IS' = fG rJ' i • � • ' ,e i S:Slip :tZJi c: t• J . lethal Sfu<ly ' 1 Anieiir'lirien( 0 07 t •' W : No Impact Q Q Q ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ Q S r SECl10NGIIREE "�� if , f T rALUATION OFENVIRON117FN,IAL 171IPACI t 1;'`;,5,1 l ; t � ; , „• fll. .,.. Si nificm , Potentially ,!' 6 _ Less Than ,' .a '' ' y t Significant With Mitigation ISSUES Significant No Impact Incorporation lffivact Impal Ir•.,it t . ground borne noise le}elsr ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ C) , A stI bstail�l n increase in ,.penancnt ambient noise levels in the projecl'vicinity _ .above levels.existing without_the,project? d) A substantlnblempora or re[i0dlo ❑ . ryI 1 increase in unblent11oisc ieN t.,i: v"r . - pro�ecl vlcmiq• abo��e� levels exisli,iig�l r , enhouLtheproject? .:I;c. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ e) For project loctl,ted within adairporl land nse planot', where such a plan-has 1101 been adopted, d ilhi11 16'O� miles of a public. . airport or public use at ol1, vould' the projeci,eNpose people residing or working in the project jlrea to excessive noise , levels? ,. ❑ ❑ ❑ 177 F) For t project xvidi n the Icinith; of a' ' privale airsjrip, would the project expose, People residing or working iti,the,project , area to excessive Boise levels? ,I ❑ ❑ ❑❑ 12) POPULATION A HOUSING. Would the project: if 'a) .Induce sobstinli d �poPulatlou groeth'iman area, eilherdirecth „ (for example, -by,j It proposing oew hordes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure), ?, ❑ i ,,,, . ❑ O b)' DiiIplacesutist alial fill 1 ofeNlstliig honsuig. itI ilalill ill co Iii Iction of J. replacement housing elsenhele7 ❑ t 1, sj i.l ' {1 - ! j 1 V,,t t) rI yet, ., ' �� ❑ C) Dlspince silbst milal imint cro of El Q people l {,. I f latitigj1 ic 1`1slruc(lon replaccmennhousulgelsenhere/ �'� ���. it 1, a..I lijy ,1w2 ;' t ��� } - :('' ❑ la it r� }::�. ❑, '❑ , t Y ! � ), '.t,� (vv� - - C.J � 1 -'• .. 'i 11, P � L ilo,. ( - .. , ' rl t ,p t ^,I l' i f•' 1 � .,)1 1,1 t `..t�t /4 h1 r ' ./irllin/ Shrrly. �0 1 ,r . , r:,y .•,. Genei ol Antendrireii 02 01 t . ,. I Zone,C/hnnge OZ � ' I II.O , it • 'r t.� .lb tLif•. {:' .i li': , ..'..IIW ICt I:. ” t l it t. i i . _ _ It ; ,P y , s_ tr SGCr10N T]Hzrdr 7 A1 UAI'I0N,0 F iMIoACT - 't "'Less Le s" �� '•t' ' I'nlcnli dh ,, S:Rntfic int Less 'Phan V� ` r Slgnilic urt , With Rillr�, Ilion Slgililicant No :ISS UE S -/ . .I.' I t Ihtd.ict _... Inrnrnrn •.it . 13) PUI : W�uld _the project 'result in subsianiial adverse.pinsical:impacts associated with Ihe;provision'of nesv,or a ' r l for nea ;orlph }�sically ered governmental faclhtles the conslnlction of rrhich,could'cause' significant`: ` , 1 I . em it to maull iiii acceptable. service rallos;lresponse +� limes'or other'pei for lilmtce , object ises for anv of the public services: a) pirreproleclion? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ , b) Police protection? - ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑, Q Q E 14) RECREAT30N., Would the project i: ' i)'' .Would tlic project increase the use of, resisg neighborhood and regionaltparks 0,91 he recreational facilities such that substantial plg'sical , deterioralion ' of tile - I faeilily Woul(1 occur or,be accelerated? ' ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Does file project include recreational: facilities,or're(iuire [lie constnictiotior. a.t '. expansionpfrecrealiolitl f�cllilies, tthich. uughl rhave-an adverse' physical effect oil ❑ ❑ the'cnvironiirenU ° { I 1 5)I o 2ANS1 3 O oTAtIIO +NIIRAI1xIC.y, s` a ir 1 i t I a) Cause an increase in traffic NI 1 substantial in relaUon'lo the cVslin6 traffic t. a , t'' k 'r .• ' l ut ofilie ,sueel stsiiad and capac cut (t +e `i i - ' ��' r. =+ Ir 7 f result in a"subst,-nu d uicrcasc In; either the' ^• ! "' °Nil' i / P F � r. tt•t5Y�.l ,.. ... i .. .. .:. ., la Gene, nlPlm,, •tj .. ! 1..4 11.1.. �.•.+ ,. L, .ii.• t n- • IT r111 {t {. 9l{lp' i IT ,. ,. `i !f ft . eiir 001 •ii Sill " Q Q Q_ Q Q i I I r i Gene, nlPlm,, •tj .. ! 1..4 11.1.. �.•.+ ,. L, .ii.• t n- • IT r111 {t {. 9l{lp' i IT ,. ,. `i !f ft . eiir 001 •ii Sill " Q Q Q_ Q Q i I I r i !f ft . eiir 001 •ii Sill " Q Q Q_ Q Q i I I r i 1 i EC L ION TUREE ;'EVALUATION "OF ENVIRbiN IENTAL IN11 .r t .. ,, ..� I,l. : Inilinl ',Srudi -�' - i !. •'. , i ' Genernll''lonAnie`nrhnent 02 -01 Lone Change 02 - I ess Th an �� , I' , Potenhallt ', t, Significant Less 'Phan ; I! t, ,, t t, ' Significant • With Mitigation Significant No ' ISSUES' ' Impact Incorporation Impact Impact numberbG4ehicle trips, the j'olmne.to capacity 'ratio'on•roads., iircongesti Oil at ❑ ❑ p ❑ ' I b) + Erceed;(et . indit adual _or, iI, !, cutnulalnely, a let;el of service standard - ' ' ' ' • establislicd by the county congestion, manageineitt agency for designated, roads - ❑ ❑ Q ❑ or highda}'s? c) Result in aehange in air traffic patterns, - . including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in ❑ ❑ ❑ Q substantial safety risks? - d) Substa ntially increase hazards due to a i design: feature (e.g., sharp curves or L3 Q dangerous in(ersections) or incompatible - uses (e. g.lfarm equipment)? - ❑ ❑ ❑ o e) Result in inadequate emergency access? :.t ❑ ❑ ❑ o -. f) r Result in ioi idegiiale'parkiiig cap}cily ?, - i 16) UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. i Would the �p olect ' a) Esceed'daslewater Ire.ttinciil'requirentenls of the s{iplicable Regignal Water Quality ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Control Board? ,. b),. Require or result'in the construction of new I I�r water or. astew'ater ire l iii'f lCthlics Or .. eapansionloCcusting facilnres consliuction of which coulljcause �,j r r signrficantenvitonmenlail ;efTeclsl ❑ _ E] El 0 - • c) Require or result'In the colist nxtton;of,ueiv i x :. 11 C , 1 . ti storiit:li tier. dmuiabe ftclibes •i L.p; e l cxpansion e Usti nb t ilgies t l = he ; ,. -•. r,'i !" - .. o f r nl construction oLw'hich could cause ' -• El ❑ El O significant end ironmental eticcts� I 'd) Hate ical ii supplies at ?tl ible to serve the�projed Fr 1W X iS ling eniillenietits v I lai I ' y . and res . .. :.•. t'.- ,.'i ' ouic , orare new' or�espanded :`' I d! �. . •' %.S.S,;:; -' - eitiflernerits_iieededt , i Ai,`j, 'Pr \ 11�Df ry1 - ' 1 - �i, ❑' '., i ❑ 0 .r t .. ,, ..� I,l. : Inilinl ',Srudi -�' - i !. •'. , i ' Genernll''lonAnie`nrhnent 02 -01 Lone Change 02 - ' lnr6nl iShrd0 I ' �; ,.' (rencrnl Plan oiAWtinem OLWI i,70rte Chairge 02-.215 ` ` • it ... ',+ .,... f SECTION TIIREE EVALUATION OF ENVIRON YIENTAL IMPACT Less Than rolentiall)• Significant Less Than !' I41tf ! it Significant with Mitigation Significant No .ISSUES is. !tirC. :' Impact Incorpor[iim Impact Impact e) 'Result hra dclerminalion in lhesvaslewater :. treatmcnl . provider, which scn or may scn•e the project, determined that it has - adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition the pioaider's.esisting commitments? . ❑ ❑ ❑ ID f) Be sensed ba a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid wi s(e disposal needs? ❑ ❑ .❑ 1] i g) -Comply,ssith federal, slate, and local statutes and regulations relined to solid ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 waste? 17) MANDATORY'1 OF SIGNIFICANCE.' �a) Does the project have llie' polenlial to �degrade',Ihe'goality otthe em : substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife'species,`'cause it ish or n ildliee population to drop ' lbw self,sustaining levels „threaten to eliminate a plan[ or animal community, reduce number or ;, ' `resirict� range. of a rare or endangcrcd ' i mateunporiant ui�or nal orehm ph a .. r z ,d u examples of the manor penoe i + sl i I 'California luori' ''or prelnstor 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 121 ;b) Does project, hav a rnpacts, li n are • - - • t v ,; i„ '; uulrcid l , bubcunmlatnch - . t f all} —, n fir fir ss r : ' . a - =AI i , j y considcn tblc?l7(!CunmhuN el) t' ilt • '� 'consid`erablc 'mciins Ih�u�tlie'idcrciiucntal l e nsriler'idle when 'effeets4 r co , vteti�ed' ut, conneclion�i 'rtli'llidcffc'us'oC llic pa3t protcc,ls effecis+i2f olhet j;'' • 1r. ,'"1. } . , cor�eir[ protects' n and th '� iWyniv;'(7iu { + ❑, �', u (] (� ❑ fitttiie'prolecicj7' C) Toes ille'piotecl'hase emi ill Cnt II effects, which will cause subslnnnial_, . - adverse el7ecls .onhu ilia nbeitigs�eillier_ ❑ ❑ ,- Q .directly or indnecill? l r ,, i u l :. • , ' lnr6nl iShrd0 I ' �; ,.' (rencrnl Plan oiAWtinem OLWI i,70rte Chairge 02-.215 ` ` • it ... ',+ .,... , s* r „SEC LION;ITIU, ,,•;,: .: 'EXPLANATION OF ]ENVIRONMENTAL 1'VALUATION 1. AESTUETICS (Less , than Significant Impact) The implementation of General Plait Amendment 02 -01 and Zone Change 02 -215 will not damage nor, 'degrade the scenic 'F`esources and visual character, of existing residential areas. HoweJer, proposed development has the potential to create a new source of light and glare to tlie,surrounding properties though not to adversely affect day and nighttime views. All light standards proposed for the project will be directed away from adjacent residential and conmmercial'p'roperties!' All potential aesthetic impacts for the proposed development have been addressed in regards to the level of significance of.these impacts. This project has been designed with regards to the surrounding properties and development standards of the Rosemead Zoning Code so as to mitigate any potential significant impacts. Aesthetic changes will occur as part of the iiplementation of this project, though, not to impair the existing land uses. 2. AGRICUL "rUIU1LRESOURCES (No Impact) There are no ;_agiicult mal resources present at this subject area or adjacent to the project site. Therefore,, this protect �volild not impact any agricultural resources. The city is highly urbanized an all properties zoned for agriculture are not currently utilized for farmland purposes?,' S,ucli properties •consist of vacant lots, parkland, nurseries, and an elementary school. He proposed project Will not create potential impacts to agricultural resources located on,t 1 , - SLi . bject,grcl)ert),�onwithin the vicinity. v 3. A1R QU 40,1 (�Ge ° ss I h tit stlgnificant Impact) The mi}ilehie of�Geti6ali illan Amendment.02 -01 and Zone Change 02 -215 involves th e mteiisdication�of Ivtld. uses, m.,an area'precloliiinantly urbanized with commercial uses. t'tl, u,t Lr 11 J Th t} pe an�� s� alert of latlid i ses re'consistegti Nvith' the Roseimead General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and tl xiill i t: violate air gilality standards or conflict with the execution of air (I 'lit y'j tans This prolectP ti an incrcmnlcn al`yct less than significant degradation of au qualit y due�to / traflic a ,related pollutants and From on, -site and oFl =site stationary sources. P/oposed; +development r plaiisTare li thot6ughly revs c\ve,d so as not to impose environmental impacts rH,o !anae isung =community,."uicluchng. thee creauiin''of objectionable odors. The r ,if' , , •, Y° ti a Inoposed�;idevelop,ment. is expected',lo comply wtlth'regional air quality planning guidelines and applicable !'air''quality'nianagenient plans.' 'Tlie' size of the proposed mini- storage and I industnai park dei'elopmeii� below the claily and gil,arterly thresholds for potentially 1. slgm[ica,nt impacts ail (I as a resultiof',consn'tiction land use'of this development as defined by the SCAQt;1D in Tables 6'2 and 6 -3 of the CEQA Air Quality handbook. The implementation of this project will not affect the,_existing air quality level and the current emissions output. ; The proposed,tenants are not expected to contribute to the degradation of air qualityJ' - > r +/ � ' �.,.. _,'1,. F It 1 t! Irl ¢ih %r :. ,,9 , .i• . w; `'General Phin Amendment 03 -01 ,! :r., a Zone Change 02 -215 i i' ,I i III .�, ,. ,.�'•. � .. ; i, it :�, A 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES (No,linpact) Since the project area is urbanized, there is no existing habitat or wetland with endangered and rare species nor is there any significant vegetation in this project area that niay be affected. Tlie proposed project' Ivill I ii be in conflict with the Rosemead Municipal Code or any other'local, regional, or state conservation plans. The implementation ci General Plan, Amendment 02 -01 and Zone Change 02 -215 will not create adverse impacts to the biological resources due to non- existing biological resources. . 5. CULTURAL RESOURCES (No Impact) Based on a• stall review of the project site, it is 'determined that there is no recorded archaeological or histolic resources existing that may be affect by the implementation of this it zone .change.,. Rosemead' 'is a,;highly' urbanized city with few properties in the city with significant'historical and arclaeological resources. i ' G. CEOLOG,I' AN I) SOILS (Less Than,Si gnificaiit Impact) I. the entire' City of Rosemead,lles' in a seismically active region. Part of the proposed project area is situated in the Alquist' Priolo Earthquake 1 salt Zoning Act. The applicant has taken this into ' consideration in'd the project to limit potential hazards that may result from surface`Caulting'oi fauli,'creep due to the designation a portion of this property in the I AIquist'Pi Iolo earthqual e Gault Zone. , 1 it I• . f ` I II ' however;, severe " sli ikme : from a regional earthquake would impact not only the !. I prolecCidrea4but,..also the.(fenllre site and,su'rrounding area. According to the State of I, er . I fI I, i ' Californi - SeisnU i laza1 Longs" _most of the .City of Rosemead is located within an 1 l ' - I III , -1 I I 1 I II id ent{fied'hqu zone " retaie older structures througlioiit the city; either not buili or I t sf cc NlSlkTl to tI 1.1 1 1 reii>foiceii,to meet e�ithquaue stad that are sITI I, �l I, tible to loss b� h gtiefaction. '�'. �, - u I �< rti �I ' CI n4'4 I: r I r I I - n:. t Although;ilthrs,higject consists of coInn construction there are no foreseeable Impacts 1. to tlie''geologyt'andi sods�of this- site The project area is located j4rtliiii ai id 4. Ti I i r 1 liquefaction zone based on { the State Seismic Ilaz'trd Zones map. Based on this zone, the . ., .11 I t t .lf i r l{ it'r't iU I1._ 1 pro)ecC u vheri ,lu sto rlcnoccm ,of o liquefa'ction _or geelogical, geotechillcal laird { grout.i mlIer, c011dttions . indicate a potential Cot lieinianell ground li I •' , } , 1.r �ISlilacein sits I su;cht that mrtlgaUOn as defined. m Public Resources Code' Sectioli 2G93(c) I I: o 11 'bet le�quired Asj I d'evelopment occurs, new st�uctuies ,wdl' replace old buiWit Iandlwilfcomplywithculreiit 'codes 1 'Ler I, 11 X111. ,1, I I>•P I;, y > 1• I £ ! ..l .: i tt. i 3 i 'I! The protect area is not prone to slope ms6bilit� hazards such as landslides because''the area 1 Il I ITT I s relative) flat in nntire • 1 :L. Y t, {.1 ' ' •I '-0 ( In. . ..•. Ifs... 7. UAZAi2DS AND HAZARDO.US MATER[ALS (Less Than Significant Lmpacl) The implementation of General Plan Amendment ls ,02 -01 and Zone Change '02 -215 does not include the creation and 'transportation; of hazar,,dou, materials. The proposed commercial/ industrial' d'et %el'olii»e it Is'zonedlso that it ..Will. 1110v. ' industrial tenants that may involve the trail spoliation, storage; and;'related, usage „of large quantities of hazardous or toxic materials::' However, each'prospective;tenartt• requires an. inspection and approval by the Los Angeles County Fire Department :lin'addition to approval by the City of Rosemead Planning i GeneralPlan.9rnenrinrent 02 -01 : Zone Clmnge 02 I ' )` �I, ,1 {, t. .. ., 11 1 :(,' •.11 ;; i , 1 i I I - kI ., J • { i � I 111 I r i^ L : Departmei t. The prop osed.prgject wduld'not impact the implementation of any emergency response or,;evacuation plan. There are no wildly i& withiri'the project area or adjacent to it so ;as not to'expose'people''orstructuces to the risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires. All proposed tenants would be extensively reviewed to reduce the potential for impacts paiised'byhazardous wastes generated by'the businesses. ! A. 111717ROLOGY ANDIVATER;QUAiA I (No Tmliact) . The implementation of Genera1;'ll1ron Aiiiendment,02 7 01 and, Zone Change 02 -215 will not create adverse impacts to Ilie hydrology and water quality of the area. The proposed project will not create potential impacts to the volume, drainage pattern, rate of flow and overall quality of any body of water. � rater - qualify' impacts,depend •on the conditions of the community where a project will be located' andiwhat it' will''invoK - The proposed "mini- storage and commercial/ industrial developinent'does' not iiivol,De dcLclopliient that' will create impacts on water quality of the area. ' Additionally the: - proposed �(level opment_ will not contribute to the degradation of groundwater supplies or the'creatlon of nmoff� water. �,� t,l vl ((r ..I '..II. �. it It l"01 {.. ihhough' the,Los Angeles+)County Flood Control l s identified twenty-two 1 16C i tions in the city Ithali;lare,deCcent r ui ' .storm drainage' capacity ! there 'are few existing housing. or t , , ,qF t e residential zoneilan ' areas -� a prone areas , Srose the CityroCRosemeail has iP beenlldeclaredEbyitl ,Federal l +l mei oencN 1aiiTgenient,',Agency ,(hE MA) to' be iii Zone "C flood insmancevrsin It mandato andJhere is no community panel flood map, for the city., 9. 1 AND USI I AND•PLANIVIIVC'(1 ess' 1 h�n'Signr(ic utt'lmp�ct) hand use are e aluated.based'on project locauon's land Fthe type of land use proposed. i rte I, . ,,. The areal +surrounding the ,proposedWolecn is- to l argel y ,lilhanized commercial area ,iii which the proposed project well be',consrsfei tjwrth 'currenLland uses "lntaddition the.ptoposed' zone change �ii'idl,general plan aiitendmcnt, Tlloiv the prop osed''project to remain consistent It +lth Ure''Zonmg i!Ordmalice' and General plan of tlid Ctiy. of Rosemead The proposed !' I F s n.r,,, ! devel61l'h id111oLeOnfllCtlN any habitat or natural "community conservation plans. LI i 10. MINE RA RCSOURCI'S,(No hpi)act) ; Tire Rosemead,Qcner ,al Plaii nhrnlcip Code do,not include an approved land use plan that indicates a,locally important mineral resource. There are no mineral resources located d'ithin tlie.project•ar'ea•so as,to.tesult in kiss of availability of such resotircesi" It . it I, .f• . i,�11. I t1!II.I t ,IA.�'ri i!'! ' 11. NOISG.(1 ess'Th.in Srgnrlrcnnl ini) :rct) Th15'proposed min! storageMZonniiierdial development'''prolect would 1i ° ot result °in'noise- related •timpacts•Io ihrs'siblecl;"-area' 1:Tokvevei,,becausetliis project will' consist of commercial /' industrial `develolimeiit;� a substantial teiiiporary increase in ambient'noise levels above existing levels in: tile ''p16ject''are'a,'due to construction'aclivities may occur. Project - related noise imliacts during construction and during the operational/ buildout phase of the proposed development may create less than significant impacts, An increase in pedestrian and vehicular traffic may-also, contribute to less, lban significant impacts 'on ambient noise levels. The City, of Rosemead has established, noise/iand use compatibility guidelines Gcirernl'Plnir flmendnienl 0 2-01 .. ...,+tt, It! '7onemCltnnge02- 215 it t i , i , �i I,I Y: ,�lY r 1 q 1 1 , �Y,l ltt >'i �'t 1{ 1 upr 3 .I I,s l:. li. , •i? I IliF .. t, -, tl'vltto l'• "ag y'pYt. 7, �, r. .}, l consistent with State of California criteria. Proposed projects must be evaluated iippropriately to check for compliance ,y'ith,Chapter 8.36 of the City of Rosemead Municipal Code. 1.2. POPULATION.. AND HOUSING (Less Than Significant Impact) T;his,zone•change, will not'restltlin any substantial growth that lnay induce impacts to the city's population. There will' be no displacement' of residents in the area, and therefore no impacts;tcilhousing are,expected'toloccur. i t The existing' coiiditiotis ,ofitlie vulnerable,to deterioration and blight. By clianging its;ezistng lai d'use designaticin to Mixed Use: industrial /Commercial, General Plan. 02 U1 `andl Zilic .,Change, 02 -,215 will promote elective redevelopment throughl,the Ili Ili a nuiii- storage and comine'rcial/ industrial complex. Though the project+is conimer i ,,n t i,natui "e; iP, is,li,l ely not 4o cause: any direct increase to the city p opulaii6i �i New nimer cial�deveI iimentideri�edilfiorn, ,this project `would induce incoming 1-1111 jobs;buu,n eel 11 earctingAl sill grstock'or pereasetheCity'spopulation , 1It p(t 1,inxl r _ i l i .I �(t 1.3. P1 1C.�SERViCESI( Less '7hnniSlgnrfic�nt.Lnpnct)Ijl The crtyr.is noticanentlylplannineith 'e�constructortoRnewOor 'altered government facilities needed'to maintain' acce�itable senrce r,atios;fresponse etc, Though the project intent isjloO proin IcomliierciaI elopinen't,tihese proposals willinot significantly increase the demand for,publlCiS rcesl.r ? suchias fire and policelpro on [ectl', !.ill" ill i, "BY of i 1 i� ! "1 i'"t �tl e4i�at 1i I�i a t� l t, h.� ry1 • i j 1 'ln�h ci'. I,. r r d'•t _ d1 ]mpacts,iloi of OCir,erejiforcer"ei�t; -g nd!,,p`utilit,Tacilities are community- specific. Since �;tli'e iprolect� does not' proposer,new ,residc there, will not be significant increase;""" popiilauon these;, coriuiuimty- specific services.' L = aw and fire enforcement I servlces ,may; be slightly unpacted 'due -lo incidences that, occur once the it proposed',developmentlic'opel fi 1a ' IIoliveve'r I dle proposed mini- storage will generate a. signif 'eent�neeti,- fer.f4dditiorlal police acid 'fire serVic,es,, prospective tenants for the proposed ill Ill, trial „complex” will be , extensively, reviewed by1 staff including consideration of factors;tliatdniaj i"m"pact fite�ridpolice ,enforceti�en�f.services. "impacts toschools depend on the site ,and_magnitudelof!tlieipeoject; theistudent:popul itiodgenerated per household and the I ; capacity, of.,facilities,pni a 'gn'en$iscliool ldistrict "?J iTliisiO project will not ''directly` increase i population gro��'tljm,the,Cit� and- tliei;efore n p) actslto ''Ic,o'n5nxiiiity'speci�fic facilities 'cannot he; attributed ,to.the,proposed;prolect.�i r;:, il•' r .1 i'' .it. I . t i iittr 14. RECREATION (No hinpact), 1,i,'i' file implemenlalion of General Plan Almeiii 02 -01 and Zone Change 02- 215 will not impact: tile, population size 'substantial,,enough (,to,,create physical deterioration or the construction of new recreational; facilities. 15. I'IiANSPOR 'rA'1'LON /- rRAECIC`(Les's Than Signrrif it impact) General Plan Ainendment 02 -01 and Zone Change 02-215'will not result in potential impacts to traffic "aiid transportation. '' `The ,proposed 'mini'stoiage' development will not create additional traffic and piirking toile pmjecf'site''and surrounding area. The'proposed development willbe located ='oti' San Gabriel 13ocilevard, a major arterial street with access to lbiili al.Sh'irh "i''` Y" '".• Genernl'Plnn.4iirenrhiient 02 -01 : } • . Zone Change 02 -215 if ,i , ,,'.1 • .1 li ,,- !r`'�I ;f i Ir : it -al r:. I - .I 0 loft" 1 { 1 (( 1 1 • ll ;U ii ,'!':I1 s if � r ! r. S : I tit '� I ill i 1 r d g:'. I , 1 tut gild .I. r t C. I 1 ) t �I �Itl l l M l,Ii j{' iitl I ,14 I i i'( 17 f ill . ,l! I4� 7� L }I'4 1 i ;f F " U t 1' it jrl d ,t !It , nt {{ P'llf U f "'�it_' , i h ' �� , YJ`tia },airy >i la{4th v tl $ ,i i s {t t�.hl wll ll ia{( "f i t {ti li 1 ` y 9 l t 4'� 11W whilk, x11 1" it, ii Sl lB!iel nlf IY7 )�Ij!'llr } SI r;, I l aili,�t lYr I,I 'l 1 1 l 14 h4 t1 1 {Ja• ,t i t •, I,(, v r , 1- 11 �,I � ° i t�i i ° fI f, t t11,1 r , iF,I. ,1! i,i?Lll ,. 6) 1re9, {11,M1 „I" {11,1 `h ri ��yif f�lr iiflil•iti I '4t(..LItP vlq�ipi('4 ` - (ii '•s " ' iii.. I. the Interstate 10/ Sari 13cinardino Freeway. North of the proposed project site is Garvey Avenue, a major arterial, aitd'to'tlie'souih is Graves Avenue, a secondary arterial road. These major roadways are compatible -with the land use and intensity of the zone change and general plait amendment`of the pr000sed'project. `lit addition, the applicant has designed the j roject 1w jirovi'de' access ,arid itirniiig 'radius for larger commercial vehicles and reduce potential hazards'ah'at may be associated with the developiiiebt of an industrial complex. i s 16.'U711'1FIGS L�SUSTLIIIS (Nor,lmp tcl)i rl s I. The unEilementatron ofYthe 'will ^not allect "the consumption of natural- �, grit, andi- clectticlt�?T'rtlie?,�ilemand'i foi "the icoinriiuliicatiom system, the . I'm • WaSteAvalerlllealmenl 5} tSlemrlhCiSl6I AA'aler'(lhalllage;,'lhe•SOII(I N'ast.e genet "ahOn and the '' demand fo`r �bcyond!� @l eilirovr leis �supjilj'hnfiastiiictmei The'prohosed liroject'will not F ;n'ftl },r }II le I'S ., 1 t S, 4 1r4's -. '. ". be substantrd enooghsto excdstabllshed 'level of ser�rcte standa,rds' of the lrti,lities 'arid be l 4 1 tv t .q., service systems 1 f! I z lh qt , r k r it w �'� fs1! ti x S t'y t. Y i t! C ,r 2 ;l� ,3.f1.t a`; I'. , i' r ir l °I � t d (,�7�3vw, t t I a t � .: "tr ¢�,I ,t g;u'71, ^t ,tJ a k{�Uv fr7 ld :,� ° )l' t ,ili {tryL • j ,t. t 17. NLkNl1 „ CTORI F l L ess T I In Iv SigndicaiIt Impact) N„ ! '' +' {S! } v, {1,.. :`gljil, l }t ;`�l�t t: °� ��il The nipl' enieiitation' of 'Gerclal +Plv`i•Ahi`eridiiient 02 0`1 anil;!7orie Change 02 -315! will not de gra theiemi roll nieiital!Iquall IS :of an} +fsli''and wildlife "liabitat;or threaten to eliminate any Plant! or r arimaf community. l Potchlial inlpactslcan lbe coirsiderable wliewe4t.lating the �l cunwlatibe effectS of past hto�ect's''tlietp'roposed I ioJect, and any potential futwe projects. j3owevei;itli ` alilili'cant lias'1 project" wlth`consideration'of�potential impacts that may arise fronr•tills "project l and has niade'an e(Toit"to reduce such•` potential 'impacts. I f­ t ;. Lrl e4vrse,',staff l a's' reviewed 'tlie proposed `use and° its coliijiatlbdrty with' stir roiniding d , commercial and''resrdential ' lI'anduses. Staff" will review!'prosj ective' Ienants of t lie 'proposed r' 1 !�f +L, !u t industnali`•conipler "extensrveh 0. ih order'to reduce potential environmental' imliacts that may t' 'c !. iirdR it have ad0erse effects'on tli;e"surrouiuii{ig em ''''' r t`" � ”' •''' ` I The cumul'ativel'eftects of th6j past','present,; and Uwe will have less than significant impacts I oil the`' subject l rope'rty an l the • surrounding vicinity, The intent of this general plan aniendnieiit''and "zone­ change ° is to create' ecoh "ohmic' revitalization, promote commercial deLelopnient 'land' i increase^ the !'property Jahies' of dhe' lroject area and the surrounding neighborhood: i • .� .t'' t 1. l ' '. 'tt. ) . .. �,t �:., •'�'••`'t '" 'Gei,eral'Plrin Attienrhiiciit O'-O7 ' . 7-oite'Change 02 -275. yt , it r it l�r`a'Itt ,t "`�'r•yt Izs;t .' tt III pl ! . t �� ;j'i` t, itE t *r t ` a } f �,.4 J r t f"V •lY 1' rtl(jt „,t t li -4t Irl !.r � + {{ "2 >1•'' k IL I )' tVi °t{ -tip (1�1 ytl It tl lit 4. rl ', 4 ir .' ..�!'frt f' .i' I Iti t`ri, tip }.G' F rtr�rF, ' I i'�.'7t'.fllP""ttt�'t1 ,jSrr {il I t ,9 1 r a, r PI 7 7' "l r4D1 �tl�,t'I;, IIltl , '' i t t ' l r Plr ;� 1 { ,) (,!$ If I 1 cn41 s ,l , r It 1 1 fit ,l tl'A�l,l���r 111 ' � Vt t,4 ° t.b'.0iKt }ih'vt. ''��3 't I ' r S iT, i iN 1 ., i t c , !I t ln)l '. '1tlitS, ry I� [ {ft, rl t ; !�Y.'lhJ�lrt x t t' l rl 1. yY S'` Ri,•i I t a tf N t ` t t, _. ,�,. i ' t lat t fltl7l t:�t� l �) 7t " {r it il l ,l' I - 1 „r�it , It l 'l�'l y ti •: ; I tS It tft� 1,:; �t� { , 1 1, (,Yb 1�.5�i i';�ir 'll � , TI ,@ ,t f ' ,,i lit I ! , t- � , {..,•, I b a a , . r _rl.l .:. ,k� l,ti •;tit 4;,t , a't' ; .` hll- ' .,,rr,�t' .. ; , .... .�..; i t 1 e (: t t tl �1 I I �zi Subject Site: 2447 san Gabriel 2401 Pine Street ® 1� H; n`F Ir "5 .. ! 11•'1, "® li 1� "�, il. fil ill , I 1 ca 00 @.Shp' Al y 1 ! ,. t �1y4 j4�P'tplr v� 11 4 Ci 7-q C C3d CBDd Jr ! I+ v °�9 lil PI �. Al It aiyyN ti ,, , �•.1N M", 1 1. , r ��i,l tt f rl 1st s • will I I. ,1 it rev i' 6 �,� r E.1� E I •. i '' 1. O S P BPD 3 E,fr -�+ s ji��"f d �t�1�,✓ _� fr S 1 p pl { I� i 1 Od ' -' P li t!; d� � {8g11 s��'��j��r. qua p•i 1 {r ,i� 1 sl �II �. lw i' �, �R, l , e n r ✓t - �i {$ 1 'ul� a �� "�. R � FS , , �� � � t, t r;tiP{ �e Y 1j@ Ifi J 1 � sl l �t 1 - p I� i �l 1 �" 1, , R3 ' �Rdd 1 1 tt I I { V C h streets i 1 a 1! E v' 11 IW { r Y. I $J 1 1 1 .r tt t l • t 1 , ..74f1 �1� {1 {1 1 l.1tr a Z - {je 1 i hl �t ,�I 1 .4 i t i+1 1�ih :.0 11 1 1 I �til I , I 1 ca 00 @.Shp' Al y 1 ! ,. t �1y4 j4�P'tplr v� 11 4 Ci 7-q C C3d CBDd Jr ! I+ v °�9 lil PI �. Al It aiyyN ti ,, , �•.1N M", 1 1. , r ��i,l tt f rl 1st s • will I I. ,1 it rev i' 6 �,� r E.1� E I •. i '' 1. O S P BPD 3 E,fr -�+ s ji��"f d �t�1�,✓ _� fr S 1 p pl { I� i 1 Od ' -' P li t!; d� � {8g11 s��'��j��r. qua p•i 1 {r ,i� 1 sl �II �. lw i' �, �R, l , e n r ✓t - �i {$ 1 'ul� a �� "�. R � FS , , �� � � t, t r;tiP{ �e Y 1j@ Ifi J 1 � sl l �t 1 - p I� i �l 1 �" 1, , R3 ' �Rdd 1 1 tt I I { V C h streets i 1 a 1! E v' 11 IW { r Y. I $J 1 1 1 .r tt t l • t 1 , ..74f1 �1� {1 {1 1 l.1tr a Z - {je 1 i hl �t ,�I 1 .4 i t i+1 1�ih :.0 11 1 1 I �til , 4 t L447 san uaonei tslva. 2401 Pine Street t ! , N .y G1 CIS i, 7 , ,f r' i t k rlf r� ,dF i, y r Cit streets sh r, General pl`arr shp, , Commercial i i iw 0 High,De Residential' i t 0 Low Density Residential ; , M I Medium "Dense Resident*, , } Mixed'Use Ind /, Commercia ; ; IN -� Mized,Use .Res /Comm , ���'' s � �•'•. Office /Light, Industrial ! W xr W Public Fad itie's �I W , I 88 i is 4 _ i W , I f'.:: ljhl� I t I }If:.1`�g 1 Div y {h ' N ,dam m 1 llu�w 11 I I} f 1 t °BY Qt r tr } r tir f r 1 .. t 3 ��. btio roO4 {It '�yY r lI � ' !➢� f i 3rd, ,'�� o tt x.{ f � W �i pN w h , 17� .�I I � } �YI�� � '�}" ,� • � � fil f , 1i� r �.>f l� ' l ' , :±{ i -� 't i � a �� � � � Q Vo ! i I !rl - � § v. y m - i if � t " (� 1 ) I � k i%'f v .! ;-I'1 i • F01 r lr klil "# {t Urf} ), C, ,.. }4 r� )IV ! h! '7 I ;— c 9a � r n Nl � o V�o � ` ro' a'is c � s �`� �I . {{ �� riLFr +r *.6 ��, w • •,� I� I i 1 F' ^: + O n't0 Qi} " ) i b { t ° Y ^ i�'�r� S • � t M , F66// II II 1, �k'ttfi l�, IM1 b lW b'Yjlt �I� � i 11 �� i:� III 1:,:'�. Q Ob � iI !n n _IF Y �Ir 14 1 �t, {u I iyf' p CO I is �Ir Ii_t1� FY I il 'I�j r Fr I Lt > f� {r ,.: I f all IkYGI ;. �tt V it to ,._ I'� 901, i4{ 1Ft IiC �, �kl tf i �I seA6 l Q I I' O I . 88 6'11 r i r r n y µ l l i,l M r I ! P ! rl a' C� I r IT, I qu f f q (D Q O 7 # r �r,; ! fO VO LI l� 2 {Ir 1 {, I'j i viof I I cel 1 < {1Y t ( t �G r 1 I'aimr I){ lci�;lr 1 os.J 41� ° ,4:jo- [ os r� 0 E - �o:' f l Sl L. _ i Fe 61 `r I I , i �., I rn I I ry 0 I' 1 � � t { �� .a I I I , �I f Q J LL In it a I III h, ' � • 'I ' O:: •� ° Z ' - Q ' h r x sv W I LL.f'Z' • - s 'dFZ,I Nt. a 602 OP h N LD r9 to FL :611 ' r o it U LL 1 r o .6.9w tee I �rlo'1 c .6 ! � o I .J ;�ap•, � I O N m N 4 , r h i., j I — m O ' N `` I V Z i W i O -jIi I Q m S CD .. �, e I• G Q';. W U' o ,b/ x . r 7ld 5 / �i, r , sl ,F- t l i ft' : < . t n G, f !° Al el x..� f° v r�A� � r I p u�af f C rl I .d " � I , ii/ 1;�Yi{I 1 �� 1 LL a4 'J ii 1 , , , rr I I' ,I , t Y %t t r•6 t d it S, Y+f i5 l O - �., 1 r it m GP- 3 tf �fk} tis l ;l�x� 11f 1 , lYt ld -� r {I a nl U Z , ; 0J , I 1, ec ri•( € ++ r i� bf it T17 , t { i; rl:;ii'�s 5i1 # { "�i.Vn 3i k�Nh.: Fiy1 "�� ✓j, II } " ki d t! , r.,,aia t r trA "iw 'Y rA , - flf }I - `} a1 h �I1111 I 'li fi (41(It ( I } it ! I, I. ' 5 r f !I ) 'r� G f _t r I i # ii,.j I ( j a CT'x�} I r , i{ w O G — o U in n i �3 ! f 01 t 1 14 it 7 .c, I {i Ir f t l t•• t i '�I t it . '.ir• Wit 11 a.: +, }5z .r` .fu `r• 3i.:`i. I ! EXHIBIT F .., , AA fly I% . .... I . .. . . I. .. - low a olf small I-q T7 1 110 1 l A 0 I 4- ' 1 1 .... 1 T (n 6 tic I 1 13 Y T% K 1 its L 9S to C. rq ;u Cb d z Ln C) CD 10 46 n M > led g5 Z 0 1(70 F On Ro 1417 A • 11 tn: g jog U3 > > b V,3S I N ID ru lot) F IM -A g . I 't < q3 1 M k" f 1i t MZO 403 N I , A"4�� < I,jr 0; 1 � '( - '; 1 ' FV- ) '4'w PIT -< Z 1 " I �K � '-, � I ' 4 GIijj 1 1 W ?f ' !:VWRIJCH sly Z W bv- 1 ,34 1 , " it �A It. S . U . - I N- � NYEN C%' . N It All ! y t tt .i'i t p .. ,,. , ✓ ,' ue GF PLAN, PPI ICATION t :SUE i' CITY' OF:ROS EHEAD, PL ° DIIJII .VALLEY ,. S ITE DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST /PROJECT:, 7 f 4• G ; I , n ur'uin1 . NINT't(1)'. ING'DEPARTNENT Ch 91770 ' 0 1770 ir jl y ' f t . . •) ` .• + t ' ' ) ..1�, ( 120 PJSIi]\lly CA ! 1 2447 San, Gabriel Blvd. I. REss• 2401 Pine Stre DATE- 2/2/02 Mixed use Industrial. Manufacturi. Mini 'storage 11 I I i. Medium conaiercial/ Mixed use Industrial/ Existing Zoning: i Public u ' Proposed Zoning: COnmIel:Clal t' Existing General'Plan Des 'Public blic facilities ' Proposed General' Plan Designation: Mixed use — Irtdtlstrial / coninierc • ial Addree'a the 'following statements on a s,,parate 'sheet. 1. The, proposed general plan amendment provides for the logical and beat use 'for the property or properties involved, . and' does not constitu Le a "spot 'zoning" situation. - 7 2. The proposed -general,plan, amendment is necessary to provide for the general welfare and ben of' public .iat large. 3. The - e .public necssity •suppor telt proposed amendment. .Thetis lie a real need im' i communitf,� for lniore of e� type d ot uee'a� permitted by the designation re uesLed.. ti 9'477 4. Thet P ro ert involved '.iri "t he proposed t plan amendment in more suitable for 1 't fie � �eee; ,. peimx't ted in° the peopouedl zone than fov,the use e permitted iii the presenty� zo {� ', t � y ri ;, -71 'SI➢ fk i ' r� t G 4 Frli� 1. � ,' I I'4 4 'd i fir a 1 'ti'• ' - ;" tF3 uses 5 Ttie�} rpermitted b,;'thej .proposed, denigna are not detrimental to surroundin proper g ties 2 -(2- t V Z SIGNATURE '' { ( , ��, DATE: FEE $1250 FL /GP ' ' J I {a 71 t • qV i J I tlb. ji , r 1 k i:.r ',. ,'S' 9 rat a ' Ir t 1 � J , .3, a � P r� , ( i . �' I n i �J]i�'S1fo h +Mil I�lt v§ n ... • : 1 ' 11 �' 'I.� (�:v iC� ) r:�e rs 1 ,!�; • �{ - I ' It �'i I GENERAL ' INFQRMATI ON FORM (2) CITY OF ROSRMRAD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT 8878 VALLEY BOULEVARD . ROSRMEAD, CA 91770 (818) 286 -66,71 SITE ADDRESS: DATE: • I DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/ PROJECT: Mixed use industrial 'Manufacturing; Mini storage 5.52,acres •,;: 5284- 006 - 800,802,803,805 LOT SIZE.: 240-820 SQ ft APN: 5284 012 - 801 - ZONE: GEN. PLAN: 1,'u2. Fa PROJECT /BUSINESS NAME: Global Industrial /Mini storage Park HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 :00am — 5:9b. pin HO. OF EMPLOYEES: 50 to 60 I PROJECT DETAILS:; (type or,print on separate,sheet,if more space is needed): ' Existing ' use: ' None. of ..to.be demolished:, ,None ef, to remain: of Proposed use: Mixed 'use Industrial Manufacturing; Mini. storage additional sf , ) r total,ef �y height: Y + { ah �}� �rl ,;'4 ' fi i `B iing,ef �brokenrdown "ttby �'rntended use f ^ and ( number of structures or du: J q tB tl , r �5 e y k ''48,400 Indust Lral /�Manufac,turing/Warehquse , storage;. r:R iC5 t:d u.. i V r , i 9'6 .4 0'0 Mina storag h $- r, R Nr 1 ;ry4 • ' I, ` 1, I Parking, calc 4 ; l'ation '('eh of /parkrng.jcatro /number required & provided): n ). -Zot Ico,v,erager, cif loor,,are a♦, ratio t landscaped percentage Parcela A SOo; P ArR'r 'rtii. , lsOri LLC t, APPLICANT: /SUBDIVIDER r Part'' sI d ' '^ r Address.: G88'W.' Poothil d Blvd,!', Monrovia, C Phone: ( 626) 303-1920 BUSINESS OWNER(S) Address: - PROPERTY OWNER: Soutl3er;n'; Address: REPRESENTATIVE (architect, 1�i f Phone: ia.'. t;di SOn Phone: leer, Address: :r "" Phone: (714) 934 -0817 I hereby certify that the ab a ls�correct'to the beat of my knowledge. Date: Z— Applicant's signature: Print Name: I Ut ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT NR.ITE BELOW THIS LINE ��Y DATE: 2 — 0 7� APPLICATION ACCEPTED'BY: �J 1 N � "^ '- S; ': / FEE: CSE'(S): A _ —��(! NO( ` T 4 , : , 'j� , .. 6 NU ENVIROKKBNTAL PSSES SKEAT PORK (3) CITY OF ROSEKKAD, PIMPING DEPARTKENT :8030 VALLEY ©OULKVARD "KKEAU, CA 91770 (818) 200 -6671 SITE ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST /PROJECT:' DATE: xed use Industrial Manufactw:in i., MinT istora 9 1. Surrounding land uses of the Bite: north Commercial l` south Corumercial /Industrial east Conm,ercial /Industrial west Residential 2.I Could 'the request;, ,if granted, have an effect on any of the items listed below? Answer :yes or no:in space I provided d. "4 - r ` . Change din i scenico,, ( ,v,iews - �o N istae `from existing resldentlal• areas' to +r,5, ,,.a 9 .1 ,)1 , 1d� ! 7. t ubl�rc lands or rro Id a�, I. rJ i Ig, 14' b Change do pattern,Vocale(or character of� eneral area of project. _N6 C. Cha - life nge'i.n plant or animal f t �Q d. Increasefbf `solid "waeteor'litter (� e. CK ange)in'duet,�.jaah } .smoke, i fumee or o�fors; in vicinity.' increase 'of, solid '' aaete 6e,.l S)9. ',e. Change in' duet +aehj smoke, fumee:'or odors in vlcinity. - 4 , rPl .j i „ W i � Pr 7 i!r art ` a ll,i, Change rn , ,+ ground @water41quality� orrquantity,, or'alteration'of existing ' d'rainage patterne _NO_ g.. Ch'auge t pi, n' exrstrng lrn�oiee „o "r l'evele in the vicinity. J c lr3 - A Site on t(f filled lan or on elopes of l,Oa or ,more. ..• SjQ i Uee',Aor ,: disposal ;: C }'pote'n hazardous materials, such ae toxic substances, flammableB for exploe:ivee.t AQ j. Projected' change 'in `demand for city services, (police, fire, water, sewage, etc:) Relationship to +a '1'arger' project or aeries of projectB. If yes please type or print'expl'anatlon on s separatie sheet. ,v t , 1 , + r.. �. 3. , ;Number of trees'on the`erte ,j ', rn._ No: of�oak. ,treeet 0 Number of 'trees to be removed: -•.fit ,, Numbe of oak trees to be removed':, ,, If oak trees are to be _removed, please refer to RHC Sec. 9131 about permit procedures. N/A - ,. 4. : Are there any known cultural ;. ., hlstoricalr„ archeological or any other environmental aspects of , the:'.project `(site and surrounding area that the '`Planning Department should be aware If yes, please type or print explanation on a'separate sheet. DATE: SIGNATURE: _;_ - -- H FL /ENVIRON i NFU 0 6 700' ' l J J: J. I , . .. .,,I s I APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT (5) CITY OKROSRMRAU, PLANHING'•DRPAHTHRNT 8838 VALLRY BOULEVARD ROSRNRAD CA 91770 I The ,applicant, not 't he representative, should read this sheet and then sign and notarize signature at bottom: - - , i NOTICE , Dear Applicant: ) You ; are advised NOT to obtain any loans or loan commitments on the subject property, or toclear t}ie land, or do anything whatsoever that Is dependent on final approval of your application. Anything you do before final approval will be AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do,lnot assume that your cane will be, or has been finally approved until you are officially notified of such decision IN WRITING by the City, of Rosemead: `! Final approval requires lfavbrable': action by the Planning Commission or the City Council' ' Further,frfinal appro�val1 alone may not be enough. READ the notice of deci'a on and" the RESOLUTION ofl t}ie Plarning }Commission'; or City Council on' which N 1 .( v� L .n S�,� /,f ! ail ;]Iw Y {- 1 1 �'Yl the dec`r's43lse necessary( that your comply 'with ALL' =:the conditions- Ieiori''ie:baed It of appro ,val,s'etiforth'herein u beforel + the flnal approval,itakee effect. : 4 fin Sincerel , „ , �!1) )�. v , ,, 1 ( 1 w, iF } ;, ; ,r fil ,f ,1 d, rlk +, FED 0 6 DUN ' LYONS PETE Dire`Aor of Planning. j1, 3 )3x1})(e "'' "i {,i)�I� 'fa r<.�sr ''���4a city, r I ' --- - - - - -- - - - -- :. 2/2'/.0 Site Addreae: ' ,Gabri ;IIl "/� P :5tree,q. r ++ Date: I 'Mixed u se , ' .Industrial /Co m m ergial/ Description of:.Requeet / Mini storage City of 'Rosemead '' ) County of Los Angeles) State of California ) , I /We, RICHARD ME11G. certify that I /we am/ the foregoing ',etatemen herewith' submitted • are knowledge and belief. Signed: 1 Print Name(s): R].Chari '6 88 W. Nalling Address:, City /state /21p: Mourov IA hereby re the applicant(s) involved in this request, and that a and 'anewera herein 'l contained, and the information in altl respects true- -and correct to the beat of my /our Meaglia iiili Bouleva-rd Ch 9 1016 l Phone: (626) -1920 Date: 2 F ebruary fore me this day of 2002 29t Subscribed and sworn to t `NbTARY r) PUBLIC : �\ FL /AFFIDAVIT , 1 I u FLORENCE SINGLETON Commission 0 1246424 C u d Noluty Public — Colitomla ILos Ar>pal2s County - ? L My Comm. Bq,iras Dec 27,2L103 y yy 5 � , �;, , I Il, ri �)k((,, , I u r 1. i I ,{ 1 1 as i t - I 7Y i fl + rut rp y1 i. a l M f. 11 r P '"` '+ ;,, ,t�t , 1 A•'f ,_, ,, r. .lx SUPPLI Iyl) N I l INPORMATION TO GENERAL PLAN. AMEN DM ENT APPLICATION SUPPLEMENtI' l } f f 1 s !}. i lole _ rTcl Is located onl property ow ned by'+Soute hrn California Edison: The i.l he p Edison owned ropeity ezlean c6ii go lly i5ortlieasl Iroin, the, project aap 1 San . Gabriel Boufevard cxtendiil nor,ilnwaidrito,Garvey AvunLie,and.beyond. The Edison Pro,peny extends the pi oject'site to the City of.Monterey Park and beyond : Cothe nor Wof the plojec t'o Garva,ha,'are primarily residential propertiesi hlo„weV>& the pruperlji fionhrig on San Gabriel Boulevard immediately north, of the inclustnal conumercial project'consists ofiaE;prox_imately one acre and is used as a con nmer cial use It rs:`cur rei itly1for. sale. The existing property uses along San Gabriel Boulevard include arl auto body shop, hotel and coriiii ercial offices. The proper ties, on Pine Street andithose l west.o(Pnle Street re, residential properties. There is a strong need the use of the property in the community. There is little if any available industrial space in the area. In addition, other than commercial space fronting on Garvey Boulevard and foi a limited area south and north of Garvey, there is little commercial space available in the area. 1 There is a strong'need fora mini storage facilit) the area. The nearest mini storage facility is located approximately'five nniles Irop the project. Many of the homes in the'Rosemead area and especially south of Garvey Boulevard consist of small homes with extended families. There is a tendency for the residents to accunnulate and store items outside of the home in ) rear and side yards resulting in clutter that is visible to neighbors The mini storage facility will `allow a low cost alternative to the residents that will allow them to store these items away from the residence. In addition, local businesses will also be able to utilize the storage space. r (' r I (c\ Rhi \Sup pl. Inf oGenera111a nA mend. Par 1, .I i I ,{ 1 1 as i t - I 7Y i fl + rut rp y1 i. a l M f. 11 r P '"` '+ ;,, ,t�t , 1 A•'f ,_, ,, r. .lx SUPPLI Iyl) N I l INPORMATION TO GENERAL PLAN. AMEN DM ENT APPLICATION SUPPLEMENtI' l } f f 1 s !}. i lole _ rTcl Is located onl property ow ned by'+Soute hrn California Edison: The i.l he p Edison owned ropeity ezlean c6ii go lly i5ortlieasl Iroin, the, project aap 1 San . Gabriel Boufevard cxtendiil nor,ilnwaidrito,Garvey AvunLie,and.beyond. The Edison Pro,peny extends the pi oject'site to the City of.Monterey Park and beyond : Cothe nor Wof the plojec t'o Garva,ha,'are primarily residential propertiesi hlo„weV>& the pruperlji fionhrig on San Gabriel Boulevard immediately north, of the inclustnal conumercial project'consists ofiaE;prox_imately one acre and is used as a con nmer cial use It rs:`cur rei itly1for. sale. The existing property uses along San Gabriel Boulevard include arl auto body shop, hotel and coriiii ercial offices. The proper ties, on Pine Street andithose l west.o(Pnle Street re, residential properties. There is a strong need the use of the property in the community. There is little if any available industrial space in the area. In addition, other than commercial space fronting on Garvey Boulevard and foi a limited area south and north of Garvey, there is little commercial space available in the area. 1 There is a strong'need fora mini storage facilit) the area. The nearest mini storage facility is located approximately'five nniles Irop the project. Many of the homes in the'Rosemead area and especially south of Garvey Boulevard consist of small homes with extended families. There is a tendency for the residents to accunnulate and store items outside of the home in ) rear and side yards resulting in clutter that is visible to neighbors The mini storage facility will `allow a low cost alternative to the residents that will allow them to store these items away from the residence. In addition, local businesses will also be able to utilize the storage space. r (' r I (c\ Rhi \Sup pl. Inf oGenera111a nA mend. Par I , wr iil 1' l ' �S 1 I' 1 i r s I ,jl I , l(r r, ,rti bla ppp ( @J, � G )1 t ' •!.'�r ( Il }F,i ❑yfl �'II tl, + {! \( 'tlfl. 1 t 4, I l y �.� r_ I I.1;. tl i l.�l „' {il... 1 ,• ii tl i I I •, I 1a t a 1 , I ., I , n I,• q J PSs Il�6 I�, i i. a d�, , - i1 0 w I 1 11i 1 � Fur tt r - a - I) t• . 4 r, ,: ATTMH 'ICNT:TO 1 1 aa•IhL 1r1 •� l� ';,) ie. t.: J, � . 1'., I;he,curient l ;describes• the,Use.Of, the 8outhern'Califoinia 1 I' Ldison hu,blrc facj if r_s dEdison has ,apprrowed proposed project. The existing,propertics frontingion described as "mixed use, mclustrial /cor»nieru�il ". the proposedl , ;project.�u Jkitll this.:use as desr 'hated in the g eneial plan g r 1 - �" t 2. There is,a, need in : the community for rna;eased; industrial buildings and storage fa6hties. l , { I , 3,, . 'There is,aineedi in the for increased industrial buildings and storage facilities. 4. Currently, the property is used by Southern California Gdison and is unimproved. The, general titan ,designates this space, as public facilities taking into account. the use, b Southern California ; Edison. ,:So,irthern. California Edison has determinedl, that it is desirous,of the lroperty.. The proposed i zone -is consistent with tlie,zoiiing and uses in the area. ,i • ,; ; 1 5. ; Currently, the jroperty, its used by: SOnthern California Edison and is Unimproved. The general plan designated this space.as.public facilities taking into 'I I account the use by; Sou, thern.i Cali fornia. Edison.. -Southern California Edison has determined that it is desirous of developing the property. The proposed zoning is consistent with the zoning an uses in the area. As a result of the use by Edison of the transmission lines on its property, there is no ability to utilize the property for residential purposes. The cliange in the zoning will make the Edison property more consistent with the uses in the surrounding area. , ;g t �� '„ -t ..a, � - rfi I tl ;'I,I m P,. X1,1 �, , ,l ��•I 4.� , 1 lauP a ,; {:- . (u Rbt \Park Edison.Attnchment to Ar,Iphcaholl)111 11 J t tl A i r < ,, � ±.F,: ' �' r ll �" 3 w_�i, d ;II 4�':. P „• a i : '1 t`I✓l < ti l , a �i. n? , III I h�dfl If q'�i ' l�h r _lj it 1 , 1 ,� ;l: ;I f kl U.;j•, t i t .. 1 I' 2({ C SITE ADDRE55: Zyy PROPERTY OWNER * S KFFIDAVIT (6) CITY OFr ROSI:?U:AD, PLANN DEPARTHENT 88,38 .VALLEY DOULEVARD "�. �, '• , ;;,t' lRDSEXKAD, .CA l+ 91770 . "rid (J3 5671 1 - 1 1':�t19 Cr[cb�JPr Wed '• :. DESCRIPTION OF' 'REQU I ttl ' ",r Rc�rt 12 -a [cl) ,g iJ +l N'f� (Jr�I�N�� "I' �:1 , 1�KoM PaBUe- i —< 17b 141 (o i pus�7el n CaM rt, eve -� ; ': I }e, r_ 1 � "r �i 1� t1,�, ^ T.F'FIDA V ZT - JeY - ,t•f !. .. - C o Rosemead Count} Los Angeles) %1,11 + ' ` I .. . 'Ca.'ifo nla 'i i u lr, t ) � C it f 1 1 5 c , 1 D I S OtJ � �� 0 U hereby ce ha` I /ve • am /a 'e - pe owner(s) ' c the pro;ert 1, involved in thin request, J I r J 1 'a l r and! ±!tnat' 1 the '. fo_eooing' •statements; answers F^ herein ''contained, and the zn`o sa °_ibn' ith submit -ed' in all respects true and correct to the bent of'my /our TJaowledge and I belief + Sic ^ neo' u ��L�� /I�C�✓ ���'� , ?r .nt Name (a): f V V I - O ling. :,ddress:,�i J' '�..� 15���'� rhone: ��J �I �0�� c:tl: /5 to /:.i�: I.l�Cls I �����.� � i f � Ca� ate: 2- I ZI':� I .G' • � , Subscribed and sworn to 'be`ore me ' =his 0 - 1h ay of d ock JENNIFER WARD -r�5 =usTiic ' COMMA 1273203 1{ .• NOTARY PUBIICCALIFORNIA • ,' II ORANGE COUNTY my Comm. E.plrnt Jep<. J. lOW J DATE: 19 a , 1 ' FOR OFFICE USE ORLY - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Filed �:•ith Case 170.,: ( • , ^on. the, 'r day ,ot ,,, '..��.� ;ri 'IPP'.1. 111 � .. Xy it � i 1• A l. • ' I I d 4 �., ' IIP ;i ,`, '. ,rl M1 t . $ : t { a 1 J (1 41 - rr { f ? 1 \ i •11' ' ' III Y ' a -a u' J , I '.,li I'+�. ,'- I. �. -.I it -h {. >1I °4 {'�1,Y /I it I) III � } r. 'I�•, a ^ I FL /FFF IDAV IT �'i• !�'. '.'aa J 1 U n , ; l�i' I I o I Ic r p. i; .. �'i 1 1 1 i4 l it f. I i , ''.': .� ,.7 .a ,. r DATE: 19 a , 1 ' Application for CONDI`T'IONAL USK 1'1'AMII`l' City 61; Rosefnead S 1 Planning Departnlenl, 8838 East Valley D oil lePard R'oscine id; California (626) 569 -2140 Property Owner's iA ivili(5)a a' Site Address: I �'t 7 ..' �} {�, �J ` L' . f�Dalc: (D-2 Desu;ip of Request/ I?rojccl l I , M sl ZA T `( I , , jIk. tl EYl e1,:: - , {� 4� 1 s {�.f f i.7.i1: 1, � i' 1 i AFFIDAVIT C of'Roscmcad , Counl ' oCLos An eles ' Stale of-California' ' � I I I / \vc 'c. �. I /ne anihme the liplicml(s) involve iiqucst, aul that confaincd"a IL l the infinnrllion 1166% all i lu{owlcdge pnd bclicf „• Signature: • y I 14 � -4��D CAA hereby ecilifj� Ihal loregaiing slalcmcnls and allmvus herein mulsdl:lic alid collect to tlic'bcsl of my/our„ I'rinl Naine(s): M 1 C1-EeEL Q U N C Mailing Address: 1 `1 .9 G►�� �Nf� 1 ,i , W � � n 1 �ti � t eft S)— Address Nunihei Aj t. It City, Stale lip Code Phone: i 1 1 n ' ` 2 C t� I I, _ 'Subscribed and swr,rm t refore me this day or, 20 N 7CA Z ' I JENNIFER WARD COMM.! ...... 1 NOTARY PURUC- CALITORNtA ORANGE COUNTY A!y Comma &pmn !, lOOA D-- NOT I PR77731jEl,O TEAS, L /A'G --- Application - Accepted 13g: tic � l� Et {'ji itl�lj ,. ,.., t��`!. a 1 q 1 1 I hI I 1 4I Y n� •I : 1 1 , _ �. a — t n � I l • 1, i '1 a , j �r. 'l. 'r 1 .•, 1 la K , �I , 7y1 J'•) 17.j I L��i t { I l j.;l t I �i ��1 1 li - �,'ll •irl l'1 f,.' ' "!l � ��.i •IROPERT) "10501FJCS AF.FIDA1'IT (G) Cl TT; OF I ROSFXYAD, PLANAIAC DFCPARTMF77T i1!.! 8638 OJAIAXT TWJUIXI'MU] , . 9-1.77.0 ICI ' {., � 1 ; ... ,• (6'1D) 2D0.- 567d�'�' � / Y I'i {" i ;:2�f01 I, 1 1�I'h'C 1 IS�j'. � . �. � '! •, SIT, ADDRESS '2417 `," �f {1 C7C<hn�� wu�( DATE: DESCR OF REQl1'c57 /�PROJECT { L' it r '" � o r 1 E' ' " CF (�11�(0� 1 ROI1 (� -a I,C9 Sri ( }MWQ 2=ROM Pueue- r a-c)zi1rres , C_c�y Rosemead (,cunt} Les Angeles) 5 e of Cal rfonia'' (S,G�� Cj I f�, n '> t 1 /� L /We, r � / I ^, �11 G � �. �;- � _ClkU 60 6 _ _ C) ..'>U hereby t ce ti's hnttl /we :am /z ' r, the owner(r,) of �the.,pro'erty involved.i.n this request, and that the foregoing statements. and answers herein contained, and the in`oc/sation herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of m0nur )jloi•ledge and belief. i/) / , / 'l S icned:, ?rint Name n) IL'I ---,y ( -�� ! ���- -�VI�I Q, !:ailing Address:' I, J �- LHIG� -� 1��� t e City /State /2-;p:.. eLj MV1 �/U Subset bed .anJ sworn to be`_.o �e ,me =his s day 'of , �J NIJ� R WARD COtAPA.! 12732D3 NOTARY PUBLICCAEIFONN41 ORAN6E COUNiY M Comm. E'Pim/ Seel. ], IUDd .-_____________ --- ___ _____-- __--- ________-- _________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - I>D NOT WRITF. HFUJ:7 IRIS L117F 19 1 ' ' • 1 {'SIC 1. jl ', •.: r . i i .. ' _red with Case, 14 ', en she ' of , , 'r ,. ill . 1 % „ . 7' �' S , .'x, 1. •11: 11 p'I I ". 1 I. 1. • I ,. .lit ,ff�i. •11. .- .I, � 1 , i. 1 { u l i E+Ilr , 1 a• , d • FL /ATE'7 I DAVIT I 1 I. •. i , , f 1 )., �S 19 1 ' ..I'' l l ' , � �.i Jt:j I li �ii r'r,r '�.', I'I• .. .{''' , Aliph�aliiw lot U),NgITIONAI, IISE PERMIT Cio of Ruscnu!ad I f ft:lt I I I r t I'I uiiiiii, ll p:u lmenl ��ls'I Isl N.Ille� Doulev ud, Rrisemc lit California (626) 569 -2140 of Prop'ei l�'O)cnci''s :y \flirlavit Silc Addirss' , 7 ' (�;I 1Qfl- P SATFL_ } 1�,eyP Ds le: OZ"Z D- C.)Z Desciihlion fteiju'esl/ prgjccl "I� 1��1 1(�- 'S� l o f E�''iv ; ; � L} G 11_1 - FY I i AMID / \VI;I r Clly oCRosc:ncad' County of Lfis Angcics slalc of California I/We _(\/ v � C-A UE l �DA SZJQ , hereby certify Illal 17tve am /:le the ,q)plicanl(s) involve in 11 request, and 111;11 the furcguing stalemenis and answers herein contained, and the information liclelvilli submitted arc in all respects Iruc and correct to the bcsl of my /our knowledge and belief I'rinl r Mailing AWWress: I I AddlessUi 11ber ShccI Apt tl Cil1r Slala lip Code Dale: Zo SubscribeW anW sworn t Icforc me 2oi.� Way of & - . 20 - I f1 i }I JENNIFER WARD COt ltil.l 1273103 � NOTARY RUBLICLAUFORN41 ji ORANGE WUWiY I + q1 A4y Comm. E.plrar Salrl. ), taon . - - --------------------------- nr�'n r it !7,1,'tlt � 0ir 77 //:_clLl ffic. Aoollcalion Accculcd 13t. I tl III +' t I� b:i:ItE,An,�h3n'u I!I :fl,i, 7. .I 61 ��1l:Ilr YI 1 •. I rl " "! ar',� grit:( •� .;11, I t i I i. I � I I� b:i:ItE,An,�h3n'u I!I :fl,i, 7. .I 61 ��1l:Ilr YI 1 •. I rl " "! ar',� grit:( •� .;11, I a l ld PROPERTY" OWNER S AFFIDAVIT ( G) ;1I 1�... •,. .' %CITI OF'. IZOSF.HEAD; PI,AN1fTTM.' DEFAJCTHF:NT - '8038 'V.,LLLr D0U1_:VA3tD (Ol©) 180 =6G71 2yoi � S.-F, SIT% ADDRESS: 241 l .56t F1 (J LC bAG'I �IUC� DATE: 'DESCRI T'TI ON OF'REQUEST /FROJECTF - 4' I f�?1�tJP, C1614% 1 ,4Np i)5e '1�r�IGtJ.H'1'Ic�r/ Y3ioN1 P11NC 1 4 61LII "Tg 7o F41 }(e VSO I)J QL0 4 4-L, r , AFFIDAVIT County of Los Angeles) State of Cal i forn{,i�a ' ) CD iS uW hereby certify that I /we am /are the owner(s) of theipro'erty involved in this request, and that ttie foreuoing statements, and answers herein contained, and the info_m�a tion h'ere_ith. submitted are in all respects true and correct to'the best o' inv /our ) ledge and belief.,' I� Sicned: _ r i nt ,Name (s) /-� •� !-:z_ling A':3dress: 1 - � 't�1 � � � � 7� ��� / 1 `� 1�7 / nhone:��_� �J _1 —( D?, C_tj' /State /i_p. 1 -U �—� 1 <v �) ` G'� I �C.�71a -�a t : ZI �-lJ I G Subscribed and sworn to before me this u of.� w. I -Q��n� JENNIFER WARD N F usElc -� ) , COMMA 7113103 w - - � - NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA ORANGE. COUNTY , {{ My Comm, E,plm. S , ,FA 3, 70 04 ]0 04 1. t e1• T.r r �� , v ar �'�� j. r 11. 1;+ o i FORT OFFI Ch�'`i7SK ONL1 , 1>0 NOT Il.F.1TF, BELOW 1 LINK . i 3 od '_ith Casp tY0.: 0,, „`�, n, 'the, Ufa}' of 19_ l FL /AFFI + r •r ., li.r. - r t.l zt;. ��`ri �' ,�I� � � ,�� t : I. Apjllicnlipn liii ( 6N1)1TI0 NAI, USI?, I'LR11'L1 "I' Cily of Roscnlcad I'hulnin� Deparin)ent, SS78 Iasl Valley 13,onlevard, Rosemead, California (626) 569 -2140 f'roperl)' 011'ller.'s Affidavit (5); lr 2 f-' ; 5,Ile eE SileAddress: �-7 (<j j C /�- fJr�jEL tt/P Dile: OZ Dcscrip(ivn of kcgllesl /rl l;ojecl: SI 0 f2EF CT,E i R C ILI"T`( AF1 C'ily of Rosemead County of Los Aogcics S(elc oWalilinnia 1 /lV c , _� ' 1 \r✓ 1 1 f�lCl� �? V 1sCi Ll v CA %--\ = _I hereby ccrlil'p that Iliac :un /aic (lie opplican((s) involve in III rcquesl, and (hat the I'mcgoing slatcmci is and a115R'cls herel❑ con lained,,aniI the information hcrelvidi subnli(led arc in all respects Iruc ;md correct to the best Of Illy /our knowledge and belief. Signalure, Trial lJan)c(s): �'� (CE S EA (�l� -� C) ry rte. Mailing Address: " 1 - 1 I �i9 GIN Address Number Slrccl Apl. 11 , Cily SI _f E JZ(I Zip Code Phone: ��J 3 ( ETC l-1 C Dalc: { ' • Subset Ibed and a¢rorn f , elute •, fl 1. t ;nc Ihls Zo�� day of � .• " •. 2(1 7 I I� Nn N , 11�'{ ' I'U13LIC JENNIFER WARD COMM.! 1273203 NOTARY PUBLIC ' ' 1 I' 'f• I ' ' -' - CALIFORMIA ORANGE COU14TY I-v , Y Comm Ex n ire$ $a M. J. 700a I I ._...__.__.._ ----- ------ __.__..._ _ ._...._...._.... t -DO ArOT II'21ZL" PF1,011' THIS L /Al E. Appbcatiun.Aci'cplcd i3y: Casc(s): :;,. • tee: I ,. { f r { ' • I - � 7 f' Cas. _ hmtber: cCI P D 2---9(0 3 �a PA 6) b i 02 —� /5 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PLANNING DI PARTAIENT PRELIAM'ARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION i GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1. Naiiie and'adWess ofwplican6o authorized'agenu. PARR• EDISON LLC 'c /o� Richar'd' Meaglia ; "6W - West Foothill Blvd. Monrovia, 'CA 910`16 '1 X , a ' 2. Name, address, and telephone ofnerson'to be contacted ,'t this project: Richard Meaglia (626)•.303- 192,0' Brad (714) "493 -1192 688 West Foothill Blvd ;' ', _Monrovia, CA' 9:'1016 t{ �� t ♦� :I• i I' , )1 i 7 3. Nanie, address, and -telcphone nu' nm6er'ofpropelty Southern California Edison , 'Attn. Michael Orduno 14799 Che's'tnut Street- Westminster, CA 92683 ) Y3 4-8817,7:i 4. Location of project (site address)`: 24,47 San.-Gabriel Blvd: 'San Gabriel' 1) ' 2,401 Pine Street, San Gabriel 5. Legal description: Lbt; , L Block >. .Tract: Township: Range:, . Assessor's Parcel NUIliber: 5284 -006- 800,802,803,805 Section: i 5284- 012 -801 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 6. Briefly describe the project including an identification of phases: " Mixed use Industrial / conwercial Mini Storage Page 1 of 6. i f' Cas. _ hmtber: cCI P D 2---9(0 3 �a PA 6) b i 02 —� /5 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PLANNING DI PARTAIENT PRELIAM'ARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION i GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1. Naiiie and'adWess ofwplican6o authorized'agenu. PARR• EDISON LLC 'c /o� Richar'd' Meaglia ; "6W - West Foothill Blvd. Monrovia, 'CA 910`16 '1 X , a ' 2. Name, address, and telephone ofnerson'to be contacted ,'t this project: Richard Meaglia (626)•.303- 192,0' Brad (714) "493 -1192 688 West Foothill Blvd ;' ', _Monrovia, CA' 9:'1016 t{ �� t ♦� :I• i I' , )1 i 7 3. Nanie, address, and -telcphone nu' nm6er'ofpropelty Southern California Edison , 'Attn. Michael Orduno 14799 Che's'tnut Street- Westminster, CA 92683 ) Y3 4-8817,7:i 4. Location of project (site address)`: 24,47 San.-Gabriel Blvd: 'San Gabriel' 1) ' 2,401 Pine Street, San Gabriel 5. Legal description: Lbt; , L Block >. .Tract: Township: Range:, . Assessor's Parcel NUIliber: 5284 -006- 800,802,803,805 Section: i 5284- 012 -801 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 6. Briefly describe the project including an identification of phases: " Mixed use Industrial / conwercial Mini Storage Page 1 of 6. I 4: CITY OF ROSEIIIEAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT PR lf'L11\RINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRJTTION 7. State if there are for future expansion: Yes C ; No: XX 1 r I 4: CITY OF ROSEIIIEAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT PR lf'L11\RINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRJTTION 7. State if there are for future expansion: Yes ; No: XX Explain: , 8. State lhelprcject'objective'sr r,t " „`` '? tP Construct; foi myxed "use Iriduslt ial /Ooirunercial 'and• II r Mini Storage. it q 9. I. dre f e& ) I ,1 t7 1' I` '•� t ' ,i ti i. I'roject,landrar'ea (acres or eet 5.52 acres ��i 290,820 •Sq,. !Ft:l, e. r' _ ,' i 10. General relationsbips'of the project io sui�roundi ng grope ii'es: . , Use Zonin PRESENT Nan Land Use Desienation MC L- -R PROPOSED CoriVInd - Mini storage MC /IN Mixed Ind Com - Residential ADJACENTNORTI3 Com /industrial MC /L -MF Mixed Lnd /Com - Mini storage -R AD.IACENTSOUTH CohVIndustrial,.'.' Mixed Ind Cont - Residential MC /L -MF -R ADJACENTEAST Cont/Industrial Mixed Ind /Com - Residential MC ADJACENT NkrEST ,, Residential' MC /L -MF -R Mixed Ind/Con, ' Mixed Ind /Corn - Residential 11. Residential oroiect (if not residential, do not answer): N ?A A. Number of dwelling units: Single-Family:' A p a r t m e n t : Condo: B. Number of dwelling units with: One bedroom: Two bedrooms: Three bedrooms: Four or morebcdroorns: C. Total number of parking spaces provided: Covered: Uncovered: D. Approximate range of units: $ to $ E. Number of stories: Height: Feet Page 2 of 6 V CITE' OF ROSEIVIEAD PLANNING DEPARTAIENT PRELI 1[NARV ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION Percent'of total project proposed'for: Buddlii`q r r, r , , P Landscaping II'' i .• t iv V' I .n ,.i{ 'I . 'i' 'i'Orher, t , G. Typeofalpliances acid ]ieating or Bass &electric): H. Describe: project's nlght,Iighting:• . , s 12. Commercial industrial: or other project (if project is residential, do not answer this section): A. Type of use: M ixed use. industrial /commercial B. Total number of floor area • square feet: I /Comm 4 Mini, storage 102 i t C. If liotel.or motel, state number of units. ;N v. Number of stories: • �� Height: i , 19' to 2 2'Feet: L. Total number of parking spaces provided: Covered: S.C. 70 Uncovered: Pine 20 F. Hours of operation: 7 ;ooa.m.to6 Daysofoperation: Mon = Sat. G. W I 13 If fixed number of seats or beds involved, state how many: Describe project's night lighting: Security lights on face of build lights face interior of property and not towards neighbors. Number of employees per shifl: 4 5' J. Number of students or patients: N/A K Percent of total' project proposed for: ' Building: Paving: Landscaping: Other: — all S.G -= 36% Pine = 50% a_r _ = 4 2$_I?i ne = 30� S.G. = 20% Pine = 20% Socio- economic (attach sheet containing answers): A. will the'proposed'project`produ'ce a or,de'ficit in public revenues? Compare estimated revenues,anticipated,froiii this, project with estimated increased costs for governmental services. •: i t I �, .� ��Il�l li r ft il� -� l,.i l�fr� -y l �' !9 ,Page 3'Of �; 1 I 1 Un 15 CITY OF.ROSCMEAD P N LA' ' ' , ,FA - GiDEI'AIZTA'TENT, .I I IZC.LIl\11NARY 1 NVIRO1\'MGNTAFLrC11SCRTPTION I i ' , Ir�r B. Could another business r result f om tlns project +Ectilnatethe extent of loss to other businesses resulting 'fromladded con peUtlonl I, I �r '� rf I i F:� I. " "`l i i' t YI1 ' �'' .I_ ''` ` C. ' Ectimate the number of»o kda}t that would�betpro`vided,to the construction industry • I the number of permanent lobs that }wou . Indicate ld be crea i tedlrf,Permanent employment were involved. D Bnefly discuss the IA,a3, s it yhrch the proposed - project could foster direct or indirect economic and population 14'roWtii in the surrounding environment. Indicate the location, area (in.acresi'or.square feet), ,rid iyji ofplaht life to be removed as a result of the project: Include number It and size oftrees'to heiioved. There isl,no' ;' j exi'sting�1'ant° . 1 ' . 1 e rr ' Land 'fonn it i'i e on the site . I, I. A -.1 is the' property presently'graded? No 1 I ; B. }What is the range and direction of subject property's slope as it now exists? Less than 2 %. Slope : west; Front to back C. How much grading is proposed (in gross cubic yards)? Less than 100 . D. I much land (acres) is to be graded: 5.52 acres E. What will be the maximurn height and grade of cut or fill after grading is completed? Less than 1 foot t F. Is the surrounding area graded? ye property? No affect - — Mi n im al gra If so, hOw will if affect the subject the purpose of causingwater to flo' g to be performed will be for I v" to he existing-streets. G. During construction of the project, what efforts are bein siltation? g taken to minimize property erosion or I. Standard LA Cow7ty;e'rision : April 15 plan I to'be,in effect October 15 to i k A, ' 't Ir) 5 11 , i I t I 111ilr it �I P )I I'p. I. �•� :C. � n . I ' [L�'• r } I f v r � I ;tll )yfl trJ IrI 1 rr I•Ztf I r � Page,.4 of 6 il_fl:rll I t : ' . tl I I i'..' 14. ,a -, ' 'r'+ e i i 1 i �+ }.aj 'V •, .. it .. I I T r91 i I , . "r ' SI, •;, I ' P.• � d r 14 , �� F '..,i ' ' ' f I'� 3 �''�: I . O( ' RO SE 1 \ IEADPCANNING I DEI'AR7-1\LGNT i PRELIM [NA ENN'1RONn1GN7 AL DESCRhPTION 16. Pppulation displacement:' t. , 1, , A. anyresidential occuparits,be,displaccd by,tile:.;oroject, activities? If not;ldo:riot.answer,question 16B.', No '' t B. y'rhat is the` total number of'residents to be displ iced? , ?' ! u 17. Demolitioii: A. Will any improvements be'demolished or removed by the project? If'so, answer questiori `!1713:'-' No t , B. Describe. briefly the type of buildings or improvements to be demolished by the project: 18. Wi energy consmation measures are included in the project? A. Full wall and ceiling insulation: Ceiling on1Y. — Walls solid grout B. Tinted windows: ,, 'Ye's ' C. Use of double -paned glass: Y s D. Use of alternative energy sources (i.e., solar dry plumbing, wind, etc....): No E. Building orientation to the south: Partial F. Full use of window and door weather- stripping: Yes G. Low flow ; water devices: ' Yes " H. Automatic•shut off,lightinsp ; I Ye i s 1'- I. Ener e(Ticienf lighting )ar'king' areas: al t Yes ' � l f • I 4 '1 I 1 lil •.� •I J. Other energ en y cons ation measures N i �' + { z '� 6 k •� i . 19. Cultural resources: t A. Are there any buildings older than fifty •. r (50)'year's on the pPo erty? N Ifyes,.describe'- ` t,',,.t i i, ;, i 3 Page-5 of 6 , 1 I II - ' � 1: ° i : 1 I .J11.� l I ilhy t I JI I .� jl • , I . i I - I t •II � ,� : I CITS' 0I IZOS I\trA'1) 'DI I t 'I '{'PRELIT1fNAM k " I OIV 1�n''CAC p I ARTMENT 20. E SCRII'T►ON indicate •mrtlgatior rmea'sures'mcluded,rn t the ` �' I Irllll r orientation traffic /ern lo'; P to reduce m etc .. P Y e transrt subsidj', noiselsu acts . i , Ppression amenities( landsca r c onsen�ation , sun s tree relocation, None I I . I n. .7 .t; •, I, !I iFl t',� 4 .i 4, 41 �.','' I 1��• . i;% I : a .r 'r!• ,. J1 IJ i r7 t i l t ' ,1 1 .0 i I, o, -I I t ' i�i� +t�. lla{t .. - ' r + ti' i.� rlif• i I Page 6 of 6 . 1, r I 'qlj •' ilf 1, - .'. , ""- r °Liv \/IRONI\ %IENTAL DESCRIPTION 73. ,. ,'/�• ' It is anticipated that tlieprojecl will jnciease�ublicrei� the improved pioperh, will generate an increase in } pro pert , aiues in that There is no anticipated increase in th y, } e cost for go tax assessments; governmental services. B. It is not anticipated ilia t,any other businesses will result from the project. I lt isrnot anticipated that the project will compete with any other businesses in the surrounding area C. It is anticipated that during the construction phase, there will b period of a e approximately ten to twenty construction workers al the site for an anticipated ely f iffiatel y six to nine months• It is also anticipated that and the operation the orty -five pernnanentjobs w approximately f ill be created as a result of the project conunercial /industrial project. D• It is not anticipated that the project Would affect population growth in the surrounding area The project could foster an economic growth in the area g an by providin attractive and functional commercial /industrial project south of Garvey Avenue I ,, I II I (CA RM \nttac l if '' "� it h.Gm ironinenlalUesc n - I�i� ,. plion:Paikrdlson) w r , I 1 �y� ' 1 -I;T f. EiT�-'�.1 ■�F.1i11�IF.Ti G3