CC - Item IV A - Authorization To Atten League Of CA cities Legislative Action Days, Sacramento, May 15-16, 2002~~k TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 1, 2002 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAYS, SACRAMENTO, MAY 15-16,2002 Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. The seminar will consist of briefing sessions on the legislative agenda and will provide an opportunity to meet with our State Legislators. The Council and staff attended last year's session. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Manager, City Attorney and staff designee. FGT:js Attachment 1 COUNCIL AGENDA APR 0 9 2002 ITEM No. Mar 13 02 02:39p 0 e 's U m ~AM, to your city. GET INVOLVED NOW! We all know that the state faces a huge budget crisis. The Governor promised that he would not "balance the budget on the backs of local government" But what about the legislature? Will they show the same restraint? And what will the legislature do about housing legislation this year? If you're a mayor or council member, a city manager, finance director, planning or community develop- ment director or other senior city official, you should be in Sacramento on May 15-16 for the League of California Cities' Legislative Action Days. This is your opportunity to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other city officials, fighting to protect your city revenues and your ability to make sure that important local matters are decided locally. At this conference, you will: Learn more about the decisions being made in Sacramento and how they affect your city. Gather tips and techniques for getting heard by your legislator. v Network with other city officials and learn from their experience. Meet with your legislators in their Capitol offices to discuss important city issues. In this more than any other year, your voice is needed in Sacramento. Register now to attend? ~e isl a-tive Action Days Hay 15.16, 2002, Sacramento, California v Sheraton Grand Hotel fON p.2 NEWBATESH. let this happen D o h't