TC - Agenda - 11-04-083 Public Comment from the Audience: • If you wish to address the Rosemead Traffic Commission, please complete a Speaker Request Card and hand 8 to the Secretary before the start of the meeting. • The Rosemead Traffic Commission will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. • Opportunity to address the Traffic Commission (on non - agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. • The Traffic Commission will hear public comments on items listed on the agenda during discussion of the matter and prior to a vote. Brown Act: Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The Traffic Commission may direct staff to investigate and /or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Traffic Commission meeting. Americans with Disabilities Act: In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. Persons attending the meeting shall observe rules of propriety, decorum, good conduct, and refrain from impertinent or slanderous remarks. Violation of this rule shall result in such persons being barred from further audience before the governing body. This agenda was posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Rosemead Traffic Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Rosemead Traffic Commission AGENDA SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 7:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 Holly Knapp, Chair Brian Lewin, Commissioner Keno Deary, Commissioner ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION September 7, 2008 CALL TO ORDER — 7:00 PM • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE —Commissioner Deary • INVOCATION — Commissioner Lewin • ROLL CALL — Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Deary, and Lewin 1. PRESENTATION A. Oath of Office — Howard Masuda and Joanne Russell 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 26, 2008 — Regular Meeting July 17, 2008 — Regular Meeting 3. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Please refer to public comment guidelines on the first page of this document. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUEIHALKETT AVENUE — Request for Crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue Two letters were received from Councilwoman Clark and Mr. Armando Najera, 4828 Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Armando is concerned with crossing Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett Avenue. He cites that there are no marked crosswalks at this intersection and that vehicles do not always yield the right -of -way to pedestrians. Councilwoman Clark has asked that stop sign or signal warrants be considered as well as "other measures that make crosswalks safer." Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that no striping or traffic control modifications be made to the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Halkett Avenue. It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of white raised pavement markers (RPMs) behind the existing edge lines on Walnut Grove Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the start of the blocks between Grand Avenue and Mission Drive. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. JACKSON AVENUEIGARVALIA AVENUE — Request for STOP signs on Jackson Avenue Two letters were received from Ms. Pamela Wark, 2457 Jackson Avenue and Ms. Wei - Ying Ng, 2503 Jackson Avenue. Ms. Wark indicates that speeding occurs on Jackson Avenue between Fern Avenue and Graves Avenue. Ms. Ng indicates that there are a lot of accidents at the intersection of Jackson AvenuelGarvalia Avenue. Ms. Wark and Ms. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION September 7, 2008 Ng are both requesting the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Jackson Avenue / Garvalia Avenue. Ms. Wark further requests the installation of speed bumps. Staff Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that stop signs not be installed on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of advance warning intersection signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is further recommended by staff that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council direct staff to determine other possible funding sources for the installation of speed feed back signs. 6. STAFF REPORTS 7. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 8. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 2, 2008 at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Q:\jn17470 -Rsd Cn-call 2008 -09 \Traffic Commission Agendas \September 2008 \Sept 08 Agenda.doc DRAFT ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2008 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Recreation Center, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE Chairperson Knapp INVOCATION Vice Chairperson Masuda ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Gay, Hunter, and Lewin Absent: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of May 1, 2008: Commissioner Lewin requested that the third line on page 5 be corrected to read "Commissioner Lewin visited the location on two occasions....... It was moved by Commissioner Lewin, seconded by Commissioner Gay to accept and approve the amended minutes of the May 1, 2008, meeting. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Gay, Hunter, and Lewin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: Hunter 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Manual F. Cox 4527 No. Earle Ave. 626 - 627 -1511 Crosswalk at Earle and Mission used for the park and school needs signage review. There is speeding on Mission and Earle. Sidewalks are incomplete and something needs to be done to stop the speeding and racing. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 1 Jlnec(06160)17470 /1002 /Min01 DRAFT Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Sal DeLaCruz 4533 No. Earle Ave. 626- 291 -5535 Mr. DeLaCruz commented that two years ago he asked for speed bumps and he was told that the City of Rosemead does not allow speed bumps. He pointed out that there are speed bumps in the City. Something has to be done to stop the speeding on Earle before something tragic happens. Commissioner Gay asked if most of the speeding is on Mission. Mr. Cox replied that speeding occurs on both Mission and Earle, coming off Mission heading southbound Earle towards Shuey (towards Wells). He wondered if the stop sign at Wells /Earle should be larger. Commissioner Lewin made inquiry about the location of the speeding and racing, and the time of day. Mr. DeLaCruz stated it was on Earle in the afternoon, mostly school hours. Kids racing. Mr. Cox stated it is a long block, no breaks, great for racing. He believes a camera would be a deterrent to the speeding. There are no posted speed limit signs. Chairperson Knapp suggested that there should be more police enforcement in this area during the appropriate times. She also suggested the installation of larger stop signs. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Todd Kunioka 8400 Wells Street 626- 309 -9924 Mr. Tunioka stated the same problems occur on Delta as described on Earle and Mission. Drag racing occurs. He asked about possibility of speed humps or bumps along Wells. Speaking before the Commission: Jim Flournoy 8655 Landis View Sunday at 2:00 in the morning a delivery truck arrived at Wal -Mart. There was a lot of noise. The truck routes need to be regulated. A friendly letter to Panda to discourage deliveries on Delta might be all that is needed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 2 Jl:mec(06160)17470/1002/Min01 DRAFT 3. OLD BUSINESS A. REVIEW ON TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ALONG RUSH /ANGELUS Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director, presented the Staff Report. Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review and provide recommendations on the information presented, take resident input, and forward to the City Council for further review. Mr. Marcarello introduced Bill Dvorak and Diana Turlik of Kimley -Horn for the presentation of the traffic study. (Kimley -Horn presentation followed.) Chairperson Knapp asked about cost of in- pavement lights of wide streets such as Earle /Mission compared to Rush. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the cost of in- pavement lights are based on the width of the street and the number of travel lanes. Vice Chairperson Masuda asked about bulb -outs at crosswalks. Mr. Dvorak referred to the drawing of the bulb -outs. Commissioner Gay asked if there is any special funding for lighted crosswalks. Mr. Dvorak responded there is state funding for some lighted crosswalks. Commissioner Gay asked if there could be funding for both bulb -out and lighted crosswalk. Mr. Dvorak responded that it could be done but wondered if both would be of benefit. Issues Commissioner Gay cited the Edison traffic and that people are afraid to cross because of traffic. The median landscaping blocks visibility southbound Angelus. The median landscaping needs to be lowered for better visibility. Commissioner Lewin stated there is speeding on Rush. Delta is part of the equation yet has not been studied. Sight distance is severely limited for left turn from Delta. If study had been completed for Delta as well, he wondered if warrant would be satisfied if Angelus /Delta /Rush volumes were combined. Mr. Flournoy indicated speed is the number one problem and number two is the left turn issues. He would also like to see if the signal at Wal -Mart is justified. Commissioner Gay stated the issues are to slow down the traffic, make it a safe crossing for students and clean up the median landscaping for visibility. Larry Bevington indicated that he believes the signal warrants indicate that if there is a complicated intersection that a signal or yellow flashing light should be installed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 3 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min01 DRAFT 4. 5. Mr. Peter Wu, from the audience, was recognized by the Chair. Mr. Wu explained his lateness at the meeting and stated that he was present at a Traffic Commission meeting a couple of months ago and spoke about Mission /lvar and the new construction on southeast side of Mission. Traffic will be heavier when construction is completed and something will need to be done. He was informed that that item will be agendized and he will be notified. Mr. Kunioka also believes that Delta needs to be considered as well as bulb -outs combined with flashing lights. Chairperson Knapp called for recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council. Commissioner Lewin: Install bulb -out and flashing light with solar power; extend red curb from Delta. Commissioner Gay: Remove vegetation in median on west side. Provide information for funding sources. Vice Chairperson Masuda: Can bulb -outs be placed on a temporary basis to see if they are a calming effect to slow down cars? In- pavement lights will be a continuing cost and maintenance to the City. Commissioner Hunter: No signal needed; need some safety feature for children; more done on Delta. Chairperson Knapp: Delta visibility (left turns); does not want a cul -de -sac; likes in- pavement lights. NEW BUSINESS - NONE STAFF REPORTS - NONE A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUE /HALKETT AVENUE — Letter Request Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki asked Commissioners for any special items that they would like included in this analysis. Commissioner Lewin would like distance between Grand and Halkett, and Halkett and Mission. Also adult pedestrians versus kid pedestrians; separate the two. Chairperson Knapp questioned the request for a marked crosswalk in order to gain access to a mailbox when residents can place mail in their own mailbox and it will be picked up by the postman. Vice Chairperson Masuda stated that every time he crosses Walnut Grove, he runs across. Even with the four -way stop at Grand and Walnut Grove he doesn't think it is safe. Edge line dots or some warning device at the curve might cut down on the Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 4 Amee(06160)17470/1002/Min01 number of sideswipe (of parked cars) accidents. Stop marking at southbound Walnut Grove at Grand cannot be read, it is very faded. Chris will take care of it. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Vice Chairperson Masuda, all issues have been covered. Commissioner Lewin: Valley Vision Plan meetings. On a couple of occasions he has heard that Caltrans can supersede work along Valley because of the 10 Freeway. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki has no specific information regarding that issue. For Chris, is the loading zone on Muscatel at library coming soon? Chris responded it is. Westbound Ramona at Walnut Grove (agenda item for next meeting). Needs lane directions /signs of existing movements, perhaps create two lanes. Chairperson Knapp, coming off the off ramp at Walnut Grove and Hellman, there are two large potholes. Chris will look at it. Also, extend the left turn for the southbound Walnut Grove at Hellman /Ramona. This work has been approved and has not been completed. Referred to Chris. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned until July 17, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. (July 3` meeting cancelled due to the Holiday.) Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 5 Jlnec(06160)17470/1002/Min01 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 SUBJECT: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE /HALKETT AVENUE -Request for Crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue SUMMARY Two letters (attached) were received from Councilwoman Clark and Mr. Armando Najera, 4828 Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Armando is concerned with crossing Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett Avenue. He cites that there are no marked crosswalks at this intersection and that vehicles do not always yield the right -of -way to pedestrians. Councilwoman Clark has asked that stop sign or signal warrants be considered as well as 'other measures that make crosswalks safer." Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that no striping or traffic control modifications be made to the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Halkett Avenue. It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of white raised pavement markers (RPMs) behind the existing edge lines on Walnut Grove Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the start of the blocks between Grand Avenue and Mission Drive. ANALYSIS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 56 -foot wide roadway with two lanes of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a double yellow centerline. In addition, there is a white edge line painted on both sides of Walnut Grove Avenue from just north of Mission Drive to Grand Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. Halkett Avenue is a 30 -foot wide roadway with no traffic striping. Halkett Avenue is stop controlled at its intersection with Walnut Grove Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street. The prima facie speed limit on Halkett Avenue is 25 mph. M Traffic Commission Meefing September 4, 2008 Pace 2 of 5 Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Halkett Avenue. Discussion Traffic data was collected at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Halkett Avenue. The following summarizes the data collected: Average Daily Traffic Walnut Grove Avenue Halkett Avenue 12,879 (6,381 NB / 6,498 SB) 177 (77 EB / 100 WB) Recorded Soeeds on Walnut Grove Avenue Time 2:30 — 3:30 PM # observed 195 vehicles 10 mph pace 35 — 44 mph 50 % 39 mph 85 % 43 mph Pedestrians Observed Time 3:30 — 4:30 PM # observed 1 adult (crossing the west leg of Halkett Avenue) No pedestrians observed crossing Walnut Grove Avenue Reported Accident History Time Period 01/01/05— 12/31/07 Accident type Field observations of the intersection during the afternoon peak period indicated very light traffic volumes from Halkett Avenue also, as indicated in the data, very little pedestrian traffic. The intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue /Grand Avenue (all -way stop controlled) is approximately 800 feet north of Halkett Avenue. Walnut Grove Avenue /Mission Drive (signalized) is approximately 715 feet south of Halkett Avenue. Mr. Najera indicates that vehicles "do not slow down or stop" when he is trying to cross Walnut Grove Avenue. Though staff did not directly observe this situation, it is typical of many of today's drivers. Staff considered several traffic control tools that might be appropriate at this intersection to address the need to cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett Avenue. These include the following: flashing yellow beacon, in- roadway warning lights, and stop signs. Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Pace 3 of 5 1. Flashing Yellow Beacons — The California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) provides guidelines as to when this device should be considered. The CA MUTCD states: "Typical applications for flashing beacons include the following: 1. Signal Ahead 2. Stop Signs 3. Speed Limit Signs 4. Other Warning and Regulatory Signs 5. Schools 6. Fire Stations 7. Intersection Control 8. Freeway Bus Stops 9. At Intersections Where a More Visible Warning is Desired. Typical uses include: 1. Obstructions in or immediately adjacent to the roadway. 2. Supplemental to advance warning signs. 3. At mid -block crosswalks. 4. At intersections where a warning is appropriate." The intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue /Halkett Avenue does not satisfy the typical uses for a flashing yellow beacon. The closest consideration would be under category number 4 of the typical uses ( "at intersections where a warning is appropriate "). However, even though Walnut Grove Avenue "curves" in this section, the visibility of the intersection at Halkett Avenue is greater than stopping sight distance necessary (-340 feet). In addition, the reported collision history does not indicate there is a problem with visibility based on the lack of reported right -angle and /or rearend collisions. Therefore, installation of a flashing yellow beacon at Walnut Grove Avenue /Halkett Avenue is not recommended at this time. 2. In- Roadway Warning Lights (IRWLs) — These are special lights installed on the roadway surface to warn motorists of an "approaching condition on or adjacent to the roadway that might not be readily apparent and might require the road users to slow down and /or come to a stop. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, situations warning of marked school crosswalks, marked midblock crosswalks, marked crosswalks on uncontrolled approaches..." If used, the IRWLs at crosswalks are to be "installed only at marked crosswalks with applicable warning signs. They shall not be used at crosswalks controlled by YIELD signs, STOP signs, or traffic control signals." For the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Halkett Avenue, a marked crosswalk would be required to install IRWLs. Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 4 of 5 The CA MUTCD indicates the following shall be considered when evaluating the need for IRWLs: a. "Whether the crossing is controlled or uncontrolled. b. An engineering and traffic study to determine if In- Roadway Warning Lights are compatible with the safety and operation of nearby intersections, which may or may not be, controlled by traffic signals or STOPMELD signs. c. Standard traffic signs for crossings and crosswalk pavement markings are provided. d. At least 40 pedestrians regularly use the crossing during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) during a 24 -hour period. e. The vehicular volume through the crossing exceeds 200 vehicles per hour in urban areas or 140 vehicles per hour in rural areas during peak -hour pedestrian usage. f. The critical approach speed (85 percentile) is 70 km /h (45 mph) or less. g. In- Roadway Warning Lights are visible to drivers at the minimum stopping sight distance for the posted speed limit. h. Public education on In- Roadway Warning Lights is conducted for new installations. " The primary consideration for the installation of IRWLs at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue /Halkett Avenue is the number of pedestrians that cross at this intersection. This threshold is used throughout the CA MUTCD when considering pedestrians. It is intended to insure the proper level of traffic control is implemented for pedestrians, bicyclist and motorists. Based on the field observations and the location of the intersection, it is likely that less than 40 pedestrians cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett Avenue during a 24 -hour period. Therefore, the installation of IRWLs at this intersection is not recommended at this time. 3. Stop Signs — Halkett Avenue is already stop controlled at its intersection with Walnut Grove Avenue. Staff considered the installation of stop signs on Walnut Grove Avenue to create an all -way stop controlled intersection. The installation of stop signs is based on guidelines presented in the CA MUTCD. These guidelines consider the reported accident history, traffic volumes, pedestrian and bicycle volumes and speed on the roadway. Exhibit B identifies the CA MUTCD guidelines as they compare to data collected at Walnut Grove Avenue /Halkett Avenue. In the analysis, staff made a conservative assumption that 50 pedestrians and bicycles cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett'Avenue during each of the 8 hours analyzed. This was considered since field observations did not occur during the peak hours when pedestrians and /or bicycles might be present. However, even with this assumption, the "Combined Volumes" do not satisfy the 140 units per hour for 8 hours (70 percent value) on the minor street. Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Pace 5 of 5 Therefore, based on the volume of traffic from Halkett Avenue and the pedestrians and bicycles crossing Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett Avenue, the installation of stop signs on Walnut Grove Avenue at Halkett Avenue is not recommended at this time. During the last Traffic Commission meeting, Commissioner Masuda indicated his concern regarding the existing edge line. Commissioner Masuda indicated that many times vehicles traveling on Walnut Grove Avenue disregard the edge line, especially at the start of the blocks, and veer into the parking area. Commissioner Masuda also stated that he had observed collisions with parked vehicles. The installation of white raised pavement markers (RPMs) to enhance the edge lines on Walnut Grove Avenue was considered. Such an installation would provide a tactile reminder to motorists of the parking lane adjacent to the fronting residential uses. The RPMs would be installed just in the area of the start of the block behind the edge line. It would not extend the entire distance of the edge line. The RPMs will increase the noise level of the neighborhood when vehicles traverse them. Recommendation It is recommended that RPMs be installed behind the existing edge lines on Walnut Grove Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the start of the blocks between Grand. Avenue and Mission Drive. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Existing conditions and Recommendations at Walnut Grove Avenue /Halkett Avenue Exhibit B: Multi -way Stop Sign Worksheet q:4n17470 -Rsd 2008 -09 TE on -call\Traffic Commission Agendas \September 200MG- Halkett malk concern.doc Exhibit B CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI -WAY STOP SIGN WORKSHEET (CA MUTCD 2006) LOCATION: Walnut Grove Avenue /Halkett Avenue_ DATE: _08/2008_ The. installation of multi -way STOP signs is based on the following: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. Satisfied: Yes No B. A crash problem, as indicated by 5 or more reported crashes in a 12 -month period that are susceptible to correction by a multiway stop installation. Such crashes include right- and left -turn collisions as well as right -angle collisions. (Report period 01/01/05 to 12131107: reported collisions) Satisfied: Yes No C. Minimum traffic volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and Satisfied: Yes No 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average, delay to minor - street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour, but Satisfied: Yes No 3. If the 85- percentile approach speed of the major- street traffic exceeds 65 km /h or exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the above values. Satisfied: Yes No D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded fpm his condition. Satisfied: Yes ( No ) VOLUME WORKSHEET Hours Guideline A 7 -8A / 8 -9A /12 -1 P/ 1 -2P/ 3- 4P/4 -5P/ 5- 6P/6 -7P / AVG (1) Total Volume 300 (210) [855] [1013][803] [749] [756] [932][1134] [1039] 910 (2) Combined Vol. 200 (140) [ 59 ] [ 62 ] [ 54 ] [ 53 ] [ 69 ] [ 66 ] [ 68 ] [ 64 ] 62 NOTE: Combined volume includes a conservative assumption of 50 peds and bikes entering the intersection for each of the 8 hours. m a I � r z c � I 12'10 10 s . I I I 'EX. R30A(CA) TUESDAY SAM -10AM - HALKETT AVENUE En SNS EX. R30(CA) TUESDAYY 6AM -10AM EX. RI =1 Nu u EX. RI -1 EX. R3p(CA) TUESDAY 6AM -10AM v EX. SNS EX. MEET' 6AM -10AM I � I � � Z' C I I m 11'110 � 10111' I I I 9 crtY of RoS'EMEAD L. 28 1 1 6 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AT a ►wxEIT AVEIIE 5 e Froi? the desk of ..: I►�cc gaYet C'da k, 'C®ufidl ,aaaoa City of Rosemead .3169 N. Prospect; ', Rosemead,. CA 91770 626-288 -7308 Traffic Commissioner Holly Knapp City of Rosemead 8838 G. Valley Blvd Rosemead, Ca 91770 June 5, 2008 Dear Commissioner Knapp, I am submitting the enclosed letter to you which I received this week from Mr. Armando Najera, residing at 4828 Walnut Grove Ave. He is very concerned about the inability to safely cross Walnut Grove and that the drivers do not honor the fact that all intersections are crosswalks. I am hereby requesting on his behalf that you agendize this request for your next traffic commission meeting. I would hope that should a crosswalk without a stop sign or signal be warranted that the staff could recommend the striped crosswalk and flashing signs or other measures that make crosswalks safer, as I feel the traditional crosswalk with no signal, stop sign, or other means of alerting drivers give the pedestrian a false sense of security in the face of the ever increasing problem of distracted drivers. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely,. v � Margaret Clark, Councilwoman, City of Rosemead t � �•ta,'l.c".�, .- �lr- cS✓u -Y.. Cam., . Ah /1. y�L�U- c+i- 6- ze�"in �-- '� � IC r t V- k - 7 , I A ' r� �7 UZI vE .5- o k- ozrz L-t AT-E L 03 / i�;7 s W A K:5 G. / r, . s re, t . 5� 14 p 1:5 N '10 U kI 6 T 14 F DRAFT ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION JULY 17, 2008 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Recreation Center, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE Vice Chairman Masuda INVOCATION Commissioner Gay ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairman Masuda, Commissioners Gay and Lewin Absent: Commissioner Hunter 1. PRESENTATION A. Recognition of Service — Joan Hunter. B. Oath of Office — Keno Deary, Sr. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of June 26, 2008: Deferred to next meeting. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE 4. OLD BUSINESS - NONE 5. NEW BUSINESS A. MISSION DRIVE /IVAR AVENUE — Southbound Visibility Concerns and Crosswalk Concerns Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report and study findings. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of 30 feet of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue to 30 feet westerly. Staff further recommends the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council to approve the installation of an additional 48 feet (21 feet plus 6 feet plus 21 feet) of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive from Ivar Avenue easterly. This will provide for a total of approximately 85 feet of red curb from Ivar Avenue easterly. Exhibit A of the Staff Report depicts this recommendation. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 1 Jl:mec (06160)1747011002/Min02 It is staffs recommendation that the pedestrian crossing issue at Mission Drive /lvar Avenue be reanalyzed in late September /early October after school resumes. This will allow staff to gather school pedestrian crossing data and observe the location during school crossing times. This request will be brought back to the Traffic Commission no later than December 2008. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Frank Yuen 4412 Ivar Ave. 626- 574 -0663 (Property Owner) Mr. Yuen is the owner of the property located at 4412 Ivar, an apartment building. (Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated Mr. Yuen's property is on the east side of Ivar just north of Mission.) Mr. Yuen stated the driveway approach of a new development on the south side is close to the intersection of Ivar and Mission. Left turns would be difficult, especially during school hours from Mission to Ivar. Mr. Yuen is of the opinion that a regular signal light is needed, not red curbing. That area is needed for parking during the daytime. New development on the south side should be a right turn only. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Adam P. Velasco 8860 Mission drive 626 - 286 -7134 Mr. Velasco completely agrees with Mr. Yuen. Signals should be installed at Mission and Ivar. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Peter Woo 4644 Ivar Ave. 626 - 715 -5515 Mr. Woo stated there is a need for a red curb. If signal is installed, it needs to be synchronized. Commissioner Lewin agrees with staffs recommendation for red curb. Visibility is hindered by the parked cars. A traffic signal would be tricky that close to Rosemead Boulevard. Commissioner Gay expressed his concern about the congestion problem coming off Rosemead Boulevard. He believes the recommendation to wait until school is in session is appropriate. Installing the red curb is a solution because of the visibility factor. A right turn only at the new development is the only way to go. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 2 Jl:mec(06160)17470/1002/Min02 DRAFT Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki clarified that it is not staffs intention to only look at in- roadway warning lights. They will look at signals, crossing guard, in roadway warning lights; they will look at all issues that might be appropriate for this location. Vice Chairman Masuda agrees with waiting on analysis and installing the red curb. Commissioner Deary agrees with the red curb. He added that the painting is faded. He agrees with the red curb, but the signs on the ground need to be repainted. He would like to have a pedestrian signal installed. Chairperson Knapp concurs with staffs recommendations. Commissioner Gay would also like to see ladder striping to yellow crosswalk. Chairperson Knapp requested a motion. Commissioner Gay motioned and Vice Chairperson Masuda seconded to accept staff recommendation and to add ladder striping to the recommendation. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Lewin, Vice Chairman Masuda Noes: None Abstain: None 6. STAFF REPORTS - NONE 7: COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Lewin requested that the Commission agendize the issue of not being able to see some signals at certain locations. He cited Rio Hondo and Valley as one location. Commissioner Gay thanked the Commission and stated he has enjoyed working with members of the Traffic Commission. He is also looking forward to sitting in the audience. Vice Chairperson Masuda also thanked the Commission members. Commissioner Deary stated he is excited to be a part of the Commission and giving back to his community. Chairperson Knapp expressed concerned about southbound Walnut Grove and making room for more cars to make the left turn onto Ramona Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 3 Jlnec(06160)17470/1002/Min02 DRAFT 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned until September 4, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. (August 7th meeting cancelled due to lack of a quorum.) Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting July 17, 2008 Page 4 Jl:mec(06160)17470/1002/Min02 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 SUBJECT: JACKSON AVENUE /GARVALIA AVENUE —Request for STOP signs on Jackson Avenue SUMMARY Two letters (attached) were received from Ms. Pamela Wark, 2457 Jackson Avenue and Ms. Wei -Ying Ng, 2503 Jackson Avenue. Ms. Wark indicates that speeding occurs on Jackson Avenue between Fern Avenue and Graves Avenue. Ms. Ng indicates that there are a lot of accidents at the intersection of Jackson Avenue /Garvalia Avenue. Ms. Wark and Ms. Ng are both requesting the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Jackson Avenue /Garvalia Avenue. Ms. Wark further requests the installation of speed bumps. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that stop signs not be installed on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of advance warning intersection signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. It is further recommended by staff that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council direct staff to determine other possible funding sources for the installation of speed feed back signs. ANALYSIS Jackson Avenue is a 36 -foot wide roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a single yellow skip striping. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping. The posted speed limit on Jackson Avenue is 30 mph. Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Paoe 2 of 4 Garvalia Avenue is a 40 -foot wide roadway with a single yellow skip striping on the west leg at Jackson Avenue. Garvalia Avenue is stop controlled at its intersection with Jackson Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping. The prima facie speed limit on Garvalia Avenue is 25 mph. Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue. Discussion Traffic data was collected at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue. The following summarizes the data collected: Average Daily Traffic Jackson Avenue Garvalia Avenue 2,870 (1,303 NB / 1,567 SB) 984 (716 EB / 268 WB) Recorded Soeeds on Jackson Avenue Time 2:45 — 3:45 PM # observed 88 vehicles 10 mph pace 26 — 35 mph 50 % 31 mph 85 % 37 mph Reported Accident History Time Period 01/01/05— 12/31/07 Accident Summary - 07/03/05; Eastbound v. Northbound - 04/03/06; Northbound v. Westbound - 06/05/06; Eastbound v. Northbound - 07/08/06; Eastbound v. Southbound Field observations of the intersection indicated that there are some visibility issues for vehicles on Garvalia Avenue. There is vegetation the limits some visibility of on- coming traffic. However, existing fences behind the sidewalk also limit visibility. There is also a vertical curve (southbound downhill) on Jackson Avenue south of Garvalia Avenue. The recorded speeds on Jackson Avenue identified 85% of traffic traveling at or below 37 mph. The speed data also indicates that 50% of traffic is traveling at or below 31 mph. This is higher than expected on a street posted at 30 mph. The reported accident history does identify a pattern of broadside /right -angle collisions. There is a consistent occurrence of reported collisions involving eastbound and /or northbound vehicles. Northbound vehicles on Jackson Avenue would be traveling in the vertical curve area as they are approaching Garvalia Avenue. Eastbound vehicles on Garvalia Avenue could have visibility limitations due to vegetation and /or parking on Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Pace 3 of 4 Jackson Avenue. However, according to City records, no accidents have occurred since 2006. This decline may have occurred because of a change in travel patterns, change in roadway characteristics and /or other issues not related to traffic. Staff considered several traffic control tools that might be appropriate to address the resident's concerns in the vicinity of Jackson Avenue / Garvalia Avenue. These include the following: advanced warning intersection sign, speed feed back sign and stop signs. 1. Advanced Warning Intersection Sign — An advanced warning intersection sign is a black on yellow sign. For this intersection, the advanced warning sign would be installed on Jackson Avenue as vehicles are approaching the intersection. This sign is intended to warn motorists they are approaching a four legged intersection. Therefore, the installation of advance warning intersection signs are recommended or Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. However, this signing does not address the speeding issue on Jackson Avenue. 2. Speed Feed Back Sign — This is a traffic informational tool that records the speed of vehicles and displays that speed back to the motorists. It is usually accompanied by "Your Speed" and a standard sign with the posted speed limit. There is usually a drop in the speeds after the signs are installed. However, long term studies have not clearly determined if the speeds remain down. The installation of a speed feed back sign is more costly than a typical sign installation. These signs could be mounted on street light poles (not wood poles with electrical wiring) and must have access to a power source. Solar power can also be used. The cost for this speed feed back sign is in the range of $5,000- $10,000 depending on the specific details of the installation. 3. Stop Signs — "Stop" control is intended to assign positive right -of -way at intersections. The control is usually established on the street with the least volume of traffic. Additional control, beyond the basic right -of -way assignment, is usually reserved for those locations where the volume of traffic exceeds an average of 300 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of a day and where both streets having about the same amount of traffic, lends credibility to the higher level of intersection control. Without credibility, voluntary compliance is poor and without voluntary compliance, traffic safety is severely compromised. Furthermore, numerous studies have concluded that "Stop" signs are ineffective as a speed deterrent. These studies found that slowing only occurred within 150 to 200 feet of the actual "Stop" location. Those motorists who slow for the controls at unjustified locations often reach higher speeds between controls to make up the time lost at the "Stop" sign. As previously indicated, many drivers fail to stop and others do not bother to slow due to the perception on nonexistent potential cross conflict. Traffic Commission Meeting September 4, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit B depicts the how the data collected for the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue compare to the stop sign installation guidelines. This exhibit indicates the intersection of Jackson Avenue /Garvalia Avenue does not satisfy the guidelines for the installation of multi -way stop signs. Therefore, based on the volume of traffic at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue, the installation of stop signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue is not recommended at this time. It is difficult to address the concerns of the residents. Many roadways in this City, as well as many others, experience traffic speeds higher than expected on residential and /or residential collector streets. Sheriff enforcement of speeds is a continuing responsibility of LA County Sheriff. Recommendation It is recommended that advanced warning intersection sign be installed for northbound and southbound traffic on Jackson Avenue on the approach to Garvalia Avenue. Exhibit A depicts this recommendation. It is further recommended that staff investigate funding sources for the possible installation of speed feed back signs for future use within the City. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: G7 `_. Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Existing conditions at Jackson Avenue /Garvalia Avenue Exhibit B: Multi -way Stop Sign Worksheet K:\W illdan Work \Rosemead\2008 \September 2008\Jackson & Garvalia speeding concern.doc Exhibit B CITY OF ROSEMEAD MULTI -WAY STOP SIGN WORKSHEET (CA MUTCD 2006) LOCATION: _Jackson Avenue /Garvalia Avenue_ DATE: _08/2008_ The installation of multi -way STOP signs is based on the following: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are.being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. Satisfied: Yes No B. A crash problem, as indicated by 5 or more reported crashes in a 12 -month period that are susceptible to correction by a multiway stop installation. Such crashes include right- and left -turn collisions as well as right -angle collisions. (Period 01101105 to 12131107:3 reported collisions -all 2006) Satisfied: Yes IS C. Minimum traffic volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and Satisfied: Yes No 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor - street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour, but Satisfied: Yes No 3. If the 85- percentile approach speed of the major- street traffic exceeds 65 km /h or exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the above values. Satisfied: Yes IS D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded frp his condition. Satisfied: Yes ( No VOLUME WORKSHEET Hours Guideline A 8 -9A / 2 -3P /5 -6P/ 7 -8A/ 6 -7P/ 4 -5P/ 7 -8P /8 -9P / AVG (1) Total Volume 300 (210) [266] [265] [264] [247] [222] [213] [171] [116] 221 (2) Combined Vol. 200 (140) [145] [103 ] [132] [152 ] [129] [106] [116] [107] 124 NOTE:.Combined volume includes a conservative assumption of 50 peds and bikes entering the intersection for each of the 8 hours. as' 5 18 18 5' SCALE: 1"=50' Q R�� a) 6AM -MAM SIGN 'A' 18' 18' 0 &ARVALIA N AVE. R30(CA 8AM-177PP in NEIGHBORHOOD CH to n CH : �j 4 N N �i3 N •v. N SNS. R30(CA) in R1 -1 6AM -16AM in SIGN 'A' M � j e a 40 R2-1(30) R30(CA) 8AM -12PM LEGEND ® EXISTING RED CURB PROPOSED RED CURB zQ + 20' 20' U) O Q }Q� ' EXHIBIT � a CITY OF ROSEMEAD SIGN A! s' 20� 2�0 ` s JACKSON AVENUE AT $ so GARVALIA AVENUE I 776 3- 44 3� V Itt here- F f /vp 08 e, F&L MF ve J ai_ . � � �U�1�� y ge- IF v 4L do fi i). elp LP* 4 // hrdda6,, To: Rosemead City Traffic Commission 2/25/2008 I' am a resident of Rosemead City and live at 2503 Jackson Ave., Rosemead, CA 91770. I require have the 4 way stop sings at the intersection of Jackson and Garvalia Ave.,. because the car collide frequently in this intersection., Last year, there were two cars got in my yard twice and damaged the fence just in a couple month.. it will be safer if there is a 4 ways'stop sing here: Please have a 4 ways stop singe here as soon as possible. Attached is the accident report from the police. Thanks Wci -Ying Ng LAW OFFICES OF DAVID LEE WATSON A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION a. 1200 S. Atlantic Blvd. Alhambra, California 91803 . Tel: (626) 289 -5007 Fax: (626) 457-4875 August 17, 2005 Wei YmgNg 2503 Jackson Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Accident you observed on 7/3,/05 (10:15 AM) Dear Ms: Ng: This office has information that you witnessed are auto accident on 7/3/05 at Jackson ;iiear Garyalia in the city of Rosemead. Please fill in the information requested below indicating where you were at the time of the accident, then sign and date below and return it to this office as soon as possible: This information is extremely important to Mr. Lee's claim. Thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, DAVID LEE WATSON DLW:rf 0 c e m a 0 °— O ET N 3 e a m 'o s 0 z m A m r O d m A D m m m m mO O w y O m m " a a 3 z y I n°° 9 N H � ° O ag0 S RN o Z N. 1 RHO ¢O 19 m m° Z 3m T3� ,go m N OO M ym QZ. no . R 5 a 3m o- sm w m c � H �2. m gc r < iF '•m I m UI m p p j MS mu�. _ � O A i^ 9 3 r g _ r S 2 g y I O tTl. n b � p D � 99 p p m U) o o 99 m -V n f 9 r• 9 b m � C ° 0 c e m a 0 °— O ET N 3 e a m 'o s 0 z m A m r O d m A D m m m m mO O w y O m m " a a 3 z y I I n°° 9 N H � ° O ag0 S RN o Z N. i 3m T3� ,go m N OO M QZ. . R 5 a 3m o- sm w m c � >_c� m gc r < iF '•m 1 m UI m N Zm 9 3 nm N� •"� m U) - p n 0 9 N OOm m m O 3" O m °. m T z �� 99111 S S 1 tc � O m m l f Z ' 1 33 m I