CC - Item IV H - Salary Adjustment For Director Of Finance/Management6F TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 4, 2002 RE: SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR DIRECTOR OF FINANCE / MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DIRECTOR OF PLANNING For some time now, we've had two of our Department Managers who have been operating at less than Department Manager wages. Specifically, I am speaking of Karen Ogawa, Director of Finance / Management Information Systems and Brad Johnson, Director of Planning. As you may recall, we promoted both of these people into Department Head status without any prior experience in such a position. The understanding was that each would be paid a lower salary and allowed to grow into the position. I think all of you will agree that each has done so admirably. We now have two top managers who are making outstanding contributions to Rosemead's management team, and as such, should be compensated accordingly. Therefore, I am recommending that we adjust Karen's and Brad's salary accordingly. My recommendation on the attached sheet places them in the range that these two positions are being paid in cities of comparable size with comparable responsibilities. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the salary adjustment for Karen Ogawa and Brad Johnson as outlined on the attached schedule, retroactive to April 1, 2002. APR 0 9 ,2002 fTEM No.~~-~- CITY OF ROSEMEAD Brad Johnson Karen Ogawa Current: Annual Salary $ 67,142.40 $ 77,833.60 Retirement (PERS + PARS) 15,212.45 17,634.76 FICA 4,162.83 4,825.68 Medicare 973.56 1,128.59 Workers Comp 1,617.26 1,874.78 Total Current Cost $ 89,108.50 $ 103,297.41 Proposal: Annual Salary $ 82,000.00 $ 85,000.00 Retirement (PERS + PARS) 18,578.74 19,258.45 FICA 5,084.00 5,270.00 Medicare 1,189.00 1,232.50 Workers Comp 1,975.13 2,047.40 Total Current Cost $ 108,826.87 $ 112,808.35 Total Cost Increase $ 19,718.37 $ 9,510.94 22% 9% klo:bj_ko_salary(Sheet1) 4/3/02 4:29 PM Page 1 0