TC - Agenda - 08-04-05AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting AUGUST 4, 2005 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Quintanilla, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf, and Commissioner Knapp Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 7, 2005 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTION ADJACENT TO A FIRE HYDRANT BE REDUCED - 7765 GRAVES AVENUE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND HIGHCLIFF STREET V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, September 1, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at: Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. f ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION JULY 7, 2005 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf and Commissioner Knapp Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance: Conunissioner Matsdorf Invocation: Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Tune 2, 2005 It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for June 2, 2005. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 7644 HIGHCLIFF STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report RECOMMENDATION: Based on the field observation and measurements, it was recommended that red curb be installed between the driveways of 7644 and 7648 Highcliff Street. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTION ADJACENT TO A FIRE HYDRANT BE REDUCED - 7765 GRAVES AVENUE Assistant City Manager stated that this is item is to be tabled to next month per Ms. Leong's request. V. STAFF REPORTS Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the City received word from Cal -Trans that they did award bid last month for a cap on Rosemead Boulevard to repair the asphalt. The Pre - Construction meeting is scheduled for the end of the month. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the Governor worked out a.compromise with the State Legislate to pay back to the cities Vehicle License Fees revenue the State borrowed. VI. Commissioner Knapp had several items brought before the Commission: 1. If the "Keep Clear" signs were on Ivar and Valley. 2. There is an illegal yellow curb at the 8300 block of Garvey Avenue across from the Car Wash. 3. The timing is off on the signal at Walnut Grove and Mission 4. The "Keep Clear' sign on exit of Walnut Grove and Hellman, needs to be re- painted. 5. There is limited visibility on Jackson Avenue making a left turn going east on Graves Avenue. 6. There are no yellow crosswalks on Fern Avenue, just east of Delta at Sanchez School and Temple Intermediate for children to cross. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. There were approximately 20 people in the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for August 4, 2005. Staff Report =- Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN -AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: June 29, 2005 RE: REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTION ADJACENT TO A FIRE HYDRANT BE REDUCED - 7665 GRAVES AVENUE REQUEST Staff received a letter (attached) from Ms. Dolly Leong regarding parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. Ms. Leong was concerned that the existing fire hydrant in front of 7665 Graves Avenue reduces the length of available parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. In Ms. Leong's letter, she has requested that the fire hydrant be relocated. She, has also requested that vehicles be allowed to park closer to the fire hydrant than the usual 15 foot restriction. CONDITIONS Graves Avenue in the vicinity of 7665 Graves Avenue transitions from a width of 55 feet to 64 feet. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a two -way left -turn lane. Exhibit A depicts the north curb line of Graves Avenue between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. Pictures will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Field observation of Graves Avenue was made during the early afternoon hours. On- street parking on the north side of Graves Avenue in the subject area was occupied with 4 vehicles parked between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. There was one vehicle parked in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. As shown on Exhibit A, the frontage of 7665 Graves Avenue is approximately 55 feet wide. A fire hydrant is located approximately 9 feet from the east property line. There is approximately 28 feet between the fire hydrant and the driveway. The remaining 18 feet is driveway. Based on the location of the fire hydrant, there is approximately 13 feet of available parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. July 7, 2005 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Parking Restriction Adjacent to a Fire Hydrant be Reduced - 7765 Graves Avenue Page 2 of 2 Ms. Leong has asked that the fire hydrant be relocated. Development projects are often required to install fire hydrants at the direction of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. When the project is under construction, the City's Public Works Department issues a permit to install fire hydrants at the direction of the water company. The water company directs where the fire hydrants are to be located. As such, there is no reason for the fire hydrant to be relocated. However, if Ms. Leong still wishes to have the fire hydrant relocated, she can inquire with the Southern California Water company. If relocation is acceptable, Ms. Leong can pay for the cost to relocate the fire hydrant. Ms. Leong has further requested that vehicles be allowed to park closer than 15 feet to the fire hydrant. She correctly states that California Vehicle Code Section 22514 (b) allows local agencies to reduce this distance if the agency adopts an ordinance or resolution reducing that distance. However, staff would not support such an ordinance since there has not been any previous need to reduce this distance. The 15 foot parking restriction from a fire hydrant is commonly known by motorists and does not require the City to make special notification such as red curb painted at each fire hydrant throughout the City. The parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue is limited to one parking space. This parking space is minimal in length and provides enough space for most vehicles to park without blocking the driveway or fire hydrant. RECOMMENDATION Based on the field observation and measurements, it is recommended the request to reduce the distance a vehicle can park next to the fire hydrant in front of 7665 Graves Avenue be denied. There are no recommended changes to the parking restrictions on Graves Avenue between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. Attachment U N '29'2005 19:38 #5883 2.008 /019 18 -May -0S TO, ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. VALLEY BLVD. ROSEMEAD. CA. 91770 FAX (626) 307 -9218 RE: 7665 Graves Ave.: Parking restriction, parking limitations, pavement marking ate. Dear Chairperson, traffic commissioners : We submit the following for your consideration not limited to the referenced above: (1) Fire hydrant was incorrectly Installed 9 feet encroached Into 7665 Graves Ave. Exh.t F.xh.2 (2) 7665 Graves Ave. - limited frontage: 52 teat Exh.3 Street frantags 9 , lens: F2Lencrosch 42 Law driveway to rear yard t.asa: no Pa from FA Net frento0e� 15 ® reef Therefore, only one car sheet parking space. Net ►1vy . This available one ear parking space was occtipioiI GSS Graves Ave. on May 14, 2005, that I had no space to park The residents @ 7665 Graves Ave. have more than one car. (3) 7701 Graves ( Lot 31 of T.M.47192.31 lots subdivision) ExhA 7701 -7735 Graves Ave. ( fronts on Graves Ave) have 2 car garage, 2 parking space driveways + one or more street parking*.) Le. 5+ 14) City of San Gabriel: Reduced distance from Fire Hydrants . ' ExhS feet from F.H. ( 3 feet on 418 W. B9noanap & .t feet on 420 Bencamp ) (5) Voh. Coda 522514 (b) Reduce Distance _ Exh.6 Due to not limited the circumstances listed above, we request you: (1) To relocate the improperly Installed Film Hydrants ( F.H) that'ancroached 9 feet 417655 Graves Ave., or (2) No parking restriction or distance from this fire hydrant not limited due to City's error and/or potential fraud of the owners of Lm. 47192Intentionally Installed this fire hydrant that encroached nine (9) lost Into our property ( 7665 Graves Ave) or, (3) Reduce distance from this fire hydrant etc. Thank You. Y�ourni Truull/y`� pf�Q^��,, 0 r .4- I - P.O. Box 8039 Rosemead. Ca. 91770 (626)28 End. p JUN. W 2005 10:08 - #5719 P.003 /003 - a L p s`x II J J J lA ,1 J 0 J J J J ,.1 0 s O C7 O n � ITl - N N W_ ° J D Y II cn C m D -4 _ o C`1 c N � J J J ,.1 0 Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: July 25, 2005 RE: Request for Traffic Signal Installation at Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street REQUEST Councilmember Nunez requested staff analyze the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street for the installation of a traffic signal. Councilmember Nunez is concerned about the safety of Williams' Elementary School pedestrians and the speed of traffic on Del Mar Avenue. Del Mar Avenue is a 64 -foot wide north -south roadway with two lanes of traffic in each direction. A double yellow centerline separates opposing lanes of traffic. There is parking allowed on both sides of the roadway with a passenger loading zone in front of Williams Elementary School. The posted speed limit on Del Mar Avenue is 35 mph. Highcliff Street is a 36 -foot wide east -west roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction. A single yellow skip striping separates opposing lanes of traffic. The east end of Highcliff Street is Stop controlled at its "T" intersection with Del Mar Avenue. The prima facie speed limit on Highcliff Street is 25 mph. There is a marked yellow crosswalk on the south leg of the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street. This crosswalk is controlled by a school crossing guard during school hour's. Exhibit A depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street. DATA The reported collision history at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street was reviewed for the period from January 1, 2000 to May 2005. These collisions are summarized in Exhibit B. There were 3 collisions reported during this period within 150 feet of the intersection. Two of these collisions occurred in 2003. The third collision occurred in 2005. August 4, 2005 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Traffic Signal Installation at Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street Page 2 of 3 Twenty -four hour traffic volumes were obtained for the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street. These counts revealed the following: ADT • Northbound • Southbound • Eastbound • Westbound AM Peak Hour • 7:30 AM • 7:45 AM PM Peak Hour • 5:15 PM • 6:30 PM DISCUSSION Del Mar Avenue 16,435 8,318 8,117 1,320 1,386 Hiahcliff Street 755 329 426 71 70 Field observations were made of the intersection throughout the day including school release time. A crossing guard controls the crosswalk on Del Mar Avenue during school start and release times. The guard was able to cross pedestrians at gaps in the traffic flow. There were periods when traffic flow was extended and pedestrians were delayed. This delay, however, was not more than 90 seconds. As is the case at most schools, the traffic congestion associated with the school pedestrians and parents vehicles "disappeared" 15- minutes after the release bell. Well- designed and properly operating traffic signals can enhance traffic safety and promote traffic flow when installed at locations where studies have shown such control to be justified. These studies examine traffic volumes, speed, accident history, alignment, user behavior, engineering judgment, and the location's compatibility with other signalized locations in the vicinity. The results of these studies are compared to the guidelines (warrants), which have been prepared based on nation -wide examinations of a broad cross - section of locations. When traffic conditions at the study site are found to satisfy these guidelines, signals are usually recommended. When these justified signals are installed, traffic safety and overall intersection congestion is improved. When signals are installed at locations where they are not justified, safety is often compromised and congestion is increased. When this occurs, the community as a whole is poorly served by the device. August 4, 2005 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Traffic Signal Installation at Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street Page 3 of 3 The 24 -hour traffic volumes were compared to the Caltrans . guidelines found in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices ( MUTCD). Exhibit C depicts how the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street compares to the MUTCD guidelines. RECOMMENDATION Based on the guidelines of the MUTCD, the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street does not satisfy any of the 8 warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. Therefore, the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street is not recommended at this time. Attachments Q:yn15606 -Rsd TE 2005-06 \Traffic Commission Agendas\August -Del Mar & Highcliff- Signal Request.doc JUL.$6 11:09 79' 7 32' 2' g' o° I o 0 04 I I a Z C>ra o 4 #6471 a �Ho w C� E+ E G o W c Ew v' x =sw 0 4 0 = [] o a ' z ui 0 I I .o w, .N W �D � v' ��� I 1 I Don #6471 a �Ho w C� E+ E G o W c Ew v' x =sw F U 4 V Z = [] =Eyo=,oa, k� k CL E C § �fG $k) Co 0 � � § ) 0 /k �$ 0■ k0 ;a -sa aCL 0 &/ °~ ;I CY B . f $ a k) � Z 7 E B | !a r, kk� • _ gig 12 - a� - 2 IL ! E 2u aCL 0 &/ °~ ;I CY B . f $ a k) � Z - ■� | !a r, kk� • _ gig 12 - a� - 2 IL CL a3 2 W) ! f$ ! )�$7 .! z ola; ! k Ix ) Rk) ■ � #6471 ,.o,E . §■ s) . ■v |! ;! fk ak�� ;I CY B . 2' CD � Z - ■� | !a r, #6471 ,.o,E . §■ s) . ■v |! ;! fk ak�� 5&I+I DIT 8 � � | !a ■�■ kk� §� 5&I+I DIT 8 JUL.26 11:09 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement #6471 P.007 Page 4C -T Figure 4C -101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet.I of 4) CALC Yom, DATE 74_4 . DIST . CO RTE KPM CHK DATE Mejor St 1 �r �It! hu CdOc l Approach Speed 4eM� L%WSt !►1 =�{f� °..rFlt'C Critral Approach Speed Iw* Critical speed of major avert vaft s 04 lenlh (40 mph) ................ RURAL (R) . In bide up area of isolated aomalurAy of < 10,000 population ........ p URBAN (U) WARRANT 1 • Eight Hour Vehicular Volume Condition A • Minimum Vehicle Volume 100% SATISFIED YES ❑ NO $*%SATISFIED YES O NO 1% U R U I R APPROACH 1 2orMae LANES eon Aoauachw 500 760 600 2D s ee pro of (ADO A�rm 1a0 tOS 2 00 N � at MSra Soeei t M n Condition B • Interruption of Continuous Ti M7YaRI11,11 REOUIREWNTS 180% SHOWN IN BRACXETS n 4fw .p; ti y NOW 116 4 ?I 11 10 ITOe toL Z4 Z4 Z'DZt3 Z?. » u Z0 alfic 100 %SATISFIED YES O NO JS 90% SATISFIED YES 0 NO JA U R U R i O P d 06 T T S AS 1 2 o More ^ y tti I t G► tv 4 !dart! B�sY rw 44 T 20 ex 1073 1169 M 471 T 1 N° 'Ia a a rs 10e Z4 Z4- Z� ZB Z : " ZZ zo Combination of Conditions A 8 B SATISFIED YES 0 NO MENT WI RRANr -11 FULFILLED TWOWAPMANM 1. LtegmaMt/EHKIMMVOLUME 1 yes n No Z [NIERRLPTKIN OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC SATISFIED 80% GX14101T G � 1�6� May 20, 2004 0Ua.26'2005 11:09 MUTCD 2003 Califortua Supplement I, V�_. Mo. Awt�k�l�l #6971 P.008 Page 4C-4 Figure 4C-101. traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Shoot 2 of 4) WARRANT 2 - Four Hour Heldculkr Yokens SATISFIED' YES 0 NO P Record hang vehicular volumes far tau hours. I 8MAOgoaeha mot 1 I X ha m hlc31"low I MOWN ADP -NWM Snell 1 X 1 1 Z4 I ?AIM 19l31 'NI pWW pains fall above the curves in MUTCD Figure 4C.1 or 4C-2. Yes 0 No (,dove! +b,P6,b alA s bOvp sM MIWAO d0fee - WARRANT S - Peak Hour PART A or PART 8 SATISFIED. YES p NO 19 PART A . SATISFIED YES ❑ NO JAN part 1, 2, and 3 below must be Uffs hd) 1. The lolal detY{l1�y a*@uarcao for traffic on on mina stre approa m Mrdkd a fore vehicle ars fm a hvo. a approacic = 60.% %O � approach Yes ❑ Nov 2. The volume on Me Same minor street a ch egwls or exceeds 100 vph for one moving lane of trams or 150 vph for Mo moving lames: AND Yes ❑ Non 3. The roW amar6hg vohmhe serviced dufeg tna (hour squats or exceeds 8W vph a move approaches a 850 vph for Intersectio � fora PART 0 . SATISFIED YES 0 NO 2or lr APPROACH LANES One Moral ;'►�� Now @atbmproaches- mew are" 3j§ NgheoAppn>scheg-Mirw3best X b The pwo pains for vehicles per hour an major sites (Goth approaches) nd th ae comgxmding per how higher volume vehlete miror street approach lens Cs KW on tpr) foram now (an rper consecAve 15 mie oe) ho above the applhrape Curves in MUTCO FOA 4C -3 Or 4CA. lower +6bft0Ld c 75 vT4 a" Mz nof*'H'r -+ tFx lilgt T a (ZA) May 20, 2004 JUL.26'2005 11:09 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement #6471 P.009 Page 4C. . Figure 4C - 101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 4) CALL , z DATE 7 O DIES CO RTE KPM CHK DATE neap's: sx--1 Hao Avenue. Critical Approach Speed b3wph -W,*— IM S' : 5'1TGat Crroeal 1AOpl1proaen speed tons Critical speed of mapr street s 641mdh (40 no) ............... .. ... ..... p RURAL IRI in built up area of isolated canmumty of < '10.000 population ......... ❑ ❑ URBAN D) WARRANT 4 - Prdeahian Vb & ( AB Parts Mont Be Sat~ 100% SATISFIED YES 0 NO ttglre - -h No ❑ 15 1S No Pedestrian Yauee 62 l57 OR 44 ham , lop des p Nola Adeprate t]ossag Gaps Y09 ❑ Np ANeaOlal M_,W The distance to the nearest eafic signal along tire major streetlagteeterthan90m(3001 #4 ----------- Yes � No ❑ AND The new tra01e )gnat wet not senously disrupt progressive G flow In lee map' st set ........... Yes No ❑ 15 1S utnetq WARRANT 5 - School Crossing SATISFIED YES ❑. NO (AB Parts Must Be Satisfied) iiL Ie5 Vast A Gms ituass and I M Child a -->• ti EscA of TWO Hours - M,WaChiM.r 15 1S utnetq N"berof AOE 9d,,,utget..e..Kav sn,t iiL Ie5 Part B Distance to Nearest Controlled Crossing b Nearest Controlled Crossing More Than 160 m J1100 It) away? SATISFIED YES ❑ NO C,0 v vw, g..o.4 4yw4e slsr Est4++ -, e0eY►1 - Gape <� bm SATISFIED YES E3 NO a Chlidten > 201M SATISFIED YES,, NO ❑ May 2D, 2004 JUL.26 11:09 4697,1 P.010 MTJTCD 2003 California Supplcmcnt Page 4C -6. , 'z­, De(I- b,6- l�we: /tk - figure 4C -101. 7ialf/c Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 4 of 4) WARRANT 6 - Coordinated Signal System (All Parts Must Be Satlefled) SATISFIED YES ❑ NO 19 MINIMUM REOUiREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED s 000 an (1000>n NIEMX S E rrt IN 160 AW « Yas ❑ NoPO On one way 19 A O! or etreeb arch onew8y huff MCanca and ad)Wwd signals are 9a far 8W eml necessary pbdbM V a" SPOW OM 111 wouk! W 1061. On 2-way streak where 0�itarrt do nal Pp c T 0 g Wd ❑ speed cor" a gr>sIS eouTd oenaAM a 89rW syseem. --- --- -- - --- - -- - -- Wanarq 2- aaarnVtlen or CoAlaaous TMft WARRANT 7 - Crash Warrant IAII Page Must Be Sattetled) SATISFIED YES ❑ NO td REQUIREMENTS WARRANT - J FULFILLED One Waftanl Warrant t - Mlnlmurn Vlehicular Whnne Segdled so% --- --- -- - --- - -- - -- Wanarq 2- aaarnVtlen or CoAlaaous TMft Ya80 NoM Slgr>al We Net Serbusy Derupt Pro7mive Raffle Flow M, ❑ Adequate Trka of Less ResbrOMe Ranedles Has Failed to ReduceAedtba FregLaincy 0 Act WOW a 12 Month Pencil Suwepabk for Core d krvoMrg Inpay Or x 5500 0 e - -- ---- ------------------ - ----- MINIMUM RWUeTBJENT3 NUMBEROFACCIDENTS ScrMm 1 b (401 1o4- A0 oa13t 10e') O . WARRANTS -Roadway Network (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES ❑ NO I$ MINIMaJM VOLUME — — ENTERING VOLUMES- AILAPPROACHES I ,/ I FUU:RLED I N aeeuCWTA r tzzg npTypmWeekdayPeakH= 1368 Vbi we 1000van1w -- -- ---- QR -- - - ---- - EatJr of Arty S "M al a Sal andw San Velrhk CINRACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST MINOR ST Hwy. Weelon Samna as PHric f Neewrk for TMmigh WXft yep dulslde OI_Erdenrts, a Trwarsirrg a City — Appsers as MeW Rout an an Official Plan — Ally Melon Rouls Clbaadad9tlp Mat. Bolh Skeels ❑ The aemMcaan of a vrerrant la not necass MY Jwapmaon far a signal. De1sy, ro^a°arlan, oonrwbn «other evidence of dro need for rW-cf -way assgnmeM am to ahowit r e O� I T C (H6) May 20, 21104 JUL.26 11:10 2003 Edition Q LuCC w F n. mq ¢W O W 2 is Z #6911 P.011 1e �le�r �►.1� /lkg� Figure 4C -1. Wamgn! 2, FouMlour Vehicular Vn we 400 300 200 100 Page 405._,__ { 0 - 115 . 300 400 00 BOO 700 000 800.- 1000 tttp 1200 13M 1400 R STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES— VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) "NOte:115 vph applies as the hvrer dnesluold vduma tp a miror-strael approach with two a crone lames and BO vph applies as the low threshold volume fora minw- beet approach with one lens. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, FouruHour Vehicular Volume (mD% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 kmlh OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MMOR STREET) X 400 x F 4 .300 w W ¢ g L; W 200 O 0 100 1 x o_ x 200 no 400 500 we 700 Boo 800 1000 MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 'Note: BO vph &MW as the lower threshold volume for a minor-Areet approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph awfiles as Are lower threshold volume for a minor -sheet approach with one lens. 4 . {- } Nnvemte. 7003 San. 4C.04 NE K Page 405._,__ { 0 - 115 . 300 400 00 BOO 700 000 800.- 1000 tttp 1200 13M 1400 R STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES— VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) "NOte:115 vph applies as the hvrer dnesluold vduma tp a miror-strael approach with two a crone lames and BO vph applies as the low threshold volume fora minw- beet approach with one lens. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, FouruHour Vehicular Volume (mD% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 kmlh OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MMOR STREET) X 400 x F 4 .300 w W ¢ g L; W 200 O 0 100 1 x o_ x 200 no 400 500 we 700 Boo 800 1000 MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 'Note: BO vph &MW as the lower threshold volume for a minor-Areet approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph awfiles as Are lower threshold volume for a minor -sheet approach with one lens. 4 . {- } Nnvemte. 7003 San. 4C.04 JUL.26 11:10 #6471 P.012 2003 Edition page gC -J Dal Hai I*e��tgllal.{ 5r Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour s �p a 500 c 2 MOR LAN a 2 OR MORE m a W as 400 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE 1 LANE S 1 LANE z 0 200 '150 W 100 t00 S 400 $00 B00 1000 1100 1200 1900 1400 150D 1600 1700 t600 MAJ OF BOTH APPROACHES — ZSEET—TOTAL CLES PER HOUR (VPH) s as lire lower threshold volume for a mhfon8tr0at r more lanes and 100 vph applies as the bm dlhoid vobjM res for a mirwr- street approach with one %m Figure 4C-4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUWrrV LESS THAN 10.000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 WO OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) x rL > ay 400 ru cc W a 300 W Z 2 100 _ J j W 100 2 d 300 400 500 600 700 900 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET —TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES — VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 'Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor.411Aaet approach with two or more Imes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor -sheet approach with one lane. November ID01 Sett 40.06 tn�elr c (6�c)