CC - Item 2C - Planned Developement Review 01-01 - 3675 Rosemead Boulevardi li~ 5 E M E O 0 y ~ l~0 can ~neon~ho~N . TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 20, 2002 SUBJECT:. PUBLIC HEARING -PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 01-01 3675 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Project Description Ming You Product Corporation DBA Rent-4-Less, has submitted an application for the development of a secured parking area for passenger vans as part of an automotive rental business within the P-D; Planned Development Zone. This site will only.be for an ancillary parking facility, with the business office operating out of Rosemead Inn, located at 8832 Glendon Way. Public Notice Notice of this public hearing was published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on Monday, March 18, 2002. On March 13, 2002,36 written notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. Envirommental Analysis Planned Development Review 01-01 consists of the development of a parking area for passenger vans as part of an automotive rental business in the P-D; Planned Development Zone. Section 15304 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempt projects that consist of minor alterations in the conditions of the land, such as grading, gardening, and landscaping that do not affect sensitive resources. Accordingly, Planned Development Review 01-01 is classified as a Class 4 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15304 of CEQA. 11' COUNCIL. F SEND' MAR 2 r 2002 ~ ~ ITEN-1 No. . Rosemead City Council Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2002 Page 2 of 8 Municipal Code Requirements Section 17.76.070 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) requires a Planned Development Review for "Changes in the use shown in the development plan shall be considered in like manner as changes in the zoning map and shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in this title, except such changes may be accomplished by a resolution rather than by ordinance". Section 17.76.010 indicates that the purposed of this planned development review is as follows: "This zone is designated to accommodate various types of development such as shopping centers, professional and administrative areas, multiple housing developments, single-family residential developments, commercial service centers and industrial parks and other uses or a combination of uses which can be made appropriately a part of planned development." Property History & Description The subject site currently consists of a vacant 6,500 square foot portion of a 24,624 square foot lot that also includes an 8,400 square foot automotive repair business (Goodyear Tire). The parking area will be located behind Goodyear Tire, far from sight from Rosemead Boulevard. The Planned Development also includes the Ramada Inn and the Denny's Restaurant. The fenced area of this parking lot area is not currently being utilized by any of the adjacent businesses. The proposed site area currently exists as a parking lot that has been fenced off with a temporary 6- foot high chain link fence. The area was originally approved under Parcel Map No. 4029 and Plot Plan No. 543 on July 24, 1973, as part of a planned development that consists of a motor hotel, restaurant, and a Goodyear automotive franchise. At the Planning Commission public hearing of this item, several residents were present to address concerns with the existing conditions of the site: trash and litter throughout site; trash. thrown into adjacent residential property; poor maintenance of the landscape areas; and location of proposed light standards. As a rebuttal, a representative of the property owner was present and responded that they would attend to these complaints in. a more prudent manner in the future. , Upon further discussion, the Planning Commission determined that the proposed improvements will alleviate most of the concerns; that amendments to the conditions of approval will resolve concern regarding light glare and traffic; and by directing staff to contact the owner of the adjacent hotel to reiterate these concerns of the residents. Site & Surrounding Land Uses The site is designated in the General Plan for Commercial and on the zoning map, it is designated for P-D; Planned Development Zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses: . North: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial Zoning: R-1; Single Family Residential Land Use: Residence . Rosemead Ciry Council Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2002 Page 3 of 8 South: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial Zoning: P-D; Planned Development Land Use: Ramada Inn East: General Plan: Commercial Zoning: C3-D; Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay Land Use: Rosemead Place West: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial Zoning: PO-D; Professional Office with a Design Overlay Land Use: Residence Administrative Comments & Analvsis Ming-You Product Corporate DBA Rent-4-Less currently operates a business office out of Rosemead Inn (located 8832 Glendon Way; approved April 2, 2001 under Conditional Use Permit 01-828) with only four rental vehicles on-site. The applicant is requesting to develop and improve the subject site for parking of additional rental passenger vans. This site will be permitted only for parking; any automotive related work to the rental vehicles shall be done off-site (Condition No. 10) and no structures either temporary or permanent shall be allowed on this project side (Condition No. 11). Planned Development Parking The layout for the proposed parking area has been designed in consideration of the neighboring businesses. The planned development for the motel, restaurant, and auto service center was approved with 191 parking stalls, including the subject site. The motel use was appropriated 104 spaces; the restaurant was approved with 49 parking stalls; and Goodyear Tire was permitted with 33 spaces. The total number of parking spaces permitted under this planned development is 186 parking stalls. Given that there are currently 172 parking spaces for the planned development (excluding the fenced parking area), the parking stalls have actually been underutilized. The subject site has been fenced off for several years and never used for parking. There have been no parking problems with the restaurant and the motel with the less than required parking. During field reviews, staff found surplus parking due to the fact that most motel patrons derive from tourist groups using passenger vans. With this parking situation, staff finds that the proposed parking area would not be detrimental to the parking condition of the planned development. Site Plan Design . The proposed parking area is 60 feet wide and 100 feet long, for a total area of 6,000 square feet. The parking area will be improved with a slurry treatment and each parking stall will be double-striped. As Rosemead Ciry Council , Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2002 Page 4 of 8 shown on Exhibit B, there will be 14 parking spaces, each measured at 9 feet wide by 20 feet long. Each parking space will have a 25-foot vehicle backup space for maneuvering. The vehicles will be protected by both new light standards and fencing. The vehicles will mostly be rental passenger vans. No signs will be posted, as this is a parking area only. The ingress and egress to the subject site will be through 21-foot entry at the northeast comer of the lot. There is a 30-foot - wide driveway off Marshall Street that would be utilized as the main roadway for the rental vehicles. The installation of a STOP sign in the planter east of the Marshall Street driveway will provide traffic control for traffic deriving from the subject site, Goodyear Tire, and Denny's. Land Use The Planned Development Zone is designed to accommodate various types of development such as commercial service, multiple housing developments, and a combination of uses. The surrounding uses (Goodyear Tire, Denny's, and Ramada Inn) and the proposed use comply with the purpose of this zoning district as well as the intent of the Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial land use designation, indicated in the city's General Plan. Landscaping Facing Marshall Street, the proposed parking area will have a landscape area setback five feet from the north property line. The existing planter areas adjacent to the subject site will also be improved with the installation of new plants and the removal of deceased trees. Within the proposed parking area, there will be two planter areas: an existing area at the northwest comer and the installation of a new area at the southeast corner of the lot. The new landscaping for all planters will include trees and plants: one 24-inch box Carrotwood tree; four 15-gallon Crape Myrtle trees; various shrubs such as Daylilies and Indian Hawthorn; and Ivry Geranium ground cover. Automatic sprinklers will also be installed throughout to ensure the landscape's proper maintenance and longevity. Site Lighting This proposal includes the, installation of two new commercial light standards. Anew 25 foot high floodlight pole will be located at the southeast corner of the site and will consist of 400-lamp wattage. The light pole itself will have a bronze finish, made of die cast aluminum, and square in shape. The lamp will be box-shaped. Details for the proposed light standards are provided in Exhibit C. At the northwest comer of the subject site, there is an existing light pole. The applicant proposes to replace this light pole with a new light standard similar to the first one with the exception that it is totally enclosed with a lower wattage (250W MH) so as to prevent glare into the neighboring residence. The project electrician has chosen appropriate light standards and wattage with consideration to improving the lighting for the commercial area and to the adjacent residential area. A condition has been added that all light shall be shielded to prevent spillage onto adjacent properties (Condition No. 12) Rosemead Cite Council Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2001 Page 5 of 8 Site Improvements There will be new fencing along the property lines, both in wrought iron and earth-tone color, split-face concrete blocks with decorative pilasters at the comers and ends. The street-frontage area of the property will be 3 feet high of split-face concrete blocks with one foot of black wrought iron on top. The remaining areas, especially the west property line adjacent to the residence, will have six foot high walls constructed of split-face concrete blocks. The existing condition of the property and surrounding area entail further improvements in regards to landscaping. The landscape areas adjacent to the Goodyear business are not maintained properly. There is weed overgrowth and litter throughout these areas. Staff has incorporated a condition (Condition No. 9) to require the clean up and replanting of these landscape areas as part of the approval of this project request. Conclusion Staff finds this request is consistent with land uses in the general area with no foreseeable negative impacts to the adjacent neighborhood. In conclusion, conditions have been incorporated to address possible issues related to this project proposal. Therefore staff recommends that the Commission approve this project with the attached conditions. At the regularly scheduled meeting of March 4, 2002, the Planning Commission approved by a unanimous vote to recommend to the City Council the approval ofPlanned Development Review 01- 01. Recommendation . It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-16, approving Planned Development Review 01-01, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A". EXHIBITS: A. Conditions of Approval - B. Site Plan / Elevations/ Landscape Plan C. Planning Commission Staff Report D. Planning Commission Resolution No. 02-16 E. Minutes from March 4, 2002 F. Resolution No. 2002-16 Rosemead City Council Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2002 Page 6 of 8 EXHIBIT "A" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 01-01 3675 Rosemead Boulevard (Rent-4-Less) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL March 26, 2002 1. Planned Development Review 01-01 is approved for the development of a secured parking area for passenger vans as part of an automotive rental business in accordance with the plan marked Exhibit "B", dated January 9, 2002. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 2. Approval of Planned Development Review 01-01 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead an affidavit stating that they are aware of and accepts all of the conditions set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions. 3. Planned Development Review 01-01 is approved for a twelve (12) month period. Applicant shall make progress towards initiation of proposed use orrequest an extension 30 days prior to expiration from the City Council. Otherwise Planned Development Review 01-01 shall become null and void. 4. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 5. Planning staff shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 6. The conditions listed on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Departments for review. 7. Construction activities shall be limited to take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays. 8. All utilities and connection cables shall be underground. The underground conversion of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. 9. All existing landscape areas for the entire parcel shall be cleared of litter, debris, and weed overgrowth; and that deceased trees and landscaping be replaced with new plants EXHIBIT A Item II - C City Council 03-26-02 Rosemead City Council Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2002 Page 7 of 8 and trees. These improvements shall be completed prior to final approval of construction permits. 10. All automotive related work (repair, car wash, etc.) shall not be conducted within subject site. Such activities shall be conducted off-site. 11. No structures either temporary or permanent shall be allowed on this project side. 12. All light standards shall include shielding devices to contain the light source entirely within the subject parking lot. No light shall spill onto adjacent areas or properties. 13. The property shall comply with all appropriate building, fire, and health department regulations. 12. All trash, rubbish, and garbage receptacles shall be regularly cleaned, inspected, and maintained in a clean, safe, and sanitary condition. 13. The site shall be maintained in a graffiti-free state. Any new graffiti shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours. A 24-hour, Graffiti Hotline can be called at (626) 307-0463 for - assistance. 14. The site shall be maintained in a clean, weed and litter free state in accordance with Sections 8.32.010-8.32.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, which pertains to the storage,. accumulation, collection, and disposal of garbage, rubbish, trash, and debris. All trash containers shall be stored in the appropriate trash enclosure at all times. 15. All open area not covered by concrete, asphalt, or structures shall be landscaped and maintained: on a regular basis. 16. Adequate lighting shall be provided in the parking area. Motion-activated lights shall be installed where deemed appropriate by the Director of Planning.. All exterior lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties. 17. Driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced and improved with Portland concrete cement or asphaltic concrete, and thereafter maintained in good serviceable condition. 18. All designated parking areas shall be striped in accordance with Chapter 17.84 of the Rosemead Municipal Code and the approved plans. Such striping shall be maintained in a clear, visible and orderly manner. 19. The parking space markers shall be re-painted periodically to City standards to the satisfaction of the Planning Department, including double-striping and wheel stops. Rosemead City Council Planned Development Review 01-01 March 26, 2002 Page 8 of 8 20. No signs or advertising shall be placed on the subject property. 21. A permanent maintenance program of all landscaping shall be provided insuring regular irrigation, fertilization and weed abatement. 22. Automated irrigation shall be installed, and approved by the Planning Department. 23. No occupancy will be granted until ALL IMPROVEMENTS required by this approval have been completed, inspected, and approved by the appropriate department(s). 24. Violation of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. 25. The hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, . and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturdays. The facility shall be closed on Sundays. 26.- The Marshall Street driveway shall be the only ingress and egress access for rental vehicles. 27. The light standard shall be relocated to the northeast comer of the property. ROSEAU MAD PLANNING COA9MISSION PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO: IJONO12ABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: MARCH 4,'2002 SUBJECT: I'LANNGD DEVELOI'NII;NT RCVIENV Ol-01 Permit for the development of a parking area for passenger vans as part of an automotive rental business. 3675 Rosemead Boulevard (DBA Reut-4-Less) Project Description Ming You Product Coi poralion DBA Rent-4-Less, has submitted an application for the development of a secured parking area for passenger vans as part of au automotive rental business within the P-D; Platmed Development Zone. This site will only be for au ancillary parking facility, with the business office operating out of Rosemead Inn, located at 8832 Glendon Way. Public Notice Notice of this public hearing was published ill the San Gabriel Valley Tribunc oil Friday, February 22, 2002. Oil February 21, 2002, 36 written notices were mailed to properly owners within 300 feet of (lie subject site. Enviroonental Analysis Planned Development Review 01-01 consists of the development of a parking area for Passenger vans as part of an automotive rental business in the P-D; Planned Development Zone. Section 15304 of the California Envirotmtenlal Quality Act (CEQA) and local envimuriental guidelines exempt projects that consist of minor alterations in the conditions of the land, such as grading, gardening, and landscaping that do not affect sensitive resources. Accordingly, Platuted Development Review 01-01 is classified as a Class 4 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15304 of CEQA. Mutucipal Code Requirements Section 17.76.070 of the Rosemead Municipal Code ('RMC) requires a~ Planned Development Revicw for "Changes in the use shown in the development plan shall be considered in like manner as changes ill the Zoning map and shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in this title, except such changes may be accomplished by a resolution rather than by ordinance". Section 17.76.010 indicates that the purposed of this planned development review is as follows: "This zone is designated.to accommodate various types of development such as shopping centers, professional and administrative areas, multiple housing developments, single-family residential developments, commercial service centers and industrial parks and other uses or a combination of cat uses which can be trade appropriately a part of planned development." V N Properly History & Description U Mo ]'lie subject site currently consists of a vacant 6,500 square foot Portion of a 24,624 square fool lot m = that also includes an 8,400 square fool automotive repair business (Goodyear Tire). 'File parking = Z) area will be located behind Goodycal- Tire, far from sight from Rosemead Boulevard. The Planned W U Development also includes the Ramada Jim and the Dctmy's Restaurant. The fenced area of this w parking lot area of this parting is not cmrcutly being utilized by any of the adjacent businesses.. U xHIBIr Rosemead Planning Commission Planned Development Review,01-01 Alarch 4, 1001 Page 1 of 6 The proposed site area currently exists as a parking lot that has been fenced off with a temporary 6- fool high chain link fence. The area was originally approved under Parcel Map No. 4029 and Plot Plan No. 543 on July 24, 1973, as part of a planned development that consists of a motor hotel, restaurant, and a Goodyear automotive franchise. - Site c& Surrounding Land Uses The site is designated in the General Plan for Commercial and on the zoning map, it is designated for P-D; Planned Development Zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses: North: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial Zoning: R-1; Single Family Residential Land Use: Residence South: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial Zoning: P-D; Planned Development Land Use: Ramada Imn Last: General Plan: Commercial Zoning: C3-D; Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay Laud Use: Rosemead Place West: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Couuuercial Zoning: PO-D; Professional Office with a Design Overlay Land Use: Residence Administrative Comments & Analysis Ming-You Product Corporate DBA Rent-4-Less currently operates a business office out of Rosemead Inn (located 8832 Glendon Way; approved April 2, 2001 under Conditional Use Permit 01-828) with only four rental vehicles on-site. The applicant is requesting to develop and improve the subject site for parking of additional rental passenger vans. This site will be permitted only for parking; any automotive related work to the rental vehicles shall be done off-site (Condition No. 10) and no structures either temporary or pcinianerit shall be allowed on this project side (Condition No. 11). Planned Development Parkin) The layout for the proposed parking area has been designed in consideration of the neighboring businesses. "fheplarued development for the nnotcl, reslauraut, and auto service cenle' was approved with 191 parking stalls, including the subject site. The motel use was appropriated 104 spaces; the restaurant was approved with 49 parking stalls; and Goodyear Tire was permitted with 33 spaces. The total number of parking spaces permitted under this planned development is 186 Parking stalls. Given that Ihere are currently 172 parking spaces for the planned development (excluding the fenced parking area), the parking stalls have actually been underutilized. The subject site has been fenced off for several years and never used for parking. Thcre havc been no parking problems wills the restaut'amt and the umolcl with the Icss than required parking. During field reviews, staff found surplus parking due to the fact that most motel patrons derive from tourist groups using passenger vans. With this parking situation, staff finds that the proposed parking area would not be detrhncnlal to the parking condition of the planned development.: Site Plan Design The proposed parking erea'is 60 feet wide and 100 feel long, for a total area of 6,000 square feet. The parking area will be improved with a slurry treatment and each parking stall will be double-striped. As shown on Exhibit 13, there will be 14 parking spaces, each measured at 9 feel wide by 20 feet long. Each parking space will have a 25-fool velucle backup space for maneuvering. Rosemead Planning Commission Planned Development Review 01-01 Alarch 4, 1001 Page 3 of G The vehicles will be protected by both new light standards and fencing. The vehicles will mostly be rental passenger vans. No'signs will be posted, as this is a parking area only. The ingress and egress to the subject site will be through 21-foot entry at the northeast corner of the lot. There is a 30-foot - wide driveway off Marshall Sbcet that would be utilized as llne rnain roadway for the rental velucles. The installation of a STOP sign in the planter cast of the Marshall Street driveway will provide traffic control for traffic deriving fiom the subject site, Goodyear Tire, and Denny's. Laud Use The Planned Development 'Lone is designed to accommodate various types of development such as commercial service, multiple housing developments, and a combination of uses. The surrounding uses (Goodyear Tire, Denny's, and Ramada hrn) and the proposed use comply with the purpose of this zoning district as well as the intent of the Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial land use designation, indicated in the city's Gencral Plan. Landscaping Pacing Marshall Street, the proposed parking area will have a landscape area setback five feel fi,out the north properly line. The existing planter areas adjacent to the subject site will also be improved with the installation of new plants and the removal of deceased trees. Withigthe proposed parking area, there will be two planter areas: an existing area at the norllnvest corner and the installation of a new area at the southeast carrier of the lot. The new landscaping for all planters will include trees and plants: one 24-inch box Carrot-wood tree; fora' 15-gallon Crape Myrtle trees; various shrubs such as Daylilics and Indian I-lawthorn; art(] Ivy Geranium ground cover. Automatic sprinklers will also be installed throughout to ensure the landscape's proper maintenance and longevity. Site Lighting This proposal includes the installation of two new commercial light standards. A new 25 fool high floodlight pole will be located at the southeast comer of the site and will consist of 400-lamp wattage. The light pole itself will have a bronze fitush, made of die cast aluminum, and square in shape. The lamp will be box-shaped. Details for the proposed light standards are provided in Exhibit C. At the northwest corner of the subject site, there is an existing light pole. The applicant proposes to replace this light pole with a new light standard similar to the first one with the exception that it is totally enclosed with a lower wattage (250W MFr) so as to prcvcut glare into the neighboring residcuce. The project electrician has chosen appropriate light standards and wattage with consideration to improving the lighting for the commercial area and to the adjacent residential area. A condition has been added that all light shall be shielded to prevent spillage auto adjacent properties (Condition No. 12). Site till provennents , There will be new fencing along the property lines, both in wrought iron and earth-lone color, split-face concrete blocks with decorative pilasters at the comers and ends. The street-fionlage area of the properly will be 3 feel high of split-face concrete blocks with one fool of black wrought iron on top. The remaining areas, especially the west property line adjacent to the residence, will have six fool high walls constructed of split-face concrete blocks. The existing condition of the property avid surrounding area entail further improveinents in regards to landscaping. T'hc landscape areas adjacent to the Goodyear business are not maintained properly. There is weed overgrowth and litter throughout these areas. Staff has incorporated a condition (Condition No. 9) to require the clean up and replanting of these landscape areas as part of the approval of this project request. Recently, the residents near Ibis Goodyear business have filed complaints with [lie Sheriffs Department regarding the noise generated from the auto bay areas. Staff research confirmed that the noise complaints are derived from loud amplified music from portable radios used by the employees of Goodyear. Rosemead Planning C,17111,ivvio, Planned Development Review 0/-01 A/arch 4, 2001 Page 4 of 6 Conclusion Staff finds this request is consistent with land uses in the general area with no foreseeable negative impacts to the adjacent neighborhood. In conclusion, conditions have been incorporated to address possible issues related to this project proposal. Therefore staff recommends that the Commission approve this project with the attached conditions. Recommendation Slafficcouunends that the Planning Commission rccouuncnd approval oCPlanned Development Review 01-0110 the City Council, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A". EXHIBITS: A. Conditions of Approval B. Site Ilan / Elevations/ Landscape ]'lair C. Lighting Details & Photos D. Assessor's Pareel Map/ APN: 5390-017-080 E. Zoning Map 17. General Plan Map - G. Application dated October 20, 2001. Rosemead Planning Commission Planned Development Review 01-01 A4arch 4. 1001 Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT RE, VIEW 01-01 3675 Rosemead Boulevard (Rent-4-Less) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL March 4, 2002 1. Planned Development Review 01-01 is approved for the development of a secured parking area for passenger vans as part of all aulomolivc rental business in accordance Nvith the plan marked Exhibit'B", dated January 9, 2002. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the planning Department. 2. Approval of Planned Development Review 01-01 shall not take cflcct for any purpose until the applicant has tiled will) the City of Rosemead an affidavit slating that they are aware of and accepts all of the conditions set forth in the letter of approval and this list ofcondilions. 3. Planned Development Review 01-01 is approved fora twelve (12) month period. Applicant shall make progress towards initiation of proposed use or request an extension 30 days prior Io expiration from the Plamiing Conunission. Otherwise planned Development Review Of- 01 shall become null and void. 4. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, Slate and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 5. Planning staff shall have access to the subject property at any little during conslrucuon to monitor progress. 6. The conditions listed on this Exhibit "A" shall be copied directly onto development plans submitted to the planning and Building Departments for review. . 7. Construction activities shall be limited to take place between the hours of 7.00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No construction shall lake place ou Sundays or on any legal holidays. 5. All utilities and connection cables shall be underground. The underground conversion of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Director of planning.. 9. All existing landscape areas for the entire parcel shall be cleared of litter, debris, and weed overgrowth; and that deceased frees and landscaping be replaced with new plains and trees. 'T'hese improvements shall be completed prior to final approval of construction permits. 10. All automotive related work (repair, car )$•list], e(c.) shall not be conducted within subject site. Such activities shall be conducted off-site. 11. No structures either temporary or permanent shall be allowed oil this project side. 12. All light standards shall include shielding devices Io contain the light source entirely within the subject parking lot. No light shall spill onto adjacent areas or properties. 13. The property shall comply with all appropriate building, fire, and health department regulations. 12. All trash, rubbish, and garbage receptacles shall be regularly cleaned, inspected, and Rosemead Planning Commission Planned Development Review 01'01 March 4, 2002 Page 6 of 6 maintained in a clean, safe, and sanitary condition. 13. The site shall be maintained in a graffiti-fret slate. Any new graffiti shall be removed wi twenty-four (24) hours. A 24-hour, Graffiti Hotline can be called at (626) 307-0463 assistance. 14. - The site shall be maintained in it clean, weed and litter free stale in accordance with Se 3.32.010-3.32.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, which "pctiains to the sh accumulation, collection, and disposal of garbage, rubbish, trash, and debris. All containers shall be stored in the appropriate trash enclosure at all limes. 15. All open area not covered by concrete, asphalt, or structures shall be landscaped maintained on a regular basis. 16. Adequate lighting shall be provided in the parking area. Motion-activated lights shall installed where deemed appropriate by the Director of Planning. All exterior lighting sl be directed away from adjacent properties. 17. Driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced and improved with Portland concrete or asphaltic concrete, and thereafter maintained in good serviceable condition. 18. All designated parking areas shall be striped in accordance with Chapter 17.34 of tl Rosemead Municipal Code and the approved plans. Such striping shall be maintained in clear, visible and orderly manner. 19. The parking space markers shall be rc-painted periodically to City standards to satisfaction of the Planning Department, including double-striping and wheel slops. 20. No signs or advertising shall be placed on the subject property. 21. A permanent maintenance program of all landscaping shall be provided insuring regu irrigation, fertilization and weed abatement. 22. Automated irrigation shall be installed, and approved by the Platming Department. 23. No occupancy will be granted until ALL IMPROVEMENTS required by this approval ha been completed, inspected, and approved by the appropriate department(s). 24. Violation of the conditions ofapproval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocali proceedings. I 02/15;120(12 I'1:^.I X10271016? v~ ( I T F4EI-0 cFPdDSr1UL,LIFI~ - - E 04 I, os.le j FIX 20° MOUNT - PVL1Fn' 16" (406 ram) CUTOFF FLOODL P SPEC P "ATIAGE CATALOG M pal VOLTAGE (b) OPTIONS Ifaclnry Input - 175W MN Cf5d 17 " 12U/taanA0/27N H=2-Level liphlinp 12506 MW 111 ' SOW k CF5d75 i I :n I iy 12Q/777/a47V F FUSirip CF5440 BHT ed) ~~x^c .0-*Uuar1Y51nndby p~nw,t I, il.~~ o non •eY. Neel CF5540 19-I1j f g:~pUV60W -(a)P_Dulton I Spicily (a) Vollapr. and (h) opllem. Rr 1 llpudnp. Reflector, U U SPPfnInpR, Prnllnlphntl din cARt Aluminum pemhGWIjInr LIGHTING Finial, color: bronze. difluee aluminum. 9RItas1 f~ Capaottor~\ Ignitor (Where L16 mm1 Flrad 20• Mounting Arm. / Flnlah color, bronze. U Cord. Lc _ 24- (B 10 mm)-Inap. - - \ , Lamp y L LAmphold, - BRilul 6 mrt4 Compartment Lane Frame. i k1~ Cover - Die cast aluminum 9 door Ireme Ancu.es Palenled IMR; 11"Pled Willi Hinge eiliconn papkel. Assembly Finish color; black. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: ___.__._.._c Sharp culoR lumina ire fop HID lamp, totally enclosed. Housing is seamless, die cast aluminium. Mounting consists of a 1 J5' (44 men) wide by 4.5" (114 mm) high by. 4.30 (238 mm) long extruded arm. The arm is held in place with two 5/16" 18 mint dia, moL ing rods fastened to a steel backing plate inside the pole, and by two nuts inside the fill housing with sealing washers Provided. Lens assembly consists of rigid aluminum frani ' and high impact, clear tempered glass. ELECTRICAL: Fixture includes clear. mogul base Iamp::P'orcelain enclosed, 4kv rated screw shell lyp lamp holder with spring loaded Center contact. Ballast assemblies consist of high powi factor Consl'ani 1 7'f-,' to AutglransfDrina; b'ilai rfully.encapsulaled lamp ignitor included on HPS assembly. (bee voltag ,optlonsL =-Level Lighting available for 250 & FINISH: Exclusive DellaGujrd!F1 finish features an [-coal epoxy primer with medium bronze acrylic powder topcoat, providing excel lent. Iesislance to Corrosion, ultraviolet degradi - lion and abrasion3.,The finish is covered by 'oit 7 year limited warranty. . . LABELS: . _ - ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relantping. UL Listed for wet location and enclosure classified IP54 per IEC 529; in Canada, CSA Certified or Canadian LIL ✓ Listed for wet locations - ACCESSORIES: "VG-1 6 Wire G turd,. _a zn , r n I i h it l LS-16 Polycaibpnale Vandal Shield EXHIBIT C ' SRI .1 r,. Ha[kliPly Shield - ::1 Ial Ill. 1':U 1 1 1 I ~1tl, „ )1 1 hl,: I IJ 11 .r r 02;'15; 2002 14:21 3102710167 MEHLER AbID ASSOC 1143 E.P.A. RATING . E,1'.A: 1.26 for single fixlute with 2.0' fill (Consull (acioty for E.P.A. rating on multiple unils). 16" (406 mm) CUTOFF FLOODLIGHT APPLICATION DATA fandlepnwer diwihulinn rune u( 40OW MH 16" 1406 mml Cutoff floodlight at 20' vet6c.1 fill. 20000 Candlepower disiribudon rurvt of 40OW HPS 16" (406 mml Cutoff Floodlight at 20' vtrlical lift. Pole Spacing Example Data far en M .0 J0' 20 .0 M' nn nn IPV M 60 1V' 20 0' 10 MI IM I:n 12[1' Iro' an nn 10 20 0 20' .o q t,. f. Illw IV, r f ) 4. tr ,An I l0' 20' IW' t m 1 - b' r, 2tl W . ISnfoolcandle plnl of 25MV NM Cutoff in(onlcandle plot of 4(ukY M flrnnllighl al 8' (7.6 m) ounlinig. 11% floodlight al 30' 19.1 o0 nmoi helg~hlll and 20' vrrl ical Pill. _ . / Ighl and 70^ verllcal IIII. ~(v rn''en n JP o' ..YOI c I a'i~a I A I ' oyj A&TY r o' m' No n Iro v 110 . I.0' . ! I 26 120 Iw Iro' tw' na I An M .1n' 10 20' 20 a' uF If - 20.1: s 20 _ r ,Ye ) 1 IL- i 1'.1oil r... 40, _ 'no(ourio llr dnl n( 250W TITS { 19bfnolnndle plot of unoly H Cutoff Fluodlighl at 25' (7.6 rn) Colnff Floml)ighl at 30' 19.1 n mnunling height and 20' vc, lral 1111. r'...64 helghl and 211" .'e'll Catalog Lamp Number 3ype LlOHC113 CF 5417.M 175W MH 12.000 Cf5425-r.4 250W 1-411 19.500 CT g4404A 40OW MIT 32.000 CF i515M 250W HP5 27,50(1 CF5540.M 40UW HPS 50,000 Pole Pole Avg Jnilial FoulCandleF- Avg. Intlial Foolcar Fleighl Spacing 3 fixtures pet pole 4 Iixtules pet pc )c'Ireml 11x1.9 n.1 ).nn s,n9 !016.1 m1 nI)'lln,{rrq 171 !NI )n' Irr.l ml Ins 11n S nrl 1,11 !,r) r: 6mr 1f9't.nl1 nn 1,19 l.M14 f 11 M1 ml 1 i i' I la I ml I.Gn ! 1.r. 1f' 1.' F ml I nn 1 nrl l!6 1 )1. In'n,l ml 111N n'7m1 I,JI )v 11.U m1 II;'Iof Inn ..1 ;"I 't MI nn flu' W,7 nn t In n5 " vo CnloO w IW 16" lilt. 1 les- I1.- j J RUUD LIGHTING, INC. LI'S 9201 Washington Avenve Racine, W lsComin 53406-3-772 PFIONC (6001236-7000 b 1'1'1.. ftl)1.10r rr:unnl'.. w5'. FAX (13001230- 021`/"<0n< Id::t 31 n^?1016. 1',10-ILEB AND ASSO', nI; PALE EIF, d 12" CLOSE POLF MOUNT 1 G" (M6.~u~~ri;,l ,A''CUTFF FLOOD SPEC A WAT-4I'6 71 CATALOG C i rrl ryi l(r) ~IOIT°CE - (h) OPTIONS (Faclo y l lalled) 175WF H AC14i7 !-1 I'i _ 4 - Ifa~r ~,]/208/240R77V H 7-Lreel Lighting 1750w ersl 25OW MH ACI425 1 126ri711347V F =Fusing J 400W MH A61440 M III S A60V 0-00arlr Standby jwwdn stev 25OW NPS AC1525- 14i 101 500.220/240V 50 Hr RWnr I='l~on drnrrrhy noel ..ln- ~j, n 400W HPS ~11Tid6 _ 6=220V 60 Ht -5 r locell pot rnovl r!: ~ ~ - ~ , -fA)P•011I166 Phdmcell ly so R, I t I D Hnud Mp. RMl.clnr. V V 3eornleed, Pronnlohed s~ml spnculnr die cem aluminum dilluse a dirluee aluminum Finish color: hron29. wrnnpar, and Rolm specuier LIGHTING aluminum sides. /1 Balled , 5 - C.p.cilor € (30 mm \ 1]16' 14M mm) Ignitor . _ (wnerP a~ reyuirod) Lunn _ 6.5' (165 corn) ' M11 Cord. - ) x 24' r -I-Limpholder mm l610 lonp). ' Adluslohle Rockllphl Shldd. D" In a0'. 9RIIRal Cluae Comporimsnl Lsno Frame. Polo Mount, cover ole cnu nlurumu l Finish color; hmnxe. door hsme necums Palenled lenm: Railed with Hbrpa silicone PROW, ARaembly Flnieh color: black. i I I GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 60d forward throw sharp cutoff luminaire with adjus(able backlighl control for I-LLD.' lamp, totally enclosed. Backlight shield provides precise cutoff adlus(abilily frorn (YIRladir) b) 30" (house-side). Housing is Seamless, (fie cast aluminum. Lens assembly consrstli of rigid aluminum frame, high impact, clear tempered glass, and backlight shield. Muunlnag consists of a 1.75" (44 Tool) wide by 45" (114 Torn) high by 1.5" (38 mm) long extruded aluminum arrn. 1'he arm is held in place with two 5/16" (B mot) dia. mounting rods fastened to a steel backing plate inside the pole, and by two nuts inside the fixture huus; ing. Mounting rods are provided with sealing washers to roevent water leakage. _ ' ppLAr MH utilizes the EC)-)8 petite lamp. ( ---ELECTRICAL: Fixture includes clear, mogul base lamp; 4 Porcelain enclosed, 4kv tilled scre", shell type lamp holder with spring loaded censer contact and lamp grips. Multi-lap ballast assembly consists of high power lactor Cor~stanl Wet(age Autotnnsformer ballast and cTpa'ritor. Fully encapsulated lamp ignilor included on HPS asseliablies'.'(See voltage 'upnons) ,2-Le.rl Lighting available for 250W HPS.I FINISH! Exclusi eV Deltu1twlf isljf Ft~ir~'clrf:rt) 1.cpRx.yV.rnyerls+:illimediumbmnle, ' acrylic powder topcoat, p(1ln iding ea ~OJ itl res stan,.e to uulroslon ultraviolet degr Ida. lion and 66rAsl3n FThe'hnikh 3tbVrrr-I II, ItSur Y'year Inrll~ed Warranly. rkd - ` Clrr 1 i LAPELS ANSI lamp waliage label supplied vislbl dL{nog relarnpi g. UL Listed for suet locations and enclosure classified 11154 per IfC574;. n Canada, CSA Cerlified or Canadian LI Listed for wet locations. ACCESSORIES: FWG-16 = Wire Guard f~ih 02/1`/2002 14:71 3102,7111167 MEHLEP. A1,11) ASSOC 11,11: E.P.A. RATING . - E.P A..8 for single fixture with Oe tilt (Consult factory for E.P.A. taking on multiple units). 16" (406 mm) AREA CUTOFF FLOODLIGHT APPLICATION DATA Candlelwwer dialribulion cun•e of 40OW MH 16^ (406 Innu Area Cutoff Floodliphl. 7tT~ 2. Ske 4 ~I laofoolcandle plol of 400W MH Area Cuiolf Flondllghl At 251(7.6 ml mnnnling heiphl, 0' verliaal till; wi(h harkllghl rhield removed. IN Iw- wr .o' ao leo , v j Iw ~ 1zo' 7 eo ~ 7N w ! y _ ily, 7 20 e' ao' w n- ludnolcandle plnl of aOnN' MH Ares Odo(f Flnndllghl at 75' (7.6...I nim...king heiphl, 0^ vertical kill, ill, I i backliphl ehidd located (or backliphl culnff. S -~`11 IM M M Jn 90 0' 20 ' JU N)' Ito IV ly'ln e0' 10 20, 0' 70 C- 170' S IX 100' IN' r r 4 1 .iea'' t. f S rim 1 , r ao f rkex ) j1 o a as 2a IL .d' 1a ou BU IN Iaofnoleandle plot of 400W MPS Mea l"d.... lrandla plol I,( orm, KIPS Arrn C1tln(1 Floodlight al 75' (7.(r ml Cvloff Floodliphl al 75• (7.6 ml rnorrrling n1eul11ing heiphl, 0' vertical tilb,wilh heiphl, 0° vertical kill, with backliphl backlipld ~co1n1(. - Iiacklighl rhieltl removed n a Sif .~1 Ihield located to, X . 1t Y TEST/ AnEA Pule Spacing Ellample Data Calalug Lrm17 Pole Pole Spat ing Avs. Initial FnnlCanrhps Number -Type Lumens Height X -1 Fir, pet poll= al 16o. 7' It 1 Ml 7t'1'17 ? ml 1I ) b> AC Id25-M 250W 61H 17.500 755' 017.", 6 mI 9/•171,11 ml a 13, 51 W11.,1 .q 1 .n ~±o Z5 1, eml 95 I}on 1 < 111 IJi..l X AC I440.M 400\, MH 2,0011 50 1111 111 . _115 115 1 I • 1 So 3 . ml 75'I:bml 11411%.1 m % t%111 1I) AC1525-114 ' 7.JUW FIt'S 77.500 w '191••n 11%.1 ml 1 'i 1e5 WY1;uJ -1 1eb III. V,h mi 75'179.0 m1 a- 115'111.1 ~.I ey AC 1 5J0-M 400115 KIPS 50.000 )U' p..1 mt n!r q5.1 mr x 165 I5o.3 m1 ) 1o e, 1.1"J, el,l lrl l l(; H INti INl RUUD LIGHTING, INC. „•1, U.5. 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, M'isconsin 53406-3772 PHONE (800)236-7000 FAX 190012 3 6-7 500 'IV e1 oa' w :o' a m Jo' m w IN 02!15!2002 14:^1 31n2710167 HEHLER AHD ASST?C. 114C IMINUM POLES y s artc a U a - flk r VA, LISF TPN. nn~r, PA RUUD LIGHTING DIMENSIONS.. 10 (30m)x`1 (76 mail x 12s' IS (48m)X~ (76 moll x A25' '1,~,°(416rr{)x`4 (tU2mm)+ i2' 20"(6 brat x 4'(102 mml x 12! 25(7 A n1). S (127 mm) y .251 30'(9.1m) a 6'(152 ruin) ..251 PoWcap. + (supplied ll lanon is not used.) I mm) I innq (01111111 (3 mnq (6 moll (6 mm) 1' I Spicily rule wrillgnrallon -T-.I iman of e e specify other conllawepuns by ovmbv: I 2 3 5 6 Square. Non-leporod Pole' .-r it win ■I■ . I for IiAOrea min Fled 20' Mount. add prells -7" In conflourallon numbe" (I a..'21",'22% '23'.'25' end ' 2e-. 2' (51 mm) x - 4" (101 mm) Poles longer than 30' are soomentod. Consult Hand Hole factory for availability aid cost in, longer pole 12" (305 FPM)- Hand Hole Cover lenoths. 24' (600 mm) ' Aluminum Angle id{I II~~INAI Bass Plate Two Piece Aluminum Base Plate Cover / Anchor Boll Hole . GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Square, nun-tapered pole of extruded aluminum (6063-T6); will) a nvnlmum yield of 25,000 p.s.i.. welded to a base plate fabricated of structural aluminum angle (6( With a minirnurn yield slrenglh of 30,000 p.s.i.. Pole is supplied with a Iwo piece a from base cover and lour hot dip galvanized steel anchor bolts, with masonile mnu template. Each bull is provided with two washers and two nuts. Per National Elect Code requirements, pole is 51anda d %vith.a 2" (51 mml x 4" (102 mm) hand hole, Is 12" (305 min) to 24" (610 rnm) above boltom of pule base. A 10-32 stainless steel s smith grounding,lug is located inside pole, opposite hand hole. A hand hole cover supplied. For E.P.A. ratings, see "Windloading Data" sheet. Poles longer than 30' a segmented. FINISH: Exclusive DellaGil3rdTM finish fealules an E-coat epoxy printer with medium bronz acrylic powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet deg lion and abrasion. Ttie finish is covered by our 7 year limiled warranty. i I ' S;..1 tq4 ' 6i 11 S urenglh ' (t f r : ~lt 11~( 1~111~ '1: 1 r 1 it 1~ ' 4!(418 I t F i~l ly ;t~!~ t'_ r i r t& r r •~fi t tf{qtf ~i~~ 5 4! i f r 9 I I tt~M1PI r 1-T6); rrn f- ling cal _ated ~d r r, [12%15/2002 14:21 3102^710167 POLE SPECIFICATIONS rrt F"7Pt f ~~1~ lit hiq I Y~{1 S 1~', l PA3S1oC'BZ 10' (3 m) x 1" (76 mm) square aluminum pole Wall thickness - .125" (3 mm) Base plate - 8" (203 mml square x .375" (10 mm) thick Anchor bolls - 1/2" 113 min) 13 x 12" ()05 mm) + 1 S" Ue mm) Bull circle diameter- 8-00" (203 mm) Maannum fixture weight - 100 lbs. Shipping weight approximatelY 21 lbs. I'A3S15C'BZ - 15' (4.6 rn) x 3" (76 mm) square aluminum pole Wall lhickness ..125" (3 mrn) Base plate - 8" 1203 mm) square x .375" (10 mm) thick Anchor bolls - 112" 03 mml-13 x 12" (305 mm) + 1.5" (38 trim) Boll circle diameter - 8.00" (203 mm) Maximum fixture weight - 70 lbs. Shipping weight approximately 31 lbs. PA4SlSC'llZ - 1 V (4.6 m) x 4" (1.02 mm) square aluminum pole wall dtickness - .125" (1 rmn) . Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x .500" (13 mm) thick Anchor bolls - 3/4" (19 mm)- 10 x 1 B" (457 min) + 3" (76 mnsl Boll circle diameter - 9.25" (235 mm) Maximum fixmre weight - 125 lbs. Shipping weight approximately 43 Ibs, PA452op•BZ 20' (6.1 m) x 4" 002 mm) squarea luminum pole wall thickness - .250" (6 mm) Base plate - 10" (254 mm) square x .500" (13 min) thick t Anchor bolls 314" (19 mm)-10 x 10' (457 rnm) a 3 (76 mm) Boll circle diameler - 9.25" (235 rnml tl rr(v 17 " ri htxximurn fixture weight-175 Ibs Shipping ,eight approximately 99 lbs. PA5S25D'BZ 25 (7.6 m) x S" I1 27'mml square aluminum pule I - Wall lhickness - .250" (6 mm) Base plate - 11" (279 rum) square x .500" (13 turn) (hick Anchor bolts . 1" f25 mm)-6 x 36" (914 mm) + 4" 0 02 mm) 6011.CIrCle diameter . 11.5" (292 mm) Maximum fixture weighl - 260 Ibs. Shipping weight approximately 143 Ibs. PAGS30DORZ .30' (9.1 rn) x 6" (152 mml square alummUrn hole Wall thickness - .250" (6 mm) - Base plate - 12" (305 mm) square x .500" (13 mm) thick Anchor bolls - 1" (25 mm)-8 x 36" (914 mm) + 4" (102 mull Bolt Circle (liarneler - 13" (330 mm) Maximum fixture weight 323 Ibs. Shipping' weight approximately 210 Ibs. sr"'-"' UJL tY iiJ U~V~ n9 .J ' 4 ro9s. xuuo ncunvr., wc. RUUD LIGHTING, INC. nl=d."q.5..,. U.S. 9201 Washington Avenue Elacine, Wisconsin 53406.3772 PHONE (8001236.7000 FAX (800)736-7500 02/115/2002 14:21 3102710167 hIEHLER u1dU uSSUC. INC. rur,El 10 - ':LKM *~I~lill~- rlll~ - HUI II N: AL L .-r lq FLOOD/AREA ACCE SSORIES - - rwlur>c_r SPEC N srrlUSIHG ti Ues mint I6"(~fN~mm~ iYns9_- 1 DESC BIPIION U5E Willi - SOL-12 SUL-16 BBL-22 - Internal nackllghl Shield' CF, PR Series 0812 D8I6-. _-DB-22 DreirNIUE FS. PM, I'll Series FWC 12 FW.G lb Floodlight Wue Guard FS CF PM, PB PR AC DWOH, W Series GS 12 GS 16 GS-22 - (;late Shield IS, W Setlos LS 12 LS-16 LS-22 - Polycarbonala J ndal Shlold FS CF (N, PM FN w series _ _ - PC _ DC.',-, _ PG button Pitolr J x,p) FS CF PM f N PR AC, CM Serie s $B 16,-__ - r 58 IB_ Surlua bw r I, _ W Series- . rt . ...N1V511_ _ -IYNCSatt Rail Wash! beta s'dr: I W Senes '~Ilqqdattl on AC Series SBL Internal Backlight Shield Fabdcaled of prefinished and annrlited .025'.Ilmml Ihick alunti. num. Used to reduce light level Io house. side of lixhne. AdjuslaMe shield slides under glass bold down dips. Clips Act Ilphlened when shield is located in desired cutoff position. [7lmelulonE 1 5395~w11sizc= 10.375" 1264;mni)W x 2.75" 157 mrn)L. 16" (406 min) size- 14.375' (365 r IV 9.S' 10 q~ll. 2.23559 mos) size- 70.406' 1516 mmlW 1 s /na ';111~v'~. _ NW DR Deep Baffle Fahricsled of .06,3' 1] rnn4 (hick aluminum. UfllaCuard1° liniih supplied with black. acrylic powder lop[oat. Allows precise control of light direction while ma4unining lull side colon. Anaches I. lens France with phillion head, black stainless steel screws. 16" 1.106 mml and 22" (559 mm) sizes include x(1.32 x .675" 06 fool long screws and tubular spacers to hold battle away from tens for use in an uplight oosition. U.Flith_I)ifRC0AS1Ili.l),J.7QS.mlttl}1Ze=7.5" 109 moo 16_1f14 mn1l size=5" 0 n fool. 2E (S59 mm) size=6.5" 1165 most. EWG Wire Guard St"I w•6e guard used nos protection in high w ndafism areas Anaches easily to lens frame with x0.32 x 112" (13 font) long phillips-head. black uainless steel screws. DellaOuardT" finish supplied with black, acrylic powder topcoat. Qc➢lh_Rimsmim 1" (25 mod. GS Glare Shield Fabricated of G63" (7 corn) thick alurninure. L)04Guardrn knish supplied with black, acrylic Powder mpcoal: An excellenl second dory brighmess dete.rem, holds forward brightness to a minimum .when 6xlure is mounted At eye level, Anaches easily to floodlight lens frame with 08 32 x .375' (10 rnml long philbris-head, black stainless steel screws. D_CQBLD_Imension• 12' (305 mint site-4" (I U2 inml. I6" 14U6 mml 312e=5' (127 mr..I. 22" (559 mm) sizc-6.5' 065 mtu), O 1) 1-0- d. RUUD] LIGf-TING II FLOOD/AREA ACCESSORIES •r I s' i.: s. , 1.5 Polycarbonale Vandal Shield Made frum .19" (5 rn,n) thick vnivca,bonalp_. Vspd in high vandalism areas to deter objects shat may break fixture lens. Open end design allnw's self cteanints as well as ventilation far . cooling both lens and fixture. Allaches easily to floodlight lens Name with 06-32 a 1/2' 03 n,ml long Phillim-head, black oxide stainless sleek screws. Not recommended IOr use 0th owdoo, fixtures mounted in a horizontal position. . arVth Jp&mslon: 12" (305 mm) size•L' (51 mm). { \~x~ 16' 1406 turn) size=2.5" (64 rnn,l. 23'_1559 nm41 size= 3.5" (fly mn,). l PC Rullun Photocell Ri-melallic lype phutocell aulomalically turns fixture on at dusk, off at 51nwn. Nnnckonl pmvided nn wiring comparlmenl [over of floodlight adjustable filler (or case of mounting. For rinse, extended, and fixed 20" direct. mnunis. Photocell should he msU lied in pole. Consult lacnr) In, details. C.m.1ng nad,ber 'deflects "Olage as bOmvs: PC-41/1 OOOVA - (For 3S-4n0W w/1 20V1 PC.-42/10110VA - (For 35.1 WOW w/208, 220, 240. 2'7V1 PC"46/Ino()VA - (For 35 1000W w/347V) SO-16 SUrfacc Box Cost aluminum finished whh acrylic powdef pains. for use on w series whe,e wdoce wiring is nmoirad. Universal sire ,Ill accommodate 17' (305 nv-) and 16" (406 nun) housings. Pmvides five th,exded and clused 112" 0 3 mm) condull envies. Also atinw,s 40OW 16" fixlores, and I75W MH & 15nW HPS 12" hpunes to be mounted to a combustible sudace. Dep-LLDI1ne-nsiun• 1.25"(32rnmi. MA'S Will Wash/Glare Shield t E fabricated. of .0-"•0" (1 mml llmllnifl sc aI 1ini)m, finished with - thennosel lilas4-powder pains. Used to rs~hrrc light downward. to wash wall bebw and n the sides n h `Ixlure. Assn serves as a brighlrle.s¢ deterrent when fixture Is mounted-al eye level. Attaches eaallV io W Series %x'iw 08'-33'$hiR!ps-bend, black stainless steel snows. - Drpth Dlmenelon• 12' (3305-fniL%gN=2.07"153 rnmlD. 16' (406 mull 5i4e=2.75' (70 mn0D. RUUD LIGHTING, INC. U.S 9201 Wa5hingtnn Avenue Racine, WiScramSin 53406-3772 0 C ye4. RVVO PI-IONE 1800)236.1000 fAX n wf. 500 I ~~o p I° I b0~ 0 ~o h ST. /24 J t0 I 56 77 8 WAY' e UJ. ~4 r 0 3633 o r TyM✓~~~1..~...x5 ZO I W 1 7/ 70 No4, a: 1 3 /Z Z /e 90 Z0~ 41656 - 114/3603 50~~: 63 . . i. J i B K. 8594 ASSESSOR'S MAP . COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 14 1 'J Q ~50(DJ~E.T Sr (-r.' OLj W (C I I t7 7.30 7/ ~go1 73 / //9706 79 proEO 1. Z %-a0//(AGO 9 74/2/9 76oles 76o2// Ja~0,2gGo: REG2iOn/cpZp~/ ' IFOF 05 0500/00/_ 0-5- 6 'l1Fos00300/-05 ololl0 EXHIBIT I Zone ,,,~.,Map 9-.-_._.i:.~,,, E An E 50000 0 50000 100000 Zoning A-1 Light Agriculture C-1 Neighborhood Commercial' C-3 Medium Commerial C-3d Medium Commerial - Design Overlay CBD Central Business District CBD-d Central Business Disfnci - Design Overlay M-1 Light Manufacturing M-1d Light Manufacturin teeing Overlay'' O-S Open Space r a of i` PParkin I , g „ „ w I i} r f `'fir' r g ,1:j ~ F€ PD Parking - Design 01ierlay f , P-D Planned. Development P-O Professional Office P-Od Professional Office -Design Overlay 0 R-1 Single Family Residental R-2 Light Multi-Family Residental R-3 Medium Multi-Family Residental R-3d Medium Multi-Family Residental - Design Overlay R-4d Heavy Multi-Family Residental Freeways Major Streets SUBJECT SITE N S Miles >tjV General Plan Exhibitf DE ADALENA [ALL m. O M H 0.08 0 Hydrology.shp City Streets FRWY OF RR Genera l-plan.shp Low Density Residential Medium Density Residenti High Density Residential Mixed Use: Ind/Commercia Mixed Use: Res/Comm. Office/Light Industrial Commercial Public Facilities 0.16 Miles N GLENDON s PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT (1) CZTT OF ROSEMEAD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT' 8838 VALLEY BoUI.EVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 (81.8) 288-6i§ 10, ; .:i SITE ADDRESS: 3675 RusemeAd"klw;i ;ROspmead,: (1'(^ 770 z, DA~xE ,No'vember 1, 2001 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/PROJECT., 1d iLional ..I`ncl( ed G5~ x.100! -Pa [king Area 1 ) For Parking of Passenger Van Vehicles by Ming You'Pioduct Corporation..dba Relit 4 Less. ( ) Modification of approved PD pro ect , PD approved by Zone change t. 35 (date: 2/28/67 ) ( ) New PD project a. Do the submitted plane comply with concept plan requirements per RV 9120.3, Development Plan requirements per RMC Sec. 9120.4, or both? SIGNATURE: FEE $935 PD DATE:.November 1,12001 ft-El CE IVED . OCT 1 0 2001 EXHIBIT " T" GENERAL INFORMATION FORM (2) CITY OF ROSEMKAD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT 8838 VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEM£.AD, CA 91770 (818) 288-6671 . SITE ADDRESS: 3675 Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead CA 91770 DATE: November 1, 2061 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/ PROJECT: Additional Use of Enclosed 65' x 100' Pa Area for Parking of Passenger Van Vehicles LOT SIZE: 65' x 100' APN: 5390 017 080 PROJECT/BUSINESS NAME: ZONE: PD GEN. PLAN: Product Corporation dba Rent 4 Less HOURS OF OPERATION: Vehicle Parking/Storage NO. OF EMPLOYEES: N/A PROJECT DETAILS: (type or print on separate sheet if more space is needed): Existing use: Parking-Passenger Vehicles sf: to be demolished: N/A sf to remain: Proposed user Par additional sf: o/a total sf: 6500 height: 6500 s4 ft 6500 of Building sf broken down by intended use and number of structures or du: N/A Parkins calculation ~show.sf/parkingg ratio./number required & provided): One Parking Space - 9 x 2U' =.180 sl; 16 Parking Spaces 16 x 180 sf = 2~ Two-Way Parking Area Circulation: Turnaround,24',;x:.90'. 2160 sf Lot coverage, floor area atio, landscao ld'er.centage: Interior Landscape Percen'a~e: 0.02 x 6 a"'1'30 spv Exterior Landscaping: No th.'View :5' Y. 64`x''2J .,L-~ EasG View- APPLICANT/SUBDIVIDER: Ming-You,''Product Corpo 'l01'6 d'oa-~Rent 4 Less Address! 1412 Annadel Av, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Phone: (626)280-6810 BUSINESS OWNER(S): P11 Address: 8832 Glendon PROPERTY OWNER: RU Passenger Vans -You Product Corporation , Rosemead CA 91770 Phone-026) 280-6810 Mehl.er., Trustee, Phillip b.Regina Hi'rscli,:1'rustees Address: 10430 Wilshire Blvd Apt 706 Los Angeles CA 90024 Phone: 310) 271-0755 sf REPRESENTATIVE (architect, engineer, Manager /Agent, Howard S Mehl.er PhD JD b Assoc Inc Address: 139 South Beverly Drive St 235 Beverly l(ills Phone: (310) 271-0755 CA 9UZ12 I hereby certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge. " - November 1, 201 Applicant's signature: Date: Yuan PleyPia President Print Name: Ming=Iou Product Corporation - DO INOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: DATE: /0-312'_; CASE(S): NO(S): FEE: FL/INFOSH RECE' IVI; OCT ? 0 200? ERVI3RONMKNTAL ASSKSSMSNT FORM (3) CITY OF. ROSKMEAD, PLANNING DEPARTHRUT 8830 VALr.EY BOUIXVARD ROSKMEAD, CA 91770 (818) 268-6671 SITE ADDRESS: 3675 Rosemead Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/PROJECT: Additional Os'e, i Area for Parking of Passenger, Van Vehicles b DATE: November L,I sed 65' x 100' Par You Product Corporation 2001 dba Rent 4 Less 1. Surrounding land. uses of the site: north. Residentl'al South Motel/Restaurant east 'Fire Store west Residential 2. Could the request, if granted, have an effect on any of the items listed below? Answer yes or no in space provided. No a. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas to public lands or roads. No b. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. No c. Change in plant or animal life. No d. Increase of. solid waste or litter. No S. Change in duet, ash, smoke, fumes.or odors in vicinity. No d. Increase of solid waste or litter. No s. - Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. No f. change in ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. No g. Change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. No h. - Site on filled land or on slopes of 10% or more. No i. Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. No j. Projected change ins demand for City services, (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.). NO k. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. If yes, please type or print explanation on aseparate sheet.. 3. Number of trees on the site: 0 No. of oak trees: 0 Number of trees to be removed. 0 Number of oak trees to be removed: 0 If oak trees are to be removed, please refer to RHC Sec. 9131 about pie rmit procedures.. - ' 4. Are there any known cultural, historical, archeological or any 'other environmental aspects of the project 'site and surrounding area tha t the Planning Department sh ould be awa re of?. No If yes, please type or pri nt explanat ion on a sepa rate sheet. SIGNATURE- - - 1 i~' DA E....,November. 1, 2001 FL/ENVIRON RECE I'JE ~ A.J OCT 3 0 Zo01 I'LECEIV APPLICANT'S AFFIJ)rAVI '..(S ) CITY OF: RCSFYFAD, PLAN : 8838 VAIS.EY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 (818) 288-6671 Yuan Mei Ma, President Min The applicant, not the representative, should read this sheet and then siy~n and notarize signature at bottom: NOTICE Dear Applicant: You are advised NOT to obtain any loans or loan commitments on the subject property, or to clear the land, or do anything whatsoever that is depends Int on final approval of your application. Anything you do before final approval will be AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not assume that Your case will be, or has been fittttttnally approved until you are officially notified of such decision IN WRITING bey the city of Rosemead. Final approval. requires favorable action by the Planning Commission or the city Council. Further, final approval alone may not be enough. READ the notice of decision and the RESOLUTION of the Planning Commission or city Council on which the decision is based. It is necessary that you comply with ALL the conditions of approval set forth herein before the final approval takes effect. Sincerely, PETER LYONS Director of Planning City of Rosemead Site Address: 3675 Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Date: October 30, Description of Request/Project: Additional Use of Enclosed 65' x LOU' Parki Area for Parking of Passenger Van Vehicles Uy.Mi.ng-You:Product Corporation, dba Rent 4 Less .AFFIDAVI City of Rosemead ) - - County of Los Angeles) State of California ) I/We, Yuan Mei Ma President of Ming-You Product Corporation h; certify that 2/we am/are 1:he applicant(s) -involved in this request, and the foregoing statements and answers herei.n- contained, and the inform; herewith submitted are in all respects troo ar,d correct to the beet of m) knowledge and belief. Signed:- -c - . '71 Print Name(s): Nailing Address: 141.2 Annadel'Av on Product Corporation D 01 :eby -hat :ion Phone: (626) 280-6810 City/state/Zip: Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 NOTARY PUBLYC FL/AFFIDAVIT Date: October 30, 2OU1 day of d-L , 19doal RALYN R BRADY BRADR BRA_ 4 Commission 0 1722748 i i Notary Public- CalNomin Los Angeles County My Comm. Fxplms Od 9, 2005 PROPERTY OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (6) CITY OF ROSEMEAD, PLANNING DEPARTLENT 6838 VALLEY BQDLRVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 (818) 288-6671 . SITE ADDRESS: 3675 Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 DATE: October DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST/PROJECT: Additional Use of Enclosed 65' x-100' Park! Area for Parking of. Passenger Van Vehicles by Ming-You Product Corporation! 9, 2001 dba Rent 4 Less City of Rosemead ) County of Log Angeles) ' jl State of California ) I/We, Ruth Helder, Trustee certify that I/we am/are the owner(s) of the property involved in this re and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained, a information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to th of my/our knowledg5e and belief. signed: Print Name(s): Ruth Mehler, Trustee - eat, the best Mailing Address: 10430 Wilshire Blvd. Apt 706 Phone: (310) 271-0755 city/state/zip: Los Angeles, CA 90024 Date: October 29,12001 Subscribed and sworn to before me this- CL day of 22 Y. AMAYA Rik COMM. A 1218344 "NOTARY DUBUC-CALFORNLA LOSANGE(ESCOONTY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Filed with Case No.: on the day of ' ~ , 1~ECEIVED OCT 3 0 2001