TC - Agenda - 05-05-05AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting MAY 5, 2005 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Quintanilla, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf, and Commissioner Knapp Pledge of Allegiance: Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf Invocation: Chairman Quintanilla I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 7, 2005 (Deferred to the June, 2005 meeting) II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS AT KLINGERMAN STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT -To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, June 2, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. 1 Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: May 2, 2005 RE: Request for Additional Traffic Controls at Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue REQUEST Councilmember Clark received a letter (attached) regarding traffic controls at the intersection of Klingerman Street/Angelus Avenue and Angelus Avenue /Fern Avenue. Several residents in the vicinity of the intersection signed the letter. The residents were concerned with the number of children crossing in the area of Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue that attend Rice Elementary School. In addition, some residents of Angelus Senior Housing walk in the neighborhood. The residents also expressed concern that there was no striping through the curve at Angelus Avenue and Fern Avenue. Klingerman Street is a 62 -foot wide roadway east of Delta Avenue. At this point, the roadway provides 2 lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The roadway then narrows to approximately 36 feet wide with one lane in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Angelus Avenue intersects Klingerman Street at an "L" intersection. Angelus Avenue continues with the 36 -foot roadway width and double yellow centerline striping. The double yellow centerline ends approximately 50 feet beyond the end of the curve. Fern Avenue is a 36 -foot roadway with no striping. Fern Avenue intersects Angelus Avenue at an "L" intersection. The speed limit on Klingerman Street, Angelus Avenue and Fern Avenue is 25 mph. Photos and exhibits of the subject locations will be`available at the Traffic Commission meeting. May 5, 2005 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Additional Traffic Controls at Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue DATA The reported collision history at these two intersections will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. Field observations were made during the early afternoon hours. During that time, a few seniors were walking in the area ' but no school age pedestrians were observed. However, discussions with City staff confirm that school age pedestrians do cross in the area of Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue to access the bridge to Rice Elementary School. Field observations also confirm that there is no striping on the curve of Angelus Avenue and Fern Avenue. The installation of double yellow centerline striping is recommended to assist motorists in negotiating this turn. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the state of California's "traffic manual ". The MUTCD is the source the City uses when determining if the installation of traffic control devices satisfy the guidelines provided in the MUTCD. The MUTCD states that a school warning assembly may be posted up to 500 feet in advance of a school boundary. The intersection of Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue is less than 500 feet from the boundary of Rice Elementary School RECOMMENDATION Install school warning assembly (S1 -1 and S4 -3 signs) for southbound Angelus Avenue north of Klingerman Street and for westbound Klingerman Street east of. Angelus Avenue. Install double yellow centerline striping on the curve of Angelus Avenue and Fern Avenue. Exhibit 1 will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting to identify these recommendations. MAY.02'2005 12:52 #4065 P.004/006 APR.: 13'05(WED) 09 07 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TEL :626- 307 -9218 P. 002 March 24, 2005 To: Ms. Mayor MARGARET CLARK 9939 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Atn; Traffic Commission Re: Request to iaatall some more traffic sighs. We umdasigmed, the rasidents living on Angeles, Ddb, Feral X"I red Vii° Ave area, would h1m to request Ms Mayor and Cotmcd Members consider and install some more traffic sigmas on the corner Kiingerman and Angelus Ave for the reasons below: - ow ch8drea are sttenaing at Rios Me a eetaey School; vie umally taketbem cross the street to or Gam school on the corner of KEngaomem and Angelus Ave withrnQ USIED signs such as "slew, crop. erosswa06 FED" for pedestrians awApt the right arrow cod double parallel yellow solid lines segos. - The old people (seniors) living at 2417 Angelus (Angelus Seniors Housing) also used this comoer ft crossing the street when thoY walked for exercise every moming. - Many times we saw come drivers driving their cars so fast especially right the comer of Angelus and Kli gw= Ave vinthout reducing speed and W following the California law requinend. We think the fryeer they go, the less time they have to avoid hazard or accident - This comer is also a deck spot (blind) for the drivers coming toward from two directions Angelus Ave and Klingerman Street. - On the comes of Angelo sad Fero St has no double solid yellow line$ psintcd in the middle of the street to prevent the drives oamieg toward from the opposite direction not to keep right side ewer lane of the othtae(wrottg lame). Really. many drivers did I - To reinfmcc the palrol mound this aces and take severe meanue sgamst wrongdoers who have bad actions such as graibag badpicnaes or secret signsta (e1 ni&) on the w A, stealmg sad bseWdag the car door. For the safety of our children, seniors, and the residents of Rosemead City, we roquest that The City mnsder and help us in solving the pmblem4 aq above. Tbmmk you very much fir your consideration sinnaaely, MAY.02'2005 12:52 , ,APR.c13'OS(WED) 09:07 CITY OF ROSENEAD List of the representatives: Signatures 6) � r .2,3s/ X73 J171 -) 307- s53g ul ,771 13) L ;k4) - a26) Nguyen Pierre :2417 Angelus Ave# V � h e4 �uPe 47i�z C^brt�0. - sa ? r rcia 2 Anylas 3el a 6;rcia A� �lptMl 0 �� �0 7h6 NG D V - 0 L AN 6tt u3 Ave, Name: Address: D=9 Lap :2416 Anptw Ave Rom CA 91770 VO Thin : 2414 Angelus Ave / Deng Nguyen :2411 DdLa Ave / Chao Chuong Q : 2417 Angeles Ave #309 / Phan Ngoc : 2417 Angelus Ave 11101 1 Ngayan Minh : 2417 Angelus Ave #209 / 09U85 P.Ou S /uu6 TEL:626- 307 -9218 K003 lalm 2 w T•a•o N Gtryr �y /7 - tl�i , b.to& P _ '; - Scram co � od>• �� uc z � • � .. ��rda Cor 2j35 Delb Au I c � a d 1,k 4-4:!) .